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Chapter 8

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Collen's View

"Good morning, Adrion. How are you? Adjusting to life in Gulonde?" I asked as I saw him sitting outside his house.

"I'm not sure what I can do to be of any help here, Collen. I'd love to keep working on my idea of movable glass, but I don't want to be in the way of the elves. Not to mention, just their skills in building far outshine my own skills and make me feel like a kid playing with his father's tools." I chuckled and sat next to him.

"Would it surprise you to learn that you have skills they haven't mastered?"

"You're trying to make me feel better, aren't you?"

"Yes and no." He looked at me, but shook his head and looked back down at the ground between his feet.

"And what skill do I have that the elves don't already do twenty times better than me?"

"Making and installing glass." His gaze jerked to mine. "It's true. Haven't you noticed the lack of windows in the city?" He looked around and I saw his jaw drop.

"That's why it's been so chilly every night."

"Faylen told me the elves don't mind it for most of the year because they like the fresh air, but Orchid season is always cold for them. Your idea of movable glass would be a great aid to them. So would your skills and knowledge on how to make and install the windows."

"Should I go ask Faylen if she wants me to make some?"

"Both Faylen and her father approved it when we were talking about the lack of them. I met the smiths yesterday if you'd like me to introduce you." He looked at me, blatantly confused as to why I was mentioning Faylen's father. "She's the princess, remember? Her father is King Delsaran, and the first thing he asked me is what aid we may be able to provide and he really wants the windows but still wants to have the fresh air. The possibility of movable windows made him really happy." I think. He didn't give me any emotions on anything. Adrion nodded and seemed to get a little happier.

"That'd be a great help, Collen. Thank you. Just let me grab my designs that I was able to make." I nodded and stood as he headed into his house, then went to mine for a moment.

"I'll be back soon, my sweet. I'm going to help Adrion meet the smiths."

"Alright. I may go visit the healing stores and food stores to see if they need any help in those. I think that's all I'll be useful for here."

"We'll all find our best purpose, my sweet. Would you like me to take Cloud or will you stay until I return so he doesn't escape the house again?"

"I'll wait until you return." I nodded and hustled back to Adrion's, seeing him standing at his door and waiting for me.

"The smiths were all excited yesterday when Faylen told them that one of my people knew how to make and install windows. They'll be happy to finally meet you."

"I just hope that I don't end up being in the way."

"Working on glass, you'll probably make them feel that way, my friend," I chuckled out as we got to the smiths. "Good morning. Your name was Arasne, correct?" I said to the woman that was lighting the forge.

"That is correct, Collen. I am glad to see Faylen was right about the quick learning. Who is this you have with you?" she asked as she picked up her hammer from the anvil.

"This is Adrion, the smith from Tebury that can make and install windows." She dropped her hammer and drew in a breath. "He was wondering if he could help over here and possibly continue working on a new design for windows."

"Absolutely. If there is anything you require, Adrion, please let me know." I could tell she was excited to have a glass smith in the shop and turned to face him.

"You'll be good, my friend?" He nodded.

"Thank you, Collen. I had no idea that I might actually be of help here since the elves are so talented at building."

"It is true, we are talented at building and crafting, but glass has always been our short coming," Arasne said. "I would love the chance to watch your methods and learn from you, if that is alright."

"Most definitely," Adrion said.

"I'll leave you two to talk about your trade. Arasne, feel free to keep him all day. I'm sure his wife won't mind." I saw a brief smile from her as she gave a curt nod, and turned to head back to the house so Aviryll could go see where she might be helpful. I saw Desmond heading over to the food stores and made a detour to go see him for a bit. "Good morning, my boy. How are you?" He turned and instantly smiled.

"Still not used to seeing my parents whenever I want, but I'm not sure I want to get over it." I chuckled and gave him a hug. "How are you, Father? Mother doing well?"

"We're doing good. I just got Adrion set up over at the smiths. Arasne seemed happy to meet him."

"I'm sure she's ecstatic. Last night at dinner, King Delsaran was asking Faylen how long it would be before he should be expecting windows on the buildings," he said with a chuckle.

"Shouldn't be too long. And these may be movable too."

"Wow. Hopefully Adrion can do it."

"He will. He's persistent and stubborn when it comes to his ideas. I have a question. Do you know if they need any help in the food or health stores? Your mother's interested."

"I don't see why they wouldn't want the help. They only have the two healers and Ishwaryn is the only cook right now since the ones he trained all excelled at other things." My face scrunched in confusion. "I've noticed that about the elves. They all know everything, but they do what they excel at. Faylen instructed the elves to help everyone from Tebury find their strength, so there shouldn't be any problem with Mother helping in the food or health stores."

