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Chapter 14: Blackout

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Tyler heard the phone ring numerous times before picking it up. His eyes shot open, and glanced to the clock; 3:00 A.M. He looked at the screen and found himself wide awake, his heart racing. 

“Morrigan?” he said, trying not to shout. 

Morrigan replied, her voice breaking, “Tyler?”

“Whats wrong,” Tyler asked. "Are you okay? It's been days."

“I think I am?”

“What does that mean?” he replied.

“I'm sorry. This was a bad idea,” 

“Don't you dare,” Tyler said.

“Excuse me?”

“What happened,” Tyler asked, “I can help, just tell me how.”

A long pause followed, tyler having to say her name before she would answer. Tyler heard the tears in her eyes.  

“Can you pick me up?”

“Yeah,” Tyler replied, “where are you?”


“Wha-” Tyler began, tripping over his words as he stifled the question, “Yes, I’ll be there soon.”

Tyler threw on whatever clothes he could find, rushing out into the night and pulling from the parking lot within minuets. He drove well over the speed limit the whole way. When he arrived, he couldn't see Morrigan anywhere. 

Tyler stepped out of the car, looked around, and still found no trace or her. 

"Hey you," Morrigan said, her voice soft unsure. 

He jumped, turned around, and saw her stepping out of the library door. She approached, her body illuminated in the headlights. She was covered in blood. 

"Holy shit. Wha-" he stuttered, "What the fuck?"

Morrigan crossed her arms, tightly hugging herself as she desperately searched for a straight answer. When she failed, her mouth twisted to frown, her voice shaking as she spoke, "I don't know." 

"Are you hurt?"

"No," she replied.

"Then who's blood is that," 

She answered, sobbing by the time she finished her sentence, "I don't know that either."

Tyler shifted his weight, alternating on each foot as he tried to find some form of reply. His fists clenched then relaxed only to clench again.

"Morrigan," he began, "I get that things are weird with you." He took a step forward and continued in a whisper, "but I really need a better explanation. This isn't me being curious. You're covered in blood, your clothes are torn, and you look sick." 

Tyler took a deep breath. He didn't know what happened. While he was justified in his request, he felt he should be more understanding. "If your gonna bloody up my upholstry, I should at least know why." He said, "That's fair, isn't it?" 

She nodded, "yes, that's more than fair. The problem is I really don't know. I can't remember." She covered her face, as if ashamed, "I know some of the blood is mine, I hope i didnt kill anyone.” She took a moment, composing herself so she could finish without crying, "I understand if you don't feel safe, or comfortable with me anymore, but I really had no one else to call. If you want, ill usher you in, answer your questions, and be on my way." 

Tyler could see that her words hurt her as much as him, "You'll never see me again," she continued, "or if you like, we can make it to where you forget everything. I'm disoriented, and won't be able to find my way home. That's all I need."

Tyler spoke without thinking, "I don't know. It really depends on what you can tell me." He stopped and stepped forward, slowly reached out, and took hers. He tried not the squirm. The blood coated his hand, weeping between his fingers. 

"I feel like I don't know you. If I did, I wouldn't be so…" he paused, looked her over, and sighed, "concerned."

She nodded, "Okay."

He did what he could to spare the seat when she entered the car. He had a blanket folded up in the back seat, but he knew the blood would soak through. On the way to her apartment, he tried to probe for more information.

"Why not call Beatrice," He asked.

"She lives in Louisiana. You're the only person I really know here," she replied. She seemed calm, the sobs fading to the occasional sniffle, "There are a few, but they wouldn't be as understanding. I don't feel I can trust them." 

Tyler smiled, "not sure if I should be, but I feel special."

"You should."

 "What can you tell me? What do you remember," Tyler asked. 

She sighed, "How do you define the word 'cult?' I know its a weird question, but it’s important."

"Brainwashing, narcissism, suicide by kool-aid?" 

"Did you know most religions begin as cults," she asked, "Your’s is a more modern view of the term. It originated from the greek word 'cultus' which refers to a group that spreads a particular faith. That's my definition,"

"Are you in a cult?"

"I was," Morrigan began, "I was devoted.  I'm not a member of the movement anymore, but I still keep the faith."

"Why'd you leave," Tyler asked.

"I didn't. I was forced out, in a way." Morrigan replied.

"Second thoughts?"

"No," Morrigan said, her jaw clenching, “Never.”


"We were a house divided. Some favored Gemma, others sided with me. Anyone who sided with me found themselves hunted and promptly killed." 

"Jesus," Tyler, “I’m sorry, what?”

"I was seen as competition. I sought to create a schism in the movement. My rival didn't approve." 

"That's brutal."

"You don't even know," Morrigan said. 

"what does that mean?"

