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Chapter 13

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Desmond's View

I caught Faylen's head as it fell backward and laid it on her pillow, then pulled the covers over her to keep her warm. "She will sleep until the sun is in the middle of the sky tomorrow," Tsarra said.

"And all her energy will be restored from just the one bowl?"

"Yes. You remember the recipe for it?" I nodded. "Good. And what is the broth she just drank with the ingredients for its creation?"

"Caffetaxime. The ingredients are a quarter of Rosemary root, three Pepper leaves, two Cherry Tree fruit, and four Garlic stems all boiled together."

"And the purpose of the broth?" I thought for a moment on that one as a Wisteria Quail landed in the window, giving a few soft chirps.

"Caffetaxime both restores energy and speeds the healing process if combined with Aldovice. Correct?"

"King Delsaran was correct about your intelligence and memory. I am glad you remember your teachings for the healing rooms." I smiled, but was surprised that King Delsaran had said that about me.

"Will we be learning anything new tomorrow?"

"No. You have learned all of the medicines we use, the ingredients required for each medicine, and how each is made. You have done well and learned everything you can from me. See King Delsaran and he will give you your new task." I nodded and followed Tsarra out of Faylen's room, but went into the dining room as she left the castle.

"How did your lessons for the healing rooms go, Desmond?" King Delsaran asked as I sat down at the table with him for dinner.

"They went well. Tsarra said that my lessons with her are complete."

"I expected nothing less. Have there been any sightings of Faylen?"

"She's returned, but is in her room sleeping. Tsarra gave her Caffetaxime as Thydune said she hadn't slept in the last three weeks and we heard her stumbling as we approached the room." King Delsaran nodded.

"They must have been in danger on their return," I heard him mutter. I said nothing and we ate our dinner in silence.

"What are my orders now that Faylen is back, King Delsaran?"

"Return to her side and aid her as normal. I am impressed at the intelligence you showed during your lessons."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For giving me the chance to learn more about the elven people while Faylen was gone. Since I was young, I was raised to love the elves, and now I know why you and your people should be loved. You're highly intelligent, dedicated to your respective crafts, loyal, protective, and kind. All the qualities that humans should have but lack. If an elf was the one that all of Inyarel looked to, I've no doubts that we'd be living in a different world."

"We have that in common, Desmond. Have a good rest. We will see each other when the sun rises," he said as he stood from the table. I finished the last couple bites of my dinner, and headed back up to Faylen's room so I could go to bed. I woke up in the morning to see Faylen starting to stir and smiled, happy that she was finally back. I stretched my arms and back, then sat up as Faylen's eyes opened.

"Welcome home. How did you sleep?" I asked with a smile, confused as to why she was already awake.

"Quite well, thank you. How did the humans and elves get along while I was gone? Were there any disputes between them?" she asked as she finally sat up.

"None. Everyone got along perfectly." She nodded and stood, heading behind the screen in her room as we continued speaking. "How are you already awake? Tsarra said that you would sleep until the sun was in the middle of the sky."

"Even strong Aldovice has never been able to make me sleep past the rise of the sun." I smiled and nodded, hoping that she'd at least gotten enough sleep. "I assume you caught my head as I fell asleep?"


"And Thydune did state that I had not slept in three weeks?"

"Yes." I heard her mutter something but it was in Faejesh and too low for me to hear the words to ask someone later. "What was that?" I asked, hoping she'd repeat herself.

"Nothing to worry of," she said as she came out from behind the screen in clean clothes with a washed face. "Have there been any sightings of human soldiers near the city or have there been any reports of their movements?"

"None that I know of, but your father wouldn't let me know of those. He had me working with the healers and smiths, and taking lessons in Faejesh while you were gone." She looked at me, curiosity filling her eyes.

"So you speak our language better now?"

"That I do, Princess Faylen of Gewood. Would you like to test my...vocabulary?" I said in her mind, slowly to make sure I said everything right.

"It is easier when spoken out loud, but that was very well said. Good to know that my father did not allow you to sit idly by while I was gone." I chuckled.

"I'm happy about it too. I got to learn more about the elves and make more friends." She paused before opening her bedroom door.

"Would you like to learn more?"

