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Chapter 18

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It took eight weeks, but all those that had been sent to gather ingredients had collected everything, and Tsarra's aids were helping her make all the broths and prepare the healing items for the humans from Defalls and Dorione. Desmond's speed on the training grounds had started to pick up and he was now battling both Thydune and Akkar together every day. I was even starting to make the battle plans but wanted to know that the information about defenses in Madun was still correct or if anything had changed, so I was currently wandering the human area in search of Arlette. "Faylen. I heard you were looking for me. Is there anything I can help you with?" came Arlette's voice from my right. I turned and smiled at her.

"Yes. I was wondering if you had managed to find anyone that was willing to go learn of any changes to the defenses in Madun." She motioned for me to follow her and we stepped into a house with her closing the door behind me.

"None outside of Tarlisa are willing to go," she said sadly. "I'd rather not send my only family and daughter since she could be captured, but I can't force anyone to go and she might be able to get into the barracks to see how many soldiers there are. She shouldn't have known how to get through the mines in Dorione, but somehow she got one of the miners to tell her exactly how to get through them, although she won't say how she managed that."

"Tarlisa will be fine, Arlette. I will send someone with her as protection during her travels. She will only be alone while in the city and for one day's travel to and from the city. Even under a concealment oath, my people would be too easily distinguished as not human." She nodded in understanding.

"I remember. Both you and Thydune had stunning appearances when compared to anyone in Dorione. Even compared to Collen. That's why I asked if you were elven." I nodded. "When would you like to send Tarlisa to Madun?"

"As soon as possible. To properly make the battle plans, I need accurate and current information. I trust the information Desmond has given me, but it has been a long time since he was in Madun, so there may have been changes made. Our last battle may have caused changes as well. I give you my word that she will be safe. I will send one of my best with her as protection and give her a travelling cloak to aid her in staying warm and dry. She will also be given food and water to take with her. Do not worry for her safety during her travels." She nodded and let out a breath.

"She told me she would be cleaning weapons near the training grounds today, so I will send her to you in the morning." I nodded and placed a hand on her arm.

"Thank you, Arlette. No one else would be able to safely get the information we need. We all appreciate this sacrifice, and I will make sure that Tarlisa is kept safe after her departure from Madun. She will not be attending the battle, so have no fear of her being recognized then. I know as a mother, you will worry for her safety no matter what I say, but try not to fear for her." She nodded and I left the house, heading up to the castle to see how things were going on verifying the Tebury Hybrids. As I walked in, I saw the door to my library open and Collen stepped out with one of the women that'd been training in the healing rooms lately and Lanquar right behind her.

"I'll make a note that you've been verified as a Hybrid. If there's a single elven male that captures your heart, you would have to get the marriage approved by Queen Faylen as well, but being a Hybrid will make it easier to be approved. Don't worry about having trouble finding a man you like, Farrah." She thanked him and slipped past, bowing to me.

"Farrah is your name, correct?" I asked, stopping her. She turned and nodded. "You do not need to bow to me. I may be queen, but I am still the Faylen you met when you arrived. I prefer all to be treated equally, including myself."

"Yes, Queen Faylen." I smiled and shook my head, but let her head out of the castle.

"How are the verifications going, Collen?"

"They're going well so far, Faylen. Everyone I have brought in has been able to be verified as a Hybrid using their bloodlines. We haven't had to set anyone aside for further testing yet. I've still got ten more families to verify though." I nodded.

"If any must wait for further testing, it will be after our next battle when testing begins."

"How long until the next battle?"

"At least 12 weeks. I must wait until I have current information before I can plan more." They both nodded and Collen headed out, but Lanquar stayed behind. "Yes, Lanquar?"

"I am impressed at the amount of knowledge Collen Timms has of our writing. He cannot write it or speak our language, but he can read the writing flawlessly and translate what is written into Inyish. I am truly impressed at his gift. May I know how you discovered this talent of his?"

"He had a memory of someone teaching him how to read our writing and asked me to view the memory to discover who she was. Looking at the image of her showed me that it was Eliysen of Dragon's Veil." He nodded.

"I must ask for the knowledge of our people. Is there any progess toward the creation of an heir between yourself and King Desmond?"

"I told you there would be no heir until after our next battle."

"My queen, the creation of an heir is not simply for the succession of your rule. It is to ensure your people have a leader, a future."

