Chapter Twenty Three

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Caedmon had been put in Karolus' room. The highlander remained with him. Of the four of them he had taken the most from the necrotic cloud in the earlier fight. Yina and Stella had poured healing magic over the giant but it drained them

They had told him the cost of magic before and he saw it first hand. There was no consistency to what they could do and for how long. Karolus had first thought it to be like arrows in a quiver but it felt more like reaching into an armoury blind folded.

He had fallen asleep on the Neroliaths chest. Yawning he saw Caedmon was looking at him. Looking a lot healthier.

“Good morning my worried hero.” the giant whispered.

“Shut up.” Karolus laughed and stood. He stretched and it felt like his body was experiencing it for the first time. 

“I have preparations to make.” Caedmon sat up and examined the damage or lack there of. He looked satisfied.

“I know. I wish you well, Caedmon the Neroliath.” Karolus cared for the sea giant, but recognised their time for what it was, short and sweet.

“And I you, Karolus the Highlander.” They hugged and Caedmon left with a low flourishing bow at the doorway. Before heading out.

The sea merchant had slept with troubled dreams. Mentioning Karolus multiple times. The giant carried guilt and the highlander let it lie. 

Alone in the simple room he picked up the sheath and removed the blade. It was untarnished, no nicks or dents in the metal. Stella had told him that Galwyn had taken it during the fighting against the Calvarians.

Now it was in his room miles and miles from home. How? Who?

Glencora came to the forefront of his mind, memories both joyful and sad. 

Karolus moved through motions he had learnt from Glen and the Douén. Slowly he worked it into the knowledge Tarik had shared. 

He stepped quickly about the room slashing and stabbing.  

The loud sounds of the dock swarmed the room as he opened the window to allow a breeze. It was hot and humid again. Looking out, the people of Scale Wave were hard at it. Sitting on the edge of the bed he breathed deeply. The connection to the druidic blade was made and he felt its presence both homely and comforting. 

“Karolus?” a loud knock followed.

Karolus didn’t want to answer just yet, he wanted to enjoy the stasis of his room for a little while longer.

“Karolus?” the voice of Tarik brought relief to the highlander.

“I’m up.” he responded.

“May I come in?” Tarik preferred to act with manners, even now.

“Of course.”

Tarik entered the room in a casual tunic of grey and loose fitting trousers to match, the thick leather belt at his waist was decorated with ravens in flight. 

“You seem a little underdressed.” Karolus smiled and re-sheathed his sword.

“I don’t want my favourite tunic to become bloodied.” tarik stated.

“Well that sounds ominous for the day.”

They shared a look then both smiled. Tarik felt easier around the highlander. Most people reached out for his skills, or were so scared of him they wouldn’t talk. 

Karolus had a charm about him, one of friendship. The highland warrior strapped the sword to his back and faced Tarik.

“Where were you yesterday? Your timing was perfect by the way. Those Samos lot weren't messing around.” he tightened the buckle on the sword belt.

“I was collecting your sword and checking in with Galwyn.” he wasn’t lying. He kept to himself had nothing to do with Garen Rooks Wordspeaker arriving.

“Where is he staying? Can we go see him today?” Karolus had to see the wolf, he needed to talk to him about Glencora, and Connor, and Toa, and the Douén.

“He is currently guesting beyond the Alexandrite Ward.”

“Sounds an important place?” 

“One of many across the island.”

“How did you get back so quick?”


Tarik laughed at the look on his face and patted him on the shoulder.

“You should laugh more.” Karolus joined in.

“Not something you should rely on happening highlander.” Tarik patted him again.

“They are Wyverns, but they end up being referred to as Skyverns, as they carry paying customers across the island.” Tarik moved to the small table in the room and poured out two cups of water with practised precision. 

“Once I heard Magistratus were on their way to you I finished up my business and came, late however. You did well.” he drained the water in one. 

“Thanks, tough these Samos.” Karolus smiled and nodded a thanks as Tarik passed him the mug. 

“Of that I would agree.” 

