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Chapter 26: The Estate

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Tyler woke the next day and it seemed like the night before never happened. Morrigan sat in a chair next to their bags, already packed and ready to be loaded. She smiled, stood and walked over to the bed, "come on, I have an idea."

"What?" He asked. 

"Apparently, there's a contract on you. I’m taking you to Oxford.

Tyler slipped his shoes on, loaded the bags into the car, and took the key to the front desk. He was in a decent mood, a song stuck in his head as he strolled into the office.

When Tyler stepped through the front door the man looked at him, "Welcome, what can I do for-" the man paused, "Oh right. Room 12. Man, I completely forgot about you. Turning it in?"

Tyler handed over the key, "Yes, sir. Thanks so much."

"No problem. You guys be careful."

Tyler marveled at this. The candlelight couldn't be controlled, but it could be useful. He felt like a ghost, entering and leaving people's lives without even leaving the memories.

Morrigan sat in the car with a lit cigarette in her hand. He entered the car, “Where to?”

"Take me to a library," she replied.

Tyler set up his GPS and followed the road in silence. He flipped the radio on. He cocked his head when he heard the first few notes of the song stuck in his head. A chill ran down his spine, and he shuddered, the static buzzed so loud it started to hurt his head.

Morrigan jostled in her seat, "Are you okay?"

"I’ve had this song stuck in my head all morning. I turn on the radio and there it is.”

“No, you sounded like you were in pain.”

“Oh, The static is really getting to me," He said, offering his hand.

She gave her hand in kind, squeezing his gently, "I wonder why. I know you're going loud, but damn."

"So, this isn't normal?" He asked.

"I wouldn't know if it's normal, but it's new to me. Someone at Oxford might know. What happened during the rite?"

He took an exit, trying to keep focused on the road, "I woke up in a casino, and a dealer started talking in riddles, performed a few magic tricks, and then I woke up."

Morrigan reached for the back seat, checking the bags and pulling out her copy of The Simplex Arcana. The drive took half an hour, and she spent the whole time shifting through the pages, sliding her hand across the Braille is it appeared. By the time they neared the library, she slammed the book shut.

"Nothing huh? He said, rubbing his temples.

“Nothing I’ve ever dealt with. Someone at Oxford will know.”

They entered the library, and Morrigan whispered, “I want you to find it.”

He sighed and looked along the walls, then did so again when he realized he skipped one. It didn't take him long to see a wooden door that didn't want to be found. He started walking, and she gave his arm a squeeze, “You’re getting better.”

“Is the librarian going to be an issue?” he asked.

“Not if you’re quiet.”

The walked down the spiral staircase, and Tyler realized they were in an entirely different section of The First Library. The staircases were arranged differently, and there was no desk to be found. A librarian stood, sorting books several rows down. She turned and stared at them as Morrigan navigated the staircases, selecting one that led to a black wooden door. The door was well-kept, unlike the others, and featured several designs painted in gold around its frame. The bronze plaque on the door was fully legible, as if it was brand new.

They stepped through and found themselves in what Tyler assumed to be the library at Oxford. She took his hand, pulling him along in her excitement. He barely had time to enjoy the beauty of history and the smell of old books.

They exited the library and Morrigan immediately lit a cigarette. She took a drag, and exhaled. He marveled at the sight, as if he had never seen it before. He saw something special in it. The smoke assailed her system, damaging her in a way that couldn't be undone under normal circumstances. The irony set in when he realized, even if for only a moment, he stared at a dying immortal. He noticed the silence.

“What?” She said, trying not to smile on impulse, “I can feel your eyes when you’re gawking so hard.”

“Sorry. You're gorgeous. I can’t help it.” She laughed and began breaking down the plan. The buzzing of static felt different, still disorganized, but with purpose. The world around him moved to a beat that only he could hear. Those walking on the street moved in time with one another, the revving of an engine sounding off at the end of each measure.

“The darkness here runs deep,” Morrigan said, “So much lore, so many monsters.”

“I imagine,” Tyler said

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Nothing, why?”

Morrigan laughed, “You're distracted, I can tell by your voice,”

“Are strange coincidences and realizations symptoms of Candlelight?”

“Realizations, maybe, but coincidences, no. Those are just coincidences.” She replied.

“I'm not so sure,” He smiled. “Are we waiting for a cab?”

“I know the way. We can walk, it won’t be far.” Morrigan said.

Tyler approached her and grabbed her hand. “Lead the way.” He said grinning. They wandered the streets, turning down back alleys and deserted streets. “I thought London would be more active during the day.” He said

“It is. The street is deserted because no one knows about it.” It was as if they had taken a step back in time. The buildings, each Victorian in build and aesthetic, seemed much older than those he saw before. They met a dead end.

