Chapter 1 - Shon

5731 2 1

Autumn 4994, 04 Aoimoth 

"Is that a pseudodragon?"

Whispers followed Shon down the long stone hall from the Temple chapel to the clerk's offices. The tiny dragon, about the size of a large barn cat, purred contentedly on his shoulder. Its sharp little talons digging into his flesh through his tunic, as if it sensed how much Shon wanted to pick it up and drop it on the ground.

"Do you really think that's what real dragons looked like?" 

"That's what the Mages say..."

"But how could they possibly know? They've been gone for thousands of years..." 

Five thousand. Shon tried to ignore the whispers. Even if they wanted to talk to him directly about the beast, with its long barbed tail wrapped tightly around his neck -further solidifying its seat- he wouldn't have answered them. Shon wasn't one for conversation at the best of times, and this certainly wasn't that. The unwanted attention drained what peace he'd managed to find in the chapel, leaving him nearly as restless as he'd been before going to pray.

Even after a quick shower before praying, he could still smell smoke. But if it was clinging to his clothes and skin or drifting in from outside, he couldn't tell. A warm orange glow streamed through the windows to his right. The wildfires from what had once been one of the oldest woods in the kingdom continued to burn. Though the storm of wild magic that had supposedly started the inferno was over, the sky was blacked out nonetheless with billowing smoke and ash visible from days away.

The little dragon whistled as they rounded a corner. Loosening its tail and leaning forward on its front claws, it wiggled its hindquarters and spread its wings wide enough to smack Shon in the face, digging in four sets of claws before it pushed off and leapt into the air. It glided down the passage, whistling again before alighting lightly on the shoulder of the man waiting by the door halfway down the hall. 

The Monk laughed, "Good evening to you, too, Ryuuko," Master Veon-Zih stroked the pseudodragon with one hand and waved at Shon with the other. "Do you feel better?" he called jovially to his companion as Shon drew closer. 

Master Veon-Zih was a man much much older than he appeared, though the lines about his eyes when he smiled showed his age at least a bit more accurately than his shaved head and wiry-muscled frame. Shon shrugged in response to the question, reaching for the Temple clerks' door and letting himself in. 

He would feel better if they would just give him another job rather than have him mill around for days waiting on orders. At the last Temple, they'd told Shon that he was needed here and bid him come right away. Not having the luxury of being able to choose, Shon had followed the orders without question only to find once he'd arrived that they were still drafting his orders.

The woman behind the desk was young enough to be freshly Oath Sworn, though her bearing was of a woman grown, as was often the case with Paladins. Her rank, Second Lieutenant, shone in sliver on her shoulders, and her hair was tied back in a tight regulation bun. Her Temple uniform, white with blue accents, was pressed with crisp, clean lines. The implication of a Paladin running the office and not the usual Cleric wasn't lost on Shon. It seemed all the Clerics had been sent to the disaster areas to assist with healing.

She looked up at their entrance, taking a moment to study both men and pseudodragon. Her polite smile didn't quite reach her eyes, until Master Veon-Zih raised his hand in a lazy wave.

"Good evening Sir, my companion and I were told to report." Veon-Zih leaned on the long counter that separated the clerks' desks from the entrance, and Ryuuko climbed down his arm to sniff at the woman's logbook. Shon stayed a step back, letting his eyes scan over the room with all its filing cabinets and tidy, empty desks, while Veon-Zih continued, "We've come from Lirgues under orders from Sir Karvin,"

The woman blinked, her smile shifting to something more genuine as she looked Master Veon-Zih over again in a new light, "Ah yes, I was told to expect you. You must be Gra..."

"Just Veon-Zih is fine, Sir." Veon-Zih interrupted, shaking his head. 

Shon was surprised the Paladin didn't insist on addressing Veon-Zih by his earned rank, but as she turned chocolate brown eyes to Shon, he wished she had, "And you must be-"

"Yes, this is Shon, and technically the orders are for him. I'm just a tag-along," Veon-Zih interjected, clapping a hand on Shon's shoulder with a little shake, ignoring his student's flinch at the touch.

Shon nodded mutely to the knight, who tried, and failed, to repress a shiver. Her eyes flicked over his left shoulder, to the pommel of his bastard sword, currently swirling navy with streaks of robin's egg blue.

Ryuuko whistled loudly to confirm in its own animalistic way, and the Paladin cleared her throat, "Yes, well... We are quite short-staffed at the moment, but we should have your orders soon. If you would wait here just a moment?"

She made to turn back to her desk, but Shon stepped forward, tapping the counter. When she looked back, he asked, "Do I have mail, Sir?"

The Paladin took a moment to answer, and Veon-Zih leaned over to Shon, whispering loud enough for her to hear as well, "It might help if you blink." The woman blushed, and Shon turned to arch one black eyebrow at the Monk. It was true that blue eyes were rare in Lenare Provence, and also true Shon's eyes were a blue so striking and pure they looked like the reflection of a clear sky on a frozen lake in the depths of winter. But still... that didn't explain why she and so many others should be so entranced or -more often- intimidated. 

