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Chapter 43: The Cult

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Tyler held a small bronze orb with various symbols etched into the metal. Each symbol was eparated by partitions, allowing each section of the orb to spin freely.

Ted explained, “When given the right combination, turning the section like so," he paused and demonstrated the sequence, "the orb will release a massive amount of energy. It’s the closest thing to a controlled nuclear blast we have in The Prestige. It won't have a shockwave, but the light alone can atomize the skin and blind you for life.” 

Tyler nodded, “Perfect. Thank you.”

“I wouldn't be around when it goes off. Find cover quickly. I tracked them back to the compound in Scotland. I’d use the library.”

Isla stood with her coin in hand as Tyler fetched his own, along with his new catalyst. The entered the library, and exited to find fresh snow falling on the Scottish countryside. A quick ride later, and they found themselves near the compound.

Men and women in red stood watch, patrolling the courtyard and surveying the estate from windows on every floor. Isla and Tyler contemplated a stealthy approach. Tyler noticed how similar it was to The Oxford Estate.

Isla pulled out a pistol, and gave a laugh, “It’s rather irresponsible to charge through the front door.” 

Tyler smiled. “No, we knock first. They won’t expect that.”

The stood up, draped a thick blanket over the barbed wire fence, and climbed over. They rushed forward, nearing the front door without gathering notice. They hid behind fountains, bushed, and drifts of snow.

The strolled up to the front door and Tyler raised his hand. He knocked, and The door didn't open. Tyler felt the static manifest on the other side, and dodged to the right on instinct. The door burst open, a sudden explosion of flame and debris rocked the door from its hinges, sending it flying off the porch and into the snow covered grass.

Isla tossed a coin and it stopped midair, the green and purple giving off a blinding light. The white strands reached out, grabbing the attacker at the threshold. His body began broke down, blowing away in a violent cloud of dust.

Tyler rushed inside with his staff at the ready, sensing the static forming in the far corner. He conjured a barrier as a ball of flame screamed across the foyer. It hit the barrier and surrounded him in flames. He internalized the static and suddenly his body was not entirely his own.

He dodged attacks with little effort, finding himself fascinated by the simplest things. He felt compelled to interact with them, kicking a table, and flipping a couch,

A man rushed forward with a knife drawn, and tyler pushed the tip of the pool cue into the man’s chest. The man pushed it aside. Tyler didn’t resist, using the momentum to adjust his grip and bring the heavy end down on the man's head, crushing his skull.

He turned to Isla, who fired the pistol at someone up the stairs. The coin followed, deflecting incoming spells. Tyler heard a scream and a woman in the corner launched another ball of flame. He conjured the barrier, protected from the heat, but the woman followed behind it with a knife drawn.,

She rushed forward and stumbled over an upturned couch. When she fell, her head slammed into the table. The instant sight of blood told Tyler she wouldn’t be getting back up.

Isla worked her way upstairs as Tyler opened a door into a study. He heard the crack of spells and turned to watch her flicked the coin in the air. The coin turned violently, the light growing brighter with each revolution. A door opened, and two men in red emerged. The light seared their skin, the flash burning their eyes to cinders.

Tyler fought downstairs, catching a ball of flame with the staff which grew hot at the handle. He lunged forward to land a solid blow to his attacker's chest, setting the red robes ablaze. Another man tried to attack from behind.

Tyler turned and drove the tip of the staff into his face. He screamed, pulled the club back, and repeated the motion until the man's nose caved in. Tyler shook his head. The shock overtaking him. The man reached for his face to block another attack, only to feel the blow of Tyler’s feral swing to the side of the head.

Tyler looked around for anyone else who might attack him and turned to the sounds of screaming. He saw Isla sitting on the chest of another woman, her fingernails digging into the eyes of her opponent. The coin zipped through the air. It caught and reflected several spells cast from behind her, sending them screaming back to their source.

She drover her fingers deeper, only stopping when the woman’s body went limp. Tyler walked up the steps with splattered blood on his face. His eyes were wide, focusing on every dead body as he passed them by.

“It's not pretty,” Isla said through heavy breathing, wiping the blood on her fingers off on the dead woman's robes.

Tyler nodded. “It’s not a toy.” He couldn’t avoid the fact now. The adrenaline was still flowing, but the excitement withered. “Where would Morrigan be?”

“It's a cult.” Isla replied. “Attic, or basement. Take your pick.”

