Chapter Ten

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Aden was fast asleep when they heard the growl. Quickly to their feet with a two handed axe at the ready. One thing the merchant guard had learnt was to never have their weapon too far away when sleeping. 

Their eyes darted for the source of the growl. At first they had thought it was a wolf but there was something off. It held a hiss at the end. 

Prowling on four legs with a square shaped head and rows of fangs stood a Gila lizard, black and orange scales across its body. Venom dripped from its mouth. 

Aden tightened their grip and took one step to their side before seeing a second lizard appear to their right. 

“To arms!” Aden yelled as loud as they could and launched forwards at the lizard that had appeared first. 

The axe slammed into the ground where the lizard had been. It was fast and shifted its weight easily. 

Karolus woke at the shout and panicked then quickly searched for Connor who was also awake grabbing for the axe and buckler he had been, now, gifted.

“Stay near me!” Karolus shouted and stood pulling his broadsword free of its sheath. 

Taking in the scene he saw several of the Gila lizards engaged in combat with Aden, who was swinging their great axe with a grand smile upon their face, Roland was darting in and out with a hunting spear and Stella had small biting holly leaves circling her tearing scales and flesh from the attacking lizards who were in her proximity. 

The lizards let out short barks to the air about and behind them, as if calling out. The long hiss accompanied a spit of acidic venom towards Aden and Roland. It would catch their flesh and burn. But they would return with iron taking chunks from their attackers.

Standing on the back of the wagon looking a hundred years younger, and still old, was Yina. A braid of arcane fire and ice shot from her fingertips into the Gila lizards. Her bent back was straight and the grey white hair whipped in the wind caused by the magic she wielded.

Two lizards fell dead, their barks forever silent. Only three left, but Roland dropped to the ground, unconscious or dead Karolus didn’t know. He stood protectively by Connor. 

“We need to help!” yelled Connor.

“You need to stay back, it's too dangerous.” Karolus held the sword out in front of him defensively aiming it at the lizards if they angled this way.

The creatures were too busy avoiding the cutting holly leaves and axe of Aden to focus on Karolus and Connor. Nearby to the downed Roland, appearing from nowhere, as if an invisible cloak had been lifted, stood a Calvarian ranger, a tracker and master to the hunting Gila lizards. 

They held their gladius facing down, their emerald scales dulled in the night. Roland was unable to defend the coming attack and his life blood seeped into the grass and earth. 

Aden saw it but was unable to reach the murdering Samos. Instead they roared to the stars above, the red woad came to life and spread covering every inch of flesh of Aden. Their eyes went black and rage flowed through them. 

They gave up on defending and charged the nearest lizard to them. Talons raked and venom splashed against the raging halfling, but they ignored the wounds and slammed their axe into the surprised lizard's flank, almost cleaving it in half.

Aden used the momentum to spin into the Calvarian. At first it looked as though Aden had taken on too much and the hunter would despatch them easily, however as the gladius slashed across the forehead of the halfling it only meant he was open to attack.

The halfling of Clan Fuine screamed in anger at their foe shaking their head to keep blood from their black eyes. The dark red woad was missing in parts where Aden had been wounded but it mattered not. 

As the pair engaged in one on one combat Karolus turned to see one of the remaining two Gila lizards leap onto the wagon, rocking it nearly over. Despite avoiding that, it was still enough to knock Yina from it, hard, to the ground. She had been mid spell and the arcane energy shot off into the night sky like an arrow.

Stella had lost the grip on her hammer and was half wrestling half kicking the lizard as it tried to bite at her torso and head. The chainmail she had on was doing its job for now. Metal links fell from it with each renewed attack from the beast.

“Karolus! We have to help!” Connor was in tears.

Fear built up in Karolus as the fight seemed slowed. He felt his adrenalin bubbling. Fight or flight. He had Connor to think about. Were they to run from every fight. 

“Are we going to kill them?” 

“All of them.”

The promise echoed in his mind. Flight was no longer an option, the steps had already been taken. It didn't matter they had been forced on this road, it only mattered that they kept true to themselves and one another.

“Connor, you fight with me, understand!” 

He nodded.

Karolus glanced at Aden, they were still fighting hard. It seemed both combatants were getting the upper hand until the other turned the tide. 

Yina was hurt, but Stella was still fighting.

He rushed to Yina’s side and shoulder barged the lizard hard just as it had jumped down from the wagon to finish her. It skidded across the ground and turned barking at him. It spat its hissing venom and he tucked against the wagon. The acid hit the wood and dissolved holes the size of several coins. 

Connor had climbed on to the wagon and was banging the buckler with his axe, jumping up and down. Shouting angrily at the beast. It worked as the lizard turned, steadied itself and leapt at the boy, its jaw wide and jagged teeth hungry.

