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Ch. 8 Understanding

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Fables heart pounded as she road Bluebell back into Darnassea, the pounding hooves on the trail matching her heart beat for beat. Creek held on tightly behind her and Ashling clung to her Keepers shoulders.

"All of them?" Fable asked, to make sure she understood the situation, though she was certain not even the council could understand this.

"Everyone had the same dream." Creek repeated. "The door, the fall of Darnassea, the cages, and you standing with a human between us and some guy in a cloak with a Mara."

That was the only difference as Fable came to find out. Everyone else dreamed that she was standing between them and the Cloaked Man while she didn't see anyone besides the young man and the Cloaked Man. The words were still echoing along the edges of her mind as well, and the feel of them made her anxious.

As they drew closer to Darnassea, Fable could tell that the festive aura the village once had was replaced by one of fear and confusion. She slowed Bluebell to a walk as they road into the village, some of her people looking at her in terror, others had looks as if they were putting blame on her. Fable was hesitant to dismount Bluebell as she, Creek and Ashling road into the square. Sensing her Keepers unease, Ashling gently nuzzled Fable to reassure her. It helped a little, but Fable's unease did not go away, especially as she saw the Council was in the center of the square.

Forest Dreamwalker spotted her approach and stepped forward to greet her, lightly patting Bluebell's neck. "Lady Keeper." He said politely, glancing to Ashling as the Fox Drake draped herself across Fable's shoulders. He knew that in the old days, a Keeper would be part of the council, usually in the place of the Soul Member. But he had said that Fable was far too young to be a member, so in her cottage she stayed. "I take it you had a Dream as well?"

Fable nodded, dismounting Bluebell carefully so to not dislodge Ashling from her perch. "Yes sir. It wasn't a pleasant one."

"The same as the rest of us?" Forest asked, his deep green eyes watching her.

Fable gulped. "I understand I dreamed from my perspective, at the human's side in front of that man with the Mara."

"Was there any different herbs used in the Lunar Sight potion?"

"No sir, I used the same ingredients as Ashling first taught me. I even used the freshest herbs from my own garden."

"So then!" Sparrow Mistrider said, her chiming voice sounding like an anxious bird. While the Members of Air are usually one of the wisest, able to step back and see the bigger picture, Sparrow was flighty and anxious... much like her namesake. "It is a prophecy then! A Prophecy claiming that a terrible enemy is coming to Myth!"

"Now Sparrow, this is not the time for hysterics." Thicket Stormwood answered, as he was the Member of Earth he was the Council's 'Rock' so to speak. He was the one that held steady and encouraged calmness to think things through. "While it is a possibility, I felt this is more of a warning, that there's time for this enemy to be avoided."

"And how are you so sure?" River Nobleflame asked. In his stance as the Fire Member, he was the combat advisor and in charge of trades and relations to the other races of Myth. He kept the peace, but Heavens help the one person that manages to anger him. His anger didn't blaze, but burned coldly when provoked. "Perhaps the brewing of the potion was incomplete and thus gave nightmares."

"Everyone the same nightmare?" Thicket asked. "All from different perspectives?"

"How else can you explain the appearance of the human?" River asked. "Humans have never set foot into Myth, as ordained by the Fox Drakes when Myth was created. No human is to enter Myth as a founding Law."

As the council turned to start arguing amongst themselves over the matter, Fable heard Ashling huff. 'They squabble like hatchlings over strawberries.' She muttered, almost making Fable chuckle. She barely managed to hold it in though, to where only a small grin cracked her lips despite her mounting anxiety.

Frost Starstribe's eyes shifted to Fable, raising an eyebrow at her. Fable felt his gaze and met his gaze, swallowing at the piercing blue eyes. They weren't like the Cloaked Man from the dream, but they still seemed to freeze her in place. He watched her for a long moment, making Fable wonder what he was thinking. As the Water Member, he was the Head Advisor in the council; taking what all the others said into careful consideration and would add his voice in favor of what idea sounded best in a discussion. Some joked in passing who was the real Soul Member, Forest, or Frost.

