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Chapter 6

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Faylen's View

We made our way back to Gulonde with Mylriel and Desmond sleeping every night while Akkar and I switched on watching over everyone. For the first half of our journey there was pure silence, but once we crossed the Baste River things changed. The air seemed heavy with anticipation and it put both Akkar and myself on high alert. One night, Akkar came to me as I patrolled the borders of our little campsite. "It is your turn to be sleeping, Akkar. Go rest," I said, barely hearing the nightly songs of the Kukawks and Flamifoutu.

"We should both take watch every night from now until we reach Gulonde, Faylen."

"We are only one week away from Dragon's Veil. If we can reach there, we will be safe."

"I fear that if we do not both stand guard from tonight, harm will find us." I looked at him silently for a moment, listening only to the sounds of the night breeze that carried the scent of pine with it.

"I sense it too," I said softly. I looked away to scan the grasslands around us as I whispered to him. "Alright. We will both keep watch until we reach Dragon's Veil. Then we will take one day of rest each and finish our journey with both of us on guard each night." He gave an abrupt nod and began to walk off, but I spoke up again making him stop and turn to face me. "How quickly do you think we can reach Dragon's Veil? It would mean pushing ourselves, Desmond, and Mylriel."

"That would depend on how hard we push ourselves. Traveling day and night we could make it to the forest in four days. Stopping later and starting earlier, I would estimate when the sun reaches the middle of the sky in five days." I nodded and he headed off, leaving me to my thoughts. As the moon rose higher, I saw Desmond and Mylriel lay down next to each other to go to sleep. I watched until their breathing evened out, then took off the traveling cloak that Akkar had brought me and laid it over them. It just barely covered both, but I saw a smile curl Mylriel's little lips as she snuggled her face into Desmond's chest. I knelt next to her sleeping form and pulled a small piece of hair off her face. It'd gotten stuck in the corner of her mouth and I didn't want her to get sick from it. I took a moment to steal a look at Desmond, wondering why he was so different from any other human I'd met and how he was able to learn our language and customs so quickly. "He will never be one of us, Faylen." I looked up to see Akkar staring at me.

"Perhaps not, but how was he able to learn our language and customs so easily? Why is he so different from every other human we have ever encountered?"

"Regarding his capacity for knowledge and learning, I know not. But how are we to know what the humans are like? Whenever we encounter them we kill them, not befriend them." A twig snapped and my gaze jerked from Akkar. Scanning the grasslands around us, I saw nothing.

"Keep your eyes open. I am exploring with my mind," I said to Akkar. Reaching out, I searched for any other minds that I could connect with. I found three almost instantly and attributed them to Akkar, Desmond, and Mylriel, then reached further and found two more that were behind us on the Old Road. I stayed with them for a moment, waiting for a sign of what they were. After another moment, I snapped out of my exploration and reached for Akkar's mind. "We are being followed. Two humans behind us. About a half mile south."

"I will go investigate, Faylen. If I need your help, I will reach out to you."

"If they are soldiers, kill them. If they are from Tebury, bring them to me." He gave a quick nod and darted off as I drew one of my swords in preparation for a battle. I stayed silent and vigilant as I waited for Akkar to reach out to me or return. After a short while, Akkar returned with no one following him and his sword was sheathed.

"The soldiers are dead, Faylen. They were not from Giwic Keep, but they were soldiers of the human king."

"How did they find our trail?"

"They were on the same path we are following. I sheathed their swords then tossed their bodies into the Baste River to make the humans that find them believe they got swept away by the river."

"Good. With luck, no one else will follow us." He nodded and we stayed silent for the rest of the night. I woke Desmond early and told him to collect Mylriel and her pack.

"May I ask what's happening, Faylen?" he asked as I shouldered his pack.

"We were being followed last night. Akkar resolved the issue, but for safety we should attempt to reach Dragon's Veil as quickly as possible. We will be getting up earlier and stopping for the night later." He nodded as he stood. "Leave the cloak on her," I said when he finally bent down to pick Mylriel up. "It will keep her warmer." He nodded again and lifted her still sleeping body, cradling her against his chest as I tucked the cloak tighter around her. I saw a small smile curl her lips again and let the smallest smile out at knowing she was happy. Desmond looked at me as I backed from them, but didn't say anything and we started off just before the sun rose. When Mylriel had woken up, Desmond set her down to walk but she ran up to me with my travelling cloak in her little arms.


