
In the world of Parallel universe

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Completed 1343 Words

Chapter 3

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"The jars should be good and dry now. Let's get this started. First, you need to clarify your intentions for this spell. They need to be clear and precise in your mind, body, and spirit. This is the most important part, or these jars will not work!"

"Got it! Now what?"

"Well, I need to know what these intentions are to assist you, silly. So, you need to tell me."

"Oh, right! My intentions are to help the fawn grow up big and strong, and to be able to take care of itself. I also want to provide protection for the fawn until it gets big and strong. Is that good?"

"That's perfect, Ruxx! Listen to what I have to say first, and then do it. You will need to place the fur in the jar and say:

'Here you are, little fawn, who stumbles and is weak. Tomorrow is the new dawn, you will be strong and safe in a bubble, and your future no longer bleak.'

After placing the fur, add all his favorite foods to make him strong. Then, grab some dead dry leaves and place them over the fur to hide him from the wolves and other predators. Quickly close the jar and seal it."

Ruxx nods and follows Elysia's instructions. He holds the newly sealed jar in front of his face and smiles. "I really hope this works. This little guy sure does need a helping hand... Huh, so what do I do with this jar?"

"You will need to place it near the fawn while it's sleeping; that's when the magic will happen!"

Ruxx's eyes widen, and he exclaims, "I am going to do this tonight! I need to get going so I can track him down. He was all the way out near the base of Jagged Tooth Mountain!"

Elysia quickly realizes that it is close to the edge of the woods and near where the humans are. "Oh, wait, I'll come with you! You know, to make sure my magic is working properly."

Ruxx begins to laugh. "If you want to spend time with me, you just have to say so," he teases Elysia, who gently pushes Ruxx in a playful manner.

"Oh, shut up, Ruxx."

The two run off toward where the little deer was last seen. Ruxx is really excited. It isn't often that Elysia follows him. While walking, he wonders, "Elysia is such a beautiful woman. Could I ever be so lucky to earn her heart, or dare I think it, her hand in marriage? Who am I kidding? I would need one of these jars with a love spell in it to win her heart." Ruxx looks at Elysia and asks, "Do you ever use these jars to influence people's behaviors?"

Elysia remembers the times her mom had used the jars to help people quit bad habits or start new good habits. "Yeah, lots of times."

"Wait, tell me you never used these on me!" Ruxx becomes scared, thinking that maybe his actions are somehow not his own, and his whole life he has been controlled by some lady with powerful jars!

Elysia pauses for a moment, watching Ruxx's concerned expression. "Guess you will never know," she says playfully. "But don't worry, it's not ethical to use them on people without their permission. Plus, you run the risk of something going wrong and it blowing up in your face if the person isn't aware."

Ruxx lets out a sigh of relief. "I am so happy to hear that!"

"You're such a fool, Ruxx..."

"Shhh," Ruxx interrupts Elysia, "We're getting close. We need to be quiet so I can find them. It's getting time for them to bed down, and I don't want to spook them out of their spot."

The two walk carefully and silently, their elven footsteps barely making a sound amidst the foliage. Elves are known for their stealth in the woods, and Ruxx and Elysia exemplify this skill. They reach a vantage point from where they can observe the group of deer, with the fawn nearby. Ruxx turns to Elysia and says, "I'll go down and place the jar near the fawn since it was my idea. I should be the one to do it." Elysia agrees to stay put and watch from their vantage point.

"This is my chance to prove to her that I'm not just some screw-up, that I'm really good at tending to the animals of the forest," Ruxx thinks to himself as he stealthily sneaks up on the group. He carefully places the jar near the sleeping fawn and quietly makes his way back up to the vantage point, reuniting with Elysia.

Together, they sit in silence, their eyes fixed on the jar. Just as the fawn twitches its leg in the midst of a dream, the jar begins to emit a faint glow. It isn't bright enough to awaken any of the deer, but it is visible to Ruxx and Elysia.

"Is the jar glowing?" Ruxx asks excitedly.

"Shhh, you're going to wake them, and the spell won't work," Elysia whispers, reminding him to remain quiet.

The two settle back down, their attention fixed on the jar as it pulsates with a dim glow. Suddenly, the glow dissipates, and the fawn snuggles into a deep sleep. Overwhelmed with joy, Ruxx instinctively embraces Elysia in a hug. Elysia, caught off guard by the sudden hug, responds, "Yeah, of course it worked." She also finds herself enjoying the embrace, and the feelings she had been pushing away resurface. Ruxx, realizing he may have overstepped his boundaries, quickly releases her and stammers, "Oh, sorry, uh, thank you very much... buddy." He is embarrassed by his choice of words.

"Buddy? Did you really just call me buddy? Okay, buddy, it's time for me to go," Elysia retorts, clearly taken aback. She starts to walk away, but not toward their home. Ruxx tries to intervene, saying, "You're walking in the wrong direction."

"Don't tell me where I'm going. I know where I'm going!" Elysia declares, abruptly stopping in her tracks and staring straight ahead. Her tone is firm and determined.

Ruxx quickly notices Elysia's gaze fixed on a human male standing at the edge of the woods. Reacting swiftly, he rushes up to Elysia and covers her mouth, whispering in her ear, "They can't see us, but they can hear us if we talk. We need to go back." Just then, another human calls out to the man standing at the edge.

"Hey man, what are you doing? First Sergeant Odinson is going to be pissed if he catches you away from your post."

"Yeah, yeah, I thought I heard something," the man responds, walking back towards the mountain.

Both Ruxx and Elysia watch as the man walks off and returns to where he came from.

"That was close. It could have been a big problem," Ruxx proclaims, relief evident in his voice.

"They do look somewhat like us, don't they, with their funny hats and puffy clothes," Elysia remarks.

"I've been told they wear those clothes for protection in battle. It sounds kind of crazy to fight over something other than food," Ruxx comments, shaking his head in disbelief.

"I don't know, he was kind of cute, buddy."

Ruxx, feeling a mix of jealousy and defensiveness, reacts strongly to Elysia's comment. "There is no way you find a human attractive! What the heck would King Freyr say? No way is what he would say!"

Elysia looks at Ruxx with a blank expression and remains silent.

"Wait, you're teasing me, aren't you? Yeah, you are because of the 'buddy' comment I made earlier," Ruxx realizes, his voice filled with a mix of relief and embarrassment.

Without uttering a word, Elysia walks off towards home.

"You are teasing me, right?" Ruxx calls after her, but she doesn't respond.

"Ruxx, shut up! You're going to spook the animals," Elysia finally replies.

"Right," Ruxx whispers, understanding the need for silence, and the two of them head back home.



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