"I'd love to, however the only thing your father wouldn't send me for was battle training. He refused to let me train with anyone on the training grounds." She nodded.

"You are valuable to us, Desmond. Do not be upset about his refusal," she said gently.

"I'm not. I just wanted to join in the battles if possible. The human king took many things from me too. I just wanted the chance to repay him for all of them."

"And for now, that is best done by informing me of his weaknesses. Understand?" I nodded.

"I understand, Faylen," I said in Faejesh. She let out a soft chuckle and opened the door, leading the way down to the dining room. After breakfast, she went into her father's library with him and spoke with him, leaving me to stand outside the door.

Over the next week, things seemed to get back to normal around Gulonde. Faylen would train, spend time looking over her maps, then spend more time going over the amounts in the health and food stores. She'd wander the wall and check on the soldiers, changing out ones that needed rest for others that were fully rested, then spend some time walking around the human area and mingling with some of the people. Most still seemed afraid of her and the Quetzal Jackals still avoided any elf that came near, but all the children and Cloud seemed to be fine with her. Once, Mylriel came running to her and gave her a hug before dragging her over to meet her friends. Their parents had seemed nervous at her approach but I pulled them aside and talked to them. I told them that she'd never hurt them and had even kept Mylriel safe from her own people when they surprised us at the edge of Dragon's Veil. They seemed to relax but a couple of them still kept an eye on the kids to make sure everyone stayed safe.

"Desmond, can you find all the available housing in the area and open the doors? We have some new allies arriving soon," Faylen said one day as she looked away from the children that were trying to get her to play tag.

"Of course."

"Thank you. I will return with them shortly." She headed off and the children looked after her, upset that she wasn't playing.

"She's got something she has to go take care of at the moment. She'll be back soon," I said when they looked at me. They nodded and ran off after each other, getting started on their game of tag. I chuckled and my father appeared at my side.

"I remember when you were that age. You were a handful."

"I was a kid. What did you expect? Me working in the fields at five?" He smiled, but shook his head.

"Nothing less than the headache you gave your mother and I. You seem lost, Desmond. What can I help you with?"

"Faylen said we have some new allies coming soon and asked me to open the doors of any available houses. Know which ones are still open?" He motioned for me to follow him and I did. We got to the very back of the human area near the wall and he started opening doors.

"All these back here are open for use. Is it the people from Dorione coming in?"

"I would assume so, but she didn't say." He nodded.

"Not many houses left open, but it should be enough for the ones that want to join. If not, I'll have some people take others into their homes." I nodded and we hustled through getting the doors open, finishing just as I heard silence start to fall over the area. I turned and saw Faylen walking towards us with a group of people behind her. There didn't seem to be any Quetzal Jackals with them which surprised me, but I knew if there had been, it'd be more tense for the elves and the Quetzal Jackals that were already here. Faylen was talking with a couple of women in the front of the group, but I couldn't hear anything she was saying. Putting on a smile since I knew this would be tough on both of us, I walked up to her.

"The doors to all the available homes are open, Faylen."

"Thank you, Desmond."

"What are you doing here?" asked the innkeeper.

"I'm in Faylen's debt," I said simply.

"How can you be? You're the king's little bootlicker."

"Enough, Arlette. All within these walls are friends of the elves. None here wish us harm, and Desmond is incapable of harming any due to a vow he gave. Please calm yourself and let the past go."

"I'll talk to her later," my dad whispered in my ear. "Arlette, wonderful to see you again. And Tarlisa came along as well. Good to see you too, dear." Arlette moved her gaze to my father and smiled at him.

"Collen, have you been eating well?"

"Yes. Aviryll's been making sure of that."

"Good. I brought you something," she said, passing him a pouch.

"Arlette, you keep being this good to me, and you're going to make Aviryll jealous," my father said, earning a laugh from her. Faylen motioned at the open doors and the group headed toward them, but I caught Arlette's arm, stopping her in her tracks.

"May we speak for a moment?" She looked like she wanted to slap me, but gave a curt nod. I led her a few steps away from everyone, ignoring the looks my father and Faylen were giving me. "Where does your hatred of me come from?" I asked softly as I stopped and gently tugged her in front of me.

"You support King Betyn. You shouldn't be here," she hissed out.