"Yes, young one?" I said as I looked down at her.

"Here's your cloak back," she said as she raised it as high as she could. "Thank you for letting me use it last night. I was really cold even though I was curled up next to Desmond."

"You should hold on to it. You can use it every night until we arrive in Gulonde."

"But won't you be cold?"

"I will be fine, young one." A look of surprise, confusion, and joy crossed her face.

"Thank you." I nodded and she ran back to Desmond, talking to him excitedly.

"You have impressed her," Akkar said in my mind. "But you really should have taken it back."

"If we are both on guard every night, I will not need it. Not to mention that it will be in the way if I need to fight and I did not need it on the way to Tebury."

"Still, it is an elven cloak and should only be possessed by those of elven blood. I only hope the rest of those humans are impressed so easily."

"You know as well as I that they will not be. Attempt to befriend a few. Show them that we are capable of coexistence and that the problem is the human king."

"Do I have a choice on whom I attempt this with?"

"Of course. You may befriend whomever you so choose, but you are ordered to attempt it. I will need help with this example in Gulonde. Collen and I are going to show this, but you would be helpful as well."

"As you wish." We went back to our silence as we pushed to reach Dragon's Veil early. As night crept in on the fourth day, Desmond picked up Mylriel and carried her as we continued walking. After a while, I glanced back to see if Desmond was showing signs of tiring, but he looked just as rested as he had at midday.

"Tiring, Desmond? We have travelled a great distance today so we can afford to stop if needed. Mylriel should not be dropped."

"I'm fine, Faylen. Thank you for asking. If you wish to continue travelling, we can keep going. When I ran messages for King Betyn, I was normally under orders to arrive at the destination as quickly as possible with as few stops as needed. I learned to push myself and have become accustomed to travelling for days with no sleep. I can do that again if needed." I nodded, understanding that he was leaving the decision to me. I thought momentarily and decided to push farther for the day to shorten the remaining time until we reached Dragon's Veil. We walked until the moon was in the middle of the sky before I decided we should stop. Desmond laid Mylriel down then looked at me.

"Get some rest, Desmond. I will wake you as the sun rises so we can continue on our journey." He gave a curt nod and laid down next to Mylriel, wrapping a protective arm around her as he placed her head on his chest. I scanned the grasslands ahead of us and started circling our little campsite, seeing Akkar do the same thing but back from where we'd come from. "We will reach Dragon's Veil tomorrow by midday."

"We can reach it earlier if we leave before the sun rises," Akkar said.

"We are not going to let Desmond have that little sleep. He needs to be able to carry Mylriel safely. I gave her father my word that her safety is placed before my own." Akkar looked at me and I could see the surprise on his face.

"A human's safety before yours? Faylen, your father will be furious."

"Let him be. The young one is innocent to the ways of this world. I will not have her innocence killed on my watch." Akkar looked away, but I could feel his consent to my unspoken order of protecting Mylriel with his life. As the sky lightened with the rising sun, I woke Desmond and told him to collect Mylriel and her pack, then shouldered his pack for him as we started off. When the sun reached quarter height, Dragon's Veil appeared and was closer than I'd expected. "We are almost back to Gulonde. We just need to travel through Dragon's Veil for one week," I said to Mylriel when she came back to walk beside me.

"Is it safe?"

"You will be safe with us, young one. Stay close when we reach the forest." She nodded and ran ahead to Desmond, talking quietly. I reached out and touched her mind, instantly sensing her desire to ask Desmond if they could race ahead to the forest so she could explore it for a moment. I felt a smile curl my lips and left her mind, but reached out to Desmond's mind. "Race her to the forest. You may explore it for a bit, but stay at the edge for safety."

"Yes, Faylen." I left his mind and reached ahead to Akkar, letting him know that Desmond and Mylriel would be racing ahead. He didn't seem to like the idea of them getting so far ahead of us, but I told him that Desmond had orders to stay at the edge of the forest with her for their safety.