"we worship a…" Morrigan paused unsure if it revealed too much. He still wasn't ready, "... a goddess. I know you don't like religion. The details would bore you. She is a goddess of passion and extremes; a goddess of red. It's not a leap of the imagination to assume blood is involved."

"I'd assume blood would be sacred, but spilled for personal gain," Tyler said. 

"Oh it is," Morrigan replied, "blood is beyond sacred. That doesn't extend to life as often as you would assume."

The car came to a stop. They walked to the apartment, and Morrigan made Tyler wait outside while she went in to clean up. She surprised Tyler with how quick she was. It took ten minutes. While he waited, he noticed the witches ladder hung outside her door. He marveled at it, though he felt nauseous when he realized it was blood that danced around the wooden frame. 

When she opened the doors she took a frantic hit of an already lit cigarette. He stared at her, waiting for her to say something, then noticed her hair. It seemed much longer than it was days before. 

"Where do I start," Morrigan asked, more to herself than Tyler.

"Your hair. It's longer," Tyler replied, " like several-inches-in-two-days longer."

Morrigan reached up, felt her hair, and at first looked confused. Her eyes then went wide as a grin appeared. "What of it?"


She sighed, "I encountered something before I blacked out."

"You blacked out?"

"Yes. I woke up outside the library. That’s when I called you. Whatever it was, the encounter had an effect on my hair growth. That's the best you're getting." 

"What did you encounter?" 

"How should I know" she replied, "I'm blind."

"You're not really helping your case, here."

"Am I on trial? I experienced something that scared me," she said, refusing to look at him, "I'm still terrified. I don't know what it was. Lisbeth is gone." she paused. It took a moment to form the words, "things are going to get dangerous soon, for both of us. You need to get your shit together."

"Why me?"

"I thought I was safe but I think Gemma, and by proxy, the cult, wants me dead," morrigan replied, "You're with me, so you are a target as well." 

"How do you know that?"

"Because I wouldn't leave someone to take revenge later. I feel Lisbeth was a trap, though I don't think Gemma realized she was on my side. I can't tell you what happened, but I can say that you need to get the candlelight in full." She paused and prepared for her next revelation. She didn't want to admit the passion was a problem, but it was. "I blacked out for a reason. I have a certain skill, and one I am damn good at."

He was about to ask a question,  but she raised a hand the moment he took a breath, "Hold on, I'm not done," she said, "The last several times I've used it, it hasn't ended well. I black out. I can keep myself in control for the most part, but it’s a fine line I walk." 

She stopped, let her words sink in, then looked to the ground while placing her hand under her chin, supporting her head, "If I cross that line, I lose control. I don't want you to see that, and I certainly do not want you to get hurt."

"Without an idea of what it is," Tyler began, " I won't understand, but I guess I don't need to." He stepped forward and sat beside her, "I can see you're scared and that's enough for now, but my patience is really wearing thin. How do I get The Candlelight?  I thought I already had it."

"What you have is dim, like cinders. You don't have a sense of wonder yet. I need your mind to be receptive of the truth, not eager to rip it apart and analyze it. You’re doing a damn fine job, thus far. I’ll figure something out."

"You do that. Should I head home?"

"I won't let you inside, but I could sit here a while longer. I am sorry I woke you so late."

"It's flattering, if I'm being honest."


"yeah," Tyler replied, "I'm glad you trust me."

She laid her head on his shoulder, wrapping her arm around him. She played with a curl in his hair, looping it around her finger. She gave a soft laugh, "You're cute."

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Nov 1, 2020 00:39 by Jacob Billings

I like this chapter. There are still a number of typo and mistakes like saying "..." Tyler "..." and forgetting the said but, for the most part, it's just small things.   I feel like, as a reader, we have about the same amount of information as Tyler does as we're following more so with his journey into the Candlelight, which is an interesting subject to balance with Morrigan's knowledgable perspective intermixed. Morrigan is such an interesting character: she goes from being terrified to pretty much flirting with Tyler in an instant. It's a strange personality, but I think you're doing fairly well at handling it. I'm excited to learn more about The Prestige, especially in Morrigan's use of it.

Nov 1, 2020 02:12 by R. Dylon Elder

Oof, after the last one I hoped it would get better. Lol I missed a jemma again, but I'm glad it's working well.   I definitely want the reader to learn as Tyler does, and it is a challenge to balance that with Morrigan, its why its rare for her pov to show up. Morrigan likes to push things down, deflect , and keep control. It's kind of part of her arc. She's a cultist, the villain in most stories. I wanted her to be more complex compared to Tyler.

Nov 1, 2020 02:14 by R. Dylon Elder

Oof. Too soon. Thanks again my friend! I'm glad it's working out, and if you're super busy, don't feel pressures to read. I am patient. Lol if someone wants to read, they will in their time.