Chapter Nine

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Karolus stirred, the voice was familiar, his first go to was Glen, but it was younger in tone.

“Karolus, wake up. Breakfast is ready.” 

“I’m up, I’m up.” he yawned and stretched before sitting.

Connor had rushed down stairs as soon as he had performed his duty of waking his older brother. Karolus yawned again and was met with the smell he had been told to wash away. Without the forest to mask it, it hung around.

“Wow.” he whispered. 

Barefoot he headed into the drinking area and was greeted by Stella, and his brother waving bacon and bread at him.

“Morning lad. Yer late.” Stella smiled and gestured at the table for him to take a seat. 

“Morning. How late is it?”

“A little past dawn. I thought I’d come to check on yer.” 

“It’s appreciated, truly.”

“No need for that, you looked like yer needed it.” 

“Still.” Karolus finished. 

Stella nodded and the trio ate a very hearty breakfast of sausages, bacon, eggs, bread, jams, apples and washed it down with hot tea and water. It was the best breakfast Karolus or Connor had ever had. 

Karolus felt a pang of guilt at admitting it above his mothers cooking swiftly left with each bite. Clan Fuine had a reputation and it was well earned.

After breakfast Karolus helped with cleaning out the ale soaked hay from the day before and left Connor with Brianna, Donald's daughter. It took a couple of hours to completely clear and replace with fresh hay.

He watched the villagers go about their business, shepherd crooks in hand, ponies being shoed, and the smiles of the younglings running in the gaps between the adults beginning their day. It reminded him of home. He had no reason to think it wasn’t the same all over the highlands, but it was a nice thought to hold onto for a short while.

When the morning chores were done Karolus accepted the offer of a bath and clean clothes for himself and Connor, and even managed a tidy up shave. His reflection showed him he was tired, and carried worry. Or maybe he was masking it well and only he knew. But he doubted it.

The Fuine village didn’t get too many visitors and any trade was done further north in Bruiden, a large town that was a merchant point for those coming from the far northern nations such as Vikonia and Sovii. Rumour had it that even those of the Pride Mountains would venture down and share what they had. 

Connor had asked hundreds of questions the night before about everything his young imaginative mind could think of. More so when one of the elders shepherds mentioned giants selling chunks of magical mountain rock. Seeing Connor and other young ones enthralled by the story had brought a genuine smile to Karolus.

“Ok lad?” Stella brought him out of his thoughts.

“Sorry, yes. Actually no.” Karolus closed the Giant Walks Inn door and smiled gently at the halfling woman before him.

“We will do what we can.” She smiled back. She had read him like an open book, but hadn’t wanted to push.

Why he hadn’t run into the village screaming and shouting about the attack was baffling. Maybe a night of nothing being wrong was what he needed.

Stella could see the anxiety in Karolus and opened the door he had just closed. She stepped outside and took a deep breath. 

“Come lad, a bit of fresh air will help.” 

Karolus followed. She led him about the village acknowledging everyone they passed with a smile and nod. It turned out Stella held some station within the village, of which he had learnt was called Bluewyn on the account that the many thatched roofs looked blue in the night.

“Well let it out lad.” They stopped beside the main well.

Karolus took a long deep breath and started from the point he woke to the smoke and fire, of the escape from his burning home with Connor, and his mothers death. Stella gave a caring look that nearly made him burst into tears. 

He carried on, the Calvarian’s and their Samos soldiers marching through. Leaving Galwyn to fight whilst he and Glen ran. The curse upon Connor brought a raised eyebrow from the halfling but it didn't slow Karolus down. He shared with her the deal Glen made and how he was trying to figure out how to save them from it.

Karolus hadn’t remembered doing it but he was now sitting down with his back against the stone wall of the well, his hands gesturing with every word. 

It all fell from him, a burden he couldn’t get rid of quicker enough. Stella didn’t interrupt at any point, but the look in her eyes was one of focus. She was listening.

When he had finished he felt lighter somehow. His anxiety had lessened and he breathed normally. Becoming very aware of his and Connors situation. He gave a short laugh out loud. He had chased getting in with the Douén as he was bored with just farming. Now here he was regaling an adventure worthy of the Eolas.

“How is Connor now?” was the first question Stella asked, speaking volumes about the person she was. 

“He looks to be doing well. I’m still concerned about the mark of the dragon bit.” he laughed again, just letting it out felt better.