"I still do not like letting them get so far ahead of us, Faylen. What if Desmond tries to run?"

"His life vow prevents him from doing so. They will be fine and we can easily keep up with them. Let the young one have some adventure as she stretches her legs. She will be safe." I watched as Desmond and Mylriel took off for the forest. Desmond was behind her by one stride the whole way, telling me that he was letting her win their race. Akkar and I met up with them right at the entrance to the forest but Desmond was shielding Mylriel with his body. I quickly drew a sword and walked to them, seeing Jhaeros pointing his sword at them. "Lower your sword, Jhaeros," I said as I stepped in front of Desmond.

"Are you safe, Princess Faylen?"

"Lower your sword," I said again as I lowered my voice to a more threatening tone. He sheathed his sword and looked at Desmond and Mylriel behind me. "They are not your concern. Threatening those under my protection is cause for exile."

"Yes, my princess. I did not know they were under your protection, but I will return to Gulonde and begin my exile if you command it," he said as I sheathed my own sword.

"You know Desmond gave me his life vow so do not plead innocence on that matter. If we were not the only elven clan left in existence, I would command your exile. However, it would not be wise for me to exile one of my best fighters when we need all the help possible to win this war. Are there others on this path?"

"Yes, Faylen. Your father commanded us to guard the Old Road to prevent humans from discovering it."

"How many and what distance?"

"There are ten of us scattered randomly along the path all the way to Gulonde."

"Reach out to them all. Tell them their orders are going to be changed and they must travel to where the Old Road turns south at the Sea of Ikos. They will receive their new orders there." His face went vacant for a few moments, but his gaze focused and returned to me.

"They will all meet you there. All those past me have begun their travels and none will rest until they reach their destination."

"Good. Travel with us. Your new orders will not take place here. Akkar, resume lead. Young one, stay beside Desmond." We started off and Jhaeros fell into step beside me.

"My deepest apologies, Faylen," he said softly. "Your father had sent Akkar for you, but when none of you returned within a week he feared the worst and sent us to guard the Old Road."

"Do not apologize to me, Jhaeros. You need to apologize to Mylriel for stopping her fun. I allowed her and Desmond to race to Dragon's Veil with the belief they would be safe and could explore the forest's edge until Akkar and I arrived."

"Mylriel is?"

"The young one. Her father entrusted her and her safety to me until he joins us. You will learn more at the Sea of Ikos when everyone receives their new orders." He fell silent but walked ahead of me a bit, quickly catching up to Desmond and Mylriel. Mylriel jumped to Desmond's other side and stayed hidden behind him, trying to stay away from Jhaeros. I reached out and touched her mind, seeing her eyes go wide as I spoke to her with the calmest voice I could muster. "Calm, young one. He wishes to speak with you. He will not take you from Desmond's side and will not harm you. Trust that you are safe." She stopped trying to jump away from him and looked up at him. He spoke to her briefly and she nodded her head as Desmond picked her up and held her close as some Mauttuci skittered up a tree from under a bush.

"I do not think she accepted my apology," Jhaeros said as he returned to my side.

"As long as you apologized. I will speak with her soon." I fell silent as I organized my thoughts about what orders needed to be followed, but remembered my promise to have elves at the entrance to Dragon's Veil and at Baste River when the Teburians started coming through. "Jhaeros, how long will your supplies last?"

"I have enough supplies to last two weeks before I was to receive a fresh supply from Gulonde." I nodded and went back to my silent thinking.

"Will we be stopping for the night, Faylen?" Akkar asked from the front. I glanced at Desmond and saw he was already holding Mylriel's sleeping body.

"Not tonight. We need to arrive at our destination quickly." He gave a curt nod and kept walking. I quickened my pace and caught up to Desmond. "If you need to rest, let me know. I can take her if you feel you may drop her."

"I'll be alright, Faylen. Thank you for your concern, though." I nodded and started to drop back to ensure we were safe from behind but Desmond spoke up. "You frightened her."


