Chapter Thirty Five

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Tarik stayed on the rooftops. By now Sofi ordered his capture. Most likely kill on sight. The Vendari knew his skill set and wouldn’t risk trying to bring him in alive. He had always admired her ability to leave emotion out of her decision making.

His steps were light and no one reacted to the Nabbatan sprinting across the town. The Mausoleum was far behind. Seeing the battle spill out through the doors gave him the distraction needed to slip away.

There had been a moment where getting involved was on his mind, but he had another task to take care of. The wolf. 

Tarik dropped behind a Wyvern stable, waited for the Magistratus guards to leave out front before stepping from the shadows.

“Evening.” he spoke with the eagerness of a tourist.

Coins were exchanged and a moment later the Nabbatan was among the skies above the island. It was risky as the Bastion would be in flight looking for him. 

However they would be looking down and he would be among them. 

The lake came into view and he steered towards it. Flying low he let himself fall from the beast. Spinning twice he landed and rolled to a perfect stand. Quickly scanning the surroundings none of the lake guards had seen him.

From his hiding spot he stared out across the perfect blue surface of the lake. Controlling his breathing. Preparing himself for what was to come. Death.

As the glass disk descended the waters, Tarik removed the hooded robe he wore to cover his face from the guards above. He checked his knives, and counted. His eyes closed, the meditative breathing continued. 

Entering the prison Tarik drew a knife in each hand. Looked across at the Samos guard staring at him. 

“Oh look, it's red eyes. We were told you were coming. Seems you are no longer favoured. ” the old Samos captain spat on the floor in front of Tarik.

“I’m here for the wolf. You have families, if you wish to see them again I would suggest staying out of this.” Tarik turned his stance, ready for all of them. He knew they wouldn’t accept his offer.

The guards came at him. He met the first with a fist to their face knocking them off balance as the sword swing came over his head. The second took a cut across the cheek before a striking knee to the torso.

A third hit the Nabbatan across the back with the flat of their blade. It might not have cut flesh but Tarik would have a heavy bruise if he survived.

Tarik pushed the second away and engaged the third, grabbing their sword arm and slamming his forehead into green scales. He followed up with a hip toss, with the Samos on their back he disarmed them.

Standing to meet the fourth guard, he drove one of his knives through the leather armour deep into their gut, the wound fatal. He took a slash across his own left forearm. He then kicked out the knee of the guard.

Turning he faced the original guard, his timing off as the Samos slammed the pommel of his sword into Tariks face sending him sprawling. He was now laid next to the guard he hip tossed. Wasting no time the knife sank multiple times into their flank. 

Rolling to his feet the lone fighter engaged a fifth, Tarik was too fast for his opponent as sharp steel stabbed into both thighs, then one to the chest before the final blow going up through the Samos jaw into their brain.

Draconic words washed over him with venom, the acidic spell took no purchase. The ground sizzled as did the guards caught in the area.

Tarik turned his ruby gaze towards the Tharros, lunging at them he was intercepted by guard one. He just managed to parry the sword strike with his knife before stepping in and ramming the other blade under the guards armpit, reversing his offhand blade and putting it through his enemies temple.

The Nabbatan warrior didn’t slow, using the weight of the guard he had just killed he danced under a arcane whip of energy and jabbing with his blade into the Tharros guard stomach, as they doubled over he had them in a headlock and jerked upward breaking the casters neck.

Guard two stepped over the bodies and managed to cut Tarik across the shoulder. Red eyes turned on the Samos, there was no mercy in that stare. Throwing a faint before stepping sideways and slamming a powerful kick into the guard's leg, Tarik took advantage of the blow moved behind and slammed both knives into either side of their throat and pushed outwards.

A short throwing spear hit Tarik in the chest, the throw had been a poor one, but true enough to wound him. It came from the captain, who charged at him, roaring and unleashing their breath of fire. Tarik became engulfed and his clothes burnt to ash. He was left standing naked, bleeding from his wounds, one knife in hand.

When the captain was in range the Nabbatan dropped low and using one arm hooked the leg of the incoming Samos, once hooked Tarik rolled into their legs. Unable to bend that way the captain went down and Tarik was atop of them. Stabbing over and over again into their neck and face.

One more stood before him, seemingly unphased by what had just happened to their fellow guards. The price for Tariks head must be high indeed.