"I understand that, Lanquar, but if I am expecting an heir, I will not be as agile or focused in our battle. The battle will take place before Cherry season. My people can wait that long for an heir." He sighed and nodded.

"Is there anything you need me to do, Faylen?"

"I need to see Falinor. He will be escorting one of the Dorione humans to Madun and back." He gave a curt nod and headed out to find Falinor as I pulled my map of the Old Road system from its spot on the shelf and began studying it again. There must be a way for them to travel along the Old Road to avoid discovery, I thought as a knock came on the door before it opened to show Lanquar and Falinor.

"You wished to see me, Faylen?"

"Yes. Please, come in." He came in and I motioned for Lanquar to come in as well.

"How may I be of service?" Falinor asked when the door closed.

"I need my best to escort one of the Dorione humans to Madun and back. This person is to be protected until there is one day's journey to Madun, and they will be on their own while in Madun and traveling back to you. As the clan's master in weapons, I thought you would be best for this task. Are you up for this?"

"Of course. I would be happy to escort the human there and back. Which human will I be escorting?"

"Tarlisa. She is the daughter of the Dorione leader and the only one that was willing to go."

"Tarlisa? She is just a child, Faylen," he said, sounding completely shocked.

"Which is why my absolute best will be escorting her to ensure her safety. She was able to learn how to get through the mines of Dorione when she should not have known how. Her mother feels that she may be able to even learn the true number of soldiers we will be facing when we attack. That knowledge must be protected by my best. I have a map of the layout of Madun, but I need to know the information I have about its defences is still accurate," I said, laying the map Desmond had drawn in front of him. Falinor looked over the map of Madun for a moment, then looked at the map under it to see the location of the city and surrounding land.

"If I stop one day away from the city, I may be spotted. It would be best if I take refuge in Llane Woods while Tarlisa finishes the journey there on her own. I can have her agree to meet me in the same location after a few days to escort her back. It would mean three days on her own before she arrives in Madun, as well as three days after she leaves the city before she is back under my protection."

"There are Canibu in Llane Woods. I do not wish to lose my best to a Canibu."

"I will stay in the trees for sleep so they cannot attack me." I nodded.

"Do you feel it would be safe for her to ride a Lechore to Madun and back? It would cut down on the travel time for you both and she would be safer than if she were travelling those three days on her own. Although she will still be alone, she would have the ability to escape any pursuers at a faster speed than if she were on foot." Falinor looked out the window in thought for a moment.

"That should be alright. I can keep pace with the Lechore and when I get tired we could stop for the night. I would also have the time in Llane Woods to rest from our travels and prepare for the journey home while Tarlisa is in Madun. It may also help her blend in with any other travellers on the road."

"Then it is settled. I will meet you both at the south gate as the sun rises. Make sure there is a Lechore waiting for her. I will have a pack of food and a couple pouches of water for your travels, and will tell her the exact information I need before you leave. I will also lay out a pathway for you to travel, although it may be difficult. I am unsure of the conditions that have befallen that portion of the Old Road." He nodded and gave me a bow, turning and heading out as Lanquar looked at me.

"You are sending them along the Old Road? I thought the Old Road system had been lost to time and reclaimed by the land."

"The roads to Tebury and Waham are still able to be easily travelled. I am holding onto hope that the road to Llane Woods will not be in too poor of a condition to travel. The Old Road crosses the new at three days to Madun. That will be the best point for them to part ways. My only fear is that Tarlisa is captured and Falinor never returns due to waiting for her to return." I leaned heavily on my table as I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of my worries beginning to close in from above me.

"Perhaps giving Tarlisa a set amount of time to discover the information you need would be wise. They would have a set day to meet for their return and if one is not at the meeting point on that day, then the other can assume their capture or death."

"But how long would be enough time for her to discover the amounts, types, and locations of the city's defenses, the amount of troops in the city, and restock their food and water for their return?"

"The types and locations could be learned in two days. Amounts I would think can be discovered in another three days. The food and water can be restocked during the time she is learning all the information you need. However, discovering the amount of troops may take at least a week."

