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Chapter 11

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"Faylen, I have a request for you," Father said as he approached the training grounds. Thydune and I lowered our swords and I turned to face my father, giving him a bow out of respect. "I need you to visit Dorione." My gaze flew to his as I straightened.

"Dorione? Why, Father?"

"Word has reached me that they wish to leave the human king's rule but are scared of joining us. They do not know how well humans can live with elves. I want you to visit their leader and show them that they can live peacefully with us."

"As you command, King Delsaran," I said as I bowed my head again. He reached forward and lifted my chin.

"I am not sending you alone, my daughter," he said gently as he let go of my chin. "You will take another as protection and a human as a translator and example. Make your choices wisely. If Dorione joins us, we will get another of our cities back and have an increase in metal for better weapons."

"I will bring them to our side. When are we to leave?"

"You will leave tomorrow as the sun rises. Find whom you wish to take with you and become well rested for your journey." I gave a nod, and he turned and left as I turned to see Thydune.

"Thydune, would you mind joining me on this journey?" I saw a small smile curl his lips and he gave me a low bow.

"It would be my pleasure, Faylen. Which human would you like to bring with us?" I sighed and sheathed my swords, heading toward the human area.

"I want to take Desmond as he has been with us longest and knows where the Lord of Dorione lives, but if he appears there it may cause trouble that we neither want nor need."

"Can he stay here and oversee any issues between humans and elves while you are gone?" I thought for a moment, then nodded.

"He would be well suited to that." I thought for another moment as we walked through the human area, watching Monitingos skitter into homes or down the street. "Perhaps the next best person would be the correct choice."

"And that would be whom?" he asked as I knocked on a door.

"Faylen, what a lovely surprise. Please, come in," Aviryll said as she opened the door and stepped aside.

"Thank you. Is Collen home? I have a request for him," I said as we stepped in the doorway. I felt Thydune tense a bit before realising that Cloud was in the doorway in front of us.

"He's in the common room. Right through there." I gave her a smile and headed where she pointed, skirting past Cloud since I was still nervous with him.

"Faylen. Thydune. Please, have a seat. What can I do for you?" Collen asked as we entered the common room.

"My father is sending me on a delicate mission and I am instructed to take a human with me to act as a translator and to show the example of how well humans and elves can live together."

"And you'd like me to come along on this journey?" he asked as a smile crept across his face.

"Yes. I originally thought Desmond, but considering his history I think it best if he remains here." Collen and Aviryll chuckled as Cloud came over and began sniffing my foot.

"Faylen, be careful," came Thydune's voice in my mind.

"Do not touch a weapon, and I should be fine."

"That it would be," Collen said. He turned to look at Aviryll, but before he could say anything, she spoke up.

"Go, my dear. Help Faylen. I'll take care of things here and I'll see you upon your return."

"You've always been there for me. I'll miss you, my sweet, but I'll return as quickly as possible." He turned back to look at me but patted his leg and Cloud went right to him, letting me breathe a little easier. "When do we leave and where are we going?"

"Meet us at the south gate just before the sun rises and we will travel to Dorione."

"A hot dinner and good night's sleep first. Makes sense." I smiled and looked at Aviryll.

"We will ensure his safety and he will return home to you as soon as possible." She nodded.

"I know you'll keep him safe. You've been nothing but honest and kind since we met. I trust you to keep your word." I thanked Collen for his willingness to come on this journey, then Thydune and I headed back to the elven area, stopping at the training grounds to return our swords for the night.

"What pathway will we be taking to Dorione, Faylen?"

"We will follow the road to the Fallen Spires, turn south and make our way to Defalls, then head west and cross through the hills to Dorione. It will ensure we stay off the road as much as possible and would lessen our chances of being discovered. Sleep deeply tonight, Thydune. Deep sleep will be rare until we arrive back here." He gave me a curt nod and headed to his home to prepare for the journey as I headed to the castle.

"Have you made your choices, Faylen?" Father asked as I finished my dinner. I could feel Desmond's curiosity but planned to tell him later.

"Yes. Thydune and Collen will be joining me."