With a sigh, Shon ran his hand through his hair, blacker than night and just long enough to frame his face but not to tie back. He turned his attention back to the Paladin, alternating his arched eyebrow to the other side, letting her know his question still stood.

"We haven't received any mail for at least a month..." she started,

But Veon-Zih shook his head, still smiling his disarming smile, and explained, "It could be many months old. We haven't been here since... When was it, Shon?"

The Monk knew perfectly well when they'd been here last, but was trying to get his antisocial companion to more actively participate in the conversation. Shon just nodded, but as Veon-Zih gave his shoulder another subtle squeeze, he answered, "Doumoth before last." 

She blinked at the pair of them again but answered, "Oh... Well... Just a moment..." 

Shon turned his back on the Paladin while she went to rifle through her files. Veon-Zih just sighed, turning as well and leaning his back on the counter, "Do you think they're going to have us help with the rescue efforts?" His eyes flicked to the sword on Shon's back for only an instant, but Shon noticed. He tried to resist glowering as he shrugged in response.

But just as Shon had noticed the glance, Veon-Zih read Shon's expression like an open book, "You could do a lot to assist in this, you know..." Shon shook his head, though not to deny the Monk his point. If they ordered him to assist, he would -he didn't have a choice- but he knew they wouldn't.

"Oh!" the surprised exclamation had both men looking back at the Paladin who was pulling a sealed letter from the rear of a dusty file cabinet while Ryuuko tried to climb into the drawer, crinkling papers in an effort to reach the letter.

Shon whistled, jerking his head and glaring at the little dragon until it took flight, further scattering papers, to return and land on the top of Veon-Zih's head.

The Paladin laughed at the dragon's antics despite the mess. Returning to the counter, she slid the envelope towards Shon, "It's at least five months old and doesn't say who sent it." 

Shon knew exactly who'd left it here but didn't explain, waiting for the woman to draw her hand away before reaching for the letter. At his side, Master Veon-Zih was speaking, probably explaining the origin of the letter. Shon blocked it out, running his fingers over his scrawled name and the blot of sealing wax stamped with a six-petaled lily. 

The click of an opening door pulled him from his reverie, and Shon looked up to see a second Paladin, this one much older and with Lieutenant General knots on his shoulders. "Good, you're here," Deep lines born of more than just age, etched furrows into the man's face. Still, he stood proud, walking around the counter to stand before Shon. "Your orders." he held out a thick sheaf of paper. 

Shon saluted sharply, taking the orders and remaining at attention until the Paladin returned the gesture. He could feel the Paladin's eyes scanning him as he read through his orders in silence. He'd probably read Shon's file, and Shon wasn't keen on talking about anything the Lieutenant General might have to say concerning what had been found there if it didn't pertain to the mission at hand. 

"Are we to help with the fire effort?" Veon-Zih asked, pulling the Paladin's attention away from Shon. 

Shon had gotten far enough into the orders that he already knew the answer. Still, he kept his ears open for the plain language explanation as the Paladin answered, "I'm afraid not, Gr-"

"Veon-Zih, please, Lieutenant General." Veon-Zih interrupted.

The Paladin looked for a moment as if he wanted to argue but apparently thought better of it because he continued, "As you wish. You are aware, I'm sure, of the scope of the fires?" Shon glanced up long enough to arch a disbelieving eyebrow at the man. How could anyone not be aware of the fires' magnitude while smoke still blocked the sun and night was turned to dawn with the constant glow on the horizon? Veon-Zih just nodded solemnly, and the knight continued, "All the Temples and Churches in range are working with a skeleton crew. Nearly everyone able to heal has been sent to the front lines. Even the Mages Guild has turned out in droves to fight the fires, and we finally seem to have it underhand. Miles upon miles of ancient wood... lost..."

And lives. At least six small forest villages were utterly destroyed, two of which had no survivors yet found. The Paladin took a moment to further square his shoulders before he continued, "But there was also a discovery in the destruction..." 

Shon alternated his arched brow to the other side. However, the Paladin was still focused on Veon-Zih as he spoke, "A ruin, possibly a cathedral, lost by time in the wood." Master Veon-Zih hummed, rubbing his chin in thought, but didn't interrupt, "We need to determine which god lays claim to that land. If it's a lost Temple to Hengist or a Church of Soleil or Lune, then we have a duty to restore it. If it was Horsa's..." 

"Then they'll wish to claim the territory and redraw their borders," Veon-Zih nodded, finishing the Paladin's explanation after the man had paused to sneer at the name of Horsa.

Hengist and Horsa were brother gods and bitter rivals, their Temples each governing half of the ten provinces. The only thing keeping the two factions from constant war was the Temple of Saint Giorgos, which ruled over the kingdom as a whole.

Veon-Zih continued, musing,  "Any Grove of Cathbad would've burned," they were all built of living trees, "and if it's of Saint Giorgos or any of the other Saints, then the kingdom will want to get involved."