"So you suggest that I tell Falinor to stay hidden in Llane Woods for two weeks while he sleeps in trees and battles Canibu to stay alive? That would not be right to do. I slept in a tree for two days when I was young and even then it was hard on my body. I wish I could tell him to use the concealment oath to join her in Madun, but he would be recognized as not human. The concealment oath does not cover our features enough to fully protect us." We stood in silence for a bit as I tried to think of how long I should give Tarlisa to learn the information. Letting out a heavy sigh, I looked out the window as a time limit came into my mind. "I am still not happy with this time limit, but we need the information and this is the only way to obtain it. Tarlisa will have one week to collect all the information she can before she needs to leave Madun and reunite with Falinor where the Old Road crosses the new. While it does mean that Falinor will be sleeping in trees for a week, he will have time to recouperate before our attack when they return. Will you go have Ishwaryn begin making two packs to go with them so they may eat? Put extra in Falinor's so he can eat while waiting for Tarlisa."

"How much will be needed for the journey there?"

"Six weeks of food for Tarlisa, but give Falinor seven weeks as he will not have access to an inn like Tarlisa will." Lanquar nodded and headed out the door, leaving me alone with the weight of my worries.

"What's wrong, my moon beam?" came Desmond's voice in my mind. "I can sense that you're worried of something." I walked to the window and moved the glass, looking down at the training grounds to see Desmond walking to the edge and looking up as Akkar and Thudune looked at him curiously.

"I am fine, my starlight. Do not worry of my thoughts. Focus on your training."

"Faylen, I'm your bonded mate. You can confide in me. Allow me to help carry your burdens. Tell me, my moon beam."

"When the sun falls. Go back to your training." I cut the connection and locked him from my mind to make him focus, then went back to my table and leaned on it heavily as I studied the maps in front of me, trying to find an alternate route for us to use to approach Madun. Perhaps we could attack Dorione first to give ourselves a large time frame before troops to support Madun arrive. No, that won't work. Mileah is only a two week journey from Madun. The human king could have reinforcements before we arrive if we attack Dorione. Maybe we should attack Giwic Keep first? Then there would be no chance of Gulonde being attacked while we are attacking Madun. It would give us more supplies, more food, additional housing for any new cities that wish to join us, it would deplete a large amount of the human king's troops, and it would give us control over most of the south. I thought this plan over for a bit, but a knock came on the door before I could make a decision. "Yes?" The door opened, revealing Lanquar.

"There are humans at the south gate that wish to speak with you."

"Where are they from?"

"The one who spoke with Jhaeros said they are from Aelwic." I left my table and headed down to the south gate with Lanquar right behind me, but went to the training grounds and grabbed my swords. I knew the guards wouldn't let them injure me, but I wasn't sure how many there were and wanted to be able to help if a battle started. I nodded as we approached the south gate and the gates opened, revealing eight humans. "You stand in the presence of Queen Faylen of Gewood," Lanquar said as he stopped next to me. "State your reason for coming here, humans."

"We wish to give our support to the elven people," said one. Lanquar opened his mouth, but I spoke first.

"Where are you all from?" I asked.

"I'm Theodric from Aelwic, but we are from all the cities except Madun, Dorione, and Giwic Keep, however we could not reach those from Defalls, and have heard that Tebury already joined you. King Betyn has been in power for too long and is abusing his power, Queen Faylen. He is demanding more from us all than we can provide and has begun to attack our cities for not sending the amount of supplies he demands. We cannot survive his rule much longer. Since his last messenger was killed, he has gotten worse. He goes back on agreements he made, he refuses to listen to reason, and he kills his own people for trying to reason with him."

"Who was his last messenger?" Lanquar asked.

"A boy named Desmond. We don't know his family name but he once told Stephen that he was from Tebury," he said as he set a hand on another man's shoulder. I glanced at Lanquar, but spoke in his mind.

"Go get him." Lanquar disappeared from my side and I felt confusion rising from the humans in front of me. "So if this Desmond were still alive, the human king would have your unwavering loyalty?"

"No. If he were alive and able to escape King Betyn, we would back him as our true king. Desmond managed to sneak some old scrolls out and pass them to us before his death. They revealed that a maid murdered the royal family at the time under a promise of marriage from Prince Betyn. Once he received the crown and throne, he ordered her killed as punishment for murdering his family. As the one who plotted to steal the crown from his own family, Betyn has no legal claim to rule," he said, slowing as a murmur started flying around from those behind him as Desmond appeared at my side.

"You sent for me, Queen Faylen?"

"Is this the same Desmond you spoke of? The human king's last messenger that was killed?" I felt confusion hit me hard from Desmond, but ignored it.