"Good. And you have a path in mind?"

"Yes. If my estimates on timing are accurate and we receive an answer quickly, we will return in 16 to 17 weeks, Father."

"Very good. Safe travels, my daughter. And may no harm find you. Rest well. I will wake you when it is time for you to leave." I gave him a small smile and bowed my head.

"I will double the troops at our gates until our return, just to ensure the safety of all inside the walls." My father gave a nod and I left the table, heading up to my room and laying a detailed map of Dorione on my table before setting a bag with some food and a spare traveling cloak next to my bed.

"Where are you going?" asked Desmond. I turned and looked at the doorway, but didn't see Desmond. "Faylen, I know you hear me. Please don't ignore me. Where are you going?" I smiled to myself as I realized he was speaking in my mind.

"You are getting better at speaking with your mind."

"Only due to my instruction. Please answer my question."

"Dorione. I will have my swords, Thydune, and your father. No harm will find us and your father will return safely."

"It's not my father I'm worried about. And why can't I join you? Wouldn't it be better to have me there? I've been with the elves the longest as far as humans are concerned."

"Yes, you have. However, given your history it would be best if you remain here. We cannot afford to have any issues in Dorione due to your history. Not to mention, the elves know that they can trust you. You have earned their respect and I need you to remain here to oversee any issues that arise between the humans and elves. While I am gone, you are to be my voice here. I am not leaving you here by choice, but out of necessity. Do you understand, Desmond?"

"I understand, Faylen. I don't like it, but I understand," came his voice from behind me. I turned and saw Desmond in the doorway, looking upset.

"If it were not for your history as the messenger of the human king, I would have chosen to take you. You are too easily recognized and the first part of our journey will require us to be on the road where you could easily be spotted."

"I'd be spotted quickly in Dorione, too. Do you know which house you'll need to go to?" I shook my head and he met me at my table, looking at my detailed map of the city. "Which direction will you come into Dorione from?" I slid the map out of the way and drew a line with my finger along the pathway I was planning to take and he nodded. "When you walk into the city, on your left you'll see a large sign hanging off a building. The sign will read 'The Dragon's Hoard Inn.' Go inside and ask the woman behind the bar for Lord Fowke. He's never easy to find, but the inn keeper is his wife and always knows where he is." I gave a curt nod.

"Go to The Dragon's Hoard Inn and ask for Lord Fowke. Understood. Thank you, Desmond."

"Just promise me you'll be safe, Faylen. The people of Dorione can be quite aggressive if they think you've offended them and their Quetzal Jackals can be just as aggressive."

"That is why your father is coming. He is the interpreter and the example of how well humans and elves can coexist." Desmond just looked at me and I felt a small smile curl my lips. "I will be safe, Desmond. I will be gone when you rise so I will see you upon my return." He nodded and we sat on our beds.

"I'll be counting the days until you return." We laid down and I let my mind fall into a deep sleep as quick as I could.

"Faylen, it is time to leave," came a voice in my mind, waking me up. I opened my eyes and looked around my room, seeing Desmond still asleep and my father in the doorway. Nodding, I stood and grabbed my bag with the spare travelling cloak, and headed out of the room. I followed my father to the main hallway and he turned to face me. "Travel safe and may no harm find you, my daughter." He pressed a kiss to my forehead and stepped aside, letting me walk out the door to meet Collen and Thydune at the south gate.

"Open the gates please," I said to the guards in the tower. The gates opened as a response came in my mind.

"What are your orders until your return, Faylen?" asked Vinali.

"Double the guards around the city. I want no chance of anyone inside the walls harmed. We will return in 16 to 17 weeks."

"Your father knows you are leaving?" she asked with a laugh in her voice.

"My father is the one sending me. While I am gone, Desmond will be my voice on any issues between humans and elves. Make sure that is known to all."

"Faylen, allow me to come with and aid in your journey," came Akkar's voice from behind me. I turned and saw him standing a short distance behind us with his sword on his side.

"No. I need you here, Akkar. Stay and protect our king from all harm."

"You know I am a better swordsman than Thydune. Allow me to take his place. He can stay and protect the king."

