Chapter 18 - New Relationships

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Winter 4994, 22 Aoimoth 

Shon had taken longer in the chapel than he thought and returned to the inn,  expecting to find the others enjoying the midday meal, only to find it empty of his companions. He changed out of his uniform, and they still hadn't returned, so thinking he might catch them on the way back from shopping, he started off for the merchant's district.

He found Tuth leaning against the wall outside a shop catering to adventurers. 

Ryuuko flew from Shon's shoulder to Tuth's, and the Mage looked up to see Shon's arched eyebrow. He waited for Shon to say something, but when he didn't, Tuth jerked his thumb back at the shop, "Lily just finished buying the tents and is looking at the bedding here. It's the third shop we've checked."

Shon alternated his arched brow to the other side and looked pointedly to the store then to the Mage again. When Tuth didn't seem to grasp his question, he asked, "You have yours?" 

Tuth huffed, "You've never been shopping with Lily before, have you? This is going to take all day, and she'll be the one who picks everything out. Even mine and Yua's." 

As if summoned by his words, Yua's voice floated out from the building, "Seriously, Lily, this one's fine. They were all fine." 

And Lily's argued, "Yeah, if you want them to last a month or two at most and never plan to go where it snows in the winter." 

Both of Shon's brows came up, and he looked at the Mage again.

Tuth shook his head. "She's always like this. She has to examine every stitch of every item, and then she haggles the shopkeeps to the exact price she's willing to pay." He pushed off the wall and threw his hands up in frustration, Ryuuko swaying on his shoulder with the motion. "and she doesn't even always get the best deal she could get. And no matter what we tell her, she just says-" He put on a high-pitched voice that sounded nothing like Lily, "'I paid its value, no more no less,' and you never know which it's going to be. Insufferable woman... You should see her jewelry collection. I swear she's trying to find a different set for each day of the year." 

Master Veon-Zih came out of the shop then, shaking his head. Spotting Shon, he grinned, "You've got your hands full with his one. We've been to no less than seven shops so far and only got the tents." He reached into his bag and pulled out a paper for Shon. The receipt.

Shon took it without intending to read it, but hesitated as the number caught his eye in passing. He stared down at the receipt in utter amazement and was still looking at it when Lily and the ladies came out, each carrying fluffy bedding stuffed with down feathers. They took a moment to pack their purchases away in their bags, Veon-Zih taking Shon's as the man continued to stare from his receipt to Lily and back again. 

"What?" Lily asked when she finally noticed him, then craned her neck to look at the paper only to shrug, "I told you I wasn't going to skimp. Don't worry, I checked all the stitching and weatherproofing and got the best deal for the product."

"Just be glad she didn't get your names embroidered on the sides, or the straps replaced with jeweled buttons, or..." Tuth muttered. 

Lily bopped him gently on the back of the head and said, "That would ruin the weatherproofing. Besides, if we do decide to decorate them, I would rather Shon paint something."

"I don't paint..." Shon mumbled, finally putting the receipt with its horrendously large number for only two tents in his bag. If they looked anything like the price indicated, they would stand out like a beacon to night bandits, shouting 'rich marks with minimal guards' to every greedy eye that passed their way. Once that thought popped into his head, Shon wondered if that was one of Lily's intentions. Ryuuko twittered little chirps that Shon could feel as snickers in his mind. 

Velona smiled sympathetically and assured him, "There were plenty far more expensive she passed up. And they're only large enough to fit three people each. Don't worry." 

Lily let out a little "Puh. All fancy colors and useless space to mark it up with no real improvement in quality. Seriously, who needs something to sleep eight people? At that point, you might as well just stay outside and get a lean-to for the rain." So at least it wasn't extravagance that she was paying for. 

"I still think you could have talked him further down..." Yua said. 

Lily brushed her long hair over her shoulder and turned her nose up at the lot of them, "And rip the poor man off? Never." she declared, "His wife sewed all those, and she deserves to be paid for her quality work. Even if some of the fancy commissions are a waste of fabric." 