"I'll send her to check with Ishwaryn first since he's the only cook. I'd rather there be multiples everywhere so that we're actually helping make things easier here for everyone."

"I'll take her to him and introduce her. I'll also check on the bones from that Greywolf Hound yesterday to see if they're ready for the Quetzal Jackals yet."

"Sounds great. Thank you, Desmond. I'll send your mother right over."

"Have her meet me at the castle. Ishwaryn wanted me to grab him some spices to refill his stock." I nodded and took off back to the house again, sending Aviryll to the castle to meet up with Desmond. I let Cloud out the door with me to wander the area that we were in, and decided to start working on getting others over to the elven area to help out and find their strength.

"Good morning, Collen," came a soft voice behind me. I turned and saw Faylen standing there, looking at Cloud with a touch of nervousness.

"Good morning, Faylen. How are you today?"

"I am well. Yourself?"

"The same. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"I was coming to ask the same of you, as well as to see if the young one that returned with me would be allowed to visit the castle. My father wishes to see her to check on her happiness." I chuckled.

"Let's go ask her mother," I said turning to head back to Adrion's. "I already took Adrion over to the smiths and introduced him to Arasne. Adrion's the one that made and installed the windows."

"Wonderful. He will be most useful there."

"I thought so as well. Aviryll went to meet with Ishwaryn to see if she could help with cooking. If she's not needed, she'll probably check at the healing stores."

"We will help everyone find where they excel, Collen. Have no fear of that." I knocked on Adrion's door as I nodded my response to Faylen, and Gisena answered just a moment later.

"Good morning, Collen. Good morning, Faylen. Adrion isn't here. He said you were introducing him to the smiths," she said to me as she shot a quick nervous glance to Faylen.

"I did and the one I introduced him to was excited to meet him and be able to watch him work. We actually came to see if Mylriel can visit King Delsaran in the castle." She looked nervously behind her as I heard screeching come from inside, telling me the kids were playing.

"She is not in trouble, nor will she be in danger. My father wished to learn of her happiness and adjustment to living in Gulonde. Personally, I like that she was able to get my father to play with her for a short time. It made some of his joy return, which I have not seen since my mother's death in 586 End of World Peace." Gisena's eyes bulged a bit. "You would be welcome to join her."

"I can't leave my boys alone."

"I can watch them if you'd like, Gisena. Or I can go with Faylen and Mylriel to keep an eye on her and make sure she behaves."

"Faylen!" came a squeal from behind Gisena. Mylriel darted out the door between Gisena's right leg and the doorframe, and wrapped Faylen in a hug, getting a hand set on her head.

"Good morning, young one."

"Mommy, can I go with Faylen? Pleeeease?" Gisena sighed and still looked nervous so I spoke up again.

"Gisena, she was safe when she travelled with Faylen to Gulonde and she was returned to you safely, just as you'd been promised she would. There's no need for the worry. The elves are true to their word and will not hurt any of us." Gisena took a deep breath and nodded.

"She may go. Please keep her safe, Faylen."

"No harm is allowed to befall young ones in the city of Gulonde or in the presence of an elf. All will be well, Gisena." She nodded again and told Mylriel to behave, before letting us head down the street with her toward the castle. "Your people are still frightened about the elves. Is there a reason for that?" Faylen asked me softly as Mylriel ran ahead with Cloud jumping in front of her and making her shriek and giggle as she threw her arms around him.

"They're used to what they know, and what they know are the lies that Betyn has been saying. Gisena is one that was starting to believe his lies. She'll be one of the hardest to change, but once she sees the truth, she'll defend any of you until her last breath. The woman has a warrior's heart and is skilled with the farming tools we use, but Betyn didn't take her as a soldier because she's a woman. Adrion and I will do our best to show her the truth of your people quickly, but I suggest putting a sword in her hand when she comes around."

"It will have to be her choice to pick up a sword. She has children and I do not want the children to grow up without a mother because of my request or orders. If she picks up a sword but excells in healing, she would be most useful there and would be requested to help in the healing rooms more than in battle." I nodded as we got closer to the castle.

"Bring her here, Cloud!" I called. He stood to his full height with her arms around his neck and came trotting back to me, Mylriel laughing as she swung from side to side, earning a chuckle from Faylen and I as he lowered to the ground and set her down. "I'll wait out here with Cloud. I don't want him to make anyone nervous, least of all King Delsaran."