Stella woke up with a hangover of the like she hadn’t experienced since her courting days. Back in her youth she thought nothing of a drinking binge. Ale and mead for days. Singing, dancing and all that it leads to on those summer nights. She enjoyed the memory. 

“What are you smiling at?.” Yina was sitting making strange web like patterns with a ball of brown wool.

“Christopher. That lad had stamina.” Stella reminisced before draining the water straight from the jug.

“Wasn’t he with Gemma?” Yina beamed with a gossip infused smile.

“Like I said, stamina.” Stella winked and the pair laughed without a care in the world. 

A hearty breakfast was had by the halflings and plenty of druid water was drunk. Both had made childish jokes of what Karolus and Caedmon had got up to seen as the captain left in a hurry earlier.

Tarik had left them clothing more of the fashion of Calvaria, much to Stella’s disappointment. She held up the beige items, a tunic that hung to her knees and a rope belt.

“Tha lad went all out.” Stella donned the tunic and put her chainmail over the top followed by a workers waistcoat. 

Her half plate was stacked and tied neatly with her pack, that now held her precious tartan. He wasn’t around to moan at as she put it in the bag, instead her grumbles were muffled.

“A true Cleric of Shiorraidh Cadal.” Yina looked on with pride across her young face as she handed the hammer to her halfling friend. 

“I’m practically naked!” Stella raised her voice, taking the hammer, and gesturing at the her half plate and missing tartan.

“You look wonderful.” Yina mocked.

“Aint you changing?.” Stella asked.

“Don’t be silly, I'm comfortable.” Yina belly laughed as she could imagine the smoke coming out of Stella’s ears.

The cleric counted to ten, gritting their teeth. 

“Reet, lets go get these boys home shall we.” the hammer rested on her shoulder.

Downstairs they saw Tarik and Karolus sat at the table they had been the night before. A few of the sailors recognised Stella and gave her a wave or salute with their morning ale. She returned the gesture with the jug of water she was still carrying. 

“Morning.” said Karolus.

“Morning, and to yer Tarik.” the cleric climbed onto the chair she had occupied in her drinking contests. 

Tarik nodded and Yina smiled. The four sat and ate bright red fruits and sweet breads for breakfast. 

Karolus told them the Neroliath had gone down to the ship in the early hours. Stella threw in a word or two about the giant losing the drinking game and a dig with a comment of lovers covering for one another.

“So how do we do this red eye?” Stella leant forward whispering.

Yina had brought out her wool and continued to weave it together with some practised skill. 

“First of all, don't call me red eye.”

“But yer have red eyes.” Stella grinned.

“And you are short but I don’t call you shortstuff do I?”

“Point taken. Question still stands though.”

Yina chuckled to herself and Karolus couldn’t help but stifle a laugh of his own. Tarik stared at the cleric for a moment and let it go. 

“Karolus' brother is living on the estate of the House of the Bastion. They are a notable household within Calvaria.” Tarik started.

“Were they the lot from last eve?” Stella asked.

“No, they belonged to the Magistratus albeit funded by House Kyanite. The same house that led the forces into the Toan Highlands.” Tarik looked from Stella to Karolus. 

“They were bastards in the war and it seems they are still so.” Yina spoke with memory and veteran tongue, a little of Old Yina poking through.

Tarik looked at her quizzically. Then nodded in agreement, slowly.

“No doubt. They named their house after the Kyanite War. Many seasons ago. There is nothing more important to them than the return of dragons to Colossus. However they achieve it.” Tarik signalled for more drinks to be brought over.

Stella burst out laughing and slammed her jug on the table. Water splashed everywhere. Yina joined in the laughing, more for solidarity rather than knowing why she was laughing. Karolus looked confused. 

“Well ain’t yer chatty this morning. Weeks we spent on tha ship and I reckon yer said ten words.” Stella punched him in the arm playfully.

Tarik took a deep breath and went to continue but Karolus raised his hand.

“If Connor is with the Bastion lot then why are the Kyanite soldiers after me?” his attention was honed in. Lots of moving parts were being given names and he needed some things answered.