"Even with our limited reports, we're fairly confident it wasn't a Saint Giorgos Temple." the Hengist Paladin explained, "It seems to be much older than the young gods. And though we feel it's important, we haven't gotten any clear signs one way or the other if it's Hengist or Horsa land." He emphasized the 'feel' in his explanation. Though Paladins and Clerics were the closest to their gods -holding a small piece of the divine in their souls- the gods couldn't communicate directly with their servants. Forcing them to interpret flashes of intuition and esoteric symbols from dreams.

Older than Saint Giorgos? Shon stayed silent while something hummed in the back of his mind, like someone whispering just out of hearing range. The 'young gods' were still nearly five thousand years old. Once mortal men and women, they'd been elevated to the heavenly plane after defeating the evil that had plagued humans and kept them subjugated since the beginning of time. Or at least that's what the Temple of Saint Giorgos and the kingdom taught.

Shon pulled his attention back to the men in front of him, listening as the Paladin finished his abbreviated instructions to Shon. "You will be heading a small team, including a Mage, who will set up a gate at the location in question. Once that's done, we will send other Temple and Guild representatives to excavate and investigate. Any questions?" 

With a slight shake of his head, Shon saluted the Paladin again. The man returned the salute reflexively though he didn't dismiss him. Instead, the officer looked Shon over again. They were nearly the same height, Shon having a few more inches at just over six feet tall, though he was at least half again as broad in the shoulders as the knight. The Paladin's gaze drifted over Shon's sword, whose pommel had lightened and grown nearly transparent, before settling on Shon's eyes.

Shon should've known it would be too much to pray it be left at that...

"I know you may be able to help in other ways, and I understand that you may be driven to do so in the name of honor. But I remind you that the laws pertaining to-"

"I understand, Sir." Shon interrupted, stung that the Lieutenant General thought he needed to be reminded.

Ryuuko chittered, hopping from Veon-Zih's head to Shon's shoulder and perching on his sword hilt with a little hiss. Master Veon-Zih cleared his throat and held out his hand, drawing the Paladin's attention away again, "Well, we should turn in for the night then, Sir. We will head out bright and early tomorrow morning."

Shon nodded his agreement and assurance that that would be the case, while the Paladin took Veon-Zih's hand and shook it. "Your team will meet with you outside the west gate." Already having saluted the man, Shon took the final order as a dismissal and moved for the door without another word.

Once in the hall, he took a moment to look at both the orders and the letter, before slipping the unopened letter into his belt pouch. It was already half a year old, it could wait another night while he studied the details of his orders. His thumb ran over the embossed lily one more time before he dropped it and continued towards the barracks, Ryuuko whistling sadly on his shoulder.


The forest path could still be distinguished by the marked absence of the burned husks of crumbling trees. Blackened spikes as large around as a man, the remnants of the wood stood a mourner's vigil over the destruction. 

The small team reached the field of ash on the first day, and silence blanketed them all, subduing even Ryuuko. It made the gentle clink of arms and armor and soft snuffs of the nervous horses sound like an angry din. Apart from them, there was no life remaining here. No birds or squirrels, even the insects hadn't swarmed in to reclaim the skies yet.

It was by far the safest week Shon had ever spent on the road. Not even the bloodthirsty draken or ever-hungry drakwalves haunted what remained. Though it would only be a matter of time. The closer they inched towards the mountain crags to the north, the thinner the wood had become, and the more numerous the caves -where hostile enemies might still lurk.

As if afraid to disturb the lingering stillness, the party spent most of that first day in silence. But as the days wore on, most of them started conversing again, even managing to sound cheerful and carefree on occasion.

"How long have you had such a splendid creature as a companion, Master Monk?" The Mage -Sonya- asked Veon-Zih. Shon kept his face forward, doing his best to ignore the idle chatter and failing as Ryuuko swooped down low enough to pull some of his hair on the way back toward the others.

"I was wondering that too," The Temple soldier -Barth- chimed in, "I've heard they're notoriously shy, but this one hardly seems it." 

The Ranger -Yua- gave a partial answer, "Even in Shutha, where they're most common, they're elusive. But they've been known to bond with adventurers they find worthy."

Master Veon-Zih laughed, "Just so! I've seen two others before, both in the Southernwood of Shutha. Ryuuko I met in Clearhelm about seven years ago, and I've been lucky enough to travel with it for the last five years. And please, just Veon-Zih is fine, m'lady."

"I would love to have a pseudodragon as a familiar..." the Mage crooned towards the little dragon, "Perhaps I might convince you, and it, to allow me to attempt the spell?" Shon clenched his reigns and his mount shook its head at the tension it sensed in its rider's seat. He could feel Veon-Zih's eyes on his back but didn't turn to meet the Monk's gaze. Ryuuko hissed, and though it wasn't directed toward Shon, he could feel the emotion in his bones. 

"I'm afraid young Ryuuko doesn't seem interested, m'lady. Perhaps you can try your luck in the Southernwood?" Veon-Zih tried to smooth things over and must've succeeded because the other three laughed.

Barth asked, "Why don't you already have a familiar, Miss Sonya?" and Shon grit his teeth. This conversation going on without him wasn't going to change anytime soon, and though he considered putting more distance between himself and them, he resisted. Barely.

