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Chapter 46: Blood and Discord

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Tyler watched in anticipation, stepping to the side as Morrigan set the pomegranate to the down with care. She stood and stepped into the bloody rain. "You don't look so good."  

The woman looked battered, her body bruised from the fighting. Her body was broken, tired, and it looked as if she struggled just to stand. Gemma's voice grew in proportion to her anger, nearing a scream by the time she finished speaking, "Was this your idea all along? You came into my house, sowed dissent in my flock." She walked forward, her steps loud and intentionally heavy. "Then there's your...." she paused, spitting out the words in Morrigan's face as she eyed Tyler with a menacing grin, "your pet magician with his toys and guile. This isn't even his fight."

Morrigan shouted, raising her hands and shoving Gemma away. "You made it his fight."

Gemma pushed back. The moment Gemma's hand touched her, Morrigan grabbed it, grabbed the back of Gemma's head with her free hand, and threw her into the stone path underfoot. Morrigan knelt beside her, grabbed her head and slammed it down.

Dazed, Gemma tried to shake the confusion from her mind. Morrigan did it again, slamming Gemma's head against the stone repeatedly. Gemma rolled over, blood covering her face, most of which being her own. \

Morrigan focused the static and called the blood from the surroundings to her hand. Morrigan's breathing grew heavy, shuddering as she savored the moment. With a flick of her wrist, Morrigan send a red spear into Gemma's chest. After a sudden shriek, Gemma's body twisted in pain. Screaming, she tried to remove the spear.

Morrigan listened with glee as the woman suffered, the barbs spreading throughout the body, cutting and piercing through organs, bone, and skin. Morrigan gave a chuckle every time Gemma's screams grew louder.

Tyler shook his head. The screams made his skin crawl. "Morrigan, no. Just let her die." Morrigan ignored him. He watched in horror. Gemma watched him, desperate for release as she flailed about on the ground. She cried out, her body broken and her mind not far behind. No one was meant to feel that much pain. He called out again, "Please, just stop."

After being ignored again, Tyler took his coin, focused the static, and flicked it into the air. He watched it spin, and when it landed he smiled. A circle of white light appeared, surrounding Gemma. With a final scream of agony, the tendrils ate her body to dust in seconds.

Morrigan looked confused, the smile fading to a scowl as she tried to figure out what happened. She turned to Tyler with a smile. "Was that you?"

"Yes." Tyler replied, knowing what was about to happen. He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.

Morrigan took a cautious step toward the porch. "You killed her?"

Tyler scoffed. "You were torturing her. Did you really expect me to stand by and watch?"

"Fuck you." she screamed, inching closer. "Do you have any idea what she did to me? Who gave you the right?"

Tyler stepped into the rain, indifferent to the blood, with his eyes locked on hers. "I did. You don't have to do this anymore. You've won. You can leave this cult behind." Morrigan reached out with her hand and swiped at his face. He backed away, internalizing the static.

Morrigan screamed again, a tormented wail that made his heart ache. She couldn't feel him in the static. Her rage reached new heights as she stood motionless, listening for movement. She smiled, snapped her finger, and a pulse of static bonded to the blood soaked landscape.

He felt her mind embedded in the blood all around him. He had a moment of panic. He felt her the bloody pools mixed with mud underfoot. His breathing shuddered when he realized he could feel her in the blood that covered him from head to toe. 

Morrigan shuddered and moaned. "I see you."

Tyler prepared for her attack, planting his feet firmly in a wide stance as she rushed forward. He managed to catch one hand, but a feral swipe to the face with the other left behind a gash on his cheek. He screamed in pain, clutching the coin in his hand. "Morrigan stop," he cried.

"No." she said in a flat tone before lashing out again.

Tyler dodged the attack, slipped, and fell to the ground. He struggled to get back to his feet. "Morrigan, I get it."

"What?" She said as he found his footing. "How?" she turned from him, her hands clasping the side of her head in frustration. She threw her arms out. "You made it quite clear: This disgusts you."