He cleared his throat, and when no one turned to hear him, Frost cleared his throat more until the council silenced and looked at him. "We have yet to complete the Cleansing Rituals." He said. "They are done after the Full Moon Festival for two reasons; to cleanse the spirit of all fears and negative energies collected over the years, and to bring better Understanding to the dreams the Full Moon Festival had brought the previous night. I say before anything else is done, we need to complete these traditions and come back to this matter tomorrow when we have more understanding. This will also give me time to consult my star charts and see what the heavens have to offer in this troubling vision. Are we in agreement?"

Forest pondered this for a moment before giving a nod. "I can agree with this. We don't have enough information to fully understand what our next step ought to be as of yet."

Sparrow was already shaking her head. "I disagree. There is danger at our front step, and if we don't do anything about it it will take our homes and our lives."

"And how do you plan on chasing this threat away?" River asked. "Twitter at it?"

Sparrow's cheeks flushed as she turned away from River, not giving him the satisfaction of answering to the insult.

River huffed and shook his head. "I'm in agreement. We need time to breathe and think on this. "Thicket also nodded his agreement, though he didn't speak it.

Fables eyes darted from speaker to speaker, her forefinger scratching on her thumbnail as she listened to them talk and bicker. Sensing her keepers concern, Ashling lightly nuzzled against Fable’s cheek, offering a small purr to comfort her and remind her she wasn’t standing alone there. Thankful, Fable reached up and stroked her thumb over the fox drakes neck.

Forest nodded as he regarded each member of the council. "It is agreed then." he said, turning to the people of Darnassea. "Return to your homes and rest! When the Cleansing rituals are complete, take note of your findings and return them here tomorrow morning. We will need all the information we can gather to better understand this." He then turned to Fable. "We will need your insights too, as you had a closer point of view of this Man and this human."

Fable gave a nod of understanding. "Yes sir."

Forest gave one more nod then addressed the gathered elves. "Until tomorrow."

Taking the hint, the council and the gathered elves anxiously departed to complete the Cleansing rituals. Fable took this hint and stepped back over to Bluebell, Creek offering her reigns back. He looked worried, and for once, Fable wasn't sure if she could offer comfort. Not with that ominous nightmare hanging over the village like a cloud that refused to rain.

"Will you be okay?" Creek asked.

"Yeah, I should be." Fable answered. "You?"

"I think so." He answered, walking beside her and Bluebell. "What do you think is going on?"

Fable bit her lip. She couldn't give him a truth, given that she wasn't sure what the truth was herself at this point. She wasn't sure what was happening. "I... can't really be sure." She answered after a moment. "Not until I have some answers for myself. But, want to hang out after the Cleansings?"

Creek gave a smile, though Fable knew it wasn't his true smile. He was anxious, like everyone in Darnassea at the moment. "Yeah, that sounds like fun." He answered. "We can go swimming."

"Sounds like a plan." Fable answered, patting Bluebell on the neck as they walked. She rode the mule hard getting to Darnassea, so a walk would do her good. Ashling remained on Fable's shoulder, gently nuzzling her Keepers cheek as she sensed the elven girls worry. Answers would come soon. She was sure of that.

As they walked, Creek took a slow breath, his own cloven hooves blending in with the sound of Bluebells large hooves. “Did Ashling find out anything about my feeling?” He asked. 

Fable looked at him, she’d completely forgotten about that. Though after the dream, she had a feeling Creek was once again spot on. She looked at Ashling, the Fox Drake stretching up her wings a little. 

‘While my elders haven’t found any telling signs the traditional ways,’ Ashling explained while Fable translated. ‘The trolls have reported odd happenings here and there within nature. Some crops that are usually easiest to grow are harder to keep alive, unrest in the fauna, and red sunrises.’

Creek tilted his head at the mention of the sunrises. “What’s the color of sunrises have to do with anything?”

“It’s an old Sailor Saying.” Fable answered. “Red Sky in the morning, Sailors Heed the Warning. Red Sky in the evening, Sailors be singing.”

“Oh yeah,” Creek commented. “I forgot that your family are all sailing merchants.” 

“Not all,” Fable replied. “My uncle is a farmer on the edge of Hollow Port, and my aunt is also a healer. Though, with the signs the trolls have mentioned to the Clan, and the dream, looks like you’re premonition was right on the coin.” 

