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Ch. 7 The Pawns are Places

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Brendan sat up with a start, cold sweat beading along his brow and making his hair cling to his face. Slowly, the intensity of the dream faded, and replaced with the sound of the alarm on his phone. Bren leaned forward and rubbed his face, listening to Skillet singing “Awake and Alive.” He didn’t feel like he as either of those things…

He looked at the completed canvas across the room from him, a scene depicting a forest of tall twisting trees with little glowing lights of fireflies or fairies. He was glad that it was done, and he’d text the commissioner that it was for the rest of the payment later. For now, he dragged himself out of bed, silencing his phone as he pulled a shirt on. 

“Bren! Are you awake?” Nicolas called from downstairs. 

“No,” Brendan answered with a small groan, knowing that would be answer enough until he got downstairs. He rubbed his face again, took a very deep breath, and went downstairs. 

Nic had the kitchen smelling great as usual. Always the early riser of the two, Nicolas had an egg sandwich reach for Brendan as he was finishing his own, the kettle singing on the stove and coffee churning in the pot. The blond young man looked up from his cooking as he heard his room mate coming down stairs. “Good morning,” He greeted. “Heavens, did you get any sleep last night?”

“I look that bad huh?” Brendan asked as he ran a hand through his hair, the braid Abby had put in it still tied tightly, though stuck out in a silly manner from his head. 

“You look like a squirrel and a crow were arguing over your head.” Nicolas answered. 

“Eh, stress dream.” Brendan assured him, once more attempting to tame the mess of hair before sitting at the counter. “Thanks for breakfast man.” 

“You can thank me by remembering your lunch this time.” Nick told him, nodding to a Tupperware tub that was full of leftovers. “Stress huh? About your sister?”

“Maybe.” Brendan answered as he dug into his sandwich. “She seems to be doing okay, though she says the doc told her she can’t be too active. What about your mom?”

“It was a good visit.” Nicolas answered. “She has a client around here she’s touching base with. So I’m glad she was able to visit.”

“Ditto, sorry I missed her.” Brendan answered, drinking some of the coffee and feeling a bit more like himself. 

“She didn’t stay long,” Nicolas answered, sitting with his own breakfast and drinking some tea. “hard to believe finals are around the corner. Any plans for break?”

Brendan shrugged. “maybe hang out with Abby, make sure she’s still got a smile on.”

“And what about after college?” Nicolas asked. 

Brendan grinned. “Freelance Artist.” 

“Is that an actual plan?” Nicolas asked, raising an eyebrow but glad to have a smile from his old friend. It was odd seeing him not smiling. 

“I’ll figure it out.” Brendan answered. “There’s plenty of people that made it work before. And what about you?”

“I, admit I haven’t found what I want to do yet.” Nicolas answered. 

“Seriously?” Brendan asked. 

“I want my work here to be put to good use later.” Nicolas answered. “I just haven’t found out how.” 

“You’ve always been good at science.” Brendan offered. “Maybe you could start work in a lab. I recall you did a thesis once about how magic can be scientifically possible.”

“I highly doubt that a lab will support that thesis.” Nick answered. “besides, while I do have an eye for science, I won’t fit well in a lab.”

“Maybe write a book of your own?” Bren offered. “You always were a fantasy nut.” 

Nicolas laughed. “And I could hire you as the artist.” He teased. 

“You bet! I’d even give you a discount.” Brendan answered.   

Nick chuckled, taking a bit out of his egg. 

The two fell into silence for a moment, Brendan looking out the window. Sure the Suburbs of Denver was quieter, but there was a distant rumble of civilization just above the trees. It almost sounded like the snore of a distant dragon, sleeping as the world buzzed around it like a hive of bees. Bren wasn’t content with it. He knew growing up meant moving out of his folks house, going to college, meeting that special girl, settling down, and getting a 9-5 job that may or may not make ends meet. It all felt daunting. Like that sleeping dragon could wake at any moment and destroy them with it’s breath of bills, mortgages, payments, and who knows what else at this point. 

Nicolas followed Brendans gaze. he knew Bren didn’t like being concerned about things like books and payments, but he also knew these things still weighed heavily on his friend. Taking another sip from his tea, Nicolas sighed and set his mug down. “We have some time before finals officially start.” he commented. “And my parents do have a cabin in Pikes Peak. Perhaps we could take a couple days and finish our studies in the quiet peace up there.” 

Brendan looked at Nick, brown eyes studying him as a boyish smile crept onto his face. “I didn’t know you liked camping.” 

“I grew up on the Scotland Moores, Bren.” Nicolas answered. “I’m far more a Country Mouse than I am a City Mouse. But I thought it would be a good way to unwind. One more adventure.” 

Brendan smiled at this and gave a nod. “When will we leave?”

“I was thinking this weekend.” Nicolas answered. “Just a few days up there to relax and prepare. I can let our professors know what the plan is when I go in.” 

Sounds like a plan to me!” Brendan answered. “It’s been a while since I’ve been camping. And one more adventure does sound like a fun way to open a new door.” 

Nicolas nodded, then caught sight of the clock. “Bren, when’s your first class?”

“Eleven, why?”

“It’s quarter till.” 