"Keep him by your side and under control, and my father will not have a problem as I will be there to protect him if needed." I nodded as Cloud grabbed the back of Mylriel's dress and kept her from running off again. "Stay beside us, young one. My father wishes to see you," Faylen said. Mylriel nodded and grabbed Faylen's hand, making Cloud let go of her as the castle door opened. The soldier put his hand on his sword at the sight of Cloud, and Faylen spoke up as Cloud pinned his ears back. "That will not be necessary, Ilvarys. The Monitingo will remain under control. Take your hand off your sword." Ilvarys let go of his sword and Cloud's ears went back to their normal position. Faylen looked at Ilvarys in silence for a moment, then walked in with Mylriel beside her, motioning for me to follow her. Cloud stayed right beside me and sat down when Faylen and I stopped. "Wait here, Collen. Your Monitingo will not be allowed any closer to my father without his approval." I nodded and watched her walk to the end of the hall with Mylriel, before knocking on a door and whispering to her as she stepped to the side. The door opened and Mylriel jumped up, giving someone a hug. I saw King Delsaran step out into the hall, but he stalled when he saw Cloud next to me. Faylen said something and he nodded, but moved to the side so that she could protect him if needed. I had Cloud lay down, but he pricked his ears and kept staring down the hall, watching Mylriel closely. She tried to pull King Delsaran up closer to Cloud, but he wouldn't budge, so I called down the hall to her.

"The elves and Quetzal Jackals don't get along, Millie. Let King Delsaran stay where he feels safe." She nodded but her shoulders dropped and King Delsaran looked at me, speaking quietly with Faylen. After a moment, she motioned for me to come closer. "Cloud, stay." I took a couple steps to her and she pointed at Cloud, saying that he should come with. I patted my leg and he came right to me, stopping next to me. I put a hand on his head and walked closer to Faylen.

"You may come all the way here, Collen," she said as she stepped next to her father. I walked Cloud all the way to them, but still stopped a couple steps away from them to allow King Delsaran to feel a bit safer and have a way to retreat from Cloud if he desired. Faylen walked to me and stepped on the other side of Cloud before King Delsaran took the last two steps to us with Myriel holding his hand and telling him that he'd be fine.

"He won't attack unless I'm attacked, King Delsaran," I said, hoping to soothe some of his fears. He nodded and looked down at Cloud who was still watching Mylriel. I heard a step behind me and Cloud's gaze jerked in that direction as he spun around, and his ears went back as he bared his teeth with a low growl. Faylen turned to look and spoke up.

"Remove your hand from your sword, Falinor. All is fine. There is no danger."

"The Monitnigo is a danger and you are not in the position to protect King Delsaran, Faylen."

"Do not ignore a command from your princess and general, Falinor. The Monitingo was calm until you approached," King Delsaran snapped. Cloud looked back at King Delsaran for a quick moment but returned his gaze to Falinor.

"He's only aggressive to those who pose a threat to me. If your hand is on your sword, he thinks you're a threat to me. He'll go back to his calm state if you aren't holding your sword." I said without turning around since that would make Cloud move and I didn't want to risk his life. I heard metal slap against metal, and Cloud stopped growling and sat down, telling me it'd be safe for me to turn around. I turned and saw the elf looking at Cloud with a large amount of fear, nervousness, and what I could only describe as hatred. "Your name is Falinor, correct?" The elf gave a brief nod but didn't look away from Cloud. "I know you saw him calm down when you took your hand off your sword. I promise, he won't attack King Delsaran. I'm only this close with him because Faylen asked me to walk down here. Please don't worry of King Delsaran's safety around Cloud," I said as I set a hand on Cloud's head. "Least of all if I'm present."

"Return to your rounds, Falinor," King Delsaran said. Falinor gave a curt nod and turned, heading back out of the hall while Cloud turned back to face King Delsaran and Mylriel. "Will he let me touch him?" I nodded.

"Hold your hand out with the palm up," I said as I knelt next to Cloud. King Delsaran held his hand out and I set my hand under his, letting Cloud sniff it. After a moment, Cloud licked his hand but quickly backed up and sneezed, then laid down with his head next to me, huffing out a breath and making me chuckle. "He likes you."

"Thank you for bringing the young one to see me and for letting me meet the Monitingo who protected my daughter. I must return to my duties now," he said, looking at me.

"My pleasure." King Delsaran nodded and gave Mylriel another hug before thanking her for coming to see him, and turned around to head back into his room. Before he left, Mylriel nodded and kissed his cheek, then jumped onto Cloud's back. He looked at me for a moment, then stood up and shook his whole body, causing her to fall. Faylen caught her before I could move and I looked at Mylriel. "You know he doesn't like you kids riding him. He's not a Kinkajoo Stallion."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Timms."

