Chapter Seven

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Glen had not taken the sword back from Karolus and instead held their bow at the ready for most of the day. It only ever got used for hunting but if it came to it they were confident they could take down a Calvarian with it.

Connor still slept in his brother's arms as they travelled. But he was lighter somehow, the ominous feeling of dread lifted. Karolus could not think of any way grand enough to give gratitude to the earth spirits for aiding him with the carry.  

From time to time Glen would look over their shoulder at him and smile, reminding him of when they were younger, messing around Grey Rock and running about the local hills. After he had done his mother's chores of course.

Chores, there was a different set ahead of him now. With their mother waking the forests of the Drydakka, he and Connor would be finding their own.

“Karolus?” Connor looked up at the stubble on his brother's chin.

Overwhelmed with happiness at seeing the bright hazel eyes looking up at him Karolus took a knee and let Connor sit. The boy rubbed at his eyes and head, then slowly at his chest before yawning like a lion.

“Hey Connor, how are you feeling?” Karolus asked softly, resting a hand on his shoulder.

“Like I've slept forever, where are we?” The boy looked around the forest cofused, letting out another long yawn and stretching.

“We are on a trip of sorts, we needed to get you and your brother away for a little while.” Glen was beside them both giving Connor a light jab in his shoulder.

Connor tilted his head and squinted.

“You carried me here while I was asleep?” the confusion dropping deeper.

Glen and Karolus couldn’t help but share a laugh, made up of relief and genuine joy.  

The next hour consisted of Karolus preparing a campfire and beginning the process of getting the previously hunted rabbits ready for spitting and roasting over the flames. 

It was late in the afternoon and no doubt they could have made more miles. But Glen was happy for them to remain where they were for the rest of the day. 

The area picked was nondescript, no memorable marks. Simple trees and cold air. The younger of the brothers wobbled as they walked about taking in their surroundings. 

Karolus smiled as the brain fog of the last couple of days began to clear. Watching Glen and Connor talking and laughing was heart warming. This was the Glen he remembered.

They had always been good with Connor. Karolus had seen a different side of his friend whilst with the Douén. The fighting, potions, even the socialising among the Douén was different. Then there was that night, that kiss. 

Connor ate most of the provisions they had with them, which was little due to the speed of which they left Grey Rock. He then ate his way through three rabbits. 

“Hungry there little brother?” Karolus asked, holding his first piece of cooked meat.

“He won’t be the little brother for long.” Glen jested.

Karolus took the blade from its sheath, it was a masterful piece. Along the steel were etched sigils. Druidic in nature, or so he's teachings with the Douén would say. He was confident in a fight but somehow felt the blade was deserving of a wielder with more skill. 

“Stop swinging that around, you’ll take someone's eye out.” Glen mocked as they and Connor had returned from their game of hide and seek.

He ignored his friends distractions and continued to move through the patterns he had learned from the Douén. For a moment he imagined the Samos, their scales and armour, sword and shield bearing down on him. 

Lunging forwards and striking, sidestepping imaginary blows. One fell, then another. All he had to do was finish the third and he was alive. A roll to the left, coming up with a parry and a speedy riposte. He breathed heavily.

“I hope you can cook better than fight.” Glen bumped into him with Connor over both shoulders. 

Karolus smiled at the strain on Glen's face. They were strong but Connor was a lump.

“That's not really how hide and seek works.” he laughed and put the sword away.

“Glen knows every hiding place in the forest.” said the youth with a half smile, half look of defeat as he bounced before being unceremoniously dumped into the mud and soaked leaves.

“Hey!” Connor threw a clump of the ground at Glen, who ducked it easily.

“Glen knows a lot more than just the hiding places, they know about the creatures that live here too. Like the Iomadh.” Karolus knew his slip immediately.

“Iomadh?” Connor asked, taking a long drink from a water skin.

Glen shot a look of disappointment at Karolus. But they maintained the grandeur as they turned on Connor and mocked giving him a huge hug and bearing their teeth.

“It is a Fae creature that lays beneath the soil and when campers go to sleep it whispers in their ear a song of comfort and embrace. Before giving them a deadly hug and eating them slowly.” Glen told the tale well, stalking about with their hands held high and fingers spread, before grabbing Connor and squeezing, followed by mock biting.

“No! Get off Iomadh! Help Karolus, help!” cried Connor enjoying his part in the story.

Karolus snorted with amusement, but knew he had angered Glen.

“You're your own little brother, the Iomadh is far too powerful.” he mocked.

Glen continued their part as monster while Connor grabbed a broken branch and swung it at the beast.

Connor stepped in pretending to be caught, but at the last moment grabbed Glen by the waist and raised them off the ground and shook them mockingly.

“Die beast!” Connor shouted dramatically. 

Karolus and Glen shared a surprised look before Glen feigned defeat. 


Evening settled into the forest and brought with it the sounds of night birds and a drop in temperature. No rain fell this night. 

