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Chapter 4: The Last First Date

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Tyler took a breath of crisp air as he walked. The sound of crushed leaves and chatter surrounded him. He wore dark blue jeans that fit his slender figure well, along with a white polo, still itchy despite having been washed. He wondered why he tried so hard. It wasn't like she'd see it.

He scanned the park, listened for the tapping of Morrigan's cane, and jumped when he felt a hand slip through the narrow space between his arm and his body. When he looked, Morrigan curled her arm around his.

"Hey, you," she said, beaming at him.

"How did you know it was me?"

"I didn't, but you always wear the same cologne." she said, “of course, all I needed to do was find the one unaccompanied man in a park who's dressed to impress. Not an easy task, mind you."

"I can imagine."

"Yes. To my shame, I know of another young man having a romantic evening tonight."

Tyler turned to her, chuckling. While he walked, she practically skipped. The calm, statuesque demeanor was gone. She wore a gray shift dress hemmed at her hips, her red hair swaying in the light breeze.

“No cane?” Tyler asked as they followed a path through the park. "How do you get around?"

"What kind of question is that? How do you get around, Mr. Hale?"

"Fair enough," Tyler replied, "but you know what I mean."

“Contrary to the stereotype, not all blind people use canes. I've been coming here quite often these past few weeks. Plus, I'll be in sighted company." she stopped and tightened her grip on his arm. "I didn't think I would need it.”

"You look stunning." 

"Thank you. I'd say you look handsome, but..." She pointed to her face. "Then again..." She briefly reached for his collar, then for his hips. She wrapped a finger around the belt loop on each side. Her smile grew wider.

She brought her hand to her chin. "Brand-new clothes? You are trying, aren't you?"  Her smile faded. She shook her head and pulled her hands back. "My apologies."

“What?” Tyler asked.

“I'm flirting, but this is the first time for you." She replied. Tyler watched her as she spoke. She caught herself fidgeting and clasped her fingers together before continuing. "I really should have asked first."

“I don't mind. That's the least weird thing going on in my life, right now."

She laughed. "Dating the blind can be an adjustment."

"Not what I was referring to."

Morrigan stopped, forcing Tyler to do the same, "Alright, you've been patient enough. Where should I start?"

"Why do I keep forgetting you?" Tyler said.

"I'll explain it a million ways, if need be. I can't understand it for you." Her tone shifted from playful to formal, "I can't tell you everything. I'm not being difficult, it's just dangerous to know too much so soon." She stepped forward, walking onto the grass, and he followed. "I'm good at not being noticed. Those who do will forget me if I leave, but a select few won't. Some people are just too curious. I'm not special, there are many things you see that you forget, and people too."

"I don't get it."

"Candlelight. Those who don't forget tend to notice more afterward. They remember small details, or they retain subconscious reactions and that's more than enough."

"That sounds..." Tyler began, pausing to find the most inoffensive word, "...impossible."

"Hence, why it's hard to get it through your head" She said with a nod.

"Why is it dangerous?"

"Well, what if I really didn't want to be noticed? I've been at this with you for a while, but what if I wasn't so kind?"

Tyler sighed, and rubbed his head, "Fair enough, but why do I feel like you're hiding something."

"Probably because I am," Morrigan said with a nod. "If this continues, I'm sure you'll get there."

"If? Are you planning to disappearing?"

"I might be. Why? Are you wanting me to stay?"

"Well..." Tyler's mouth closed as quickly as it opened. He didn't know how to answer. For the first time he became aware of a conflict within. He did, in fact, want her to stay but did not know why. He also wanted her gone, an even more confusing feeling. Everything about her made him want to run, but the curious side was winning.

Morrigan waited, leaned forward with her head tilted, then giggled. "Did I break you?"

Tyler felt a stream of conflicting emotions. There was grief, fear, joy, pain, even rage. "I guess you did."

"You're cute."

"Thanks. You're mildly irritating," 

"Why, thank you. I wouldn't have been trying for so long if there was a quicker way, trust me. The sooner you stop worrying about why, and just accept what is, the sooner it will happen." She spoke with her eyebrows raised, "It's up to you. I wouldn't mind getting to a second date for once, but I'm a homebody. A good book is just as nice."

"Fine. Can I at least know more about you?"

"Like what?" she asked, taking his arm again as they walked.

"What do you do for a living?"

"I-" she paused a moment, forming her words carefully, "I am independently wealthy. I help with research at Oxford on the rare occasion."


"Not with a degree. Think of it as a consultation."

"Sounds interesting."

"It can be," She replied. "Usually, they just need a different perspective."

"Beats a dead-end job at a cafe."

"You're already bored with it? You just started."

Tyler shrugged, "Yeah, but before the cafe, I did odd jobs here and there. It was different; something new every day."