They attacked with vigour, their sword hitting nothing but air or parried by the red eyed knife wielder. Tarik had little room to manoeuvre which led to a strike getting through cutting across his ribs. He grunted and stepped in, a short grapple ended with his knife in the eye of the guard.

Sharp teeth tore a chunk of flesh from near Tariks collar bone for being in close proximity. Falling to his back Tarik kicked the Samos’ legs from under them and as they fell towards him, he palmed the knife protruding from the guards eye deeper into their skull. 

It was quiet. The prison was trusted to only a few to guard. Eight was enough, Tarik hoped. He had been studying them for months. Noting which hand they held a blade with, causing conflict to see who stepped up first, committing to memory whom among them was the Tharros.

It was risky fighting so many face to face. He had paid for it. Bruised, cut, bitten and now naked he laid there for a heartbeat. He let out a curse at the wolf's expense and stood.

Galwyn raised his head the best he could. The last round of questioning had taken a toll. His left eye was swollen shut, some of the cuts were still seeping. He recognised fighting when it was happening. The commotion beyond his cell had finished.

What stood before him was surely a sign his mind had finally broken. 

“You conscious wolf?” Tarik asked as he pulled a stool beneath the orb that tethered the Douén.

“Are you naked?” Galwyn growled, not sure if reality or delusion was the better scenario.

“I’m not going to answer that.” Tarik reached up to the orb and gripped it.

Immediately it started to fight against his touch. It tried to throw him off but Tarik held fast. Cracks appeared in the orb, lines raced all about it. He pulled it from its suspension and the magic shattered.

The tethers dissipated and Galwyn slumped forwards. The iron chains kept him somewhat upright.

Tarik stepped into the cell and using the keys taken from the now dead guards removed the chains. The Douén crashed to the floor.

Grunting, the pair were standing. Tarik was far smaller than the wolf and nothing more than a crutch. But it worked for them. 

Leaving the cell and seeing the bodies strewn about Galwyn let out a short gruff laugh. 

“Looks like you gave as good as you got.” The depth of the Douén’s voice was endless.

“Some of us are not seven foot magical wolves.” Tarik retorted as he sat Galwyn down at the guards table. 

The Nabbatan searched guard quarters finding tunics not designed for his physique. As abstract as the fashion looked, he was no longer naked. .

“Find my staff boy!” Galwyn called.

Tarik shook his head and did as politely requested. As he went back and forth he looked in on the other prisoners, all tethered by the same orbs. None made eye contact with him. The orbs sedated them. Galwyn had somehow resisted.

“I can’t find it. Why aren’t you healing?” Tarik thought once unshackled, the Douén’s wounds would regenerate. 

“The spirits can’t find me here. This place is a stain on the natural world.” Galwyn said with disgust.

Tarik agreed. 

“We have a moment to rest but then we need to leave. I have made arrangements for you to get back to Toa.”

The wolf snapped to look at his saviour. 

“I won’t be leaving here without the boy.” Galwyn stated and stood knocking over his chair.

Tarik backed off with his hands out in front of him. 


Galwyn took a step and swayed, Tarik stepped in to brace. The pair shared a look.

“What do you know?” Galwyn asked, fearing the worst.

Tarik sighed.

“The ritual happened. He has the spirit of Algamas.” They both knew what that meant. 

“What of Karolus? Stella and Yina?”

“They were all together, and another, a massive hound, fought at their side. One of yours?”

“Tarl.” the wolf knew deep down his friend wouldn’t have the patience to wait.

Both went about collecting anything they could use to bandage their wounds. The meat and fruit in the pantry was consumed hungrily by Galwyn. 

“If we are doing this it needs to be done now. Sofi will be coming.”

“I thought she was on our side.”

“We had a disagreement.” Tarik was truly saddened, this surprised him. 

“Make it happen.”

Tarik nodded then made his way to the cells. 

One by one he gripped the magical orbs and forced them to shatter. Those tethered faced him as he did. Some smiled, others cried. Anger, hate, relief all showed in their eyes.

None moved.

He had released all five foreigners and nine Calvarian’s.

“I have no idea how long it will be before they come around properly, we should leave.” offered Tarik.