"Messenger Desmond. How are you here? We were told you had been killed," said Stephen as Desmond's confusion vanished.

"I nearly was. Faylen saved me from the bandits that were going to, brought me back to health, and I have been serving her ever since. I still serve her now, even though we are bonded. She has had my unwavering loyalty since the day she saved me."

"And she will have the unwavering loyalty of myself and all those from Aelwic from this day forth," said the guy I'd been talking to as he dropped to a knee. Everyone behind him dropped and said the same, making my lips part in shock that they'd given me their loyalty so quickly.

"Please, stand," I said softly as I raised the one from Aelwic to his feet and pushed back my surprise. "Leaders should look each other in the eye. There should not be one looking down on others." I smiled at them as they all stood, seeming surprised by that fact. "King Desmond, will you stand for their honesty that they wish to join the elves and humans that have been aiding us? That they will bring no harm to the city of Gulonde and those inside her walls?"

"I will." I nodded and stepped to the side, motioning for them to come in.

"Welcome to Gulonde." They walked in and a silence began to fall over everyone inside. "Out of curiosity, how did you all travel here, because you would only have gone through Giwic Keep if you trusted them."

"I found an old map of Inyarel in the historical section of Waham's library. It showed a road that led through Dragon's Veil, right to Gulonde," said one man. He was my height with blonde hair and brown eyes, and had a gentle voice that wasn't soft but it wasn't one that sounded full of dangerous threats either.

"And you are?"

"Kevyn Gallus. I'm from Waham. The name was changed slightly to fit with the current times, but my mother named me after an old member of the family. I don't know what made him so important other than the fact that he was the first of our family in Waham." I nodded.

"Well, I am sad to say that there is no more housing available here in Gulonde, but we are quite happy to have more people willing to aid us. We could still use more soldiers if there are any in your towns that are willing to fight. As long as they have the desire to learn and the will to fight, we are happy to train them."

"More soldiers? Forgive me Queen Faylen, but my nephew came home to Cawic for a short visit after the last battle. He said that the elves had been defeated at the Fallen Spires and were going to be leaving Inyarel. Was he wrong on that?" asked someone.

"Just because the human king said we were leaving, does not mean we are. If you survived but had lost many friends and your only remaining family in a battle started by a sneak attack, would you leave and let their deaths be in vain or would you prefer to avenge those you had lost?" He nodded in understanding. "We will have as many as three more battles and they will be our last, but we will win them."

"And if you don't?" I turned and looked at him as I stopped.

"We will win," I said with a straight face. Desmond set his hand on the man's shoulder.

"Strength of mind, determination, and love for those we've lost are the driving forces here, Alistayr. The human king's soldiers are growing tired of fighting for him. I know they are because many said so to me while I was in Madun. If Faylen says our next few battles will be the last and that we will win, believe it. Every elven soldier here excells in battle and every human soldier chose to attend battles. We've all lost something or someone to this war started by Betyn. We all have something that he needs to answer for. How and when he pays for his actions will be up to Queen Faylen, but believe that he will pay for everything." Alistayr nodded and kept following us, but didn't say anything else.

"If there is no more housing, how will people stay for battle training, Queen Faylen?" asked Kevyn.

"That is why I am saying up to three more battles. I am not fully certain yet if we will move to a larger city for a short time to get everyone as trained as possible or if it would be wiser for me to send trainers to your cities for a short time. I was not expecting any other cities to want to join us, but I am more than happy to have you all join us."

"What about wounds for the human soldiers? I know elves and humans don't have the same healing methods."

"We have both elven and human healers that remain a safe distance from the battle, so all wounded are healed safely." We walked around to show them a bit of what we had in Gulonde, but I still wasn't fully certain of their honesty. Some of their questions had me concerned about the safety of my people so I touched their minds briefly, checking to see their intentions and finding that they were true about wanting to join the elven people. It put me at ease and I saw a smile from Desmond as I glanced at him.

"I know you just touched their minds. Believe me, my moon beam. They would not leave the human king's rule if they felt he was the rightful ruler of Inyarel. From the sounds of it, things are beyond terrible and the scrolls I gave them were enough to convince them to aid the elves."

"Come to the castle when we are finished with them. I would like your input on something." When we were headed back to the south gate so they could leave, Theodric asked a question.

"Queen Faylen, other than soldiers, how would we best help the elven people?"