"I have given my answer and it will not change. You will stay to protect King Delsaran and if I catch you following us, I will deal your punishment swiftly and harshly." I opened my mind to the troops around me and spoke, so that all awake would hear this command. "Vinali will take command of our troops until my return." I turned back around and headed out the gate with Thydune and Collen, leading us toward the Fallen Spires.

We travelled as far as we could each day, eating as we walked, but by the end of the first week Collen asked if we could stop for a hot meal before sleeping. "I do not know how to make hot food while travelling," Thydune said cautiously.

"I do. We will make a campsite stove," I said after a minute. Both Thydune and Collen looked at me, but I took some sticks from the nearest tree and a small flat stone that I found nearby. Thydune kept watch around us while I built a fire, then stood the sticks on end and set the stone on top of them.

"Who showed you this, Faylen?" Collen asked as he mixed some food together.

"Desmond. He wanted a hot meal one night while we were out gathering and made this. He said the heat from the fire warms the stone which transfers the heat to the food. Using this method, you can melt ice or make a hot broth." Collen nodded and I sensed his surprise, but he jumped when a Flamifoutu screeched over our heads.

"Good to know Desmond learned something vital while being held hostage by King Betyn."

"Desmond did more than you know while under the human king's control," I said softly. Collen looked at me with confusion on his face as he set the food on the stone. "He often gave the human king false information if something led to harm for the elves or people of Inyarel, especially those in Tebury."

"Hmm. Perhaps how Aviryll and I raised him was better than we realized."

"You did wonderfully. He is quite intelligent and he risked his life to spare the world some pain at the hands of the human king." Collen gave me a light smile.

"Thank you, Faylen." I gave him a small smile and nod, then left him to his cooking. I walked around our campsite until Collen called out. "Faylen, Thydune. Dinner is ready if you're hungry."

"Go eat while it is hot. I will keep watch." I moved my gaze to Thydune.

"We eat together. Just keep your mind sharp." He nodded and went to the fire, kneeling across from Collen. "Thank you, Collen. You did not need to cook for us as well."

"I'm not going to let you two go hungry or eat cold food while I have a hot meal. Especially when I made enough for all three of us." Thydune gave him a curt nod as I chuckled. We ate our dinner in silence and Collen laid down a short distance from the fire before tossing a blanket over himself.

"You should rest, Faylen. I will keep watch." I nodded and laid down near the fire as well. This pattern continued for the rest of our journey to Dorione, with Thydune and I switching out every week on nightly patrols. Seven weeks after we left Gulonde, our destination came into view on the horizon. Collen wanted to see how long he could travel before needing sleep so we continued through the night and by the time the sun reached the middle of the sky, we were arriving on the edge of Dorione.

"I am impressed, Collen. You have travelled a good distance with no sleep. How are you feeling at this moment?" I asked as we stopped just outside the city.

"A little tired, but it's like I just spent a summer day harvesting the fields back in Tebury. I can finish the day out, but I'll sleep well tonight," he said with a chuckle. I nodded and we headed into the city. "Where are we headed here, Faylen?"

"Desmond said to ask the innkeeper at The Dragon's Hoard Inn for Lord Fowke. I also suggest a room for at least the night so that we all have a decent night of sleep." Collen nodded and started looking up and down the street as I felt concern coming from Thydune.

"There's the inn. We'll go in together, but I suggest hiding your travelling cloaks. No human would have anything like those and if King Betyn's soldiers are in there, you'll be caught. Step in the alley over here. It'll keep you hidden while you hide them." We quickly stepped into the alley as I pulled my bag from my shoulder. Kneeling down, I took Thydune's cloak and stored both of our cloaks in my bag as we muttered the concealment oath. Thydune offered a hand as I closed my bag and I took it, allowing him to help me stand as I felt a flood of happiness rush from him.

"Human features are odd on you, Faylen, but they do nothing to hide your true elven beauty. This task may be more difficult than you realize."