It was the opportunity Karolus needed and took advantage of. He half stepped on the wagon wheel and jumped into the path of the lizard with his broad sword extended. Being mid-leap, the lizard couldn’t alter its course and the blade plunged deep into its torso. The weight took Karolus clean over the wagon, his grip on the sword lost as it remained buried in the now dead lizard.

“Connor, look after Yina!”

“But you said..”

“I know, just do it!”

Karolus saw Stella pushing her opponent away as blood sprayed from the bite in her shoulder. The flitting holly leaves had gone, her concentration on the spell broken from the attack. She touched her shoulder, backing away from the lizard as it stared hungrily. At her touch a dull green light emitted from her hand. Her shoulder appeared healed, or at least in part. 

Sprinting the short distance between them he pulled at his sword but it was stuck firm in the corpse. He cursed and picked up Stella’s warhammer, it was well made, lighter than he expected but swung with purpose as he struck at the scales, loud cracks and a deep yelp as he reigned down several more blows. 

Stella held her palm out in front of her and muttered words Karolus didn’t understand. But he felt safer somehow, as if shielded from harm. This was put to the test immediately as an attack raked against a barrier between him and it. Divine sparks flew as sharp teeth scratched against the magic. 

His confidence grew immensely in that moment and the hammer came down again and again. This time atop of the lizard's head. The skull gave way and the resistance became soft. It crumpled to the ground at Karolus feet as he didn’t stop, he didn’t want to stop.

“It’s dead lad!” Stella shouted at him to get him out of the frenzy.

Karolus was breathing heavily, and for some reason was incredibly thirsty. Aden was no longer raging, their movements were sluggish and defensive. 

The large Samos saw the advantage it had and struck hard. The wound left Aden trying to wield the great axe one handed. It would be a matter of moments before the halfling lost. 

Karolus rushed past Yina, who was sitting up against the wagon with Connor at her side, he was holding a bundle cloth to her head. 

As Karolus came past Connor threw his axe into the air in front of his older brother. Karolus caught it deftly and didn’t stop his stride. Armed with an axe and hammer he stepped into the path of the Calvarian ranger.

Jade green eyes bore into him, they were the same height and of a slender build. Not like the massive soldiers he had seen fighting Galwyn. Karolus stared back feeling the magic Stella had shielded him with now fading. 

The Samos looked about the skirmish area, their hunting pack all dead. The gladius remained threatening out in front.

“You removed it? Still we found you.” The voice was deep and confident, a vicious smile formed. 

Karolus could see the wounds Aden had given the scaled hunter before him.. The halfling had definitely been a handful for the Calvarian.

The highlander chose not to converse and instead attacked with all his might. Swinging axe and hammer, it was chaos and no composure held. This worked in Karolus' favour as the Samos couldn’t anticipate which direction the attacks were coming from. 

As the seconds passed the better trained of the pair saw through the wild swings of the highlander and fell into a rhythm to take their chance.

The gladius parried the axe wide leaving Karolus open to a thrust. He saw the short sword coming towards his chest without any way of stopping it. The axe was too far wide and the hammer too heavy to move swiftly. 

The only thing he could think of was to drop to the ground hoping the strike went too high. The pain as it went through his upper chest and out the back toppled him; he hadn't dropped quick enough. 

He cried out in pain as the Samos was on him on the follow through, as the blade pulled from his chest he cried out again, his blood decorated the air before his eyes. The gladius came down but never made its mark.

A thud, then another and another. Three arrows stuck in the torso of the Samos, puncturing the leather armour and emerald scales. They dropped the gladius and clutched at the arrows. 

Lifeless they fell sideways from Karolus, who arced his head and looked behind him. What he saw changed everything. His little brother, Connor, stood there holding Glen's bow. The quiver on the floor, three arrows missing. 

The pain reminded him he had more important things to worry about. He clutched at the wound, blood poured from it. Aden was nearby in a similar state but was staring at their fallen friend, Roland.

“Hold still will yer.” Stella knelt at his side, both her palms pushed hard onto the wound. 

Karolus gritted his teeth and let out moans of agony. A searing light rushed from Stella’s palms into the wound. It was searing and brought trust with it, but did nothing for the pain. The wound started to heal, flesh knitted itself back together, the internal damage slowly fixing. 

When she was finished he felt the throbbing pain but the wound was healed. He went to sit and nearly passed out. He had more wounds, less deep but still bleed from claw and bite wounds. His adrenalin faded and he felt exhausted. He was ready to sleep for days.

“You ok Karolus?” Connor was at his side and held his hand.

“I’m good, I’m good. Turns out our friend Stella is a healer.” he smiled at them both.

“Aye, some av’ called me that.” she laughed then moved to Aden.

The halfling didn’t flinch as Stella applied the same healing magic to them. They knelt at Rolands side stroking his hair before closing his eyes.