"Well, Sir soldier..." Sonya started to answer, and Shon closed his eyes with a silent prayer. 'Sir' as a title was for a Paladin knight, and he could easily imagine the smug smile on Barth's face at being addressed as such, even in jest. Shon could hear the man's armor clanking as he sat a little straighter.

Barth had scoffed at Shon upon meeting him and learning that he was the one placed in charge of this expedition. Though the local enlisted man didn't dare say anything to him directly, Shon had heard him complain to Veon-Zih that Shon wasn't even experienced enough to wear his armor as they traveled. Only to have the Monk inform Barth that Shon didn't wear armor, ever.

Barth had enough sense not to question a Monk, a Master of unarmed and unarmored combat, about the wisdom of such a decision. Still, Shon had noticed the soldier shooting questioning looks his way that entire first day. Clearly, he was confused by Shon's position in the Temple. Despite his decision to go unarmored, his ever-present bastard sword and head full of black hair clearly marked Shon as someone who hadn't taken the Monk vows.

Whenever he wasn't questioning Shon's ability to lead, Barth was mooning over Sonya. A few years older than Shon, the Mage was a lovely woman. With long blond hair, full hips, and puffy lips. When the ladies were around, Barth swore those lips were made for kissing, though Shon could tell from the look in the man's hungry eyes what he really thought her mouth would be good for. Now, Shon didn't bother to look, he didn't even want to listen, but the Mage continued to explain familiars to the simple enlisted fighter. 

"Mages have to cast a rather expensive spell to attract a familiar and form the bond. Only Sorcerers get familiars unbidden. And though the bond has its benefits, it also has risks. If a familiar is hurt, then the human half will feel it. If they die... well..." Shon could hear Sonya's long hair swish over her back as she shook her head. She'd sidled closer than he'd realized.

Again, Shon had to resist speeding up.

Sonia continued, "Anyway, most familiars are just normal animals made more intelligent by the bond. I would consider it worth the risk for a familiar such as a pseudodragon. They're intelligent already and resourceful in their own right, with a venomous sting in their tail that can knock a draken out for a full day."

Yua hummed, her leather armor creaking against her bow as she shrugged, "Yes, well, you get that just from befriending one."

Sonya's laugh sounded close enough that Shon finally looked over to see her inching her mount closer to him as they continued down the path.

"Yes, but as a familiar, a Mage can cast spells through them and even see through their eyes and communicate without words."

Assuming they listen... Shon thought. Sonya was attempting to be subtle in her efforts to ride beside him, and though he tried to catch Veon-Zih's eye, the Monk was refusing to look at him. Shon ran his hand through his hair and looked towards the sky. It was nearly dusk, but they were so close that if they kept going a little longer, they should reach the site of the ruin before full dark.

He reigned in his horse to drop back beside Master Veon-Zih. And put some distance between himself and the Mage as she continued her meaningless talk with the others. If she really meant to ride beside him, she would be forced to be obvious about it, and though she did turn in her seat to watch him for a moment, she didn't go so far as to slow down to join him. 

"I think she likes you..." Master Veon-Zih said to Shon as he drew up beside him. 

Shon shot the Monk a withering look, thinking, She doesn't even know me. 

But Veon-Zih could read Shon's expressions as clearly as if he could read the man's mind, "It's because you're so quiet and mysterious. If you really want people to judge you by who you are, you should actually open up a little and show them." 

Shon didn't answer. This was who he was. Master Veon-Zih should know that. He'd known Shon longer than anyone else. Ever since he was a child who still dared to dream of a future that held meaning. Even then, Shon had been quiet. But then he'd known people who respected that. 

"You've closed off more than before, Shon..." Veon-Zih whispered, once again reading his face.

Shon kneed his mount into a trot, "We can make it before full dark if we press." 

Master Veon-Zih didn't answer or try to catch up as Shon pulled ahead of the party again.


They were forced to dismount as they reached the broken stone mountains that formed the border between Hengist-controlled Lenare and Horsa-controlled Stiudal. Here the trees had grown thick and close to the mountain despite the stone. The party often found they needed to weave around the charred remains of trunks growing in the middle of what they were using as a 'path' but would've been no more than a goat trail mere months ago.

They were nearly forced to leave the horses or risk losing them on the precariously narrow path of loose stone, but with the Ranger's help, they managed. Yua led the way, followed by Barth, Sonya, and Veon-Zih, with Shon taking his preferred position in the rear.

Shon was considering ordering a halt at the next available site when Yua rounded another bend and stopped short, her horse nearly knocking her over and Barth barely dodging a lazy kick when he ran into the beast's hindquarters. 

"Mighty Cathbad... why would you hide this?" the Ranger breathed. Ryuuko took flight from Shon's saddle and clipped the Ranger with its wing as it flew past. The move helped Yua gather her wits enough to continue forward, giving the others space to follow. Shon listened to the gasps of awe as what could only be the ruin came into his companion's view. But that still didn't prepare him for the impact the sight had when Shon finally rounded the corner onto the vast flat courtyard that had been the entranceway to the cathedral's grounds.