"I think Velona and I can handle the rest of the necessities," Veon-Zih said, moving the conversation away from Lily's shopping habits. He nodded to Shon, "Why don't you go get a strap so you can stop carrying that sword around like you're ready to behead someone. And since Lily fancies herself an expert in quality goods, she can help with your pack." It felt like the Monk was trying to make sure Shon got as good a look at Lily in this light as they had. Though what he expected Shon to think of it, he couldn't tell. 

"We'll come with you," Yua chimed in, taking Tuth by the arm and turning him down the road with the Monks, "Give the love birds some time alone." 

Lily grinned and took Shon by the hand, pulling him away from the others while Ryuuko took off from Tuth's head to catch up with her, "Come on, the best leather workers are this way..." 

Despite Tuth's dire warning that Lily would take all the shopping into her own hands, she let Shon pick his own strap and stood by giggling to herself as the poor leatherworker fitted it across his back and chest. Shaking his numb hands and sticking his fingers under his arms by the time he was done. When it came to Shon's pack, however, she let out little hums of disapproval until he just started passing the ones he liked to her for secondary examination until he found one that made her smile. He let her barter for it as well, standing back to watch with his arms crossed as she talked the merchant down from a price Shon would've agreed on. But since Shon didn't like bartering anyway, and she seemed to be enjoying herself, he didn't mind. Even if she bartered high, he had the money to spare. 

Once the necessities were out of the way, she dragged him off to the luxuries market. Shon trailed behind as she perused all the outside jewelry stalls and eventually pulled him into a small side road partially blocked by crates to a little store with a faded sign reading, 'Baccabs Baubles.'

The merchant jeweler looked up from his work, and seeing Lily, stood up fast enough that his blue loupe monocle fell out. "My dear, you're back!" He exclaimed, rounding the counter to grab her hands, "I hear I have you to thank for the commission I received from the Lady Domelka?" 

Lily let the man hold her hands for as long as he could stand, then clapped them together when he let go, "Oh, she found you then? She was so impressed by your necklace,"  

"She ordered one nearly identical with matching earrings." He answered, "It was almost enough for the downpayment I need to move to the main road."

But then he caught sight of Shon with Ryuuko curled around his sword and swallowed. Straightening his back and putting his merchant face back on, he said in a completely different tone, "My Lord, if there is anything I can assist you with..." 

"This is Shon," Lily introduced him, waving her hand lazily in his direction, "I'm afraid he's not one for jewelry, but I'm looking for a replacement for these..." She reached into one of the bags at her belt and pulled out an entire small chest. Setting it out on the jeweler's table, she opened the top and unfolded the sides to reveal a variable horde of jewelry, each separated by color and design into their own little cubbies. Ryuuko jumped onto the table and whistled at the collection with greedy dragon eyes. Out of one small square, Lily took out melted remains of silver and emeralds, explaining, "I purchased them in Stiudal, but I don't know when I'll get a chance to return. I think the stones might still be usable, and you can keep the silver as part of the payment if you want."

The jeweler took the remnants of Lily's destroyed baubles and changed his loupe for one of another color. Humming, he rounded his counter again to examine some of his own pieces. As the man searched, Lily sidled up beside Shon, and Ryuuko continued examining the contents of Lily's chest.

Bending a little to look into the glass cases displaying more precious stones, Lily said, "Don't worry, I won't ask you to pay for these. I like to get at least one piece in every city large enough to sell them." 

Shon followed her eyes to the gems and nodded. He'd known that Lily collected jewelry, she'd told him in her letters. Still, he hadn't realized how extensive her collection was. "It doesn't bother you?" Lily asked in a whisper. 

He shook his head and brushed his fingers across a necklace of rubies a little paler than her scales, "I just hope you aren't selling your scales to afford it," he said. 

