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Ch. 1 Fable

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Birds were chirping outside in the land of Myth. The sun was warm today, bringing a comfortable mistiness to the forest glade as Fable worked in her gardens. Her purple hair streaked with blue was pulled back into a braid and held up in a loose bun with her wand. The Mugwort had just grown large enough to harvest, and with the Full Moon Festival starting that evening, she knew this herb would be sought after in potions for its ability to bring Message-bearing Dreams. Not prophecies per se, but something for each individual that would be important to them or those close to them.

A rustling in the bushes made her look up as her dearest friend and familiar approached. The being held the appearance of a dragon, but was no bigger than a cat and had a mane of grey fur down her spine. Her green scales were clean and polished, and her eyes shone like emeralds. Fable smiled. "How's the rest of the garden looking?"

'Looking well.' Came a gentle female voice to her mind as the creature stretched. 'The lavender is ready to be harvested too. So the Lunar Sight potions will be quite tasty this year.'

Fable turned to her Fox Drake. It was hard to believe she had been chosen by one of these guardians. They didn't really choose keepers anymore, not since the fall of the Golden age and betrayal of the Sorcerer and his Guardian. However, Ashling must have seen something in Fable's green thumb, and the guardian of herbs and healing had been her companion for the better part of four years now. Fable sat back and stretched out a kink in her back.

"There's quite the buzz about this years festival,” She said. "Think we should make extra potions?"

'Couldn't hurt.' Ashling answered. 'Seeing as the ingredients are especially fresh this year, this should give many a few insightful dreams.'

"I couldn't agree more." Fable Answered with a warm smile.

While dried ingredients worked well, it was always the fresh ingredients that held magic best. As long as the intent was focused that was. Fable flinched as she recalled times when she wasn't as focused, and one spell that was meant to fix her hair gave it two colors. She was aiming for violet highlights in her red hair, but then she started pondering about her other favorite color blue, and ended up with a galaxy colored hairstyle. She was embarrassed at first, but after some encouragement from Ashling, learned to embrace the mistake. It certainly made her stand out in a crowd, but at the same time it was a good lesson of focus and intent.

Fable stood with her basket of herbs as Ashling leaped onto her shoulder, settling in and nuzzling her keeper. 'Then lets get started.' Ashling told her as Fable turned towards the cottage she called home.

It was small building, being made with one resident in mind, but it was cozy with room for Fable’s books and journals so it was fitting all the same. She smiled as she set the basket on the counter and started cleaning the herbs of bugs and dirt, then got her stove-top cauldron out before starting the fire. For bigger more important potions, she'd stoke up the fire pit outside with her big cast iron cauldron, but this required finesse, and she liked making potions so the time it took to make them in a smaller pot wasn't a bother.

With the cauldron ready she removed the wand from her hair, letting the braid fall down her back, and held it up. With a flick of her wrist, little jars began to float around her within easy reach. "Okay..." Fable mumbled to herself as she opened her hand bound book to the potion of Lunar Sight. She smiled as she got to work. "Four parts moon water... Rose hips and petals, cinnamon, lemon balm, Eyebright..... Ashling, is there Eyebright?"

'I have it here,' Ashling answered as she passed the herb to Fable. And with a quick thanks Fable crushed the herb and dropped it into the simmering pot.

"Jasmine flower... Peppermint, Mugwort and Lavender." Fable muttered as she as she added the last few ingredients. with a wooden spoon that was specifically for potions, Fable stirred the potion clockwise to bring in the good dreams and knowledge of that needed to be known. She stopped stirring and held her wand over the potion as the contents stirred in a lazy circle, and closed her eyes as she honed in her focus.

"By herb and by Moon,

I ask you for this boon.

Bring dreams of light,

and dreams of sight.

Let what's hidden be seen,

of this I ask, so may it be.”

She could feel the magical energy shiver through her wand and into the brew, turning the water into a shimmering violet color. She gave a satisfied nod as she poured it into several little barrel jars to cool and let Ashling inspect them. The Fox Drake sniffed the batch and gave a nod. 'These will do very nicely.'

"I would hope so, it's the first potion you taught me how to make." Fable answered as she got to work on the next batch.

'And you have been very successful in it.' Ashling answered as she worked at getting corks on the little jars.

Fable smiled and her cheeks warmed at the gentle praise. She'd come a long way from studying under the potions master in the village, and she's learned a lot more than he could have offered her. Thrush tried, he did, and she appreciated what she learned from him, but it was after meeting Ashling that she had truly bloomed. The two continued working for a while, the pile of potions growing until all the ingredients were used up and Fable sat to start labeling the potions.