"I have never truly supported the human king. He took me from my home and parents at seven years old. He consistently threatened to kill me, have me killed, or have my parents killed if I disobeyed. I only obeyed his commands out of fear for the lives of my parents and myself. Never once did he have my loyalty. Faylen has my loyalty; no other." She studied my face for a moment, but it didn't look like she believed me. "I wish there was a way to prove to you that I've never been loyal to the human king."

"There is a way," came Faylen's voice from beside me. I jumped since I hadn't seen her coming, then chuckled.

"You move too quietly, Faylen."

"A gift of the elves, and one that you must learn if you ever wish to take part in battles," she said as she tried to hide a small smile. "Arlette, may I help you see that Desmond is telling the truth of this matter?"

"How can you, Faylen?"

"By connecting our minds."

"Will it hurt?" She shook her head and Arlette gave a nod.

"Desmond, relax your mind and keep silent," Faylen said. Arlette gave a look of surprise, but nodded at Faylen. A moment later, I felt Faylen's mind bump against mine but it felt stronger than normal. I saw flashes of my childhood, the night I was taken, flashes of being Betyn's prisoner and then servant, and even flashes of times after I'd become his messenger. Faylen's presence in my mind vanished after I saw her rescuing me, and tears threatened to come up in my eyes. "Are you alright, Desmond?" Faylen asked as she set a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and took a deep breath, looking up at the sky that was starting to turn colors as the sun began to set. "Go to the castle. We will speak there in a moment." I nodded again and headed off, going right to the castle and up to Faylen's room. "Desmond, are you alright?" Faylen asked as she walked in her room just minutes later. I nodded, still fighting back tears at some of those memories I'd seen flashing through my mind. "Speak truthfully. I cannot help if you are not honest." I raised my gaze to hers and knew she could see the tears in my eyes when she knelt next to me. "Please, Desmond. Allow me to help you," she murmured.

"I was seeing all those memories fly through my mind and many of them brought painful emotions when they came up. That's all it was, Faylen. I'll be fine."

"You still have pain from your memories?"

"Just a few of them. Like the one of when I was taken from my home and the one of when Betyn told me Tebury had been burned by those of Giwic Keep." I wiped the tears from my eyes and looked up at the ceiling, trying to force them back until a gentle hand landed on mine. I brought my gaze back down to Faylen and saw a tenderness in her eyes that I'd never seen from her before.

"Would you like to speak about them or would you rather have your mind healed?" she asked softly.

"Neither is necessary. I'll be fine in a bit. Thank you though." Placing a hand behind my neck, she pressed our foreheads together for a moment and I felt some of my sadness leave as comfort washed over me, stopping my tears.

"Come with me." She stood and tugged my hand, making me stand up with her. Before she could move again, I gently pulled her into me and pressed a kiss to her cheek, getting a surprised look from her.

"Thank you for the comfort. It helped more than I thought it would." She gave me a soft smile and had me follow her out of the castle and to the healing rooms.

"Adrella?" Faylen said as she walked in.

"Yes, Faylen?"

"Desmond needs his mind healed. Memories from many years ago are painful to him." I felt Faylen's mind bump against my own for a second, vanishing as I thought of how low my energy was already. "He will also need his energy restored from thinking of them." Adrella nodded.

"Lie down on a bed, Desmond. I will return shortly with a broth for you." I nodded and she headed to the back of the healing rooms with some ingredients in her arms. Faylen led me to a bed and I sat on it, looking up at her.

"This really isn't necessary, Faylen. I promise, I'll be fine in a bit."

"Lay back and relax, Desmond," she murmured. I fully laid on the bed but leaned back against the wall. "Drink the broth Adrella gives you. It will make you tired, but it will help. You may come find me when you wake, but take all the time you need to heal your mind." I nodded and Faylen put her hand behind my neck again, pressing our foreheads together for a minute. I felt more comfort wash over me, but before I could open my eyes, I felt Faylen's touch disappear. Opening my eyes, I saw Adrella walking up to hand me a bowl.