Lily's lip twitched in a half-smirk, but she said, "If the Guild is going to take samples from me anyway, they might as well pay for them. But don't worry, I promised I wouldn't use that money for any more gifts. Remember?" He did, but the reminder just made him sigh. Lily stood on her toes to press her nose to his and grinned. Until he pulled away. 

She dropped back down and tilted her head at him, "You are bothered." she said.

Shon shook his head and ran his hand through his hair, eyeing the merchant. It wasn't that. It was just... Lily looked from him to the merchant and back again with a soft, "Ah... Master Veon-Zih said you wouldn't like public displays of affection..." Ryuuko looked up from her box and hopped back over to them, crawling up Shon's back to his shoulder. 

"There is a time and place..." Shon started in a whisper, but Lily rolled her eyes. 

She countered, "You didn't mind on the road, with the others around."

Shon searched her face. She wasn't really arguing. She was being frank, had always been so. Trying to understand.

He shook his head. How could he explain when he didn't understand himself? He tried anyway, for her, "It's unprofessional, especially if we're on a mission." It was the Temple's reason for not approving but didn't really explain why he felt so uncomfortable at the thought of showing that side of himself to strangers.

Lily hummed, "I'll make you a deal," she said, "I'll do my best to keep it to a minimum, but I still want to touch you. I'll keep it casual, like back at Hamerfoss, but when we're alone, you're all mine."

Grateful that she didn't ask for more of an explanation, Shon started to answer but didn't have a chance when the merchant called, "Will this suit, m'lady?" 

Lily returned to the merchant, Shon following behind, to examine the new jewelry, silver but with sapphires. "I can replace the settings if they are to your liking," he told her, removing earrings and a bracelet for Lily to study. Lily took her time to do just that, weighing each and holding them up to her ears to look at her reflection in a mirror he provided before she beamed at him.

"Exquisite as always. Thank you, Baccab." She handed back the pieces, and the merchant nearly glowed with pride, bowing over her hands. He took her new jewelry into his backroom to change out the stones. 

As he rounded the corner out of the main shop, Lily started to walk away to look at more of the pieces on display, until Shon caught her hand. She looked curiously up at him and he cupped her face in his free hand. They were alone. "Deal," he said, then brushed his lips against hers, just the shadow of a kiss, but he felt her relax into him with a sigh. 

Lily rubbed her cheek against his to whisper in his ear, "I'm going to enjoy finding ways to get you alone, aren't I?" she asked.

He really hoped so. Ryuuko twittered, stepping the short distance from his shoulder onto hers. "When that happens," Shon whispered, "I'm all yours,"

Ryuuko whistled a warning, and Lily pulled away as the merchant returned. As promised. Seeing them so close to each other, he didn't approach them directly, but Shon stiffed anyway. Lily didn't return to the merchant right away, first she reached up and poked Shon's nose, saying quietly, "And I'm yours, so don't forget to take advantage. I don't want to always be the one to make the first move, Shon. I want you to want me too." Oh, gods, how he wanted her. But the merchant cleared his throat, and his mere presence was enough to keep Shon's hands at his side. 

Lily moved back to examine her new jewelry yet again. In this, she didn't haggle -merely stating exactly what the melted silver had been worth and what she would pay. The man didn't even try and counter, just nodded with a smile and packed up her purchase in her box. Lily held her hands behind her back and leaned over to whisper to Shon, "He knows better than to argue with me." 

"Smart man," Shon answered, watching as Lily picked up her jewelry box and slipped it back in its separate bag of holding, thinking she glittered brighter than any and all of the jewels in this little shop. She was so forceful, so honest in what she wanted and when. She wanted him to make a move... But could he really give her what she wanted? To make the first move... To show her what he really wanted? Would he argue with Lily if that was what she asked for?

As they left, Ryuuko whistled a farewell, and Lily called, "Hopefully next time you'll be on the main road. Until then, keep up the good work." the merchant bowed to them as the door swung closed and Lily led the way down the ratty little road back to the main thoroughfare, hiding just beyond the stack of crates.