"They look strange on you as well," I said, ignoring his concern about the difficulty of this mission. His eyes that had always been almond-shaped and a bright, piercing blue had become more rounded and dulled to a light shade of grey. His hair that had always been a dark yellow-brownish color had lightened to become only yellow. Even his physique had changed from his normal slender arms and body, becoming more muscular. "Collen, we need your knowledge," I said as I stepped to the end of the alley. Collen came around the corner and stopped short, looking at us.

"Faylen and Thydune?" We nodded. "How is this possible? You both look human."

"I will explain later. Is there anything that we need to change to be able to pass as fully human?" I asked.

"Thydune, you need to have your hair pulled back but not in braids. Only women wear braids. Pull it back like mine." Thydune didn't seem happy about taking out his braids, but I moved to help him.

"I will help you put them back in when we leave. For now, we must blend with the humans since we do not know when or if the human king's soldiers will arrive here." He nodded and began working at the braids in the front as I worked on taking the ones in the back down. "Collen, is there anything I must do to my appearance?"

"I'm assuming there's no way to lessen your beauty?" I shook my head, but gave him a small smile. "Then no. If anyone other than Lord Fowke asks who you two are, say that you're my cousins and leave it at that. While we're here and around anyone other than Lord Fowke, Faylen, your name will be Tifryn and Thydune, your name will be Stephwin. Treat the names well. I remember my grandmother saying them a few times in stories she used to tell me about our family history."

"Why the false names?" Thydune asked as I began working on the last of his braids.

"So that none overhear elven names in a human city. Would you like to be discovered this close to Madun and alone?"

"Our concealment oath keeps us from providing any false information, Collen. You will need to provide our names and any other lies that pertain to us. If we give false information while under the protection of a concealment oath, our elven features return and we will instantly be discovered," I explained as I bound Thydune's hair together behind him in one large cluster resembling a Lechore tail.

"I understand. I'll do the talking when we enter the inn, then. Just stand behind me and try not to appear threatening," he said with a chuckle. I scrunched my forehead and he clarified his statement. "Elves have a way of seeming threatening even when you do nothing. Relax your postures a bit." We slouched a little and he chuckled. "A little more." We slouched further and he nodded. "Perfect. You're now the best looking pair of humans I've ever seen. Oh, give me one of your swords, Faylen. No human can weild two at the same time." I did as he requested. "I'll get us some rooms and ask for Lord Fowke. Come on." We walked around the corner and back into the street. A couple of women gave me a disgusted look, but were eyeing Thydune closely as a Monitingo walked right past us. As we entered the inn, I heard them whispering and let myself listen in until the door closed.

"Oh my, he was stunning. Did you see his arms? They were bulging with muscles," one said.

"Oh, he was a dream, alright. But he probably beds any easy wench like the one that was with him. We just saw all three of them walk out of the alley. No respectable woman would let herself be caught in an alley with a man, much less two of them. It's a shame though. A woman that pretty could be with the king if she weren't such a wench." The door closed and I gladly stopped listening in as I followed Collen further in the building. We stopped at a counter that ran half the length of the room and Collen leaned on it, waving at the woman that was hustling around behind it.

"Be with you in a minute, folks." She set a couple of large glasses on the counter, filled with a redish liquid, then headed toward us. "What can I get you?" she asked as I started to feel like I was being watched.

"We need a couple of rooms and to see Lord Fowke. Know where he is?" Collen said.

"Who's looking for him?" I leaned forward and whispered in Collen's ear.

"Desmond said that the innkeeper is his wife and will know where to find him," I whispered.

"What was that, ma'am?" she asked, looking at me.

"Sorry, my cousin has an issue with her voice not working very well right now." He motioned for the lady to lean closer as he leaned forward. "We're some possible allies and have travelled a long distance to meet with Lord Fowke, madam. Will you tell us where he is?" he whispered to her.

"Possible allies from where?" she whispered back. Collen said nothing, but just looked at her. After a moment she studied Thydune and I, then nodded. "Was that two rooms or three?" she asked standing up. Collen looked at me and I passed him some gold coins.