Tyler pondered flipping the coin. How could he even do it? He was fully aware of the fact that she may be too far gone. This might have to end with only one of them walking away. Did he even want it to be him? He felt tears welling in his eyes. Why did he hesitate? His mind raced with thoughts of a life without her. He'd miss her guidance. He'd miss her wit. He'd miss her voice and the way she smoked. "Morrigan, please."

It was now or never. He focused the static on the coin and the purple gem shimmered beneath a layer of blood. He prepared to flip the coin, but couldn't bring himself to do it. She turned to him with a smile stretched across her face. She leapt forward and grabbed him, tackling him to the ground.

Morrigan bit into his shoulder and he screamed in pain. She pulled back, and he felt the skin break. She spat out the blood and looked to the new source of static in his hand. She reached forward, desperate to pry it from his fingers. He resisted, his hand clasp so tight around the coin it hurt. She shouted and grunted, finally biting into his hand to force the coin free.

She held it in the air, smiled, and threw the coin as far as she could. Tyler clutched his bleeding hand, unaware that she was already poised for another assault. She straddled him, and brought her hands to his throat. He grabbed her wrists, holding them in the air and fighting to maintain control. He planted his feet on the ground, bending his knees and arching his back. He thrusted his hips up and rolled over, forcing Morrigan on her back.

He pushed her hands down and shouted, "Stop."

She growled and spat in his face. He reached up to wipe it away on instinct, and she landed a wild punch to the side of his face. The blow forced him off, and he pushed against the ground to get some distance. His back hit the wooden frame of the porch.

He caught his breath, his eyes on the ground as he pondered his next move. This wasn't going to end well. Was he really going to die without a fight? The thought of punching back made him sick. The act of hurting her was never an option.

"Aw, What? Are you done?" Morrigan said. Tyler shrugged, and his eyes lit up. He watched her as she sat, still and patiently waiting for a response. A thought popped into his mind. That wasn't said out of anger. She was taunting him. Her emotions shifted constantly. What started as rage and sorrow shifted as she engaged in playful banter. He laughed, but didn't respond. It was a gamble, but maybe he could influence her emotions. Maybe he could set a path away from this madness.

She cocked her head. "What's so funny?"

Tyler shook his head, collecting the rain in his hand. It didn't bother him as much as it did in the dream. "Yeah. I'm done. Our first real fight, though. I'd hate to lose it."

"First and last." She stared at him with a furrowed brow, "You're just gonna sit there and die?"

"Well, I'd rather not, but I can't really bring myself to hurt you."

"How sweet," she said with a chuckle, "Not a fan of hitting women?"

"Fuck that," Tyler said, "You took a chunk out of my shoulder. All bets are off at that point."

"Then why?" She asked.

"I love you too much."

Morrigan blinked. "Are you serious?"

"Yup," he replied with a smirk. "Head over heels."

Morrigan turned her head in each direction, as if she'd forgotten where she was. She gestured to her surroundings sighed. "You picked a very inappropriate time for this."

"Says you," he replied. "If I'm about to die, it's the perfect time for it."

She stood, her face shifting from confusion to understanding. Tyler stood as well, and when she realized she backed away. He stepped forward, speaking as calmly as he could, "You don't disgust me."

"Stop." She said, holding out her hand.

"No." he replied

She took another step back. "I know what you're doing. Don't rob me of my hate. It's all I have left."

"You had me."

Morrigan sneered. "This is my life. You'll be dead before long, but I'll still be here. Do you realize that? I'll be burying you one way or another. What will I have then?"

Tyler didn't know how to respond. He looked away, nodding as he scanned the sea of red around them. "Guess immortality is tragic after all."

"Yes," she said, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Fine." Tyler said. He crossed his arms. "Go on then."

Morrigan stared into space for some time. Tyler was trying not to laugh. He knew he already won, she just hadn't realized it yet. She went so far as to conjure a red spear. It hovered in the air, shaking as she tried to muster the will. He tried to get close again, and she moved to back away, but stopped.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

He reached out, bringing his hand to her face. While she shuddered, she didn't resist, pressing her cheek against his hand. He brought his lips to hers. She raised her hands to protest, then slammed them to her side. He couldn't tell if she angry about the kiss, or the fact that he was escaping his fate.