"Don't apologize to me. I'm not the one you were trying to ride." She gave Cloud a hug and he licked her face, making her giggle again. "Alright, Millie. Let's get you back to you mother. Did you enjoy seeing King Delsaran?" I asked as we turned to head down the hall. She nodded her head and ran to the end of the hall, Cloud right behind her. He grabbed the back of her dress when she stopped and dragged her back to us, making her laugh. "I wish I had him when Desmond was growing up. He would've saved Aviryll and I from all the headaches Desmond gave us." I sighed out, shaking my head. "Oh well."

"I wasn't that bad," came Desmond's voice behind us. I turned and looked, seeing him walking toward us.

"Yes you were. You just don't remember it because you had to grow up quick." He chuckled and picked up Mylriel as he got to us. "Is your mother with Ishwaryn?"

"Yes. He's already had her start helping him with things in the kitchen. I'm surprised Cloud was allowed in the castle." Faylen glanced at him and he nodded.

"Can elves speak with their minds?" I asked, having a feeling that's what'd I'd just seen happen.

"Yes. We often do, although not in battles. We need full focus on our opponent to win." I nodded, but ignored my curiosity on what Faylen had told Desmond in his mind.

"Well, I'm going to get some more people into the elven area to see where they can help most. Do you want me to bring anyone to the training grounds, Faylen?" I asked as we got to the door that was opening for us.

"Not today. The best trainers are on guard duty today. I will have one in the training grounds tomorrow to teach those that wish to join the battles." I nodded but a woman ran up to our group, getting a hug from Mylriel.

"Faylen, we are running low health supplies now. I just shooed a couple families of Mauttuci out of the health stores."

"We will be doing a raid in the next two days. Do we have enough to last until then?"

"Not if anyone in the raid gets injured. And even those would not help. We need the ones from the forest that the humans never collect." Faylen let out a heavy sigh, but nodded.

"Alright. Desmond, go with Tsarra and learn what supplies we need and collect some bags for them. We will go collect them today." Desmond set Mylriel down and we all stepped off the steps as Tsarra and Desmond went back to the health stores. Faylen looked around the sky above the city for a moment, then turned to look at the guard. "Have you seen any Flamifoutu in the city today?"

"No, Faylen. I think they may be avoiding the Monitingos that have come." She nodded and looked back at me.

"If you would like, you may take Cloud to the health and food stores to chase and eat all the Mauttuci he can. I will go check with Ishwaryn about the status of the bones and will bring you a bag to collect the Mauttuci that Cloud does not eat." I nodded.

"Be safe outside the walls, Faylen." She gave me a small nod and headed back in the castle as I sent Mylriel home and went to the health stores to let Cloud chase the Silver-tailed Darters. Faylen appeared as he caught the first one and gave me a bag, saying that Aviryll would bring the bones home tonight. "Thank you, Faylen. I'm not sure how many he's going to eat before he's full, but I'll pick up the ones that he doesn't eat. What do you want me to do with them?"

"You may take them to the rest of the Monitingos in the human area if you wish, or you may keep them all for Cloud. It is your choice." I nodded and watched Cloud as he took off after another one, Faylen disappearing at some point. Cloud spent the rest of the day chasing Silver-tailed Darters and had finally stopped eating them after the tenth one, so I was dropping them in the bag Faylen had given me. By the time the sun reached the wall, Cloud had cleared them from the health store and was following me to the food stores. I had about twelve Silver-tailed Darters in the bag and kept looking up to the castle to see if Aviryll was heading home yet. Adrion popped up as I sent Cloud to search the food stores.

"Collen. How have you been today?"

"Busy picking up bodies," I said as I opened the bag for him. He looked in and laughed.

"Finally got full of them, huh Cloud?" he called. Cloud looked back and wagged his tail, then went back to sniffing around the barrels. "He ate about nine or ten each night on the way here once we got in the forest. Didn't want to leave for the first week though."

"He knew he couldn't protect you if he went far enough to get food. Ah, there's Aviryll. Would you mind watching him for a moment? I want to get that bag from her." He nodded and took the bag I was holding, letting me run to Aviryll. "Let me take that bag, my sweet. I know it's heavy for you."

"Thank you, Collen. There's still some meat on them, but it was too tough to come off when Ishwaryn was cooking them." I tossed the bag over my shoulder and walked Aviryll back to the food stores. "Do we need food at the house?"