"Three, but we can manage in two if that's all you've got." I turned to find why I was feeling watched, but tried to make it appear that I was just looking around the room. There were stairs leading to a secondary floor at the end of the counter, tables and chairs placed around the room, an open doorway on the left side of the door we'd come in through, and a large hole in the middle of the floor that had a large fire in it which was warming the entire building. At one of the tables in the corner near the open doorway, I saw a man staring at me, a smile curling his lips when he saw me looking at him. He was almost as wide as the table and had a large mining tool next to him. His brown hair was messy and looked like it'd never been tamed; there was dirt all over his face, hands, and arms; and his dark eyes were roaming over my body, making me disgusted.

"Alright. Follow me. I'll take you all to your rooms." She dropped a cloth on the counter and called to someone as she came out from behind the counter. "Tarlisa, keep an eye on the bar. I'm going to take this group to their rooms." A young girl ran behind the bar and bounced up, her backside landing on it as she stared at Thydune and gave him a sweet smile. "I'm going to beat that girl's backside," the woman muttered as she walked off. "She knows I don't like her sitting on the bar. It's bad for service."

"Young pretty girl like that, I'm sure the guys don't mind after a long day in the mines."

"That's the only reason I keep her around in here. She pulls all the guys in here at the end of the day." Collen chuckled as the woman stopped at a door, opening it. "I've got three rooms left open so you can each have one. After I get you in your rooms, I'll go get Lord Fowke."

"Thank you, madam," Collen said. "How much for the rooms?"

"Speak truthfully," she whispered as she looked at me. "Elven?" I glanced at Collen and he nodded, silently saying that I should tell her. Thydune and I nodded. She looked back at Collen and closed his hand around the coins, shaking her head. "No charge," she whispered. "Let me get your cousins into their rooms and I'll go get Lord Fowke for you." She walked away from Collen before he could utter a word and motioned for us to follow her. "Here we go, sir. Let's get you settled in this room. Now no messing around with that girl downstairs if she comes to your room. I don't need her turning into a tavern wench." Thydune looked curious, but I heard Collen laugh.

"He'll behave," came Collen's voice. The woman gave a curt nod and walked off, having me follow her to the next door as I heard Thydune asking Collen what a tavern wench was.

"And you're in here, miss. I'm sure you want away from those two for at least a night. If you've traveled a long way, I know you've had your fill of men for a while. I'll have Tarlisa come make you a bath so you can relax while the men talk."

"Lord Fowke will be speaking with me. Not just the men," I said softly so no one would hear me.

"Don't forget that you're a woman. I'm sure that you were just brought along to cook for them. We women don't get mixed up in the talks of men."

"I was not brought to cook. I am here on behalf of my father and at his request to speak with Lord Fowke. I am Princess Faylen of Gewood, not a random female." Her mouth hung open for a moment, but she quickly composed herself.

"My apologies, Princess Faylen," she whispered. "Please. Go rest from your travels. I'll bring Lord Fowke right away. Get into no trouble while here, and you and your party are welcome to stay as long as needed." I gave her a nod and she left, heading right to the door as she pointed at Tarlisa. "Stay there. I'll be back." The guy that'd been staring at me downstairs, turned to look at the secondary floor so I quickly moved away from the banister. Turning to look back up the hall, I saw Collen walk into his room and close the door. Thydune stalled at his door and looked at me.

"Is everything alright, Faylen?"

"Yes. All is fine."

"You do not truly expect me to sleep deeply while we are here, do you? Knowing that you will be sleeping as well, I cannot allow myself to sleep." I headed to his door.

"Please, Thydune. Sleep while we are here. It does not need to be deeply restful, just rest for your body. We still have our long journey back and the length of talks with Lord Fowke," I whispered. He nodded, but didn't take his eyes off me.

"Even through the human features, I can see something is disturbing you. What is it?"

"It is nothing. Although I should mention that you already have admirers here."

"Are you jealous?" he asked after studying my face for a minute.

"Not with you looking like a human." He motioned for me to go in his room and I did, but he closed the door behind me and had me sit on his bed.

"May we speak freely with each other for a moment?"

"About what?"

"Our futures." I gave him a nod since I could feel that he was desperate to ask something. "What am I to you?"