Ryuuko looked back at Shon from her shoulder and cocked its head at him. Lily's hips swayed naturally as she walked with confidence. Shon felt tension building in his back and clenched his fists. 'I want you to want me too...' Did she think he didn't want her? 

She was almost to the road when Shon grabbed her by the shoulder, spinning her and pushing her against the alley wall. His heart thundered in his chest and he didn't get a chance to look at her face before he bent to kiss her. Pressing her against the hard stones of the building and doing his best to block out the bustle of people just beyond the flimsy pile of boxes that would block them from view.

 "I always want you, Lily. Always." he breathed against her lips. In his urgency and nervousness, he'd moved too fast, pushed too hard. His blood surged at her touch and his own actions. To pin her and force a kiss? What was he thinking? It was too much. Too wrong. And yet, he didn't want to stop pressing her, holding her down. He laced his fingers through her hair and pulled, just a little, arching her neck back so he could kiss her harder.

Damn it... He had to control himself. She didn't need this, didn't need to see this part of him. He was going to drive her away, going to... Lily moaned into his lips.

Ryuuko squawked, and Shon pulled back, trying to catch his breath, his heart pounding with need and fear, only to look into her eyes and feel his heart stop at her smile. "Hmmm, now this is nice." She said, "I didn't know you could be so forceful outside of combat-"

But another voice sounded from the road that had Shon letting go and stepping away before Lily could finish, "I swear that was Ryuuko, but where are they?" Ryuuko took off from Lily's shoulder and flew into the road to find Tuth and the others. Shon took another step back to gather himself and still his shaking hands. 

He needed to be more careful. Stay gentle. He should give Lily everything, not take it. Lily reached around and took one of his hands, leaning in to whisper, "I like it." before pulling him onto the main, and very crowded, road. 

"There you are," Velona called at the sight of them, "And how was Baccab?" 

"Well, and as skilled as ever," Lily answered casually, as if wholly unaffected by Shon's actions. And though he'd put his mask firmly back on, Shon could still feel his heart pounding at what she'd said. She didn't know. Couldn't know. Ahead of him, Lily was still talking to the others, "Back to the inn then? It's well past lunchtime." 

Yua laughed, hooking her arm in Lily's and walking with her back down the road to their lodgings. "You just want an afternoon delight..." the Ranger accused but looked over her shoulder at Shon, who turned his face away and let go of Lily's hand. 

"An afternoon with you is always delightful," Lily answered with a laugh, patting Yua's hand and letting Ranger slip her arm free to rub the heat from it without making it too awkward. 

Veon-Zih passed him to follow the others but called over his shoulder, "Coming Shon?" 

Shon shook his head but followed. Tuth caught the wordless answer, asking, "What else do you need?" Yua and Velona looked back to hear his response, and Lily turned all the way around to walk backward and tilt her head at him. 

"Temple," Shon said shortly -back to minimal word use.

Lily rolled her eyes and turned around again, but Velona asked, "What for?" 

"Drills," Shon answered. 

Veon-Zih offered a more complete explanation. "You lot will be on the road for at least a week before you hit the border and another after that before he'll be able to practice with anything but his fists and sword again."

"Still so diligent!" Lily exclaimed, turning again to smile at him, "Do you like the hammer more now that you don't have to practice in armor?" 

Shon forced the events in the alley out of his mind, burying them in the dark where they belonged under a layer of ice. He managed a grin and nodded. Tuth asked, "Why don't you wear armor anyway? I mean, if you only fought like the Monks, I would understand, but you use the sword and have all the training..." 

"It chafes," Shon answered shortly.

Lily giggled, "He hated it in Hamerfoss," 

"But he wore plate all day for a year straight to get over it," Veon-Zih added. 

"Couldn't have been too hard," Yua chimed in, "He has built-in cooling."

Tuth got in on it and added, "I know of Paladins who've paid a fortune to enchant their armor to be cooling."

Shon shook his head at their antics and waved as he split off to take the road to the Temple. Ryuuko chittered as it took off from Tuth's shoulder to return to Shon's. He shot the pseudodragon a withering look and thought to it, I'll have plenty of time with them on the road. Give me this.

