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Ch. 10 Door to the future

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"What??" Fable asked as she quickly stood. "I.. I can't go to Gaia!"

Fortuna tilted her wizened head. 'And why not? You are a keeper. Someone chosen by the Fox Drake of herbs and healing. The only one chosen since the Golden Age.'

"But.... But I..." Fable responded, stumbling over her words as she backed away from the stone that hung over the pool. "I'm just a potion maker, I have no fighting skills, or anything that could be considered useful! Uh... You'd want one of the hunters in Darnassea. They know how to track people. They can find this guy!"

The fox drake clan purred and snorted at each other in discussion, but Ashling focused on her Keeper. When Ashling first met Fable, she was a very shy elf, like a flower growing quietly in the shade of the others. She was still shy, clearly, but she had also grown. This was just a rain storm that would aid in that. 'Do you doubt my decision in choosing you, dear Keeper?'

Fable bit her lip, the gentle words not chiding, but still hit home. "No, of course not." Fable answered. "It's just... The council-"

Ashling growled. 'Oh mulch to your council!' She answered. 'They disapprove of my choice only because I didn't choose one of them of one of their hatchlings. I chose you. That alone should be enough. In truth, you know as well as I do that by me choosing you, you are a council member, the Member of Magic. So, as a Member of Magic, this task falls to you and me.'

Fable knelt again, anxiety making her heart pound heavily against her rib cage. "Wait Ashling... I don't know how I can be of any help. Like I said; I can't fight, and my healing skills are still at a beginners level. How can I go into a world where Magic has been dormant and find a single human in a sea of humans... and avoid the vision from happening?"

Ashling purred at Fable, approaching her and climbing up into her lap, letting the elf hold her close to sooth the panic that was rising. 'You will not go alone.' Ashling told her. 'I will be going with you.'

'As will I!' Came a young male's voice among the Fox Drake presences.

Fable's head came up as a male fox drake approached. His scales were a coppery tan while a few scales gleamed a bright turquoise. His mane was brown half way before turning a lovely blue-green towards the tail, and under one wing was a small satchel. Looking down at his paws, Fable could see that one claw was stained black.

'I am Traveler, guardian of Journey's and Quests.' He introduced, stretching his forepaws out into a bow and even spread his wings as he did. 'I'm well equipped for an undertaking like this. Plus, I believe the old Magics deem that Three should start a quest, to represent the Mind, Body, and Spirit of those traveling.'

Fortuna gave a nod. 'It is a tradition.' She said. She looked at Fable. 'As you can see child, you do not stand alone and this needs to be done. For the sake of Gaia and Terra alike.'

Fable swallowed, and turned a worried glance at Ashling and Traveler. She was still afraid, but if this was what needed to be done... and if there was no other way about it... She sighed. "Alright." She answered, nodding even though she trembled. "I'll do it."


* * *

'You'll have to pack light.' Traveler informed Fable as she road Bluebell up to her cottage. 'Take only what you need for fast travel. Such as clothes comfortable for travel and rest, food, healing supplies, a blanket and a tarp for shelter. I did mention food correct? You said you weren't a hunter.'

"Right, I'm... not a good hunter." Fable said as she dismounted Bluebell, a drake on each shoulder.

'We may have to fix that.' Traveler told her. 'Though taking something for self defense isn't a bad idea. A dagger perhaps.'

Ashling huffed. 'We'll be ready.' She told her clan-mate. 'Just try and let danger even attempt at coming close to my keeper.'

'Now now Healer, don't get your tail in knots already.' Traveler answered. 'This operation needs teamwork!'

Fable chuckled. "You almost sound like Puck."

'I'd hope so! He's my little brother.' Traveler answered, watching as Fable opened the door to her cottage and stepped inside.

She was already grabbing a pack from her loft room and packing up what she felt she needed, being careful about packing the bread, cheese and fruits so they wouldn't ruin the extra set of clothes she was taking. She also packed a couple healing balms as well as her journal and wand, and a couple herbs she may need along the way.

A knock on her door made her gasp and spin around. She put a hand on her chest and tried to calm herself. "Come in!"

The door opened to Creek. He met her gaze her, his green eyes looking at her worriedly. Fable instantly felt horrible. She forgot she promised to hang out with him after the cleansing rituals. His eyes landed on the bag in her hand, at the new drake looking back at him, then at her face. "What's going on?"

Fable bit her lip. "Ashling took me to the Clan to tell them about the vision." She explained. "They... They said I need to find the boy I'm standing with."

"What?!" Creek asked in shock, stepping inside. "Like... go to Earth?? But thats dangerous! The humans are cruel and violent!"

"I know." Fable answered. "But if that boy can help us, we need to find him before the Blue Eyed man does."

"How are you going to find him?" Creek asked. "There's more humans than there are Elves and Dwarves combined! They breed like rabbits!"

Traveler gave a trill and ruffled his wings.

"This is Traveler." Fable said. "He said he'd guide me."

"Why are you not going to tell the council?" Creek asked, concern growing on his young face.

"They'll keep me from going." Fable answered. "And I already asked the Clan Elders about one of the hunters in Darnassea. They said that I'm best suited for this as a Keeper…"

Traveler gave a little huff. ‘They could try. Though arguing with them would waste time.’

Creek looked at Fable, then gripped her shoulders. "What... what if going ends up bringing that man here?" He asked. "What if the boy brings him here? Fable there's too much at risk!"