Galwyn agreed. The Douén shifted into a large grey wolf. Matted fur and small wounds were still visible. He looked as though he had just escaped death, which wasn’t far from the truth.

Tarik couldn’t help but smile, but it hurt his jaw to do so.

Taking the glass disc back to the surface. Hooded robe wrapped about his person and limping wolf at his side Tarik made his way back to his previous hiding spot.

The lake guards were edging closer, watching suspiciously. But they relied on the confidence of communication. If the prison guards had not sent word magically or otherwise that something was amiss then they would be less likely to act.

The duo used the streets to head away. Tarik had a wonderful thought of Galwyn trying to roof hop as a wolf. 

He wouldn’t lead them to his villa as Sofi would most definitely have people either sitting there waiting or skulking in the shadows.

If the guard had been willing to die to the last for the bounty on Tariks head then the chances of finding a safe place to lay low were non-existent.  

They took refuge in a small wooded area Tarik had used in his youth to hide from those meaning him harm. Galwyn shifted back and rested against a tree, digging his claws into the ground beneath him.

Relief ran through his entire body. It was as if taking the first drink after being lost in a desert. The brightness of his eyes pulsated with vibrancy then dimmed again, it would take time.

“I’m going to find out what’s going on. The boat doesn’t sail until dawn so we have a few hours.” Tarik did his routine check of hidden knives.

Galwyn didn’t care right now. The Nabbatan left. Once left to his own thoughts he took a long breath and savoured the air. The spirits were still out of reach, Calvaria did not like any source of magic that wasn’t there own. 

The Douén felt better from the walking, bare feet among the small wood. Taking in far fresher air than the stale air beneath the lake.

He rolled his shoulders, stretched out his limbs, ignoring the pain it was causing. Standing to his full height, pushing his chest out and arms above. Every twist and turn made him growl.

Testing his connection he created small blooms in the palm of his hands. Satisfied for now he remained focused.

Rainbow colours swam through the starlit sky. The noise of the wyverns passing constantly overhead was relaxing. His keen hearing told him of the people going about their nightly business outside of the wood. 

“What a mess.” he growled to himself.

Tarik took to the roof tops again. Waiting along the bridge ways for a small friend to pass by. It didn’t take too long, thankfully.  

“Do my eyes deceive me, fair Ruby Knight.” The wyrmling leapt from their driving seat and bowed before Tarik.

“Cestus.” Tarik replied with a nod. 

“It is a blessing I have found you, for there is a claim that you are to blame for a heinous crime.”

“Is that so?”

“But I said to myself that such a Knight as you would never act in such a manner.” Cestus had stepped back up onto his cart as if performing a play.

“I need your help young Cestus.”

“Of course fair Knight.” with a huge toothy grin Cestus welcomed the heavy purse of coin from Tarik and listened.

Sat among the cushions keeping his hood pulled up, Tarik was content none would know it was him as they travelled. 

There wasn’t too much left of the night and Tarik needed to speak with Sofi before collecting Galwyn.

He directed Cestus to a Bastion villa in the area.

“Go tell them you have seen me nearby.” Tarik instructed Cestus.

More coins in hand, the small one was more than willing. Off he went towards the villa. Running and shouting as if in an emergency. Shouting about the red eyed murderer. 

As expected the villa became alive with urgency. Bastion soldiers were following Cestus to the acclaimed spotting of Tarik. Others were taking up positions along the villa grounds, as if Tarik were an army waiting to make a siege. 

But the one he wanted to see didn’t disappoint. From his rooftop position he saw Vendari Sofi. She will have taken a teleportation circle to get here this fast. Something Tarik had been betting on.

Keeping to the shadows and using his exceptional skills in remaining unseen, the Nabbatan climbed the balcony of the room he saw Sofi in. 

Lightly sitting on the rail like a street cat. 

From within he heard Sofi dismissing the aide before her with words of false accusation from the wyrmling. 

Tarik was always impressed, she was always his equal, and he hers.

“Sofi.” he whispered.

Bursting through the thin curtains onto the balcony, sword slashing through the air, she hit nothing because Tarik knew her reaction and had moved accordingly. 

“How dare you!” she thrust the words out past gritted teeth.

“Agamas. You know what this means.” he avoided the subject of assassinating her Prince.

The words slowed Sofi down. She knew what it meant. Everyone in the Maoulaseum knew what it meant.