For a heartbeat, a mere blink, he saw the place as it had been... The courtyard was paved, with each stone carefully crafted and placed to create a mosaic leading to a great pool with water lilies and glittering fish swimming around statues that acted as both fountains and pillars for the decorative arches that spanned the walkway over the water.

The cathedral itself was built between the cleft of two mountains. It reached up even higher than either peak, with multiple tiers built into the faces of the sister mountains to either side, with carved balconies and sweeping bridges connecting them to the cathedral. Spiraling towers flew metallic banners, and stained glass of every color gleamed in the dying sunlight from a plethora of windows.

It was art. Everything about it was pure creative genius that Shon couldn't even begin to put into words. For that one instance, he felt his heart swell with love and inspiration that seemed to radiate from the stones.

And then it was gone, and Shon saw what remained. A broken foundation, and only the first two stories of wall where it still stood at all. Jagged caves in the twin mountains still held parts of crumbling balconies. All that was left of only the first layer of bridges were broken pillars like stone spikes rising from the ground.

In front, just a pit where the pool had been. Cracked in half to spill all its once crystal clear waters into the forest. Which had encroached on the ruin so far that Shon could see the burned remnants of close-grown trees inside the broken wall.

Between the precarious and overgrown path they'd taken, the former pool that was now a crevice, and the forest overtaking the grounds, it was no wonder no one had found the ruin in millennia. Hidden by the god of the forest indeed... Even so, it was still impressive, though after Shon's glimpse of the majesty of the original, the now glassless windows that remained looked like the dead hollows of a skull's eye sockets. 

Ryuuko hadn't even made it past the pool when it spun and winged its way back to the group. Hoving for a moment in front of Shon, it latched onto the sword strap across his chest and nuzzled into his neck with a worried purr. Shon lifted a shaking hand to cover his face, and Ryuuko tried to nuzzle its way under his fingers. What had he seen? Had they all seen it? Why did he feel like he'd been full to bursting one moment then drained and empty the next?

"Hey, you alright, man?" Barth called.

"Shon?" Veon-Zih's steady voice and firm hand on his shoulder made Shon jump, jerking away from the touch and taking a shuddering breath. They hadn't seen it, hadn't felt it. There was no way they could be concerned for him if they had. Shon ran his fingers through his hair and nodded to the Monk, though it hardly seemed to reassure him. 

Stepping past Veon-Zih, Shon addressed the others, "We camp here, double watch."

"Double? What the hell man, we haven't seen a living thing this entire trip!" Barth protested.

To Shon's surprise, it was Yua who spoke up in defense, "He's right, Barth. If anything survived the fire, it might be hiding in these caves or beyond those walls."

"But we're finally here!" Sonya added her own protest, "We all have light stones, we can get inside and..." She looked pleadingly at Shon, who returned her gaze with a gare that had her taking a step back.

Veon-Zih stepped between Shon and the Mage -breaking their eye contact- and moving for the horses and saddlebags, saying, "We will investigate in the morning, tonight we camp here." 

Barth threw his hands up in disgust. It was supposed to be his turn to sleep in tonight, "Fine, but I get first watch with Sonya, and you lot can have half a night or early morning." He glared at Shon, who didn't bother to return the look with anything more than a nod.

Shon didn't care who did what watch as long as it was done. He didn't know if it was the lingering effects of the vision or something else, but now that they were here, something was making his skin crawl.

The group ate a simple dinner around a magical fire cast by Sonya, the others talking excitedly about what they might find inside the structure the following day. Shon gave up trying to listen as soon as he finished eating. Retreating away from the group, he found a mostly solid tree stump to lean on -with his back to the fire so he could still see. There he pulled out his journal and a bundle of old letters thick enough to be a book.

Setting the letters aside, Shon opened his journal to the first empty set of pages and started drawing. Usually, he would begin with writing, then sketch in any of the things he'd taken note of that day. Perhaps Ryuuko sleeping on the horn of his saddle, or the look of rapture on Barth's face as he listened to Sonya drone on about the complexities of teleport magic. Tonight the only thing he could picture was the cathedral in the glory of its prime.

Ryuuko fluttered over to look over his shoulder, twittering at the drawing until Shon shooed it away. The pseudodragon huffed at him but obeyed, winging into the night and letting Shon continue his work. He had just finished and was starting on the next page -the ruin as it was now- when Master Veon-Zih came to sit next to him. 

"You and Ryuuko have the last watch," the Monk informed him. Shon nodded, and Veon-Zih picked up the bundle of letters, leafing through them. "So, did she have anything new and exciting to write about?" he flicked the letters with his fingertips, "Though I suppose new is relative in this case..." 

The letter had been the most recently received but not the most recently written. Shon ignored the observation and answered the question, "Lily always has something exciting to write." He looked to the sky, wishing he could see the stars, he would leave her one with the details of this journey at the next Mages Guild.

Veon-Zih sighed, holding the letters up between them to stress their volume. "You two have been playing tag with letters for the last five years, Shon. Don't you think..." but whatever his Master was going to say was cut off when Shon's eyes glazed over. He saw -as if from the sky- hulking black figures moving from the burned woods towards the distant light that was their camp.