“Those of the Bastion care for the Foci of the ritual. However, House Kyanite put a lot of resources into finding them.” Tarik locked eyes with Karolus, emphasising the word Foci.

“Connor is a Foci?” Stella asked.

No spoken answer was needed.

“So we sneak into the estate under darkness and have the lad over the wall and away.” Stella offered her full proof idea. 

“As easy as that sounds, I think we should look to a less ‘let's all die’ plan and something that leaves us with an actual chance of success.” Tarik did not put any effort into hiding the sarcasm.

Stella shifted on her chair, disgruntled. 

“Well what then?” she asked.

“We show love towards the House of the Bastion. Karolus shows he bears no ill will and is here to support his brother's blessing of the dragons.” he let the words hang.

“Have you utterly lost it?” Stella sat open mouthed.

“How would that help?” Karolus sat forwards.

“It gets you close and keeps the Magistratus off your back.”

“There is no way they buy it. By the Bear they attacked us on the way ere, then sent soldiers when we docked. We walk up to them with open arms. They're gonna be laughing whilst they stab away.” Stella was throwing her arms up in the air to emphasise her points. 

“The Bastion are not responsible for any of that.” Tarik said it with a little more edge than he intended.

Stella and Karolus didn’t notice it but Yina did. She sat quietly and listened, watched. A knife edge was before them and they were probably hanging on it rather than walking it. The halfling druid got down from her chair and made her way to Karolus’ side.

“There is only danger ahead of us. No plan will be safer than the other. But me and Stella will be right next to you.” she held his hand and gave it a squeeze.

Tarik and Stella were now eyes on Karolus. He smiled at Yina then the other two. He was still tired from lack of sleep and life threatening plan making was not a hobby of his. 

But he was here now. Connor was alive and safe, apparently. Patience he reminded himself, walk with eyes open, don't run with them closed. He smiled as the stoic face of his wolf mentor appeared in his memories. 

“I think the first step is to speak with Galwyn. You said he sent you to escort us here. Surely now we are here we should plan together, no?” Karolus looked at them all.

“Actually not a bad shout lad, the wolf can handle himself better than most.” Stella sat back in her chair.

Yina nodded her approval.

Tarik leant back and pondered the next few moments. If they went to the wolf it meant sharing secrets. Some that might break the relationship he had built with them. 

“Galwyn is currently guesting at The Suraquintarus Lake. Outsiders are not always welcome but I shall reach out and make arrangements.” Tarik spoke honestly.

“It’s settled then. We speak with Galwyn then we plan next steps.” Karolus felt a comfort knowing they had at least the next part of their journey agreed.

Nods of agreement went around the table. Tarik shared he would arrange for transport for the four of them. Stella had asked why they didn’t just walk it. 

Tarik ignored the question and let Karolus and Yina educate the cleric on the term island city.

The Nabbatan introduced the party to young Cestus. Yina took an immediate liking to the young wyrmling. The wagon had been given some adjustments to make space for the extra folk. 

Cestus was a bundle of energy referring to them as nobles of lands afar. His scaled palms gripped the silver coin given them by Tarik.

“What about the giant?” asked Tarik who already knew the answer.

Karolus sighed a gentle smile looking back towards the dock.

“He is going home.”

“You not want to say goodbye lad?” asked Stella.

“Already did.” he smiled looking towards Caedmon’s ship.

Yina patted him on the back and rubbed him for a moment. Tarik nodded and gestured to Cestus. 

“Same place as yesterday Lord Red?”

“Indeed, Villa Taurusino.”

The wyrmling nodded and set the wagon in motion. 

The party was now on their way. Tarik hid his amusement at the grand display of awe on Stella and Karolus face’s. Yina however took it all in her as if it were the trees of her home.

“How long?” asked Karolus.

“Most of the day. We can stop for food and drink. If you are lucky, a bit of sightseeing.” Tarik jested and nodded at Stella who was staring open mouthed at the massive marbled buildings they passed. 

“A day? Why don’t we take one of those Skyverns?” 

“I don’t like heights.” Tarik answered matter of factly.

“But you said…” Karolus begun as the large beast set the cart in motion.

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