Nicolas laughed as Brendan stuffed half his sandwich in his mouth and held it there while he got his shoes on and grabbed his bag. He took a bite and waved at Nicolas, sandwich in hand. Nicolas waved back and watched as Brendan flew out the door and up the sidewalk. He sighed and looked at the abandoned Tubberware full of left overs. “I suppose some things are just enviable.”



The rest of the day Dragged on, but eventually it was finally evening. To apologize for leaving his lunch behind yet again, Brendan grabbed some Chicken and Mac'n Cheese for dinner, which he and Nick ate with only small talk to fill the evening before retiring to their rooms. Nick was looking forward to the weekend with his friend, away from the busy life of Denver and into the quirt of the forests. He wasn't the best at making friends, but he enjoyed the friendship he had with Brendan. The oaf that he was.

He laid on his bed, his room mostly clean and organized. His collection of books having kept him company when Brendan wasn't reachable. He personally enjoyed the old stories. Old fairy tales or wizards and magic. They were his bread and butter after a long, and admittedly stressful day.He grabbed one of said books and laid on his bed, only to grunt in discomfort as he laid on something hard. A bit annoyed, Nick as up and gripped the object, finding a medallion right where he was laying. It took him a moment to realize it was the heirloom his mother had given him for good luck in college. It was a purple jewel of sorts that was very rich in color and vibrancy, surrounded by a gold frame and hung on a gold chain. It was a lovely piece of jewelry to be sure... if a bit loud.

"It's been in the family for countless generations." He remembered her saying as he picked the medallion up. "It's always brought protection and good fortune. And now that you're in college, making your own way in the world, it's time it was passed to you."

Nick set his book down and his blue eyes landed on the medallion. He remembered seeing it now and then around his mothers neck, but only when she needed to make a point in her business endeavors or that one time someone attempted to sue her business. That day in court was strange. The plaintive seemed antsy and nervous, causing the court to sway in his mothers direction.

He huffed. "I doubt using this for finals is fair." He said, taking a finger and tapping the piece of jewelry to making it spin on it's chain. "But... if it helped my mum in court that day... what could it hurt?"

He hesitated only a moment before slipping it on and looking at himself in the mirror. Looking at his reflection, he felt an odd shiver. The kind you get when you're somewhere unfamiliar, but you know someone you cant see had turned to look at you. Nick stiffened, suppressing the shiver best he could. The medallion did make him seem more... authoritative. He wasn't sure if he liked that look or not. Then again at the same time, he thought he looked like one of the sorcerers he'd read about in his books.

He chuckled before yawning. "Well, mum's good luck charm. Lets see how you get me through finals."

'Is that all you want?'

Nick nearly jumped out of his skin as he anxiously checked the room around himself. What was that voice? He'd read the history of the house they were staying in, it and the land didn't have any history that would suggest any haunting. He was certain he and Brendan would have  noticed a haunting before hand.There was a chuckle, and it seemed to echo around Nick. 'Try the mirror... and look at the bed.'

Nick swallowed and slowly did as he was told. He hesitantly turned to the mirror, and there, laying on his bed was a creature that seemed like a large shadowed caracal cat. Long ears swiveled towards him and royal purple eyes that matched the gem Nick was now wearing. the tips of the ears seemed to trail away like smoke, along with the end of it's tail. It had a very intelligent look about it as it seemed to smile at Nick.

'So, Lady Marie has passed me along to her son.' The creature said, it's tail flipping lazily. 'Thus the circle begins anew.'

"Who... what..." Nick started, quickly looking away from the mirror to his bed, but the creature wasn't there. Looking back in the mirror, it laid there, looking amused.

'You realize those that seek Magic, often find it correct?' The creature asked, looking away from Nick and at the stack of fantasy novels. 'At least that's what most humans actually get right about magic.'

Nick took a couple breaths, deciding to start with the first question he tried to speak earlier. 'Who are you?"

The creature looked at him again, smiling enough to show the long, pearl white fangs under the lips. 'I go by a few names.' He answered, Nick deciding the voice was male. 'But you may call me Atrix. I'd ask your name, but it's improper to ask questions you already know the answers to, Nickolas Griffin.'

Unnerved that this thing knew his first and Last name, Nick tried to regain composure. This creature was talking about magic. One shouldn't show fear towards any creature of magic. "And... what are you?"

'A logical question.' Atrix answered, standing and stretching it's long body and extending long claws. 'I am a Mara. A creature most people associate with Sleep Paralysis. Though, thats only when I need to feed. That is why you can move and speak in my presence. Know that I would never hunt you, Keeper.' Atrix smiled as he approached Nicks side and sat. 'While Finals is a petty thing to ask my aid in, I will aid you. You, my dear boy, have a lot more potential than you give yourself credit for.'

"What do you mean?" Nick asked.

Atrix gave a grin. 'All in due time. For now, we need to get more.. acquainted. A trip to the cabin will be a nice start. Best start packing.'

The Mara then gave Nick a hard shove, sending Nick to the floor as he fell off his bed.

Nick sat up and scanned around his room. It was morning, just a few minutes before his alarm would go off. It was... a dream? He then noticed the pendant was around his neck, shimmering in the morning light. He quickly got up and looked in the mirror again. Nothing. It was a dream... He wiped the sweat off his brow and shivered. He never had dreams like that before... all the same... he did have to pack still... He quickly removed the pendant from his neck and set it on the dresser before stepping out to shower, deciding that would be the best next step.

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