"Drink and lie down, Desmond. It will help." I took the bowl and drank the mixture, watching Adrella take my empty bowl as I scooted down on the bed before my eyes closed. I fell into the deepest sleep I'd ever had and could swear that I saw visions of my mind as if I were looking down at it. There were many small scars and rips on my mind, but there were three large tears that went deep, one almost tearing my mind in two. I watched as the fissures were closed, seeing a sort of weaving pattern on the smaller ones, and the scars slowly vanished behind some fog, seemingly as if they were wiped away. When the weaving got to the largest rip, I watched as it slowly went from one side to the other, sensing a pain worse than any I'd known before, although it wasn't bringing tears to my eyes. I don't know how long I sat and watched that fissure get closed up, but I kept watching as the fog wiped over the now closed wound numerous times. It was still wiping over the spot as I felt my eyes begin to open. "Good morning, Desmond," came a calm voice to my right. I looked in that direction and heard a small chuckle as my eyes landed on Adrella. "How do you feel?"

"Confused, but better than when I went to sleep. How long have I been here?"

"This is your second day. You must have had many things to repair."

"It was like I was looking down at my mind from above. I watched rips get mended with no needle, thread, or bandages, and I watched scars vanish before my eyes." She nodded.

"You were watching the Aldovice work. Do you still have pain from any memories?" I thought of my most painful memories, but only felt a fraction of what I'd normally feel when thinking of the night I was taken.

"Nothing anywhere near as bad as what I've grown accustomed to. It's almost like feeling the memory of pain. It's there, but not enough to cause true pain." She nodded again.

"Something did not fully heal or was too far in the past to heal completely. I would give you more Aldovice, but I cannot give you more for two weeks. It could cause damage to your mind if you had it before then." I nodded in understanding.

"That's alright, Adrella. I'll be fine with the little pain I feel now. If it gets any worse though after two weeks, I'll come back and let you know."

"Please do," she said as she nodded. "Since you woke on your own, your body has fought off the Aldovice and your energy is fully restored, however you will still sleep deeply tonight. Be prepared to start fighting sleep as the sun gets closer to the wall. I also suggest going to see your mother. She came in to see you yesterday and was worried that you had not moved once by the time she left." I smiled.

"Faylen told me to come see her when I wake, so I'll go see my mother after. If she comes in again today, just tell her I'll be at the house later." Adrella nodded and I slowly got up, feeling like I had enough energy to leap over the city walls. I made my way up to the castle and got to the doors just as Faylen stepped out of them.

"Good morning, Desmond. Are you better?"

"Much. I didn't think Aldovice would do that much to my mind."

"Do you feel any more pain from your memories?" she asked softly.

"Only the memory of pain, but not actual pain like before. Thank you for healing my mind, Faylen." She nodded and headed down to the training area. "Is there anything I can help you with today?" I asked as she picked up her swords.

"Not today. I will be going on a raid when the sun sinks below the wall."

"Alright. Well, I'm going to go see my mother. Apparently she was worried yesterday when she went in to see me."

"She was. I saw her after she left. Hurry to her and show her you are healed." I nodded and turned to go find my mother as Faylen went onto the training grounds.

Faylen's View

"Faylen, soldiers are coming to the city. They will be at the south gate soon," came Thydune's clear voice in my mind, two weeks later. I hurried over to the training grounds from the healing stores as I called for all available soldiers to prepare for battle and meet me at the south gate. A few humans were on the training grounds and seemed confused when the elves training them ran off, but I went to them and told them to go get any humans that were trained in battle and to meet us all at the south gate.

"How many soldiers are there?" I asked Thydune. It took a few minutes, but I got a response as I started on my way to the gate.

"There are 400, Faylen. This will be a tough battle for us."

"I have the humans that have trained in battle joining us. Hopefully their training will prove useful." I saw Desmond standing with the group at the gate and walked over to him. "You will not be joining, Desmond. You have not trained in battle and I do not want the human king to learn you are still alive. If he has any sense at all, he would strengthen all of his weaknesses and destroy all the progress we have made. It is best if you remain unseen by any of his troops in case there are any that escape." He sighed, but nodded and headed off toward the castle. I looked at the troops gathered in front of me and quickly counted them, seeing a couple more humans hurrying to the group. "Soldiers of the human king are almost at our gates. If they are allowed to enter the city, they will kill all inside the walls. We cannot let that happen. There are only 100 of us and we face 400 of them. Many of us will be injured, but do not let that fear cloud your mind. Instead, use it to drive your will to win and we will be victorious in this battle as we have in many battles past." They cheered and the gates opened. We got halfway to the main road and saw the soldiers coming toward us. "Do not run to meet them. Let them expend the extra energy," I said in everyone's mind. The human soldiers ahead of us faltered for a moment, but came running at us while screaming. I felt the fear of a human standing to my left and glanced at her. "If those humans enter the city, they will kill everyone. Think of your loved ones and do not fear getting injured. Fear failure to defend the city." She glanced at me and nodded, then looked back at the soldiers charging toward us.