"Soldiers truly are the main thing we need. We have plenty of healers, cooks, and smiths."

"We will see how many in our cities are willing to fight. We can make no promises that any will be willing, but how would we know when your people need our aid in battle?"

"I will send a messenger to up to three of your cities before we attack anywhere. Our attacks would be focused on Giwic Keep, Madun, or both. If we attack both, Giwic Keep would be first so anyone staying in Gulonde would remain safe when we attack Madun, but we would then move there to allow more housing for all. I may need to rethink my current plans, and if we attack Giwic Keep first I will send a messenger to Mileah, Aelwic, and Waham. If any in Mileah wish to fight, they should follow the road through Cawic to Edoburn, then down to Aelwic, collecting others as they go through each city. If any in Waham or Caleah wish to fight, the messenger I send would be happy to bring them back safely to join us. And the messenger to Aelwic would simply be to inform you to expect incoming soldiers. That plan does mean about 30 weeks of travel for those from Mileah, though," I said, slightly upset about the travel time for them.

"We can replenish our supplies at each city before moving to the next," said Stephen. I gave a nod, but was still upset that it'd take that long for them to travel to us safely.

"The battle would be on both sides of Giwic Keep, I'm assuming?" asked Kevyn. I gave a nod with a slight smile. "An attack on both sides would make it harder for them to defend the city making it easier to take, but there might be innocent lives lost as well, Queen Faylen."

"That is what I am trying to avoid. I do not wish to kill those that are simply following the rule of the human king out of fear, and some here have relatives that live in the remaining cities. I do not want to be responsible for overseeing the loss of their family members." I looked off toward the human area and saw Collen walking out to us with his Montingo next to him. "As you can tell, I still have many things to think over before I can truly plan anything, so the plan I gave you is just an example for now as it will more than likely change." They nodded.

"Why don't we all head home and inform those in our city of the new alliance we have created with the elves?" Theodric said. "We can give everyone time to decide if they wish to fight so they can start preparing their skills and so that our cities can get stocked to supply all for a short time."

"Getting your food supplies up shouldn't be a problem," said someone.

"Maybe not for Edoburn, but for my city it's going to be hard. Remember, I'm from Aelwic. We have nowhere to store our goods other than in places that can be burned, and we may have to have enough to supply food for ourselves, Gewood, Wagrove, Edoburn, Cawic, and Mileah. That would mean six times the harvested foods from what we normally do for ourselves, and Betyn already takes half of what we harvest for ourselves."

"Theodric. Good to see you my friend, but what are you doing here?" Collen asked.

"It's good to see you as well, Collen. We've just joined forces with the elves."

"Wonderful. I told you that Betyn was lying about them."

"It wasn't you that convinced us." Collen scrunched his face slightly. "Desmond gave Stephen a scroll that showed Betyn's false rise to the throne."

"I knew there had to be a reason I didn't like him, other than the fact that he was so violent towards us," Collen muttered before setting a hand on Desmond's shoulder. "You could've been killed for taking scrolls from him, my boy. That was wise to prove his false claim, but also very reckless. What if he had caught you?"

"Then at least everyone would have known the truth about him, Father. Will you all take the same pathway back that you used to come here?" Desmond asked as he looked at the group.

"Yes, we will. It will take me longer to return to Aelwic than for Thomasin to return to Edoburn, but if Queen Faylen goes with the example plan she gave, we will need a large store of food that I must help with."

"If Tebury isn't burned down, you're welcome to stop and rest there if needed. I think I may have left a few bags of our food there since our Kinkajoos couldn't carry anything else. If I did and they haven't spoiled yet, you're welcome to them," Collen said. "If you have the manpower in Aelwic and Tebury still stands, you could send people to work the land there as well. It would be a good way to harvest extra goods and give you a small stockpile to replenish your supplies when you arrive. All the homes were left unlocked so your people can pick where they'd like to stay. 

"I may head back through Giwic Keep, then. Just to see if there's anything left in Tebury. It would also let me return to Aelwic faster so we can start preparing."

"There is an old road that goes to Tebury from here. It turns south where the pathway to Waham goes north," I said. "Following that path will allow you to avoid Giwic Keep, remain in the group for safety for most of your travel, and it will take a week after you leave the forest before you arrive in Tebury. If anything of Tebury still stands, you would step into the city itself on the eastern side."