Three whistles rent the air. The first came as a warning from Ryuuko as it swooped towards the cook fire where the others still conversed. The other two were arrows.

Master Veon-Zih's free hand snapped out at the same time that Shon's did. The Monk snatching a bolt just before it could lodge itself in Shon's chest, and Shon knocking aside the last before it could pin his letters to the tree.

Veon-Zih threw the letters to the ground and grabbed Shon by the sword strap before he could stand, "You could have caught this." he growled, snapping the arrow in his fist, "Do you want to die?" 

Maybe. "No,"

Veon-Zih didn't blink, and Shon pulled away, whistling to Ryuuko over the shouts of his companions going for their weapons. 

They didn't have time for this. He could see their attackers now with his own eyes. Draken, lizardmen, some nearly seven feet tall with only simple kilts for clothing and their brown scales painted in swirls and stripes of black. They roared as they charged, with heavy axes and clubs gripped in clawed hands, their elongated jaws full of sharp teeth slurring guttural words in their own alien language.

Shon drew his sword and relayed orders in his clear deep voice, "Ranger, stay low until we get the archers. Mage, defensive spells first, then aim for the middle range..." He placed himself between the fire and the oncoming attackers, knocking more arrows aside with his blade and risking a look over his shoulder. Sonya was shaking like a leaf and muttering what was clearly not a spell. Despite her assurances on the road, it was clear she had no actual combat experience. Shon ground his teeth, "Soldier, protect the Mage, Master Veon-Zih will get the archers."

Shon didn't need to give the Monk instructions or worry for his safety. Master Veon-Zih had been an experienced adventurer -far beyond what Shon was now- back when they'd met over thirteen years ago. And as the first draken reached Shon, he didn't have time to worry about the others either. All he could do was trust that they could at least keep themselves alive. 

Arrows continued to fly, though most came from behind as Yua took aim at the monsters. Shon locked eyes with his opponent, and the draken roared again, swinging its double-bladed ax with both hands.

Shon rolled forward, into the swing, feeling the blade rustle his shirt before he came up with his sword leading, the holy symbol of Hengist, thrust into the monster's gut. 

Calm surety infused Shon's every movement. This was what he'd trained for. It was his duty to destroy such abominations so they couldn't harm the innocent citizens of this fair kingdom. It was his purpose. His only purpose.

With a twist and pivot, Shon let his sword slice its way out of the draken in the same movement that he engaged the next, carrying two hand axes. Shon could see the flow of combat three steps ahead. From the beast's stance, the draken would swing its left-hand weapon first. Shon would perry first that then the right. In response to the easy counters, the draken would try and swing its tail around to catch Shon in the legs before trying with the weapons again. Shon skipped all of that. Instead of deflecting the first swing, he released his sword with his right hand and caught the ax haft. 

The draken's strength was such that the move didn't stop all the weapon's force, and the ax blade cut into Shon's upper arm. He expected the hit and took it without blinking, surprising the beast for just a heartbeat. Which was all he needed to lodge his sword in the draken's neck.

A third charged his way, and a fourth ran past. But Barth could handle at least one. He didn't have Shon's training, but he could...

The clang of steel on steel rang from behind, followed by a loud curse and a particularly loud clanging snap. As Shon pivoted around his newest attacker -kicking the draken's knees out from under it in the pass- he saw that the soldier was indeed fighting, and would have done well, if his short sword hadn't snapped under the force of a two-handed blow from the draken war ax.

Barth managed to dodge the swing, the top half of his sword flying free, and even advanced enough to stab the lizardman in the eyes with the broken end before stepping back to try and shield Sonya with his body and useless weapon. 

Shon's draken was trying to spin and stand at the same time, and Shon drove his bastard sword into its back before wrenching it free and shouting for the soldier, "Barth!" The man met Shon's eyes with a mix of terror and determination followed closely by confusion as Shon threw his sword to Barth. 

Shon didn't wait to see if Barth had caught the weapon, turning towards yet another draken who tried to bowl him over, using its mighty club as a ram. Shon sidestepped and dropped into a low stance, solid as a mountain. He punched the draken in the ribs as it passed, feeling the bones break under his knuckles with the force of his ki-empowered hit.

The Monk's protege laid into the lizardman with a calm fury. Fists, feet, elbows, and knees pummeled the draken, breaking bones and damaging organs until Shon was forced to shift his attention onto the next.

Seeing what had become of its companion and realizing that the suddenly unarmed human wasn't nearly as helpless as it thought, the next draken tried to back up. Shon double-stepped to close the distance, dipping to grab one of the hand axes as he went and hurling it at the same moment he kicked the beast in the jaw. The ax lodged itself into a fifth draken's chest as it fell with no less than four arrows from Yua stuck in its face.

The kicked draken reeled, and Shon stomped his foot down hard to brace as he punched. He hit the beast in the diaphragm, but that wasn't what killed it. Ice streaked with gore shot out the back of the draken from his fist, and Shon's blood ran both figuratively and literally cold. 

He looked back to Barth, but the soldier had backed up in the fight with his own draken. Taking Shon's sword with him, its pommel as pure black as Shon's hair. 