“Almost all cities have forgotten streets and there will always be something interesting at the end. Come on. The Estate is a massive mansion, and we’re still figuring out just how deep the secrets go,”

Before them was a thick tangle of vines and interwoven branches that met at a corner between the two largest buildings. She pressed her cane forward and gently lifted the trellis that blocked their path. As the foliage lifted, the sunlight rushed through and nearly blinded him.

He saw a verdant glen, littered with trees and small ponds, all surrounding a beautiful mansion. The mansion stood three stories tall. Houses walled in the Estate, along with many other buildings. A winding road led out of the campus, stretching across the glen till it disappeared from view.

“Welcome to the Oxford Estate.” Morrigan said, ushering him through the opening made in the wall of flora.

“You're telling me this won't show up on Google Maps?” Tyler asked

“Not at all. I make sure of it.” Morrigan replied, sliding her arm around his. They walked toward the mansion, casually stopping to admire the scenery, or a statue. The mansion seemed much larger up close.

“Prepare yourself,” she said with a smile. They approached the front door and a man came out to meet them. The man was tall, strong, and his white hair and matching beard went well with his smile, which displayed perfect white teeth. He rushed forward to meet them, unbuttoning his overcoat to embrace Morrigan.

“You came through the back way?” He said.

“Damon!” Morrigan rushed forward and gave the man a hug before introducing him to Tyler. They shook hands.

“Finally get to meet you.” Damon said still smiling, showing off a jawline that could cut steel.

“Damon,” Morrigan began, “We have a problem. I'm starting to think Tyler’s rite gave him something special.”

Damon looked Tyler in the eye. It made him uncomfortable, but Tyler never looked away. “You took the rite and made it out the other side. I’m impressed.”

I really didn't.” Tyler said, and Damon cocked his head, crossing his arms, “I died.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean I got to see my lifeless body laying on Morrigan’s shag carpet.” Tyler said, “Then I was in some kind of-”

“Casino?” Damon asked, raising an eyebrow. He gestured for them to come inside. They obeyed and Damon called over a young man walking through the lobby, “Get Isla down here, if you would.”

“Isla?” Tyler asked.

Morrigan ignored him, “Do you know something I don’t?”

Damon chuckled, and shook his head, as if ashamed of the answer. Before he could reply, a woman sauntered down the stairs. The Woman had brown hair and tan skin. Tyler’s jaw dropped. It was the woman from the casino.

Tyler was about to speak, but Isla looked at him, gave him the same saucy wink, and shook her head. Tyler paused, waiting for someone to say something about such an obvious exchange, but no one noticed despite the fact that all eyes were on her.

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Nov 5, 2020 05:35 by Jacob Billings

Ok. Just a few small things within this chapter:   There are a few small typos. Uhh, but most of them are pretty hard to stop.   The passage "She laughed, breaking down the plan..." to the end of the paragraph is a bit odd. You kind of suggest that part of the following conversation is the plan but you also begin describing odd things in the static. It makes that section of the chapter feel slightly stiff and disjointed as the cohesion isn't present.   I love your magic system so much. The idea of Candlelight itself is extremely cool and the not-so-invisible invisible walls, doors, streets, and more are such an incredible way to hide a magic world in a blatant manner. Beyond that, the touch with the hotel guy worked (I presume you did something similar in the previous chapter since the "again" part suggests that this happened the previous night as well. I didn't check).   I'm still super curious about all of the characters. Learning more about who Damon is will be cool considering I'm pretty sure we haven't seen him since the first chapter. As well, it sounds like you're preparing to explain what happened to Tyler, which should hopefully offer some insight into who Isla is plus her own brand of magic. I can't wait.   I think that's about all I have to say. The only other thing I would point out is about passive vs active action. This chapter is far more laid back, having several large paragraphs dedicated to more passive action where you're telling the reader what's happening instead of really showing it. But, that's unavoidable at some points. Just something to be aware of.

Nov 5, 2020 05:45 by R. Dylon Elder

Yessss, i decided to move a little more passive for this chapter as it's time to get the ball rolling for Tyler. It was a little rushed and I'll likely fine tune it. Ill address issues soon. I got a little to excited. Isla is one of my favorites here. Damon has some moments coming as well.

Jan 24, 2021 03:52 by Morgan Biscup

I love how they use libraries as a portal system!   This chapter ending felt quite abrupt compared to your other ones.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Jan 24, 2021 04:16 by R. Dylon Elder

Ahhh yes. This is when the book goes from mostly polished to needs some work. I'll be sure to rework it during the edit. Thanks so much for pointing it out!