It was then a shadow crossed her window, making her look up. She relaxed at the sight of a green eyed carrot top leaned in her open window and grinning like a cheshire cat. His budding ibex horns giving him an impish look, though he was far from that kind of nature.       

”Creek, you gave me a heart attack!" Fable scolded the satyr. 

"Whoops! Sorry Fable." Creek told her, still leaning on the window. "I was passing by when I thought I smelled potions in the works."

Fable raised an eyebrow at her dear friend. She’d known Creek since she first arrived in Darnassea, the satyr having been the first to approach and greet her, and often help with potions or even delivering them. While he was looking to apprentice under Raihin the Forge Master, he was the person you’d go to for anything weather it be a chat, help in foraging, and taste testing. Though he seemed to favor the taste testing most. "You do realize that I can't just give you these right?" She asked with a grin. "They're for selling only."

"Aww, not even a test drive?" Creek mockingly pouted as he gave Fable a grin.

"No," Fable answered, making a face at her friend. "and if you keep insisting, you won't have any of the Strix custard I made earlier."

"You made Strix custard?" Creek questioned excitedly, his eyes brightening at the mention. "I thought the fairies were holding back this year.”

"Ashling helped in getting some Strixs Sticks,” Fable answered. She looked at Creek who looked back at her with large pleading eyed. She sighed in defeat. “Come on, I have them chilling over here."

Creek came around to the entrance as Fable got out two bowls of Strix Custards. He eagerly sat down, crossing his ginger colored goat legs on the floor, and happily dig into his bowl of the chilled treat and gave a very happy sigh. Fable chuckled as she leaned back with her own bowl, glad for the break.

"You and your sweet tooth." She muttered as she contently munched on hers.

Creek chuckled. "What about it? So I enjoy sweets." He chuckled and gave a shrug. "Excited for the festival?"

Fable eyed her mountain of Lunar Sight potions and chuckled as she made a quick guess-timent of the total. "Perhaps a little." She answered Bashfully.

Every two years the Full Moon Festival is celebrated with eager participation. It's a holiday with religious roots, but today it is mostly associated with playing instruments, secret gift giving, playing with pets and truth and dare games. Not to mention it's time when the veil between worlds is thin, so visions are easily had with help from the Lunar Sight potions. It is officially celebrated for three days, but a generally festive atmosphere continues to fill the streets for weeks after the celebrations.

Creek gave a little hum, and Fable noticed it. "You not looking forward to it?"

"I am," Creek answered. "I just.... have a weird feeling about this year, and I don't know why." He gazed at his custard, stirring it with his spoon. "I know it sounds crazy, but it just feels... different."

Fable lifted her eyes at her dear friend, giving her head a tilt at his concerns. Creek had potential to be a Seer, someone who can feel changes in the world and tell what those changes would be. Though he always claimed he didn't want to be a Seer, seeing as how unhappy the High Elf Seer, Crystal, was all the time. "Did anyone say anything about the festival that you could have overheard?"

Creek shook his head. "No. It's.." He sighed. "It's like watching a title wave barring down on a beach village, and no one else is seeing it but you. Though for some reason you can't tell anyone what's coming."

Ashling gave a small purr, swishing her tail. 'Sounds like a premonition.' She said. 'They are common around this time of year... perhaps I should return to the clan and see what I can dig up. I won't be back in time for the festival however.'

Fable turned to Ashling while she spoke and Creek's gaze  between the two of them. "What did she say?" 

Fable blinked and looked back at Creek, having forgotten that only she could hear Ashling speak. "She offered to see if any members of her clan can offer you answers." She translated. "She won't be back until after the festival though, will you be okay until then?"

Creek gave a small smile. "I think I can last that long." He answered.

Ashling purred again and affectionately bumped her head against Creeks hand, allowing him to pet her as she used the contact to offer comfort before turning away and climbing to the window. She gazed back at her Keeper from over her shoulder, offering Fable and comforting mental nudge. 'I'll return soon.'

"You'd better." Fable answered as her Fox drake leaped away out into the forests. Fable sighed and put her hands on her hips as she grinned at Creek, wanting to cheer him up. "Well, better finish that up, because you're just in time to help me get these to my shop."

Creek blinked at her, then at the custard, his shoulders drooping in mock dismay. "I should have known this was a trap..." 

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