Ryuuko chittered again in response and Shon rolled his shoulder to dislodge it, only to have it crawl onto his sword and hold on there. You go with them then. But it wouldn't, so Shon and his familiar returned to the Temple to do his drills as usual.

He forced his mind to focus as he worked through his usual forms again. First, his unarmed kata, then his bastard sword forms, before moving to the weapons rack to take advantage of the Temple's amenities and work through their collection as well. 

His mind used to wander as he did this, and it took a dedicated effort to focus back on the task at hand and nothing else. Now, it was its own type of meditation and one that came even easier than the mindful breathing that he and his Master still practiced most afternoons. Shon didn't think there was much of anything in the world that could distract him during his drills. And then Lily came to join him. 

Shon glanced at the sky to gauge the time. More had passed than he realized, but he still wasn't done. Lily smiled at him and asked only, "May I join you? Or would you rather be alone?" 

He gestured to the courtyard in general. There was more than enough space for both of them, and she grinned wider, reaching into her bag for her staff. She didn't say anything else and started her forms while Shon moved on to his next weapon, a halberd. They worked in silence, alone but together, and Shon was able to free his mind again through his movements. Though between ending one form and starting the next, he would watch her, blinking back the memories of the past that overlayed themselves over Lily as she was now. 

She moved like a dancer putting on a show, and only his knowledge of the fighting forms showed him the deadly truth of her sweeping movements and graceful turns. Her face was serene, and she only ever looked at him when she too moved from one kata into another. It used to be a game to her, and he couldn't tell how much of it still was and how much was dedication to the craft of battle. Though there was a part of him that realized she might not make that distinction.

He worked his way down the weapons rack, and had just picked up a set of daggers, when Lily finished her staff forms and took a moment to lean on her weapon. Shon could feel her watching him but maintained his focus. Until she started her other exercises. 

Lily spun her staff over her head, liting the tips on fire, then brought one end down to trail beside her as she turned. Still spinning, she dropped to stand on her hands, the burning staff continuing to turn with her as her legs splayed out in a full split. Lily brought her legs swinging down to weave between her arms, lifting one at a time as they passed, then kicked up into a handstand before arching into a backbend and standing with a deep breath. 

"You're staring, are you done then?" she asked. 

Shon shook his head to both clear it and answer then went back to his drills. Lily had studied tumbling before meeting Master Velona. And though he'd known she kept up the practice -for fun and funds- she'd only gotten better over the years. She ran to the wall and up it, flipping backward to land on her feet again before turning and running back the other way, gaining momentum to flip and twist through the air in a line all the way to the other side. 

Shon managed to continue his practice through most of it, until Ryuuko whistled. The little dragon sent him an image of Lily slamming her staff into the ground, then vaulting up and over it. He finished his last strike and looked over to see Lily's staff balancing on its tip, Lily herself balanced upsidedown on one hand on top. Shon blinked in amazement at the coordination and strength required for such a move. She looked right at him, her eyes squinting with her smile before she swung down. She kicked her staff off the ground, sending it rocketing up as she landed in a crouch to point its tip at him.

Shon swallowed, and Lily giggled, "Well? What do you think? I've been working on that one for months." 

"You use it in combat?" Shon asked. 

Lily shrugged, coming forward and walking beside him as he returned his last weapon -a set of hand axes- to the weapons rack, "I might," she answered, "but I haven't yet." 

The move could take someone's head off for sure, but it would expose her in the process, if her opponent was faster than she was, which Shon found hard to imagine possible just from watching her practice. What Lily lacked in brute strength she more than made up for with speed and flexibility. 

Shon took a moment to crack his neck and roll his shoulders as Ryuuko dropped down from the weapon's shade onto his back. When he turned around, it was to find Lily standing in front of him but looking around the courtyard. He arched a brow and followed her eyes but found the practice area empty of anyone but them. Just as he was turning his face back to Lily, she stepped forward and pecked him a quick kiss on the lips, her hands held behind her back. 