He went in for another kiss but pulled away as she leaned her head forward. She grabbed the back of his head, pulling it forward. He tried to ignore the taste of iron, the smell of death around them. He waited weeks for this kiss, and nothing was going to take it from him.

Her face softened, The Passion slowly releasing its grip. When she pulled away she looked to the sky, her smile fading. "I won't give up my faith."

"Why. What has this done for you?"

"This universe is indifferent to us. It can't even care enough to hate us." she replied, her thumb gently brushing his cheek. "This is real, proof of a goddess that I've seen with my own eyes. I want to feel special, just like everyone else, but I can't give you up either, it seems."

"That's a relief." Tyler said.

Morrigan, hovered her hand over his wounds and shook her head. " This may not work again. I'm sorry. You shouldn't be with me."

"I am, though," he said. "Call me crazy, but I am. If you'll have me, at least."

"I think I'll have you for a little while longer, thank you." She kissed him once more. "Did you cast a spell?"

"I did." he said with a grin that faded almost as fast is appeared. "Sorry."

She shook her head. "I guess I'll live. I don't know what I'll do from here, but we'll cross that bridge when it comes."

"Sounds good."

She smiled, "We need to fix you up and take a shower." she wrapped her arms around him and after sharing a laugh she continued. " I need to figure out whose left alive, how to rebuild. I'll need to take the pilgrimage again, that will help keep The Passion under wraps..." she trailed off as Tyler stared. He barely heard a word of what she said, losing himself in her eyes. Eventually she stopped. "Do you stare at me like that often?" she asked.

Tyler blinked, remembering the static in the blood. He felt warmth in his cheeks as he shrugged. "Sometimes."

She laughed, hugging him tight as she spoke, "I don't like saying it."

He looked down at her, his eyes narrowed. "Saying what?"

"You said you loved me."

"I do." he replied. "It's not that hard to say."

She hesitated, trying to hide a smile before finally giving a reply, "I love you too."
















Authors note: So this is the ending, save for an epilogue, and I like where I'm going with it. I just can't seem to like how I've done it. I feel like this happens with every story I write. Maybe it's too much? Maybe it's too abrupt or feels rushed? Either way, it needs polish, like every thing else in the book. There are many plot holes in need of filling, like really... Where did Isla and Mal go while Tyler was being bitten to death? There are typos to be ironed out, exposition to fix and add, and with some luck, I'll be able to polish this manuscript into a product worth selling. For those who've been reading, thank you so much for sticking with it. I know there were some questionable issues.

I'd love to hear what you have to say about it. I do feel like the main plots are wrapped up, but the arcs need some serious work. Luckily, the chapters are shorter for this very reason. It lets me work on that exposition and progression with a more wiggle room. I expected this to be much less work than it was. I had to rewrite several scenes, completely remove others, and the work is far from over. On to the epilogue and then I can begin working on the (hopefully) final draft, editing well into the wee hours of the morning. 



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Nov 19, 2020 21:57 by Jacob Billings

Typos will haunt you forever. There was even a tense typo in this chapter. Be warned of the curse!!!

Jan 24, 2021 20:16 by Morgan Biscup

I love this story. It's going to be even stronger as you clean up the bits that bother you.   I don't think you need all the answers. Even a simple moment of Tyler wondering about Isla and/or Mal, with a quick thought as to where they had planned to meet up again (or a thought of meeting with her in the Casino when he was able to rest), would be sufficient. Tyler and Morrigan are the main characters, you can leave some unresolved mysteries with the rest with just a comment to show they were not forgotten.   I love that The Web was built for this story. <3

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jan 24, 2021 20:42 by R. Dylon Elder

Thanks so much solar. I appreciate you taking the time to read this in ways I cant even begin to express. i definitely think some mysteries won't be explained, as there kind of a thing in the web anyway, but I do agree. I like the suggestions you've made, for sure.   Thank you so much. I owe you big time.

Jan 24, 2021 21:08 by Morgan Biscup

You owe me nothing. I really enjoyed myself and am grateful for the opportunity to read this lovely eldritch love story. <3   Never thought that's s phrase I would ever write haha.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jan 24, 2021 22:57 by R. Dylon Elder

In glad and indeed. I get that feeling alot lol. XD