“Well if what yer say is true, and I’ve no reason to not believe yer, then you have confirmed the rumours that have travelled the rivers.” Stella looked to the ground 

“You know?” he asked, standing quickly.

“I do now. Some folks had spoke of’em. Not in the numbers yer saw, but still.”

“What now?”

“I’m working on it.” 

“Are they evil?” he asked solemnly.

“Don’t be daft lad. No such thing as evil, just a bunch of bastards thinking what they be doing is right.” The look she gave him informed him her point wasn’t up for discussion.

Stella paced back and forth in front of him. She gestured to several people nearby to come to her. She then instructed them to ready several ponies and folk willing to run some messages. Then there was old Yina, who was very much retired from working life but was still handy with the arcane. She would see to asking Yina for aid personally.

Karolus just sat there as Stella went about her business giving out instructions for folk. It came across as well practised and experienced. Those she spoke to responded with nods and immediately took to actioning their parts.

There was a different urgency in Bluewyn now, one performed with practised ease. Karolus didn’t understand why. 

“Right a few of us are going to be coming with yer lad. “Stella nodded at the ponies set and saddled being brought towards them.

“I don’t understand, coming with us where?”

“Wherever this Galwyn fella is, you said he's the one yer need to find, so let's go find him.” she started pushing him in the direction of the Inn.

“Go get Connor, we’ve no time to waste, and i'll go get Old Yina, she aint gonna be happy but she’ll come nonetheless.” 

Karolus was in the whirlwind of Stella’s organisation and did as he was told, making his way back up to the Giants Walk. Connor was dancing on a table with Brianna, they were about the same age and both giggled as they spun and tried not to fall off. 

“Connor, we are leaving.” Karolus grabbed him around the waist and put him on the floor.

“Hey! Get off, I can do it myself.” Connor shrugged hard, clearly not happy at his big brother getting involved, failing to hide his embarrassment.

Karolus grunted at the weight of his younger sibling.

Brianna laughed at the boy and his angry face before jumping down and pushing Connor playfully. He immediately forgot his brother and the pair began a game of tag among the tables.

Her father Donald watched on with a smile and shared a moment with his husband, Hugine. The pair watched on with doting eyes. 

Karolus told Connor again they were to leave before going about packing the small amount of things they had. He had left his sword on the bed earlier, now it held his thoughts. Reaching out.

He took the blade from its sheath, it felt right in his hand. Placing the flat of it against his forehead and focusing on the oath he took.

“I’ll find a way Glen, I promise.” he whispered before wiping the tear from his cheek.

Downstairs Stella had entered and had Connor and Brianna sat listening to her speak of adventures in the highlands and how Connor was about to be going on one.

“Right boys, time for adventure.” and she winked at Connor.

Within minutes Donald, Hugine and Brianna were waving them off, with a few other villagers out to say bye. The innkeepers had put together a hefty parcel of food and drink for their travels. 

Connor was enjoying the moment, standing as tall as he could, trying to impress Brianna more than anything. Smiles and waves were exchanged. Karolus however couldn’t help but feel a darkness was ahead of them.

There were more of them than he expected. The village had brought him a horse that had been traded for several parties worth of baked goods up in Bruiden. The mare was a reddish brown with a single white spot between the eyes.

Connor had his own cow patched pony with several saddle bags that Stella had checked multiple times and made sure he was sitting in his saddle right. Connor had never liked riding, preferring his feet on the ground. 

Karolus smiled inwardly knowing the moaning Stella was about to endure from his brother. 

The party moved out, a pair of pack ponies at the rear guarded by two halflings who were stoutly built. The pair had messy blonde hair high with short curls, dark red woad decorated their necks and left side of their face. Axes and swords were strapped not only to their saddles but to their backs alongside an oaken staff each.

Karolus knew the staffs straight away, his and Connor’s had been left back in Grey rock. They were Naomh Staffs, each highlander’s spiritual link to the Drydakka. Most left them in their homes, others never left their side. 

Stella had introduced them as Roland and Aden, friends but as close as siblings. They had spent a lot of time being merchant guards to those travelling to Bruiden and further.

They said little but Karolus felt their presence all the same. He had nodded to them and they to him but that was it. 

Old Yina was very much that. She looked as though she had every blanket the village owned wrapped around her. A wagon harnessed to two grey ponies was her travel means. Stella drove the wagon and would constantly check on Yina over her shoulder.

The village was half a day behind them, most of the conversation was between Connor and Stella, he was telling her of the monsters his brother lived with, and the Fae creatures in the forest that needed slaying. 