Creek wrinkled his nose. “Yeah, though I’m wishing it wasn’t.” He answered. “Isn’t there a saying that ignorance is bliss?”

Ashling chuffed and shook her head at him. ‘Only fools are willingly ignorant. You should always look into something that you have questions about.’

Fable gave Ashling a grin and pet her wing, before looking back at Creek. “I don’t think it is.” She answered. “Ignorance just allows bad things to happen.”


* * *

"You're sure this is okay?" Fable asked as Ashling led her to a spring near the cottage. Fable had seen a few animals come to drink from it, including a unicorn once, as even here in Myth, wild unicorns were rare, and like the Fox Drakes, they chose who rode and kept them.

The spring was fed by a small waterfall, and it drained into another river nearby that went towards the sea. It was deep enough so when Fable would step in it would come up past her hips, and the bottom was more smooth pebbles than mud, Though water lilies still grew here, giving life to frogs and dragonflies alike and leaving the water very pure.

'I'm certain.' Ashling answered. 'With how intense that vision was, this spring will be better suited for clarity and cleansing. I'm certain that the ritual won't cause harm, as we're using natural herbs, and they'll be washed to sea when we're finished. Ready?'

Fable was wrapped in a wool robe, her hair secured back though she knew it was going to get wet anyway. She wore sandals to protect her feet outside the spring, and in a basket she carried lavender blooms, a jar of Burdock Root, another jar of Rosemary, four white candles, and her journal. Whatever clarity the cleansing gave, she wanted to write it down so she wouldn't forget it.

Ashling sat on one of the smooth stones nearby and curled her tail around her claws, looking rather catlike as she gazed up at her Keeper. 'Come on.' Ashling encouraged.

Taking a quick glance around, Fable knelt by the water and set up the candles, lighting them and setting them where they wouldn't catch anything on fire. She sprinkled the herbs into the pool and disrobed, carefully stepping into the comfortable water. She knelt before reclining onto her back, watching as curious dragonflies darted around and over her face. She' usually did the cleansing rite in her own tub, but she wondered why Ashling had insisted on the spring.

'Now, close your eyes, and recall the vision.' Ashling instructed, her voice still clear even with Fable's long ears in the water.

Fable did as she was told, closing her eyes and pondering over the dream. The words still echoed in her mind, chilling her to the bone as she remembered. She started with the door, and the Knocking on the other side. She recalled one of the older tales, when Myth was created. According to those stories, the Fox Drakes created a door to Myth, the safe guard the element of Magic after the Sorcerer's betrayal. Was that the same door?

Fable took another slow breath, letting her mind gently follow the train of thought over the vision. She moved to the boy, and the Blue Eyed man with his Mara. According to the village, she and this boy were the only ones standing between the elves and the man. Why was that? When the children of Two Sisters unite... that was part of the old story too. In fact it was an old religion called the Saints of the Sisters, believing that Myth and Earth were sister goddesses, One named Tera, and the other Gaia. Did that mean... well the humans were left behind on Earth, Gaia, and the elves and other beings of magic thrived on Myth, Tera. So, the Boy was technically a child of Gaia, and she was the child of Tera... children of two sisters...

Fable gasped as she sat up in the water, surprising Ashling as the drake backed away from the splashing water with an involuntary hiss. 'Careful please!' Ashling requested. 'I'm no water guardian.'

"Sorry Ashling." Fable said as she dried off her hands and started writing these thoughts into her journal. "But I think I made a connection."

Curious, Ashling approached and watched Fable write. When she finished writing her notes, she re-read them. "If that boy is from Earth, and he comes here to stand by me against the Blue Eyed man," Fable said, holding the train of thought. "Then it's possible that the two sisters are Gaia and Terra, Earth and Myth. Then... then that means..."

'That means that this was indeed a warning to all of us.' Ashling said with a flick of her tail. She was quiet for a long moment as her tail settled and just the tip of it tapped, like someone tapping their finger while deep in thought. 'You'll need to see the council.'

Fable was afraid of that. "I don't think they'll be happy about it." She answered. "They already don't like the fact that I'm a Keeper and-"

'Not your council, Fable.' Ashling told her, looking up at Fable with her shining Emerald eyes. 'I mean my council. The Elders of my Clan.’

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