"My closest friend and one of my most trusted people. The only ones I trust more than you are my father and Lanquar."

"And Desmond? What is he to you?" A knock came on the door before I could open my mouth and I was relieved when I heard Collen's voice.

"Stephwin and Tifryn, Lord Fowke has arrived." We headed to the door and Thydune held it open for me as I walked through to see Collen standing at the door with a large man that seemed upset about something. "Is there a place we can speak privately? I'm sure none of us want this conversation to be overheard." The man gave an abrupt nod and turned around, walking off without looking to see if we were following. We quickly followed him out the door of the inn and went right on the road, before walking into the tenth house on the left, putting us near the center of the city. I did my best to ignore the guy that'd been watching me at the inn, but succeeded in ignoring the comments I heard from women about the fact that I was travelling somewhere with three men.

"Now what's this about? My wife wouldn't say anything other than you claim to be possible allies," he asked rudely as he sat in a large chair with a Monitingo appearing beside him.

"We are not possible allies, Lord Fowke. We are allies," I said. He looked at me and narrowed his eyes.

"Why should I believe you? You're a woman and you're human." The Monitingo flattened his ears and bared his teeth at me, but didn't move to attack. I felt Thydune tense in preparation to defend me from the beast, and tried not to grab my sword in defense as well.

"I may be a woman, but I am not human." He scrunched his forehead as I felt confusion begin to fill the room. "I am Elven Princess Faylen of Gewood and I am here on behalf of my father. We received word that you and your people would like to leave the human king's rule but are uncertain of the civility of the elven race. Is this correct? You do wish this?"

"I still don't think you're not human. Show me you're an elf, then I'll talk."

"Lord Fowke, if the rumors the elves have heard is true, Princess Faylen will be happy to show her true features, however she must be able to maintain this appearance for safety until she is certain of the truth. Is the rumor true?" Collen said. Lord Fowke gave an abrupt nod again and Collen looked at me. "Faylen, will you reveal your looks, please?" Closing my eyes, I muttered the reversal of the concealment oath as Lord Fowke took a drink from his glass, and heard a cough instantly as the Monitingo started growling. As I opened my eyes, I looked first for the Monitingo and found him standing next to Lord Fowke with his ears back, hair standing on end, and tail between his legs.

"A true elven woman. You women are rumored to be more beautiful than any human woman. Rumors do your race justice. I'd like to see myself surrounded by your kind."

"Lord Fowke, that is hardly appropriate. This is the elven princess before you," Collen said. "And what would your wife say about that statement?"

"And daughter. Tarlisa was her name, was it not?" I said. Lord Fowke's gaze flew to mine.

"You leave my daughter out of this."

"Perhaps hold higher standards for yourself and do not speak of me and the women of my race as you would any tavern wench." Thydune placed a hand on his sword but I held my hand out, making him stop before he could draw his sword since I knew the Monitingo would attack then, and Collen ran a hand across his face.

"Alright. Let's all calm down," Collen said. "Lord Fowke, may we have a seat as you calm your Quartz Kingbear?" he asked, motioning at the Monitingo. "None of us will attack you." He motioned at the chairs across from him and we all sat as he smacked the Monitingo on the rear end, making it yelp and slink to the other side of the room. Collen sat between Thydune and Lord Fowke, placing me furthest from him but also directly in front of him. "Faylen, there was no call to bring Lord Fowke's daughter into the conversation. However, you do appear about the same age as her so Lord Fowke, your comment was a disgrace to your position in this city."

"Lord Fowke, I apologize. I should not have mentioned your daughter during our heated discussion."

"No you shouldn't have, you fool. Maybe I should just stay loyal to King Betyn if all you elves are this stupid."

"Lord Fowke," Collen said as he slapped a hand on his chair. I heard a low growl from behind me and turned to see the Monitingo watching us closely. "As the lord of a city, you are held to higher standards. Those standards require certain formalities and behaviors from you."

"And what would you know about them?"

"I'm Collen Timms, Lord of Tebury. You will watch your tone and comments when speaking with Princess Faylen of Gewood. Even though she's not Betyn's child, she is royal by birth which commands manners from you."

