
In the world of Parallel universe

Visit Parallel universe

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Chapter 5

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The man returns day after day, usually talking away without having heard a response from anyone. This continues for a few days until Elysia realizes that the man has never apologized to the tree for the pain he caused.

"You know what I mean? How am I expected to fit 26 plasma cells into a converter that holds only..."

Elysia interrupts, "You know, you never said sorry!"

The man jumps up, "Oh, I didn't know you were listening this whole time to me carry on. Wait? What do I need to apologize for?"

"For the pain you caused the tree!"

Confused by her wording, he asks, "The pain I caused the tree? So you are not the tree!"

"No, wait. I am the tree, just not that tree."

"Oh no, I've got you this time. I've been picking up on what little you have said. Every time you mention yourself, it's never as the tree. Who are you? What are you?"

"I have no reason to tell you. You are not of this world, and you will never understand."

"Well, I can give you a reason real fast! How about I go back up to my base in the mountains and tell them what's going on here? There will be hundreds of us humans combing through the forest, and we will find you."

"No, don't do that! You will damage and ruin everything in this fragile environment."

"Okay, well, simply show yourself so I know you are not a threat!"

"I am not a threat, okay? Wait. Listen, walk a few steps closer to the woods."

The man does so cautiously, looking all around. "If I am not back tonight, they will come look for me, so don't try anything funny."

Elysia walks right up to the man, almost face to face, and softly says, "I am not your enemy. I have listened to you for several days, going on about your world. It is curious to me indeed and so different from my own. However, I cannot leave my realm, for then I would never be able to go home."

The man stands up straight and places his hand in front of him, trying to feel if there is anything invisible in front of him. "Your voice does sound convincing, but I can't trust your voice alone. I need to see you to make sure."

"I'm not sure how to let you see me," she says, placing her hands out in front of her with her palms facing her face. She closes her eyes and casts a light spell to illuminate her own face.

The man begins to see a shimmering light, and Elysia's face starts to appear ghostly and transparent. He stares in awe, completely taken by her beautiful enchanted face. "My God, you are beautiful!"

The comment catches her off guard, and she loses concentration. The light fades, leaving them in darkness.

"No, wait. Please come back. Can I see you again?" the man pleads.

"I am still here. That is your proof that I am no threat to you. I did as you asked. I must leave now," Elysia responds.

"Wait, will you be back tomorrow? What is your name? My name is Beren."

"Elysia," she replies with a hint of hesitation before walking off towards her home. The walk is long, and her mind drifts, wondering if she did the right thing or if it would backfire like the spells she used to cast when she was younger. As she nears her home, she overhears two people engaged in a threatening conversation. Something catches her ear.

"It's humans. They are chopping down the southeastern woods. That's what the loud bang was," a random elf says to their friend as they pass by. Elysia feels betrayed and hurt by the human man. She did as he asked, so why are they doing this? She turns to run back and confront the man, but in the distance, Ruxx catches a glimpse of her running off and begins to follow after her.

Elysia runs the whole way to where the man is calling for her. As she gets closer, she can hear the urgency in his voice.

"Elysia! Are you there? I just found out!"

Elysia walks up close to him and yells, her voice filled with anger and hurt, "You lied to me! How could you? I did as you asked. And this is how you reward me? By chopping down our forest, our home?" Her voice trembles with the weight of her emotions.

"Oh, Elysia, please believe me when I say this isn't my doing," the man pleads. "The order came from my boss, who needed more timber for the construction of a new hall. I tried to convince them to stop, but my story of a ghost woman wasn't very convincing, and I was ordered to leave. I would never be deceitful to you. Over the past few days, I've grown fond of our conversations."

Elysia's anger softens slightly, but her concern remains. "Then what am I supposed to do? Am I just supposed to sit here and watch as our kind destroy my home and the homes of all those I care for?"

"Well, can you leave the forest? I can take you to my boss. Maybe if he hears you himself, it will convince him!"

"You don't understand, I can't leave the woods! It's forbidden. I shouldn't even be talking to you now!"

"Elysia, know that if you don't come with me, there is nothing I can do to stop it."

"Ok, ok, uh, I am going to need some help. I need you to reach your hand out towards me, and when you feel me grab your hand, I need you to pull really hard. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, yeah, I can do that." Beren sticks out his hand, waiting for her to grab it.

She takes a deep breath and reaches for his hand. Just as their hands touch, simultaneously, Beren and Ruxx shout out, "I can feel you!" And Beren grabs hold and pulls Elysia through.

"Stop!" Ruxx dives forward to grab ahold of Elysia but misses as Beren pulls her through. "Elysia! No! What are you doing? You can't go back now!" Ruxx shouts with panic in his voice.

"Ruxx, I have to. It's my turn to save you this time." Almost in tears, Elysia turns away and begins to follow Beren towards the human base.

Ruxx tries to follow after her, but he cannot cross over into the human realm. He is left behind, stricken with sadness as tears stream down his face. Somehow, he knows deep down that this is going to be the last time he will ever see her again.


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