I raised my swords and blocked the first soldier I could, hearing his sword clang against mine. "Oh, come now. You are fighting for your king. Surely you can do better than that," I said, taunting him a bit. It seemed to work as he pulled his sword back and swung at me again. I blocked his sword with one of mine and pushed it to the left as I slashed him across his stomach with my other sword. I swung my swords at a couple of soldiers that were near me, getting one deep through his side and seeing him fall as the other dodged my blade. A quick glance around me, showed that many of the human soldiers were laying on the ground already, but I brought my attention back just as another soldier swung his blade at me. I blocked his sword and hit it with my other sword, seeing his face pale as his sword fell in pieces as our feet. Quickly, I sliced across his neck, seeing a line of red appear as he crumpled to the ground. Another was right behind him and turned to run as I leveled my gaze with him, so I dropped my right hand sword, drew my small blade, and threw it in his direction, watching him fall to the ground with my blade sticking in his back. I turned to see if there were any soldiers that still needed to be killed, but found them all laying on the ground as I picked up my sword again. I went to the last soldier I killed and collected my small blade, turning to look over my soldiers as I sheathed all my blades. Many were looking at their small wounds, but it looked like none were large enough to be fatal. Breathing a sigh of relief that everyone made it through with only minor injuries, I looked for my commanders, spotting them as they looked over the soldiers under their command.

I headed to the humans and stopped next to each one as I got to their sides, asking how they were and telling them they did good in this battle. They all seemed to be eager for more but since they were all injured, I sent them back to Gulonde with orders to see Adrella and Tsarra for healing, before turning my attention to the elven soldiers. "Wounded?" I asked Saevel.

"Only three with minor injuries." I nodded and moved my gaze to Akkar.

"Two with minor injuries." Another nod as I moved my gaze again.

"Minor injuries on five, Faylen," Thydune said.

"All wounded, return to Gulonde with the humans and go see Adrella and Tsarra to be healed. The rest of you, remain here. We need to move the bodies away from Gulonde. I will not give them the honor of being burned and I do not wish to smell them as they rot." I watched as the ten wounded troops left and went back to the city.

"What do you want done with these soldiers, Faylen? If we are not burning them, then they will begin to smell within days."

"Which is why we will be taking them to the edge of the forest. The scent of all the trees will mask their smell and the rest of the humans will know what happens to those that attack us. Let them find their dead and deal with them how they want." I grabbed the leg of two humans that were near me and began to drag them through the forest, hearing a few more bodies getting dragged along behind me. We traveled through the night, but finally reached the edge of the forest looking directly towards Defalls. "Leave the bodies along here. As they rot, they may attract the Mageon to allow more food for other animals." Everyone dropped the bodies they were hauling, and we headed back to grab more of the dead. We got back the next day when the sun reached the middle of the sky, and I found all the soldiers from yesterday, including the humans, standing near them and looking around. "Follow us. We will show you where they are being left." We all grabbed another body and traveled through the night again, back to where we were dropping the soldiers. As we got back to where the battle had taken place, I saw the ground already moving a bit and moved our pathway to the right to avoid disturbing the Mageon. "They will find the bodies soon enough. We may not have any smell to deal with," I said to Thydune as he stepped beside me.

"I hope that holds true."

"Everyone's orders are to rest deeply," I said as we made it back to Gulonde. "You have all earned it. If needed, see the healers for some Caffetaxime to restore your energy as you sleep. I do not want to see any of you until the day after tomorrow." Everyone went to the training grounds to return their weapons as I went up the wall and ensured the most rested soldiers were there before going to return my swords as well.

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