Conversation was predominantly light, mostly about the lay of the land and the flora and fauna about them, not yet wanting to get into the details of their trip into the forest. 

Connor seemed quite content with listening to Glen spin tales of Fae creatures trying to eat folk during the night and the pair mocked Karolus constantly.

Being the elder brother he didn’t care, he was just happy Connor was around to mock him. The trio sat around the fire keeping warm, eating berries, drinking the last of their water and truly enjoyed a night's camping as if it were a holiday.

The boy had not spoken of being away from the village and took it as the norm he was hiking with his big brother and friend. Karolus swallowed the guilt down.

Later into the night it did begin to rain, not heavy but enough it made a pitter patter noise as every drop hit the camp and surrounding flora. 

Connor had fallen asleep leaning against Glen. Karolus helped as they lay him at the closest tree base nearest the fire and laid a blanket across him. If the rain stayed light then the night would be uncomfortable but not life threatening.

Sat opposite one another with nothing but the rain and fire making noise. Neither one of them knew what to say. The day had been filled with moments created with Connor, relieved that he was awake and smiling. 

That was all that had mattered. 

“Get Connor to Galwyn.” Glen said keeping eye contact on the flames.

“Galwyn? What if he's dead?” remembering the last time he saw the wolf. 

“That old dog won’t be dead, trust me. ” That made them pause and contemplate with a nervous smile.

Karolus gave them the time.

“Connor is no longer cursed, but the Calvarians did it for a reason, the curse might be gone but they are not. The Douén can keep you both safe.” Glen ran their hand through their braids and sighed.

Karolus opened his mouth to respond but instead moved to sit by his friend's side.  

“Can we not run from it?” he asked quietly.

Glen turned their gaze to the flames, smiling at the sad dance the spirits performed. 

“Not if we want Connor to live.”

“What will happen to you Glen?” 

“A soul for a soul…look we don’t have time to cry about this. I need you to make sure you don’t die and neither does he.” Glen wiped at their face, and turned to hold the gaze of Karolus.

“I have no plans to die.” he said staring back.

“It's not your plans that are the worry, the Calvarian’s are here in force and I don’t have time to find out why.” their voice filled with concern.

“I know Glen, I will try.”

“Trying won’t cut it, if you only try against them you will die. The Douén can teach you.”

“They already did Glen.” Karolus was aware of the nerves in his friend's tones.

“No, running hills and moving around sacks and barrels is just conditioning. You need to know how to talk with the spirits, how to kill, not just fight. Plus you need to beef up.” Glen let a smile through feeling themselves laying it on a bit too seriously.

Karolus' shoulders dropped a little unsure how to respond.

“This has to stop as well.” Glen pushed his posture back to one sat up straight.


“You always choose the negative. Stop it. In fact, stand up.” Glen stood and pulled Karolus to his feet and a little away from the fire.

The missing heat was noticed immediately, the rain did not share warm droplets with them, instead they were winter cold and everyone that landed on skin reminded them of that.

Glen stood opposite him and held both his hands.

“Repeat after me..I Karolus.” Glen started.

“What you doing?” he asked quizzically.

“Just do it. I Karolus son of Meegan, brother elder of Connor the Dragon marked.”

“Glen why? This is stupid.”

Glen grabbed him and pulled him close, face to face. Both could feel the other's breath. Their grip was strong and held Karolus in place.

“Say it.” they whispered.

Karolus looked into their eyes and saw sadness and fire in equal measure.

“Ok, ok. I Karolus, son of Meghan, brother elder of Connor the Dragon marked.” he whispered back, and noticed Glens iris slowly changed colour to silver.

“Bind myself to the blood of Clan Hollow Tree.” Glen’s nose was now touching his, their voice soft.

Karolus held his breath, it was now, in this moment that realisation was beginning to take hold. Glen was saying goodbye and making him promise. Their hands were both cold and warm, their eyes complete moonlight silver orbs now, shining and bright.

“Bind myself to the blood of Clan Hollow Tree.” As he finished the words a swift gust of wind akin to the start of a small storm rushed about them, the roar in his ears meant he couldn’t make out the words Glen was speaking through it.

“Glen!” he tried to shout but the wind took his breath.

His adrenaline rushed through him, he fought against the panic, Glen wasn’t responding to him but was still speaking. 

The wind died down. He could hear again. Glen was speaking the language of the druids. 

Karolus' knowledge of the druidic language was simple and he made out the words, moon and guardian.

He let them finish. Glen's eyes returned to their normal deep brown and they fell into Karolus' arms, unconscious.

“Glen! Glen?” he asked worryingly.

Karolus laid Glen by the fire and put both his and their blanket on top of them. He then checked on Connor. Both seemed to be sleeping soundly. The night was peaceful now, no little brother running around shouting and laughing playing in the forest.

The small earth spirits hugged into Connor as if they were small toy stones and the fire dancers dimmed their heat and put themselves among Glen’s braids. 