"No. Cloud's been chasing Silver-tailed Darters all afternoon. Adrion kept an eye on him for me so I could come take this heavy bag from you," I said, making her smile and press a kiss to my cheek.

"Aviryll. How was your day?" Adrion said as we got closer.

"Not as hot as yours was. I was in the kitchens learning to help cook."

"I'm happy to be a taste tester for anything you make." We laughed as I looked at Cloud, seeing him catch another one and chomp down on it before bringing it to me.

"Good boy. Any more in there?" I asked as I dropped it in the bag. He looked back at the food stores and huffed out a breath as he plopped on the ground in front of me, making me chuckle. "No more, huh? Did you at least have fun?" He wagged his tail but didn't look like he wanted to even get up to walk home. "Alright. Well, come on boy. Let's go home. You've got a couple bones you can chew on." He licked his mouth and stood, sniffing the bags and trying to take the bag of bones from me. "No. Go home and you'll get them there." He took off running to the house as Adrion took the bag of Silver-tailed Darters from me again. "So how was your day, Adrion?"

"Wonderful. Arasne helped me figure out what was wrong with the design for the movable windows. Now it's just a matter of making and installing them. I've got no idea how long that's going to take me though. There's a lot more windows here than there were in Tebury. And reaching the ones in the castle might be hard."

"I'm pretty sure they won't mind if you go inside to reach the windows if needed." He nodded as we got to our area. I saw Cloud looking out the window at us from inside the house, making me wonder how he got inside. "You have a good night, Adrion. Let Gisena know that if she wants to join in the battles, Faylen's going to have one of the trainers in the training grounds. She's more than welcome to go if she wants, but Faylen will not request or order it since you both have kids."

"Ishwaryn also said that he's happy to train anyone else that wants to come join us tomorrow. If she'd rather cook, I can take her over with me," Aviryll said.

"I'll let her know. She may go for the cooking because of the kids, but before we got here she was already seeing how I felt about her going into battle. We'll see. Oh, here's your bag of bodies, Collen." I laughed but Aviryll took the bag before I could get it. "Have a good night, my friends," he said as he headed off to his home.

"What did he mean by bag of bodies?" Aviryll asked quietly.

"Cloud couldn't eat everything he caught. Those are his leftovers, but I was going to give them to all the Quetzal Jackals when I pass out the bones."

"Let's go take care of that before we go home, then."

"Let's give Cloud his bones so he stays in the house, first." She nodded and took a couple bones, heading to the house and handing him one through the window before setting his second bone just inside the door and coming back to me. "Treat time for everyone." I saw a few people down the street that had Quetzal Jackals jumping around them and waved them over. "I've got Silver-tailed Darters and Greywolf Hound bones for your Quetzals." They all took a Silver-tailed Darter and a couple bones each, with more coming out of their homes as the Quetzals started taking more interest in the bags. "Last call for bones and Silver-tails!" I hollered. A couple more people came out with their Quetzals who jumped on me to get the bones I was holding. They pulled them back and I handed the bones to them, watching as they trotted back to their houses and disappeared inside.

"Where'd all this come from, Collen?" asked Gabruil.

"A Greywolf Hound tried to attack Faylen yesterday, and Cloud couldn't eat anymore of the Silver-tails he caught today."

"He's allowed in the elven area but ours aren't? How is that fair?"

"Cloud's allowed there because he's so well behaved. Like I've been telling you since you got your Quetzal, train him. Get yours trained and they may allow him over to catch the Silver-tails as well. I know Cloud could've used the help today." He sighed and headed back to his house with the last Silver-tailed Darter, his Quetzal jumping around with the bone in his mouth. "I'm worried he's going to start causing issues since Cloud can go into the elven area but no others are allowed," I murmured to Aviryll.

"Just give the same reasoning to everyone that you just gave him. They need better control on their Quetzals anyway." I nodded.

"Think I'll check with the smiths tomorrow. Faylen said she was going to ask if there was a way for them to make a rope to control their Quetzals. It'd smooth over any issues that Gabruil starts since the options would be leaving the Quetzal home, taking them over on the rope, or training them."

"That sounds good. Check with them in the morning, but for the night, forget about Gabruil and his questions. There's no issue right now. Let me make you some dinner."

"You've been cooking all day, my sweet."

"I've been learning all day. Learning what the spices and herbs are called that the elves use, learning the portions they eat and cook, learning where everything is in Ishwaryn's kitchen, learning where each spice and herb is harvested and how it's prepared for storage, and learning how they add the different ingredients. I barely did any cooking." I chuckled and we headed in, stepping over Cloud as he slept with a bone in his mouth and the other under a paw.

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