Shon pulled back, and she tilted her head at him, then pointedly looked around again. He took a deep breath but shook his head, "Not here, Lily. Please." 

She narrowed her eyes at him and asked the one question he didn't want to answer, "Why?" 

Shon ran his hand through his hair and looked up. The sun was well on its way to setting, painting the sky with the soft colors of twilight. "The command here doesn't know about us. If they did, they might not let me be your guard..." he started. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the root of his reason, and Lily saw through it immediately. 

"Bull shit." she declared bluntly, poking him in the chest. "It's true. You wouldn't say it if it wasn't. But that isn't why you don't want me to kiss you here." She swept her hand out to encompass the Temple building itself, "Hengist disapproves. Are you embarrassed of us? Of me?" 

"No." Shon couldn't say it fast enough, and he grabbed her hand, squeezing it tight and pulling it into his chest to hold against his beating heart, "It's true, Hengist doesn't approve, but not of you. Of me." Lily's growl was low enough that Shon didn't know if he actually heard it or just felt it rumble in his bones. He shook his head, "The Temple doesn't condone extramarital relations, and I want to respect that in their walls. Even if I won't outside them. Even if I can't." He reached out to stroke her face, and was relieved when she didn't pull away from the touch. 

"You're not a Paladin," she answered shortly, and Shon flinched. "Shon," She spoke more gently, reaching up to run her fingers through his hair and scratch his scalp. He closed his eyes at the feel of her. No one else would, or could, touch him like she did so casually. But he didn't move any more than that, "You aren't bound by their stupid rules like you were before. Like you would've been." 

But he'd wanted to be. "When I became a Squire, I swore to Hengist and myself that I would follow the Temple's tenets. Hengist didn't accept me, but if I don't have my word, then I have nothing." Shon tried to explain. He'd left childhood at thirteen with a small backpack of clothes and journals. And when he left Hamerfoss a failure, the clothes were of a larger size, and he'd filled more journals. His sword was a sealing item for his magic, and he was only allowed it in lieu of a tattoo because he continued to serve the Temple. He'd had no future and no dreams. All his friends were Paladins or destined to be. He'd had nothing but Veon-Zih and his honor. 

Lily let her hand trail back to cup the back of his head, "You have me."

But for how long? How long before she grew tired of him? Of his antisocial nature and strict adherence to things she deemed 'stupid'? Even if he did agree with her that some of the rules were outdated or lacked solid reasoning, he would follow them regardless. All but one.

"Paladins are held to a higher standard. They have to live by those standards, and I choose-" 

"You hold yourself to something even higher than that. You always have." Lily interrupted. Where Shon wouldn't move closer -not here- Lily did, standing on her toes to rest her forehead on his until he opened his eyes to look at her. Even this was too intimate, but he couldn't bring himself to step back again.

"Okay," Lily said, "For you, I will respect his rules in his house. And because of the command here, I will keep it even more chaise. But I happen to know the relationship lessons the Temple teaches, and it doesn't ban courting by its members. In fact, it holds love nearly as sacred as Yoryuu did."

That name again... "The dragon god?" Shon asked. Ryuuko purred. 

Lily nodded, moving Shon's head in the process as they were still rested against each other. "He was creation, and there is no greater representation of that than the creation of life and love between two beings. Hengist was his greatest ally, so he must have at least respected it." 

Shon sighed and nodded as well, making Lily giggle as she joined in the gesture. Lily's voice dropped to a breath of a whisper, "This is important to you, so I will do my best to respect it. It isn't a breaking point for me." 

She stepped away from him. Slipping her hand free of his and bringing them behind her back again as she continued backward for a few more steps before turning. "Let's get back. They'll be serving dinner now, and I want to make sure the Masters have a good send-off before tomorrow." 