"And why couldn't the elven king come see me? Even King Betyn did that."

"I have already created alliances between the elves and two other human groups. My father thought it best to send me." I was doing my best to maintain my composure, but could feel it slipping. "Collen, perhaps it was senseless to come and try creating an alliance with the humans here. If the lord of the city is this uncivilized to his guests, there is little reason to hold much hope for the rest here."

"No. There was reason, Faylen. You know it as well as I." Thydune looked at me.

"Your father wishes to have the city return to the elven rule. This can be done by force, but there is no need for force if they will return of their own volition. They have a desire for more freedom, yes, but that desire must be strong enough to bring them back to elven rule." I took a deep breath and slowly let it out, feeling my composure return to normal levels.

"You are correct, Thydune. Why use force if compromise, knowledge, and desire can accomplish the task? Thank you for the reminder." Lord Fowke's face changed to show that he was shocked.

"Elves don't have the numbers to take us out," he said rudely after a minute.

"They don't need the numbers. Each one of them can easily kill three or four of your citizens before anyone has a chance to swing their own blade. Double that for Faylen as she can easily fight with two swords," Collen said. Lord Fowke leaned back in his large chair and placed his fingers around his chin as Collen let out a sigh. "Lord Fowke, we all know that it's true you and your people want to leave the rule of King Betyn. My people from Tebury were the first to join the elves and we've been able to get along with them just fine. There haven't been any fights or even disputes between our races, and even the children easily make friends with them. The people from Defalls joined us just a couple weeks before we came here and even they haven't had any fights or disputes. It's easy to get along with the elves. Leave King Betyn's rule and become allies with the elven people. Help show the world that the problem is King Betyn."

"What do you elves expect to get from Dorione if we join forces with you?" he asked, looking at me.

"My father wishes to have an increase in metal so that we can obtain more and better weapons. I am also hoping for some of your city to aid in battles. We are willing and able to train any and all that wish to join be they male, female, old, or young."

"And what do we get out of this deal?"

"We can supply you with aid if and when you are in need or shelter if you wish to join us in Gulonde, although shelter will be tight as many of our open homes have already been claimed by those from Tebury and Defalls. We can also supply you and your city with healing potions and salves if that is needed. We have a wealth of knowledge that you and your city would be welcome to inquire about and use."

"How long are you here for?"

"My father wishes your answer upon our return, but we would like to be back there as quickly as possible."

"Let me think it over and talk with my wife for a few nights. You have rooms at the inn, correct?" We nodded. "Good. Stay there and I'll find you when I have an answer." We gave another nod and stood, but I stalled before opening the door and muttered the concealment oath again. I heard a low growl from behind me again and glanced back to see the Monitingo still staring at me.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to seeing that," Collen said as he opened the door when I turned back around. "A person's features shouldn't change." I gave him a light smile and walked out the door behind Thydune. We went back to the inn and Collen had a seat at a table. "Let's have some dinner before we go to bed. We'll sleep better." Thydune and I sat with our backs in the corner as Collen ordered us some food that I had never heard of. The man that'd been watching me earlier was still at his table, and noticed me as Collen placed our order. "It's good," Collen said as he looked back at us. The man smiled at me again, but I looked away from him, trying to ignore the disgusting way he was looking at me. The innkeeper came over after a few moments with three glasses of the redish liquid and set them down in front of us.

"Did he agree?" she asked quietly.

"He wanted a few nights to think about it and talk it over with you," Collen said.

"That boulder-headed, lazy dolt. I told him to just accept an alliance between our cities as it would help everyone out. I'll take care of this tonight, don't worry. Enjoy the barley wine." She walked off and Collen picked up a glass, waving it under his nose.

"She knows the way to a man's heart, I'll give her that," he muttered with a chuckle before taking a large gulp of the liquid. "Mmm. Haven't had a drink like this in a long time. Try some. You won't find better than what's in your cup now." Thydune and I glanced at each other and picked up our glasses. While Thydune took a large gulp like Collen had, I took a small sip to test how I liked the flavor. "Good, isn't it?" he asked as he looked between us.