Sorcerous ice radiated out from Shon's feet, but he didn't have time to move back in range of his sealing item. Not with another of the monsters still screaming for blood and charging without fear. Gritting his teeth, Shon turned just in time to duck an overhead ax swing from his left. Instinct drove his movements, and he swept his leg out to trip the draken. The ice moved with him, shooting out along the ground, following the trail of his foot, and forming spikes that reached up to impale the monster as it fell. 

He couldn't control the magic, and saw Veon-Zih in its path, finishing off the last archer, "Master!" 

Veon-Zih jumped into the air and onto the back of the dying draken, riding it to the ground and avoiding the growing ice that encased and sealed the monsters to the ash and stone. Hardly fazed, the Monk called, "Last one!" pointing past Shon, who turned to see Barth bracing for the attack, Yua drawing her bow, and Sonya holding her head in fear as the last draken continued the charge. Eager to die in combat. 

Shon whistled, and Ryuuko swooped out of the darkness, its tail whipping around to stab the lizard man in the soft flesh of its cheek as it roared. The draken's momentum carried it two more steps before it stumbled and fell face-first at Barth's feet. The soldier took a careful step forward then nearly jumped out of his armor as the draken snored, thoroughly asleep.

As Shon approached the group, the pommel of his sword turned a translucent sky blue reminiscent of his eyes, and Barth gasped, "You're a Sorcerer!"

Shon didn't answer. Didn't even nod. Ryuuko stood on the back of its sleeping victim and chirped proudly as Shon moved for its head and Sonya found her voice, "The pseudodragon... it isn't a companion, it's your familiar." The draken gave another grumbling snore, and Shon stomped on its neck, ending its sleep with a sickening snap. The others fell a step back at the brutality of it, and Shon held his hand out for his sword. Barth quickly handed it over -his hands shaking- and Shon wiped the blade on what passed for the draken's clothing.

"Yes, Shon is a Sorcerer," Master Veon-Zih explained as he, too, rejoined the group, wiping wet ash from his sandaled feet on the clean stone ground around the party. Shon's sword, or more accurately, the magical stone in the pommel, blocked his ice from affecting anything in a fifteen-foot radius of it. But everywhere else was growing muddy where the ice melted. Veon-Zih continued, "The Temple of Hengist has vouched for his safety, and the Mages Guild has given him a sealing item in lieu of the tattoo." 

"You call that safe?!" Barth's voice cracked as he gestured to the impaled and encased draken bodies. 

Veon-Zih didn't answer right away. He bent and picked up the broken pieces of Barth's sword and held them out to the soldier, "As long as he has his sword? Yes."

Sonya shook her head, shooting a glance at Shon, who turned his back on all of them. He still heard her as she addressed the Monk, "He threw it away and fought without it. The law-"

Yua cleared her throat as Shon picked up his dropped letters and journal, "You moved out of range after the fact, we're all fine. Leave it be."

"Yes... well..." but if Sonya continued to argue, Shon didn't hear it. He resumed his seat against his tree and dug through his bag for his first aid kit so he could tend to his arm. 

He expected to spend the rest of the night alone. No one would want to talk to him after finding out what he was, especially not after the adrenaline from the battle wore them all down to exhaustion. He was wrong, but it wasn't Master Veon-Zih who came to sit with him. 

Sonya knelt down in front of him, "You're a Sorcerer..." Shon glanced up for only a moment then went back to wrapping his cut, "An ice Sorcerer..." The Mage continued. 

Obviously, Shon thought but didn't say. Looking up again to tighten the knot of his bandage with his teeth and free hand, he arched an eyebrow at the woman. 

She blushed but continued, "It's the rarest of the five elements but not the most dangerous," No, that was fire. Still, ice was plenty dangerous enough, which was why the Temple -and Shon- kept his magic sealed, "You could train it, you know. It's different than a Mage and-" 

"I don't want it," Shon stated. His power had awoken when he was nearly sixteen, and yet he'd still managed to convince himself then that it wouldn't hinder his dreams. He'd been wrong. Everything he'd ever wanted had been denied him, and yet he still had the damn magic. 

Feeling his emotions and knowing his thoughts, Ryuuko sent the flash of an image into his mind. Wax stamped with a six-petaled lily. Well... almost everything. Shon checked his bandage one last time, it was already bloodstained, but the pressure was enough that he knew from experience it was safe to leave until a healer could tend it once they set up the gate tomorrow.

Sonya stuttered to a halt at the bluntness of his statement, then managed, "You don't want... but it's Magic. I studied for years to do what you do without thinking. How could-"

"Sonya," She stopped at his interruption, and Shon reached for his letters, laying them out carefully next to him before looking at the Mage, "What do you want?" 

She didn't answer his question, instead shifting a little closer, "You're hurt." She reached for his arm, and Shon moved away, just a fraction, but she hesitated. 

"Don't touch me." She was using his wound to avoid his question in the worst possible way he could imagine. 