“I thought so.” Tarik saw the look in those emerald green eyes. 

“You killed…”

“I am leaving.” he cut her off.

Sofi paused, something shifted in her demeanour. They lived in very different worlds. She had become a Vendari, whereas Uldryd had rejected Tarik. Yet they had both been brought to Calvaria when they were youths. A friendship that she thought done with, yet hearing him say he was leaving, hurt.

Tarik felt the same pain speaking them out loud. 

“When?” Sofi asked, not looking at him, the sword now lowered. First Connor now Tarik.

“As the sun rises I shall be beyond Calvaria.” 

Neither would shed tears but both felt sadness in their hearts.

“You murder my Prince, send away Connor, a Vendari, and now come to say goodbye. For what? To rub salt in the wounds, to gloat? Why not just leave Tarik?” Sofi sheathed her blade and stepped close.

In Verndari form she was massive and Tarik almost looked like a youth beside her in this small space.

“I want you to come with me.” his ruby eyes met her emerald.

Sofi smiled.

“You are the second to ask me that this evening.”

Tarik took heart from her words, she spoke of Connor as though gone, Karolus he could guess was the one who asked her. He was a romantic at heart.

“The highlanders escaped?” he asked carefully.

Her look confirmed and he failed to hide his relief and happiness.

“Now is the time Sofi. I know you found out about the mind charms on the children when they are found. You questioned the forces in Toa. Accept the truth of it, come with me.” he stepped back from her ready to leap. His hand held out in front of him. 

She looked at the hand. She thought about the counter of him staying in Calvaria but knew it was folly.

“Goodbye Tarik of House Rook.” Sofi stepped back, her posture proud.

Tarik sighed.

“Goodbye Sofi of House Bastion.” Tarik dropped from the balcony and made his way back to the meeting point he’d arranged with Cestus.

Sofi stepped back into the room. It was quiet. The knock at the door started her. 


“Vendari Sofi, the halfling is awake, she is, well, she is demanding ale.” the voice came from beyond the door.

Sofi chuckled.

“Then give her ale.”

The cart pulled up nearby. Tarik collected Galwyn who shifted again into a large grey wolf. Cestus was instructed to take them to the Iron River close by. Seeing a wolf smile is a strange sight. But as Tarik told the Douén of the escape of the highlanders, Galwyn's lips curled. Tarik laughed and the smile turned to a snarl.

Down at the river's edge, the dark silver colouration of the water spoke of its name. Galwyn shifted to his massive humanoid form. Stepping from the cart he held his arms outside and embraced Cahira. 

Her otter-like features were soft and warm. Welcome to the wolf. 

“Cahira it is beyond good to see you.” Galwyn placed his hand over his heart then hers. 

“And you Galwyn, although you are looking worse for wear.” she mocked.

“Sorry to interrupt but we need to move. Is everything ready Cahira?” Tarik asked, looking over his shoulder.    

“It is indeed. This river runs deep and the sea is not far.” Cahira gestured them to the bank.

Tarik gave Cestus more coins and sent him on his way after a masterful bow and complimentary Ruby Knight goodbye.

The trio waded out into the river until they were shoulder deep. For Tarik this was earlier than the two Douén.

“I need your help.” Tarik asked as the trio prepared to take a breath.

“With what?” asked Galwyn.


Galwyn’s heart shed a tear. He had raised Glen since they were a babe in arms. He had been told of their sacrifice for Connor.

“Did you know them?” Cahira asked softly.

“Never met them.” Tarik replied.

“Oh, then why?” Cahira probed. 

“We will need to travel to Emania.” The wolf saved Tarik from answering Cahira in any great detail, but it did bring concern.

“Land of Iron and Glass?” Tarik whispered, as he bobbed in the water. 

“One and the same.” The wolf looked at the Nabbatan, then his Douén friend.

Beneath the surface of the river were hundreds of water spirits, all bumping into one another playfully. They seemed to converse with Cahira then in a gleeful panic surrounded Galwyn and Tarik.

Tarik felt as if dipped in an ice bath for a moment until his body adjusted. The water spirits were lending him their essence. He could breathe and move as though a creature of the water realm.

The trio followed the river out to sea and Cahira led them in the direction of the Toan Highlands in search of Emania.


End of Part One

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