"When you talked to her with your mind. That's why I picked her up. She doesn't understand how you did that and it scared her. She's only six, Faylen. Things she doesn't understand are frightening. That won't change until she's gotten used to the new things around her. You have to remember that you took her completely out of the only world she's ever known and have put her in an entirely new one."

"I did not intend to frighten her. I only meant to calm her down so Jhaeros could apologize for stopping her fun."

"That's what he was doing?"

"Yes. Why?"

"I could barely understand that he was apologizing. He was using words far larger than some that I have learned. That means they were much larger than those that Mylriel knows. There's a certain way to speak to a child and it requires words small enough for them to understand."

"All humans have the same knowledge, do they not?" He shook his head.

"As we get older, our speech improves and we understand more complex words. At her age, the biggest word she knows is far smaller than what you all know."

"Such as?"

"The biggest word she probably knows is harvest. Even then, she would only know that it means gathering stuff in fields. She wouldn't understand that it means gathering food from the fields during long hours with hard work." I thought in silence for a moment.

"Will you teach me how to speak with her? I want her to be able to understand me when I am speaking to her."

"You want to learn how to talk to a child?"

"Yes." He smiled but looked a little surprised.

"If you can learn to speak to a child her age, the families from Tebury will be more accepting of you. It will help create the friendships and bonds you are hoping for."

"Good. When will we begin?"

"After a good night's rest in Gulonde. There's too much going on right now during our travels for you to be focused on learning how to talk to a child. May I make a suggestion though, Faylen?"

"Of course."

"No more talking to her in her mind. Not until she asks about it and understands that it's not going to hurt her." I nodded and fell to the back of the line again next to Jhaeros. We walked through the night and half of the next day before we reached the Sea of Ikos. Mylriel hid behind Desmond as we approached the camp of elves that had been guarding the Old Road.

"Your father ordered us to guard the Old Road, Faylen. If he finds out that we have abandoned our posts-" Ashwryn said as she met us at the edge of the clearing.

"I will deal with my father," I said as I interrupted her. She nodded and walked us the rest of the way into the camp. "Are you hungry, young one?" She nodded, but looked a little scared of me. "Ashwryn, take Desmond and Mylriel to eat." She nodded and held her arm out, allowing them to pass her. "Protect the young one at all costs. Her safety is more important than mine. After they are fed, come find me." She nodded and headed off to catch up to them.

"Your orders, Faylen?" asked another of the soldiers. I took a seat beside the small fire they had built, letting it's warmth seep to my bones.

"We will all return to Gulonde for the next two weeks. After that, I will need three guards to come out and stand on the Old Road. One will be here, another at the entrance to Dragon's Veil, and another at Baste River to help our aid cross it. I have many of the humans of Tebury coming along this path. They are coming to our aid. Some will come to us through Giwic Keep under a falsehood of moving away from Tebury, but this path will have the most travel."

"Why are humans coming to Gulonde?"

"I asked these humans for their aid. They will have a section of Gulonde to call their own. I encourage you all to attempt befriending them. Their leader, Collen Timms, is a good human. He believes coexistence between our races is possible. To show that the human king is the true problem in this land and the only cause of this war, we must be able to show that coexistence is possible. The young one that arrived with me is to be protected at all costs. If you wish to learn of these humans, I suggest speaking with her or Desmond. Desmond will have better communication with you, but the young one has had uninterrupted time in Tebury. If you speak with her, make sure to have Desmond help you. She has a small mind for language right now."

"How old is the young one?"

"Six years old." I saw the surprised looks from the other elves. "Yes, she's very young. Her father entrusted her safety to me and I placed her safety before mine." They all nodded.

"She will be protected wherever she goes, Faylen," Vinali said.

"Good. Now, these humans coming to our aid. You all know how hard we are fighting to ensure we can come home after battles. You all know how hard it is when one of us falls. You all know that we are the only elven clan left in Inyarel." They all nodded. "My father does not see most of this. He does not believe that we need the help. However, if we do not receive help from these humans, we will eventually all fall in battle and our race will cease to exist." I let them grasp what I'd just pointed out to them before continuing. "I have Collen's word that they will be on their way after completing their harvest. They will bring food, health supplies, livestock, and their belongings. As I said earlier, they will have their own section in Gulonde so if you feel that you cannot befriend any of them, please stay out of their section. Some of these humans will be joining us in battle, and others will help with other things. Those that join us in battle, I want you all to work with them. Help them enhance their skills with a weapon. Many are like Desmond - quick to learn."