"Risky way to pay the bills. I would say that you were just lucky,"

Tyler scoffed, "I don't believe in luck."

"Then why get a job? It was obviously going your way." 

"I- I don't-" Tyler stuttered.

She grinned, "I win again. Are you artistic? I used to paint before I lost my eyes. I was excellent at it if I do say so myself."

"You weren't always blind?" Tyler asked.

She took a long pause, her eyes more animated than he anticipated as if she didn't know the answer. "I was born sighted. Sorry, It's a touchy subject." 

"I don’t need to know."

"I don’t feel comfortable talking about it and I’d rather not have to make up a string of lies to appease your questions. I want to be honest."

Tyler nodded. "That's a good thing. I’m sorry."

She scoffed in reply, waving her hand to the side as if brushing away the issue, "I like you though, we shall see. Then again, I may never tell. It adds to my mystique." 

"That doesn't seem fair."

She shrugged. "Tired of me yet?"

"Frustrated, but intrigued," He replied.

"Better than nothing." She stopped, blinked, and took a deep breath. Tyler narrowed his eyes when he noticed. Her body tensed up as she stared off into space. Her smile was gone, her expression vacant.  "What time is it?” She asked.

He pulled out his phone. "Six-thirty."

"Well," she said, standing up and waiting for him to do the same, "I better get home." her hands moved in predetermined paths, rigid and lacking the emotion he came to expect. She faked a smile.

"Oh, I'm not complaining, but that was the shortest date I've ever had." 

"We've had shorter," she teased.


She shook her head, "I don't kiss and tell." Her brow lowered as if he broke her concentration. She reached for him, grasping at the air before he took her hand "Don't forget," she pleaded. "It's been long enough. I'd like to be remembered the next time we meet."

"I'll do my best," Tyler replied. "Do you need help getting home?”

She shook her head, “Thank you, kind sir, but I know the way. Can't have you knowing where I sleep," she gave him a kiss, lightly pecking at his lips. She pulled away as he brought his face closer. "At least, not yet."

"I’ll see you later, then?"   

"Yes," she began with a nod, turning on her heels. "Yes, you will."

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Oct 27, 2020 17:30 by Jacob Billings

Yay! I'm liking this a lot. It's a great concept with amazing execution.   Since I can't copy paste and I just read it, there were a few things I noticed: you sometimes use a comma where you don't need to and it can sometimes lead to having to do a double-take and you use WAY too many dialogue tags. There was one paragraph where you had 3 separate dialogue tags. It's fine to break things up with action, but you don't need three dialogue tags in a single paragraph. You do this a lot, but the worst was "She responded with a smile...if I do say so myself."   There's a typo in part two "her back leaving against a tree" instead of leaning.   Uhh. You say Gemma then Hannah continuing to switch back and forth. Is this meant to be the same character, otherwise who is the second one? I'm very confused there.   Other than that, I like this addition to the story. Though, it appears you wound up changing perspectives mid-chapter, which I do believe you said you were trying to avoid. Great work.

Oct 27, 2020 18:42 by R. Dylon Elder

I've noticed some of the commas. I love the Oxford comma, but I'm notorious for using it in dialogue when it isn't needed or when its supposed to be a period. I'll double check. My god I know. The dialogue are something I've had constant struggles with. Especially when combining scenes, which this one was. The smiling is a problem.... and a big one. I shall rectify.   Idk who the heck Hannah is but she shouldn't be there. May be an autocorrect error when I was editing. I shall fix.     I wanted to avoid it, but I felt Tyler's perspective was more important for the chapter. Then again, it may be better to add to the last section and have it as a separate chapter.

Oct 27, 2020 22:46 by Jacob Billings

I also love the Oxford comma. I can't find an example, but it's more you throw in a comma where it's not needed. Ahh. Combining scenes can definitely mess up the dialogue tags. I'd say a general rule of thumb is only to use them to begin and end a conversation and whenever you include action. Then the conversations flow a bit better. Granted, I've not written much to know about what the best way to do it is.   That's incredible xD. Hannah coming from the middle of nowhere and confusing everyone.   It'd be kind of short, but I wouldn't be upset if the beginning part was a chapter all of its own. The division might also be nice to separate the initial romance and horror before you (eventually, likely) throw them together.   Great work, as always.

Oct 27, 2020 23:31 by R. Dylon Elder

Thank you very much. It's a fine balance and from what Ive found, it really depends. It's crazy. lIke i agree with you. Make it easy to understand who's speaking and its all good, but some people are very particular about those tags XD. Either way, I shall fix them.   Then there is Hannah. I don't like Hannah lol. Funny you mention blending the horror and romance... soon... very soon XD. Hitting you back in just a few.