The natural flames of the campfire were his only companion. It would do for now. Come the morning he would be without Glen. 

He couldn’t do anything about it, it seemed, and he didn't have time to cry about it. He had to keep Connor safe from these Samos, these scaled soldiers from Calvaria. 

Time was precious and he had none of it. Answers were needed, why Connor? Why did a nation of dragon worshippers from lands far away curse a young Toan?

Glen was leaving them, never to be seen again. Karolus heart felt heavy.

He had no time.

Karolus nodded, his eyes closing slowly. He didn’t want to sleep. He needed to keep an eye on the camp. Glen might have been confident there was no danger but he was new to this. 

“Get up!” he commanded himself.

He took the sword out again. No distractions this time. Apparently he had to learn how to kill. He let out a small laugh then went to work.

The moon was bright and the blade clung to the light as it cut through it. Seemingly absorbing it with each swing.

His muscles warmed, it felt good. The more he moved the more he wanted to face an enemy. Faster he stepped and slid. His strikes were accompanied by blunt growls. 

“I Karolus, son of Meghan, brother elder of Connor the Dragon marked, bind myself to the blood of Clan Hollow Tree.” he repeated the words one by one with each manoeuvre. 

The oath felt empty, Glen was to be taken, and there was nothing he could do about it. What was the point of an empty promise? Regardless of his opinion, Glen had asked and so he would hold fast to the oath.

The sigils on the blade traced themselves with moonlight. Silver and green hues clung to the shapes.

“Dealan-dè.” Glen said, stepping towards him and his surprised look.

Karolus offered a questioning look.

“The command word, the blade is now bound to you. Dealan-dè.” Glen gestured at the blade.

Karolus nodded and looked back at the blade. He then took a deep breath.

“Dealan-dè.” the words sound different when they left his lips, like there was meaning behind them. Instantly the sigils brightened.

It felt as if the blade was an extension of his arm. It moved and flowed swifter and smoother. He could hear his own breathing loudly, as if he were cupping his ears. 

“When you are finished, repeat and the magic will fade. It needs the light of the moon to maintain its magic, so use it sparingly.” Glen pulled the blanket around their shoulders and leant against a nearby tree.

“What does it do?” Karolus continued to stare at the blade.

“It is an ancient druidic blade. Galwyn gave it to me when I was young. My wounds would heal quicker when I had it nearby. It might have other properties but I never found them out and the Douén would never tell me.”

Karolus nodded and repeated the command word. The glyphs faded and he felt the magic subside. Looking now at Glen he smiled, confidently.

“Let's talk. Properly, without magic and promises, and the threat of dragon curses.”

Glen nodded with an awkward smile.

“When dawn comes what happens? To you?”

“I will lay upon the forest floor and Iomadh will embrace me. Tearing my soul from my body and feasting upon it until it is no more.” Glen stood straight and defiant as they spoke.

“And Connor?”

“Soul for a soul. He is no longer cursed.”

“Can we kill Iomadh?”

“Iomadh is not a singular, they are Fae, they are all the Iomadh. The promise will stand regardless of how many live or die.” 

“Glen, tell me truly, who are the Douén? The stories told to the young of dark flesh eating creatures are clearly untrue.” Karolus drank deeply from the water skin, the practice made him thirsty.

“They too are Fae, or at least in part. Douén are ancient, and used to hail from many lands. But Galwyns tribe are the only ones in the Toan Highlands. They used to be hunted for their hides. Douén are magical by nature and those with a greed for gold can earn a lot. So they let the horror stories spread. It keeps the fear in simpler minds.” Glen took the water skin and finished its contents.

“Well it definitely worked.” Karolus smiled.

“If you feared them, why did you seek them out?”

“Honestly, because I too feared them. I don’t like being scared. Mother said to always face your fears. So here I am." Speaking of his mother made him stand straighter. 

The pair had made their way to the camp fire again and sat next to one another, throwing a checking glance at Connor every time he stirred. He slept deeply. 

“I think the Calvarian’s are here to stay, Glen. ” Karolus held their hand.

“I think you are right. It is why Galwyn is so important. He and the other Douén will be needed, and need to be trusted.” they stated.

The pair looked at one another for a heartbeat. Both noticed at the same time. The sky was a tiny bit lighter. Not long now.

They hugged into one another.



“What does Dealan-dè mean?”

“You should know little caterpillar, it means butterfly.” Glen smiled gently.

Karolus stared up at the sky, every moment feeling like it was falling through his fingers. It was the first time he had seen the light of a new day and hated it.


“Still here.”

“I Karolus, son of Meghan, brother elder of Connor the Dragon marked, bind myself to the blood of Clan Hollow Tree.”

“I know.”

The long reach of sunlight dug into the night sky, the first rays of dawn upon them. The night did as it always did and surrendered its time.

“Glencora of the dead clan.” Iomadh-Ghlac voice hissed on the air.

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