Ryuuko crawled up to the top of Shon's head, then launched itself off to fly around Lily before landing on her shoulder and staring back at Shon with a whistle. He followed them out of the Temple and all the way to the road where their inn waited before he spoke. 

"Thank you," It was just a whisper, but Lily spun around to walk backward and smile at him in answer. The road was nearly deserted, but she didn't come any closer. Shon glanced around at the last of the city folk heading for their homes or one of the many pubs on this street, going over all of Lily's words in his mind. She wanted them to be open and honest, communicate, and avoid pointless drama.

Remembering her speech about annoying romance tropes and her declaration that she wouldn't pussyfoot around any issues, he swallowed down his own nervousness and asked, "What would be a breaking point?"

Lily hummed, turning back around and slowing to walk beside him. "Well, all the ones I can think of are ones you'd never do, which is why I love you in the first place." She shrugged, "You already trust me to take care of myself and watch your back, and you already proved you won't take my power or freedom, even if the Temple thinks you should." She lifted a hand to tap her lip in thought, knowing he wanted more of an answer than the obvious, "I suppose if you tried to force me to be a devotee of Hengist, or any of the gods, that might cause me to cut it off. Or if you got bored of me and were just keeping it going out of some twisted sense of honor or to not hurt my feelings." She grinned at him, but something in the look felt wrong. There was no joy in it... "Honestly, I can't think of anything else you might do that would be a no-go for me. I'm just waiting for you to get annoyed with me and cut it off yourself."

Shon stopped walking. "Lily..." They were just outside the inn.

"What?" she turned to face him, "It's inevitable. I'm blunt, and short-tempered, and selfish, and irreverent, and publically lude, and greedy, and talkative, and downright blasphemous. Basically, everything you're not. And you're not because you don't like those things. So how long do you think it'll be before you don't like them in me?" She shrugged again and looked away, but this time he could see the fear in her eyes. "I don't want this to end, but I don't want to be someone I'm not either, so I'll hold on to this for as long as I can, and when you get tired of me... I'll let you go. Because you being happy is more important than anything else."

"Lily," Shon closed the distance between them and took her face in his hands. She sighed -her breath shaking ever so slightly- and nuzzled into his palm. She was so very wrong, and he couldn't let it continue, even if he had to stay out here all night to explain it to her with every and any words he could find.

He could feel the smooth transition from her skin to her scales and leaned down to speak to her, "I love you. All of you. And those are parts of you that I envy. Your passion, the way you go for what you want without hesitation or shame. Your honesty, even when it might be painful. Your confidence and fearlessness in literally everything."

He stroked her cheeks, running his thumbs under her eyes and leaning further down, not to kiss her yet, but to continue against her lips. "Just today, you trusted me to defend you, holding your tongue when I know you wanted to snap at the command and Mages. You respected my wishes in both the jewelry shop and the Temple. You have never pressured me to do anything or be anyone I didn't want to and even save me from such things when possible. I can think of no reason I would ever stop loving you." 

He did kiss her then, just a soft brush of the lips before he tilted his head to rest on hers again, "We may butt heads, but as you said, if we communicate honestly with each other, and maybe each give and bend just a little, then maybe we can work through it." Lily ran her hands up his chest to rest over his heart, and he finished, "You are all I've ever wanted in a partner and so much more, and I will do what I can to make this work for as long as you'll tolerate me."

She curled her fingers in his shirt and giggled softly, "So you're waiting for me to leave you, and I'm waiting for you to leave me?" she asked, giggling again. Ryuuko whistled, and Shon resisted brushing the damn thing away. 

"I guess," Shon answered, his heart speeding up as she took the tiny half step necessary to press herself against him. Shon let his hands slide back to wrap his arms around her and hold her close, headless in the moment of the passing strangers, many of which stared.  

"Well..." Lily said, "I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens. Maybe we'll find our breaking points, and maybe not." She nuzzled into his neck, and Shon hunched over to breathe in the cinnamon scent of her hair, "Until then, I'm going to enjoy the journey."

"We'll walk it together," Shon answered.

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