
In the world of Parallel universe

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Chapter 1

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"Hurry up! You're falling behind!" Elysia yelled to Ruxx as she ran through the forest.

"I'm not built to run all day, you know!" Honestly, how does she think I can keep up with her? I am the one carrying the bag, he thought to himself.

"We need to get leaves from the cleansing plant. My mother needs them for tonight's ritual! I don't know how he is supposed to take care of the animals. He would never catch one, as he can't even catch me."

"You know, you could carry your own bag, Elysia. I could keep up and probably pass you then!"

"Isn't your last name Deerman? You're not much of a runner, are you? Surely not like a deer at all."

The two continue to run through the forest, passing beautiful scenery. The dark green emerald colors of summer are in full effect, but the plant they are searching for lies on the outskirts of the forest, right on the edge of the border of their realm. The two make it to their destination, and Ruxx quickly drops the bag.

"I am not carrying that back for you, especially after you fill it with your plants!"

"Honestly, Ruxx, you know you could use some of these leaves yourself to smudge out all that negative energy you have. My mother says you smudge at least twice a month."

"Negative energy? What's that? Is that what makes me misbehave? My mother says I do that very well."

Elysia rolls her eyes and can't believe the knowledge she has of the spirit world and healing isn't common knowledge. "You are supposed to be an animal tender, yet you don't do that. You should at least learn what I teach you so you can be useful at some point."

Ruxx looks around and rubs his tummy. "Sounds like you could use some of that smudging. Anyway, I am hungry, and I'm heading back. Good luck with the plants."

Elysia is mildly upset at his throwback comment about her needing to smudge herself. She kneels down by the bush and begins to collect the leaves she needs. "Cleansing plant, may I take some of your leaves today? We need them to clean the space of a great healing ritual tonight! I just know your leaves will be the best for this job! I even brought you a gift in exchange for your leaves. Please take this apple core and water that I brought. I will place the apple core at the base of your trunk and pour my water over top of it to help carry the nutrients to your roots. Thank you, oh great cleansing plant! Your leaves will surely cleanse our sacred space tonight!" Elysia strings the leaves together with a string and ties them to the outside of her bag. She then takes the rest of the water and pours it on a few more nearby plants and then finishes off that last little bit herself. "Perfect! Now my bag is light to carry. I won't need Ruxx after all. Although it was nice having him here, even though he complains a lot. Time to head back."

Elysia makes her way back and brings her plant leaves to her mother.

"Did you give proper gifts and thanks to the plant? You know if you don't, the leaves will not have the same effect."

"Yes, mother. I even strung them up like you showed me to let them start drying out sooner. They should be good for tonight's ritual, right?"

"Oh no, sweetie. Your leaves will replace what I am going to use for tonight's ritual. The leaves need some time to dry up and soak in all the thanks you gave them."

Elysia, looking a little disappointed, began to walk away but was interrupted by her mother once more. "I tell you what, I can put a few of your leaves in the bundle for tonight since you made all that effort and did such a good job."

She turned around to face her mom with the biggest smile and was so excited to have contributed to the ritual that night.

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