"How do you know this, Faylen?"

"I touched the mind of all of them while I was there. Their minds feel like Desmond's. If you can befriend Desmond, you can befriend any of them as easily. One thing that Collen asked me to make sure everyone knew was that they have a special sign to show trust. Akkar, hold out your hand." He did as told and I grasped it, giving it a firm shake up and down once.

"Would that not make it easier for an untrusted person to stab you though?" Saevel asked.

"That is their custom for showing trust. I do not understand it, but it does work. I did that to the young one's father and he let her leave with me."

"These humans sound unintelligent and stranger than any we have encountered, Faylen."

"That is the other reason why I asked for their aid. The human king seems to take out his fury on them as much as he takes it out on us. An alliance between us will allow for aid to both sides in times of need. Do I have any volunteers that are willing to return out here in two weeks?"

"I'll stay out here, Faylen," Akkar said. "The Tebury humans have already seen me and know that I am one you trust."

"We will return to Gulonde for fresh supplies and some good rest before anyone comes back out to help the humans reach us." Akkar nodded his head. "I will allow you to return out here if you wish to help, though."

"Please. I feel I may show the best help at Baste River. They already trust me and will let me help them across the river."

"Very well, Akkar. I will send you there when it is time to return. You know the dangers of being out there, so please stay safe. Would you like another to help you in case danger comes?"

"That would be good. I will take any you wish to send." I nodded and looked at the others. "I need three more volunteers."

"What are the volunteers for, Faylen?" Ashwryn asked as she came up to the group.

"One to help Akkar when he returns to Baste River, one to stand at the entrance to Dragon's Veil, and one to stand here. All will be helping the Tebury humans find their way to Gulonde."

"I will volunteer. Place me wherever you need, Faylen."

"Thank you," I said, giving her a nod. "Any other volunteers or must I command two more of you?"

"You are certain these humans can be trusted, Faylen?" Saevel asked.


"Then I will volunteer as well. Place me where you need me to be."

"I will volunteer as well, Faylen," said Jhaeros. "May I request the entrance of Dragon's Veil?"

"Of course. Thank you all for volunteering. Ashwryn and Akkar, you will be at Baste River to help the humans cross it. Please be strong if you step in the river and keep each other safe. I do not want anyone killed in any manner. Jhaeros, you will be at the entrance to Dragon's Veil. Any humans coming up the Old Road will be those from Tebury. Do not frighten them the way you frightened the young one and direct them to Saevel." He nodded. "Saevel, you will be here. If they are in the forest and have come past Jhaeros, direct them to Gulonde. Please keep in contact with each other so that none of the humans go missing."

"Faylen, perhaps some one should escort the humans down the Old Road to the next elf. It would ensure none get lost," Thydune suggested.

"Fair point. It would mean two more volunteers. One to go from Ashwryn and Akkar to Jhaeros, and one to go from Jhaeros to Saevel. Do I have any volunteers?"

"I will volunteer," Thydune said.

"Very well. Anyone else?"

"I'll do it, Faylen." I turned and found Desmond standing behind me, and motioned for him to step closer to the fire to warm up.

"Where is Mylriel?" I said, not seeing her and wanting to keep her as safe as possible.

"She's resting," he said as he pointed to her sleeping form about 20 feet away from us. I nodded and felt relief calm my muscles.

"So you wish to volunteer?"

"Yes. It'll help if those from Tebury see a human already working with elves. They all know me so they'll trust me fully, and I'll be able to tell if the humans coming up the road are from Tebury."