"We took the same path to get here and I still have a map of it. I can give it to you if you'd like, Theodric," Collen said.

"I'll take that path with you," said someone else. "I've got a long trip to Gewood either way, and it'd be best if you have company when you reach the main road. Just in case Betyn's men are walking on it." Theodric nodded and Collen turned to head back to his house, but Desmond stopped him.

"You stay, Father. I'll run to get it for them." He took off before Collen had a chance to argue and I fought back the smile when Collen looked at me.

"Faylen, would I be in trouble for treating him like my child and giving him a spanking?" I chuckled.

"It is hard to say, Collen. He is your son so you have the right, but he is also a king now and the guards will not allow someone to live if they strike him."

"Didn't think I'd be able to," he muttered before chuckling. "Cloud, go get it," he said, pointing toward the healing stores. We turned to watch the Monitingo dash after a Mattuci. "Before you all ask, Cloud's the only one allowed to do this while the elves are out. The others that I've been working with are too skittish around them and don't listen as well." After a minute, Cloud had the squeaking Mattuci in his jaws and was trotting back to our group as Desmond approached. "Cloud, down." Cloud dropped to the ground. "Eat it there." The squeaking stopped and I tried my best not to cringe. "The elves don't care for the sound of him crunching the bones," I heard Collen whisper as I turned back to face the group. "Thanks, Desmond," he said as he reached out for the paper.

"Mother said to tell you that dinner is ready," he said as he handed over the paper before looking at me. "And we have been invited to join if we wish," he said in my mind. Collen nodded and unfolded the paper, passing it to Theodric.

"Right here is where the pathway turns north to go to Waham. That's where you'll want to turn south. Tebury is just about a week from that point. It's hard to see the pathway when you leave the forest, but just keep heading to the south. Once you're out of Dragon's Veil, you lose the safety of the trees for nightly fires, but you also lose the risk of the Greywolf Hound." Theodric and the other man nodded as they studied the map for a moment.

"I just might go that way with you as well," Stephen said. "I'd need to tell any fighters I have exactly how long it'll take to go from one city to the next."

"It should take about five weeks to go from one city to the next," Desmond said. "The only exception to that would be Cawic to Edoburn being about six weeks and Edoburn to Wagrove being about a week." Stephen looked at Desmond in surprise. "If the human king's men are on the road and see you any further than Waham, they'll tell Betyn that they suspect you of siding with the elves. It'd be safer for you to travel straight to Waham so that you could easily get out of trouble by saying that you were visiting Kevyn on the human king's behalf to speak about the supply amounts he's been sending to Madun." Stephen nodded.

"Queen Faylen says that it would be about 30 weeks of travel for any fighters from Mileah to reach Giwic Keep. You know the roads well, Desmond. How long would you say?"

"He is to be addressed as King Desmond as he is bonded to Queen Faylen," Lanquar said.

"It's alright, Lanquar. They've known me for years as Messenger Desmond. I'm happy with just being called Desmond. Stephen, I agree with Faylen. It should be 30 weeks before you reach Giwic Keep if you go the route she said." Stephen nodded and they all headed out the south gate as Cloud came over, licking his lips as he sat next to Collen. Desmond scratched Cloud just under his jaws and got his hand licked, but I saw a small strip of red appear. "Really, Cloud?" Collen glanced over and chuckled.

"Clean it up, boy. Then we'll go get dinner," Collen said. Cloud sniffed Desmond's hand as Collen looked at me. "Faylen, I wanted to let you know that I'll bring the last ten families to the castle to get verified over the next three days. With any luck, no one will need to wait for further testing."

"Thank you, Collen." He bowed his head and left, Cloud following him and waging his tail. "I do not think I will ever get used to that sight."

"What sight, my moon beam?"

"A Monitingo in Gulonde. One that is calm while surrounded by elves."

"Faylen, is there anything else you need me for today?" Lanquar said.

"No. Thank you, Lanquar. You may head home for your dinner. You will return to helping Collen when the sun rises again. It will not be many more days before all have been verified, but I want an elf to bear witness to all validations." He nodded and bowed his head, heading toward his house as the sun fell to the wall.

"Let's go put away our swords, Faylen," Desmond murmured to me. I nodded but felt my worries from earlier coming to weigh me down again. I put my swords away in silence and headed to the castle, deep in thought about attacking Giwic Keep first.

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