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Chapter 23: Retreat

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Morrigan screamed when Tyler took a breath. She stood up, backed away, and reached around for her cane.

“Morrigan?” Tyler said. She pulled her hand away, cocking her head. 

“You’re fucking dead.”

“I was fucking dead.” he replied.  

“That doesnt happen,” she cried, “no one survives that.” 

“You’d know more than me. ” 

She stood silent the occasional whimper leaking out. She reached out to him, and he took her hand. She pulled him toward her, throwing herself forward and wrapping her arms around him. She heard a voice, like a spider, pricking at her ear. 

“Quite a turn of events.” she said. 

Morrigan let go of Tyler, walking to the front door prepared for a fight, “You owe me an explanation, Gemma.” 

“For what?” 

Morrigan felt her presence and lashed out, swiping her hand. The metal railing ripped from its anchor, bending and folding with a grind before crashing to the ground below. The presence moved, and Morrigan couldn't tell where. 

“I’m serious,” Gemma said.

“You attacked me, Thats fine. Why did you attack Tyler?”

“Tyler was the one we wanted.”

Morrigan squinted, her anger building, “Why?”

“To exploit a weakness. Alice knew she couldn't survive you. Didn’t expect him to live. This changes things.”

Morrigan shook her head and tried to keep herself composed. “You were here?” she screamed, sensing the presence again. Morrigan rushed forward and grabbed Gemmas dress, pinning her against the wall, “You tried to kill him.”

“Try? I did kill him.” She cracked a crooked grin.

“You took out the wards.” Morrigan suddenly understood, “You knew he’d take the rite? How?” 

“I told him to,” Gemma replied.

“Well then, I hope you know what your doing.”

“I do. You will run, of course.”

“Why not just kill us?” Morrigan lifted the woman off the ground, pushing harder against the wall. The woman’s body felt frail, old. The laughter and labored breathing cracked, and the woman coughed. 

“Gemma,” Morrigan laughed, “Are you dying?” Morrigan felt the woman’s muscles tense up, Morrigan dropped her to the ground with a thud.


“I cant help you, nor would I,” Morrigan said

“It isn’t a choice.” Gemma said. Her voice wheezed as she gasped for air.

Morrigan relished the sound. Her hate called to something deep. She wanted to do more than kill. She wanted Gemma to suffer far more than any human ever could. She could have ended the threat, but she stopped, taking a deep breath to calm herself down, “Everything is a choice.” Morrigan said, burying the feeling and letting out a lung full of air as she fidgeted with the ring on her finger, “please, leave us alone.” 

“Or what?” Gemma said, 

Morrigan felt hot, the rage rising again as she clenched her jaw, “Or I’ll let my anger show.”

“Oh, yes,” Gemma replied, “You can be quite the animal. I’m sure Tyler would understand. He seems a reasonable sort of man.”

 “I will rip each and every one of you apart if I have to,” Morrigan replied. “‘Animal’ won’t quite cover it.”

“Likewise. If you won’t come willingly, I guess I’ll just have to make your life harder.”

Morrigan was about to speak, but felt the presence disappear. She darted into the apartment, “Tyler, help me please.” 

“With what?”

“We have to go. I’m packing.” 

He obeyed in silence, both packing a couple of bags worth of essentials in silence. Morrigan spoke only when the bags were in his car, “Do you need to stop by your place to pick up anything?”

“Yeah, I need clothes too, you know, “So that was Gemma?”

Morrigan opened the car door, “Hmm? Oh, yes it was.” Morrigan scoffed.

“She tricked me?” Tyler said.

“Yes.” Morrigan lit a cigarette. Tyler entered the car, and she smiled. She could feel him there. She hoped for this feeling. She could sense him in the static. Static radiated from him like a fountain. She expected this, but she didnt expect it to be so strong. When he dropped his hand from the wheel and offered to hold hers, she hesitated before taking it, as if afraid of being shocked. She felt the power surge through him, and it brought a smile to her face. He may learn the prestige after all. 

“They wont stop coming will they?” Tyler asked, breaking her concentration.

“Apparently not.”

“What,” he began, “were you waiting for her to die?” 

“I was,” she replied.

“And now?”

She sighed, “I have no idea.” 

They parked outside of Tylers apartment and Morrigan followed him inside. She helped him pack. Before leaving, Tyler began a note for Charles. 

Morrigan stopped him, “No.” 

“No? I cant just leave.”

“Oh yes you can, and you will.” she replied. “This time next week, they will forget you ever existed.”

“We’ve been friends for years.”

She reached for his hand, “That won’t matter. You have the candlelight, and it’s brighter now.”


“I dont know what happened to you, but yes.”  

They entered the car, “Where to?” Tyler asked, “The Library?”

She shook her head,  “No, They’ll be there waiting. Head south. It’s the fastest way out.”

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Nov 4, 2020 23:06 by Jacob Billings

Continuity!!!   I think the edits you made to this chapter are in the next chapter. You have a Jemma typo still.