Frustrated, he looked away, but once he broke eye contact, she moved again, her fingers coming close to brushing his cut arm, "I know ice Sorcerers are cold, but-" 

Shon's hand snapped up to grab hers, and she gasped. She tried to pull away, but Shon held on. He could feel the warmth of her skin, and could also feel it draining as his cold pulled the heat from her body. Touching Shon was like touching ice that never melted. Even his sealing gem couldn't stop the effect of his magic on his skin. "You don't want to touch me." He held on just long enough to see her lip start to tremble, then let her go. Sonya fell back hard, scrambling to her feet and clutching her fingers in an effort to warm them. He looked away as she retreated back to the fire. 

When Shon had been younger, he'd avoided touching people because his cold made them uncomfortable. It hurt him as a child to have people pull away from his touch and constantly enquire about his health. Once he knew why he was cold, it hadn't gotten any better. Though at the time, he had friends who would brave the chill on occasion, and Veon-Zih still seemed mostly unbothered by it. But at eighteen, things had changed, and Shon started actively avoiding all touch from strangers.

He picked up his letters again, listening as Yua whispered comforting words to Sonya, Barth cursed his name, and finally, another set of soft footsteps came closer. Shon didn't look up, choosing instead to reread the first letter Lily had left for him after they'd gone their separate ways five years ago.

"That was uncalled for." his Master said softly. The Monk crouched before him, and Ryuuko leaned down from his shoulder to hiss at Shon.

Shon looked up, very slowly arching his brow at Veon-Zih and ignoring the pseudodragon. I told her not to touch me, and she went for it anyway.

Master Veon-Zih, Shon's first teacher and long-time closest companion, ran his hand over his shaved head and studied his student with a sigh. "She was trying to be kind, and you pushed her away to hide in memories of a girl you haven't seen in half a decade."

Shon looked down but couldn't read the words of his letters. It took real effort to keep from crinkling the pages. Veon-Zih continued, "You asked me what you should do about her when you were seventeen, and I told you to wait and see what she did. You were eighteen and hurt beyond imagining the last time you saw Lily in person, and she's been steady in leaving a letter for you at every Temple she's passed in the last five years, hoping to find you. But you've changed over the years, Shon. Do you really think you're the same man now she knew then?" Shon didn't look up, his jaw growing tight. "There are other people in the world, thousands, millions of fish in the sea, who could offer you the kindness of companionship if you just look. People aren't meant to be alone. If you just let yourself open up enough, there are other loves-"

"Gone fishing at all recently, Grandmaster?" Shon asked, using the Monk's earned rank and looking up to stare unblinking at his Master.

Veon-Zih's jaw snapped shut. Silence stretched between them until Ryuuko crooned low and sad. The Monk stood and walked away.

Shon didn't watch him go. He closed his eyes and leaned back on his tree to try and find sleep. Ryuuko flew back to him, curling on his lap with a subdued purr. Years of practice sleeping when and wherever he could, allowed Shon to rest.

When he awoke again, he turned to see Yua's back to him and Veon-Zih beyond the fire. So it was at least second watch. He delayed the inevitable a little longer, putting his letters and journal back in his bag and carefully shifting Ryuuko so it could sleep a little longer in his seat, before returning to the fire. 

The Ranger glanced over her shoulder as he approached and mumbled sleepily, "You're a bit early. If you want..." 

"It's fine," Shon told her. It must've been close enough to the change of shift because she didn't argue and merely stood, returning to her bedroll beside Sonya. 

Shon took the Ranger's spot but couldn't look at Veon-Zih. Poking the fire back to life, he waited until he heard Yua's breathing slip into the steady rhythm of sleep before saying, "I'm sorry, Master..." He looked up to see the Monk watching him but couldn't hold the man's eyes and looked away again.

"I know," Veon-Zih whispered. Shon knew the Monk's vows and history and had thrown it in his face. So he couldn't begrudge his Master for reminding him, "I only broke my vow once. I was a young man then and had never met anyone like her. No one who made me feel the way she did." Shon broke pieces off a charred stick as he listened, "Afterward, I had a choice. And I chose my training over love and reaffirmed my vow. Now..." Now, he was a Grandmaster. Not beholden to vows of celibacy or secrecy. He had taken the rank for Shon's sake, to continue to train his wayward student without Shon having to take the same vows and join the Monastery officially. The position gave Veon-Zih a measure of freedom, but a heaping load of responsibility to the Ryukyu Monastery that he'd been avoiding for decades. 

"Now, I'm an old man. You aren't. You have your entire future ahead of you." Shon crushed the stick, and Veon-Zih sighed again. "I don't expect you to be fast friends with everyone we meet or to carve your way through the brothels and inns of every village. But you can't keep living like this. Taking job after job with no rest in between. No joy. What will you do, Shon? If we find Lily and she isn't who you remember? Or you aren't who she knew?"

"I don't know..." Shon whispered. What he should have done five years ago probably.

Veon-Zih stood, rounding the fire to crouch beside him. He ignored Shon's flinch as he always did when he grabbed his student's shoulder, "Well, it's time we find out. After this mission, you will request a leave of absence, and we will find Lily, wherever in this vast kingdom she may be."

Shon swallowed and nodded.

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