She had worked out that the boy was in the dark about his mothers passing  and when the coin dropped she stared hard as Karolus. 

“He needs to be told, lad.” Stella said pass him some of the salted bread as the party set up camp for their first night on the road. 

Rain was their companion, but with the Fuine with him Karolus didn’t mind so much. They had plenty of blankets and cloaks with them and just having them along gave him a lot more confidence. 

The camp was as comfortable as the brothers could have imagined. 

“I know, it’s just..”



“Still not a good enough reason. Aint doing either of yer any good holding onto that.”

“I’ll tell him when we’ve eaten.”

Stella nodded.

Old Yina hobbled about the camp, picking up twigs and chucking them in the fire. Every now and then a glimpse of her wrinkled face could be seen beneath the hood. 

She was receiving magical messages and reported to Stella what was being said. It had been confirmed that Calvarian’s were indeed in the Highlands. They had come by sea on the eastern coasts. Some had been in the larger port towns of Toa.

By sea was no surprise, as far as Karolus knew Calvaria was an island city, far to the north east. The numbers being reported to Yina were far larger than the force that burnt down Grey Rock.

“You gonna eat that?” Aden had nudged him hard enough Karolus had to steady himself.

“Go for it.” and handed the remaining of his loaf.

Aden looked mighty pleased with themselves and headed back over to Roland triumphantly.

“Don’t worry, they won’t let anything happen to yer, nor Connor. These two seen more battle than most.” Stella caught his eyes watching them walk away.

“I don’t doubt they can handle themselves, Roland too. But Stella, these Samos are huge. Big, strong, covered in armour and scales, swords and shields. I watched them breathe flesh ripping magic.” Karolus gestured with his hands, trying to imitate their size. 

“Ok, calm it down, yer making them out to be unkillable, scaring yourself lad. Anything that bleeds, can die. Remember that when one comes at yer.” she took a long swig from her wooden hip flask.

Karolus nodded and saw Connor coming over from Old Yinas' wagon. He had slept for the last hour or so. 

“I’m hungry.” the youth stated scratching his stomach. 

“You just ate three slices of the sweet bread.” 

“Yeah but they were only small.”

Karolus laughed, and threw him an apple, with jest of eating healthier food. 

When the party had finished eating and were doing nothing more than relaxing he nudged Connor to follow.

“Let's go for a patrol of the camp.” Karolus tried to make it out as a game.

Connor looked super happy that his big brother was finally getting into the swing of these games and leapt up.

He ran over to Roland and asked if he could borrow his hand axe then asked Aden if he could borrow their buckler. The pair agree with a ruffling of Connors hair. Albeit the lad had to kneel for them to do so.

“Ready.” the younger brother stated.

Karolus walked for at least ten minutes away from the camp. The land about them was as it had been, except they travelled worn roads. Rain fell but it was light and soft landing. Connor beside him looked on guard the whole time. Staring at shadows, almost willing them with his imagination to attack.

“I have something to tell you, Connor. So we need to rest and be quiet for a moment.” Karolus faced him, tall for his age indeed.

Connor looked about the area one last time and stood to attention in front of Karolus holding the axe and buckler ready.

Karolus took a deep breath and placed his hands on his brother's shoulders. 

“It’s about mother and Glen.”

He kept it short and to the point. The fire, the Calvarian’s and the running. Telling Connor of Glen came last. Anger and tears poured from the younger, he lashed out at Karolus hitting him in the chest, face and shoulders. 

Karolus pulled him in for a hug and held him tight repeating over and over he was sorry and it's going to be ok. Connor screamed no, why, it's not true, I hate you! All in a mix of combinations and volumes.

Karolus didn’t know how long it took but eventually Connor cried himself into fatigue and crumpled in his big brother's arms. Tears continued to run but now he nuzzled in, pulling his hood over his head. 

The brother’s let out their grief together and held one another tightly. 

It had to have been an hour, maybe longer, that they had been away from camp. Both had stopped the tears and sat silently on a thick tree root.

“Are we going to kill them?” Connor stared ahead. 

Karolus thought for a moment, the question was one too dark to come from a youth. But it hit home and awoke something in him. His first action had been to get to safety. Connors was to kill.

“Yes brother, yes we are.” The words held conviction, hearing his own voice say them outloud gave Karolus strength to answer.

The brothers' stood, both acknowledging what was to come. Karolus saw the light dim in his brother's eyes. Soon Connors childhood would be a thing of that past.

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