"I know." Fable answered, quickly pulling Creek into a hug. "I'm scared too, but I will come home. I promise."

Creek pulled away. "Like you promised to meet me after the cleansing rite?" He asked, a bitter tone in his voice.

Fable stared at him, finding her lungs didn't want to inhale for a moment. "Creek... I'm sorry..." She told him, her pointed ears lowering anxiously, but Creek continued.

"Do you know what I realized after the Cleansing?" He asked. "The Blue eyed man had said something to the boy next to you." This news brought the drakes attention to Creek as he took a breath. "He said, 'We were close. All this, is because of you.' They were friends, Fable. How do we know if he'll really help?"

Fable bit her lip. "I... I guess we'll find out." She said. "I'm sorry, but I need to do this."

Creek pressed his lips together, giving his friend a seething look. After a moment, he looked down and sighed. "Then hurry." He told her, the bitterness turning to ice. "I saw the council gathering to come find you on my way here." He let go of her shoulders, his hands in fists. Fable knew he was scared, she was too. All the tales she heard of humans didn't paint them in the best light.

She took his fist in her hands and squeezed it. "I will be back." She promised him, hoping he'd believe her. Though her heart paused heavily when he didn't answer her. Steeling herself, Fable let go of his hand, grabbed her back and rushed out the door with the fox Drakes behind her.

She mounted up on Bluebell and started off. Tears blurred her vision as the mule rushed away, but she managed to look back at her cottage. Creek stood in the doorway, watching her go. He raised a hand to her as she went, expanding all five fingers. Fable managed a smile back as she returned the gesture. She would be back.

She would be.


* * *

It was mid-afternoon by the time Fable got back to the Clans territory, and The Fox Drake's were ready for her arrival. She walked into the territory where Fortuna and Daydream waited for her with the rest of the clan. Ashling was back in her place at Fable's shoulder while Traveler made himself comfortable on her bag. Ashling gazed up at her Keeper, offering a gentle sense of comfort to her.

'Are you ready?' Daydream asked, lifting his primary wings and stretching them.

Fable gave a hesitant nod. "We are."

Daydream nodded in return and gave a trilling call to the other fox drakes before turning and heading for the shoreline and the path of stones. Taking a steadying breath, Fable followed the Fox Drakes. The white sand of the shore shone brightly in the moonlight, and the sound of the waves tickled Fable's ears as she approached. The path of stones seemed more like large stepping sounds crossing the ocean and approaching a small island a small ways off.

The clan was already crossing the stone path and making their way to the island, Fable hopping across the stones with them. The wet stones felt a little slick underfoot, but following the drakes made quick time as she hopped across the stones and made it to the far shore. Here, Fable could see why this island was separate from the rest of the land. It had the same stepping stones surrounding the island, making it impossible to for any ships to make landfall.

on a flat hill in the middle of the island was a sight that made Fable gasp. It was the door. The same door she saw in her dream, where someone was knocking on the other side.

A whinney caught Fable's attention as a unicorn came around the bend. She was dainty, but there was a fierce intelligence in her eyes that matched the tales Fable had heard of the majestic beasts. She gave a snort as she approached, watching Fable curiously before looking to Daydream. On her back was a Fox Drake of deep brown and Antlers that curved down to shape his face. Fable could tell he was a very old Drake, his wings long since past their flying days.

The Clan elder approached the unicorn, allowing her to dip her graceful head and gently greet Daydream. Something silent transpired between the three, and Fable watched as the Unicorn nodded and lift her head to meet her gaze.

'This is Isabelle and Tomes.' Daydream told Fable. ‘Together they guard and protect the door to and from Earth in this part of the world with the Keeper of Legends.'

Isabelle and Tomes dipped their heads in greeting, and Fable curtsied best she could. The unicorn gave a huff and turned away towards the door, the clan and Fable following. The Door itself was large, and showed a frame of stained glass. The ornate carvings depicting two large trees with their branches intertwining. Fable lightly touched the carving, noting that the wood sent shivery tingles through her fingers and up her arm. Raw Magic. Isabelle huffed at her, getting Fable to move aside while she touched her horn to the lock.

'The door will close and lock once you're on the other side.' Fortuna told her, unfolding a wing and producing a key. 'Keep this close and keep it safe. If Kozen gets this, then he can enter Myth without trouble.'

"Right." Fable answered, gently taking the key and making a necklace for it with some spare twine she had in her pockets.

The door opened with an ancient and heavy creek, revealing a thickly wooded pine forest on the other side. It was dark and moonless on that side of the door, and the wind blew with a ghostly moan through the trees.

'When you find them.' Daydream instructed. 'Bring them back through this door. We will be here to receive you.'

Fable gave an anxious nod, looking at the door and the dark forest beyond it. She took a deep breath, and walked forward through the frame of the door. She half expected to feel a huge difference between Myth and Earth. But it felt like traveling between two rooms of a house. If anything, the wind pulled at her hair and clothes, making them flap in their wake. She turned to gaze back at Myth. She thought of Creek, hoping he'd be okay while she searched for the human. She watched as the door closed behind her with a click and snap of the lock.

Fable swallowed and looked around. The smell of pine filled the air, and she was certain there were eyes watching her from the darkness. And yet... she was here. Fable is the first elf to walk on Earth's soil since the Dark Ages of Man.

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