"Very good point. I think you might best be suited taking them from Baste River to Jhaeros. Very well. Desmond, you will escort those from Tebury to Jhaeros, and Thydune will escort them to Saevel. After that, they simply need to keep on the shoreline of the Sea of Ikos to find their way to Gulonde. Thank you all for volunteering. Let us get a night's rest and we will head to Gulonde in the morning. Those going to Baste River may want to leave for it in the morning since it will take almost two weeks to reach it safely and the humans are two weeks behind us. We can give you the supplies to last until your return home."

"That would be much appreciated, Faylen. Thank you," Akkar said. As the moon rose higher in the sky while some Mauttuci skittered through the tree tops, I wandered around our campsite, finding myself beside the shoreline as my mind cleared.

"Faylen, you should be resting." I jerked my gaze to find Thydune standing beside a nearby tree. "Go back to camp and rest, my princess. I will keep you safe. You have had a long journey and still have farther to go. And you will need to see your father immediately upon your arrival." A soft chitter came from a Kukawk sitting on a branch above him as it peered down at the top of his head.

"I know. I am not looking forward to that meeting, but it must be done. At least I already have plans for where the humans will live in Gulonde and have already decided to take responsibility for any fights in Gulonde between the humans and us. I doubt there will be any, but better to plan ahead for them."

"Your father will be proud of your plans being ready." I smiled. "May I ask something?" I nodded. "Why did you ask the humans for their help? They are not as smart, fast, or agile as us. Will they not slow us down in battle?"

"Touch Desmond's mind with yours." He looked surprised. "Go ahead. Say nothing, just touch it and see how it feels." I looked out at the Sea of Ikos as I waited for his response. Another soft chittering came from the Kukawk and I turned to look at it, seeing it looking at me and twisting its head sideways.

"That feels strange for a human. Almost distantly familiar."

"Every human mind I touched in Tebury felt the same way. A little more distant, but still familiar. I have touched human minds before and they do not feel familiar at all. I wonder if the Tebury humans are truly human. Desmond learned a life vow in our tongue in less than four weeks. He has learned so many of our customs and traditions just by watching us that he is becoming more elf-like than I have ever known a human to be," I said, turning to look back at him and Mylriel.

"He will never be considered an elf, Faylen. You know the law. You bond with full elf or you are imprisoned to see the end of your clan."

"I know the law, Thydune. And I am not thinking of bonding with him. I simply want to know why his mind feels so familiar if he is human."

"Perhaps a question for your father." I nodded. "Go back to camp and rest, Faylen. You will need the extra energy when we return to Gulonde."

"I cannot sleep. Laying down to rest would be useless." He nodded and I wandered away from the shoreline, slowly making my way around our campsite borders. I heard a soft cry and headed over to the campsite, seeing Mylriel kicking at something under my travelling cloak. I knelt next to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, seeing her body still. "All is well, young one. Go back to sleep," I whispered to her. The next morning, everyone woke up and handed their supplies to Akkar, Ashwryn, and Desmond. "May no harm find you on your journey. Stay safe and protect each other to the best of your abilities." They nodded and Desmond took Mylriel's hand as he knelt in front of her.

"You'll be fine, Millie. Faylen will protect you. She'll take you the rest of the way to Gulonde, alright?"

"Why aren't you coming?"

"I need to go with Akkar and his friend to help the people from Tebury cross the river. You want to see your daddy again soon, don't you?" She nodded eagerly. "Well I have to go help him cross the river. Don't worry, you'll be safe. Go on." She reached up and took my hand, waving her free hand at Desmond. Turning around, we started toward Gulonde again. The remainder of our trip was quiet and quicker than I would have liked, but I went straight to the castle with Mylriel and put her in my room as the sun sank to the wall.

"Stay in here, young one. I will return to take you to dinner soon, but I need to go see my father first." She nodded and headed over to my bed as I left. Now to see Father. Hopefully he does not yell too much.

I walked into the main hall, looking for my father. "Princess Faylen of Gewood, stop right there," came my father's voice. I stopped and drew in a deep breath, already knowing I was in deeper trouble than I thought since he very rarely ever used my full name and title. "Why did you disobey my orders? You took the human and went to Tebury after I gave my final answer of no."

"I went because we need their help, Father, even though you do not see it. They are coming to our aid. Their numbers are fewer than I would like, but they are eager and willing to help, and that alone is enough."