The next few moments were quiet. Aden and Stella performed a prayer to the Drydakka, asking them to make sure the forests grew strong and that his soul walked among them peacefully.

His Naomh oaken staff was planted in the ground as a grave marker for the Drydakka to find and grow his soul a path to their forests.

Old Yina was tougher than old boots it seemed. The elder halfling went about touching the dead Gila lizards. Within moments of her touch the corpses decayed and small roots reached up and consumed them.

Karolus was a little in awe at the magic the halfling had at hand. Awe and gratitude, the healing and shielding were particularly useful. His own wounds were more than he could remember receiving during the fight. It had been so fast. It was the first time he had ever had to fight for his life, and the after feeling was draining.

With their deeper wounds healed by Stellas magic the party packed up the camp. They were to take it in turns sleeping in the wagon. Wanting to make as much distance between them and the fight as possible. 

Night travel wasn’t that bad, the weather settled and the temperature remained mild. The biggest issue was cover. The hills rolled and so you never knew when you were in plain sight of somebody looking or completely hidden. 

Once the prayer for Roland was complete Yin had cast the same decomposing magic on him. Karolus liked to think the roots were more gentle with one of their own land, but he doubted nature cared.

The Calvarian ranger was stripped of anything Stella and Aden found useful, a few coins, the gladius and a hunting bow that was masterfully crafted. Once content with their findings Yina did her thing.

Keeping northward they hiked. The ponies, thankfully, hadn’t been harmed in their previous encounter. It was tiring and Karolus welcomed his turn to sleep in the wagon. It was a tight fit but Connor climbed in and slept next to him.

It was new, Connor had always been the name caller of the pair and a handful when it came to simple things such as saying good night to one another. He had also noticed since sharing the knowledge of the last week or so that his younger brother had not played any adventure games among the trees.

Connor was quieter, more serious at times. He had taken the news inward. His mind swarming with the death of Calvarians.

There were pretty much all one another had now. He appreciated having Stella and company along otherwise he would be dead and who knows what for Connor. Why did they want him?

“Karolus.” Connor whispered

“Yes, Connor.”

“I didn’t mean to kill him.” 

Karolus squeezed him in a tight hug and kissed the top of his head. 

“I was aiming for his sword.” The younger one looked cold staring at his big brother's chest.

Karolus felt deeply sorry for him, he was older and rationalised it as self defence. Their life was in danger and they had to prevent it. But Connor was a day or two ago hunting imaginary monsters in the forests. Now he had taken the life of another. 

“It was them or us, Connor you saved my life.” Karolus moved so he could make eye contact.

“You were a hero today. Don’t ever forget that.” he had both hands on Connors shoulders.

“I thought I would feel happy being a hero but I feel sick.” the tears rolled.

“You will brother you will.” Karolus held him close and eventually the pair fell asleep.

Stella was frying sausages and bacon over a campfire. The sun had been up an hour or two when the smell woke Karolus and Connor. Both were tired, it felt like exhaustion but was deeper than their muscles.

Climbing down from the wagon they welcomed the hearty breakfast and drank deeply. Both drank as if it was the first water they had ever tasted. Hungrily. 

“Here eat these, the sugar will help.” Aden passed them both two honey cakes each. They then took their turn in the wagon. 

“Thank you.” Karolus called as they walked away.

“I am far too old for this horse droppings.” Yina chewed on a bit of bacon where the fat was still attached to both the bit in her mouth and bit in her hand. 

“You’re not the only one. Yer weren't even exaggerating were yer.” Stella gestured at Karolus.

He shook his head and swallowed the last of his bacon before digging into the honeycake’s.

“I really wish I was. Can I ask you something?” He adjusted his sitting position to that of attention and not slouching at the fireside.

“I’m a Cleric of Shiorraidh Cadal.” Stella found it amusing how easy the lad was to read. His hand was on his healed chest wound as he spoke.

“Who?” Connor asked

“Shiorraidh Cadal, they be the bear of the highlands, first of’em. Never heard of em’ have yer?” 

The confused look the brothers gave her made her laugh. 

“Just accept it lads, it be easier. Now Yina, get a message to the village. Let folks know they should pack up and all head to Bruiden. These lizard lot are serious.” Stella was pacing as she spoke, her eyes always on the brothers.

Connor took over cooking breakfast, drinking often. He still felt a little sick from the night before but the food was helping, especially the honey cakes and was doubly pleased when Yina gave him hers as she huffed whilst she went about casting the magical messages.

They were back on the hike. Sticking to known paths was easier on the ponies but every now and then Stella would take them from it and they had to lead the ponies carefully. 

Woodland was ahead of them for a day and a half. The rain came and went often, but it was expected this time of year. 

He thought of Glen, at first it made him want to break and run back to the place where they had parted ways and dig until his hands bled. To find them and bring them back.

However he chose a different path, one that held him determined to find a way to bring them back. But first they needed the wolf.

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