"What is it?" I asked softly, trying not to cringe at the extreme sweetness of the drink.

"It's called Barley Wine. It's made of grains and flowers."

"What is its purpose?" Thydune took another gulp, and ended up emptying his glass as I pushed mine away.

"It helps relax the mind and body while also helping you warm up."

"Is that what it should do for us as well?" I asked.

"I don't see why the effects would change. Do you feel anything, Stephwin?"

"I do feel a little warmer, but my mind feels odd. Like a fog has set over it." I touched his mind to see what he meant, but instantly recoiled, not liking the way Thydune's mind felt. After a brief moment I connected with his mind again.

"Thydune, can you hear me clearly?" It took a few moments, but he finally responded.

"Yeth. I ear ooh fi."

"Drink no more of this." I cut the connection with him and moved his glass next to mine. The innkeeper came over and took Thydune's empty glass, then looked at me when she reached for mine.

"Didn't you like it?"

"No. I do not like the taste or effects of it," I said, keeping my voice as quiet as I could while making sure she heard me.

"Perhaps something that more women like. I'll be right back." She picked up my glass and I quickly spoke up.

"Just a water will be much appreciated. And one for my companion as well, please," I said as she turned to leave. She stalled and looked at me, but nodded and headed off.

"I'm surprised, Tifryn. Most people love Barley Wine." I touched Collen's mind to see if there was a difference in the way his mind reacted to the drink, but it felt no different than normal.

"Barley Wine affects us differently."

"How?" I connected to Collen's mind again.

"Stay silent and only listen." He nodded but looked a little startled, and I connected to Thydune's mind. "How are you feeling, Thydune?"

"I feely fi, Fayla. Y ooh so urried?" I cut the connection with Thydune and looked at Collen, seeing him trying not to laugh.

"That is how Barley Wine affects us. One glass and he cannot speak properly. He is here as my protection, and he cannot protect me if he cannot think."

"I doubt you need protection."

"It was my father's request, but I am not upset of it. There is a man on the other side of the room that has been watching me since the first moment we walked in." Collen's face scrunched but he didn't ask anything or look around. Tarlisa came over with three plates of food and set them in front of us as I cut the connection with Collen. For the next week, we stayed in or near the inn as Lord Fowke had requested, waiting for him to come looking for us and give an answer. I was getting eager to leave and return home since something didn't seem right about the length of time he was taking to think about our alliance, but every time I mentioned leaving with a presumed answer, Thydune and Collen would say that we should wait until we had Lord Fowke's answer for certainty as that's what my father would want. The man came in every day and sat at the same table, smiling at me the whole time I was on the ground floor. One day, while Thydune was in his room sharpening his sword and Collen was at the counter, the man came over and sat at the table with me.

"You don't say much, do you, beautiful?" I shook my head and moved my gaze to the fire, hoping he'd leave since I was ignoring him. "You seem to like the company of men. Why don't you keep me company for a while?"

"Thydune, please come down to the ground floor and join me at the table. I may need protection." I heard a door on the secondary floor open and close within a few seconds, then saw Thydune at the top of the stairs. He went to the counter, but disappeared as he got to it.

"Worry not, my princess. I am watching and right beside Collen. I have informed him of the issue and he is thinking of a lie to give the human."

"Thank you."

"Come on. We can go back to my house. Or would you prefer to be between the inn and a house? I've heard you came out of there with two men when you got here."

"Everything alright, Tifryn?" came Collen's voice from behind the man. I said nothing and Collen stepped to the side, setting a hand on the man's shoulder. "Why don't you leave my cousin alone? She's married."

"To who?"

"The man that's behind you." The human turned in his seat and I saw Thydune glaring at him with his hand on his sword. "He's very protective of her so I suggest you leave her alone." The man got up quickly and stormed back to his table as Collen righted his chair and sat down across from me with Thydune sitting next to me. I connected with both their minds and thanked them. "One of us will stay at the table with you whenever you're down here just to ensure he doesn't try that again. I'll give your other sword back to you after dinner so that you're completely safe, as well." I nodded and looked back down at the table in silent thought.

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