"Regardless of that, you were told no and yet you still went!"

"So you wish to yell at me for giving our people a stronger sense of hope that we will win the war? Or is it that you wish to yell at me for having the wisdom to know when to ask for aid?" Lanquar leaned in to my father and spoke so softly that I couldn't hear what he said, but it calmed my father down.

"May I assume they are travelling here?"

"Yes. They will begin arriving within two weeks. I have already made plans for where they will stay and plan to handle any fights that arise from them joining us in the city. Is there anything else you would wish for me to take care of as my punishment for disobeying your order?"

"At least you were wise to make those plans and assume that role before returning."

"Wisdom comes at any age, Father. If we are done, I will go get the city ready for the humans to arrive. I have much information to pass to our people."

"We are done. The next time you leave after being told no, do not return." I gave a curt nod but knew that he'd retract that statement at some point. I went back to my room and had Mylriel follow me to the kitchen.

"Sit here, young one," I said gently. She sat and I called Ishwaryn over.

"Yes, Faylen?"

"Feed her whatever she would like to eat and keep her safe. I will return for her soon. Young one, stay in here and eat. If you tire before I return, lie down in this corner and I will take you to bed. Understand?"

"Yes. Thank you," she whispered out. I nodded and headed out to the section of the city I was going to use for the Tebury humans, having a few guards follow me.

"I have the humans from Tebury joining us and they will start arriving in two weeks. They will be staying in this area. As they arrive, please escort them here. They may have any of these houses they choose but their Monitingos must stay in this area with them."

"As you command, Faylen."

"One more thing. Attempt to befriend some of them. The young ones are easy to impress and easier to scare, but the older ones have better communication. If a human asks where the castle is because he is looking for his daughter, send him directly to me." They gave a curt nod and headed off, going back to their posts. As I started walking to the healing station, a crowd surrounded me with everyone asking questions at once. "One at a time, please. I cannot understand this many of you at once."

"What are these humans coming here for?" asked Tsarra.

"They are coming to our aid so we do not have to fight as hard or work as hard to come home to our loved ones."

"Are they going to be a problem?" asked Ilvarys.

"They should not be a problem. Any that are caught fighting will be sent to their leader, which I will introduce to you all. If any of you start a fight with them, you are ordered to come see me. We need to show that the true problem in this land is the human king. For that to show, we must attempt to create a coexistence between our races. Attempt befriending them. Some will be joining us in battle, some will be more apt to aid with healing, cooking, building, or some other form of aid to us. Help them find their way to what they work best as."

"What if they say they do not trust us?" asked someone in the back of the crowd.

"Shake their hand. Show them they can trust you."

"Shake their hand?" Tsarra asked. "What does that mean, Faylen?"

"Stick out your hand." She did as instructed. "You grip the other's hand firmly in one of yours, pull it up slightly, then push it back down to the starting location. It is their custom for showing trust." I answered more questions and everyone started to disperse as the sun disappeared. "I will answer the rest of your questions tomorrow," I said to those that were still around me. "I have not slept in almost two weeks and there are things in the castle I need to return to." They all nodded and let me leave.

Heading back into the castle, I went right to the kitchen in search of Mylriel. "She laid down just as the sun sank from view. The young one is quite tired." I smiled as I looked in the corner and saw her curled under a small blanket. "She said she was cold so I gave her the blanket for the night."

"Thank you. I will take her to bed."

"Would you like me to bring you a meal for dinner?"

"No, thank you. I will be fine until morning." Ishwaryn nodded and retrieved the blanket as I picked her up. She curled up smaller in my arms and another smile curled my lips. "You will warm again soon, young one." I hurried to my room and laid her on my bed, laying down beside her and pulling the blankets over us. "Fear nothing and no one here in Gulonde. You are safe from all harm," I whispered to her. She straightened as her face relaxed and I felt another smile curl my lips. I closed my eyes to go to sleep but felt a small arm fall over my waist and a weight land on my chest. I looked down to see what they were, finding Mylriel had turned to face me and was curling her body into mine. I wrapped an arm around her shoulders as I'd seen Desmond do and her body stilled.

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