Tyler turned to rush back down the stairs until he felt a tug at his sleeve, “Whoa, hold on, the apple is wearing off and there will be far more than we can handle down there. Don't push our luck. The moment you feel bulletproof is the moment lady luck shows you otherwise.”

Tyler nodded, wiping the blood from his face only to smear it further. A sudden formation of static came from behind, and Isla froze in place, a pained look twisting her face. Tyler looked to see a woman with a devilish grin, A lady-in-waiting.


He raised the staff, and the woman pulled her hand back. The sound of flesh ripping and tearing coupled with Isla’s scream of pain sent him into rage. He rushed forward, swung the staff, and the woman dodged it, laughing.

She reached out with the slightest effort, her nail scratching tyler’s cheek. She lashed out again, clipping his arm, leaving behind a gash that bled from his wrist to his elbow. Tyler backed away, staring at her hands and looking for a weapon.

She smiled and tilted her head. She raised a hand in a slow, drawn out motion as if to build suspense. She flexed a finger and Tyler felt the skin on his hand peel, a cut appearing in an instant across his fingers.

He focused the static into a barrier as he tried to reach for his coin. The woman shook her head, gazed at him as a mother would her naive child, and raised her hand again. A gunshot rang out, followed by ringing in his ears. The bullet shot through her head, the smallest red dot appearing and dripping blood before the body fell.

Tyler turned around and Isla sat against the wall, her grip on the gun loosening. He knelt beside her and tried to inspect the wounds. She held out a hand, as if to stop him.

He shook his head, his brow lowered, “What’s wrong?”

Isla chuckled, then choked, spitting blood onto the hardwood floor. “I’m fucking dying. Where’s the coin?”

Tyler reached into his pocket, retrieved the coin, and flicked it into the air. He winced, anticipating pain as the coin came down. The light emerged, gently grazing over their wounds. The skin healed, but Isla still struggled to stand.

“What is it now?” Tyler asked.

“It stopped the blood from coming out, but it didn’t replace it. I think I’m done. Head downstairs and start the party.”

Tyler scoffed. “All those cultists in the courtyard could be here any second, and you want me to leave you here?”

“I got a gun. Ill hide in a cabinet, or something. The sooner you go, the sooner we have backup and know just who in this cult is on our side. Go.”

Tyler obeyed. He turned, ran down the stairs, and searched for the door to the cellar. When he found it, he opened it as slow as he could to avoid making noise. The stairs leading down to the basement were made of stone, and Tyler saw a faint red light at the bottom. He took his first step, then another, reaching into his pocket and pulling out the bronze orb.



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Nov 16, 2020 18:32 by Jacob Billings

"I wouldn't be around when it goes off" is actually only half of the phrase. The "if I were you" is equally important as it explains the use of conditional future tense. Without it, the "wouldn't" is pretty startling due to the tense.   I know, to some extent, it is unavoidable but telling the reader, especially lines like "Tyler noticed how similar it was to the Estate," does nothing for the reader. Attempt to build it up to some sort of interest or action if you have to.   I've spotted typos in most chapters, but you have a lot of typos here. Several "the" not "they"s and there's even a "broke" instead of "break". This chapter seems worse than others, so I figured I would point it out.   The line "The light sear their skin, the flash burning their eyes to cinders" technically has two independent clauses which, in this state, form a comma splice. You either need it to be "The light seared their skin, burning their eyes to cinders" or "the flash of light seared their skin, burning their eyes to cinders"   Interesting. You isolate Tyler as he begins to engage in what I can only assume to be the primary climax of the story. Symbolically, this could represent his growth as a character and the relationship between him and Morrigan. But it was an interesting way to separate him to face the final fight on his own. I shall read the next chapter soon.

Nov 16, 2020 18:54 by R. Dylon Elder

Ahhh! You're right. I'm sorry about that. That's how we talk around here. The "if I were you," is understood and rarely ever said XD I'll fix it.   Let me tell you. I don't care what I said about any other chapter. This one was the hardest to edit. The scene changed in several places and typos were everywhere from the original. I apologize so many slipped through. I may need to take a look at my grammer checker cause that should not have passed by.     You're on the money there, though how well I did is up to debate. The next chapter is not quite the final fight. If it was, it'd be a shame... Well you'll see XD. It is Tyler's final fight though. Hope I did it right. Thanks so much.