Chapter 30 - End of Mission

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Winter 4994, 19 Ginmoth 

Shon woke in Hamerfoss...

He brought both hands up to rub his face, groaning into his palms, "Not again..." He was way too tired for this, even in a dream. 

Ryuuko twittered and tried to work its face between his fingers. With a frustrated snarl, he picked up the little dragon and tossed it away. Swinging his feet off his bed, he spared only a cursory glance for the window. It was snowing again. 

"Let's get this over with," he mumbled to himself. Ryuuko answered as if the words had been directed at it, flying for the door to balance on the handle until Shon opened it onto the courtyard.

He trudged towards the bench, ready to face the man in white, trying not to think of all the new questions he had. The same old ones, 'Who are you?' and, 'What do you want from me?' along with, 'Why did the Warlock know about you?' He knew he wouldn't get any answers.

He rounded the side of the fortress, but this time the man wasn't alone. He was holding hands with someone else, someone who seemed to be glowing with a blue-white light, blurring their silhouette at the edges and making it hard to determine details.

Shon stopped dead, and both turned to regard him, "I can't hold this for long..." the man in white said, that same sad smile permanently creasing his too-young face. 

But Shon's eyes were glued to the new person. He felt himself fall, his knees hitting the ground hard, "Hengist?" 

The stranger seemed to smile, but Shon couldn't look at it, his eyes burned, and his head pounded. "I just wanted to tell you..." the man in white said, then nodded to his glowing companion, "We wanted to tell you. It will get harder... But it's worth it..." Shon's mouth worked, but no sound came out. He could feel tears streaming down his cheeks, but why was he crying? He looked back to the man in white, who shook his head. 

Shon's vision started to fade, the shadows of the courtyard creeping out to take over and obscure everything further. He heard one last thing before he woke, "We're so very proud of you..."


Shon sat up in the Temple of Hengist. His heart hammered in his chest, and it took him a moment to realize that it wasn't just his heart. Someone was knocking at his door. Squinting into the darkness, he rose, groggy and confused, sure he'd only slept for ten minutes at most. He opened the door to find a young Cleric, fist raised to knock again.

She stopped, eyes wide and focused on his bare chest, “Damn…”

Shon arched an eyebrow, and Ryuuko chirped from his shoulder. Her eyes shot up to his, and she blushed, stuttering, “The uh… Um… The Horsa Paladins want you to meet them at the Duke's estate.” Not exactly neutral ground, but better than the Horsa Temple itself. 

Shon ran his hand through his hair and ignored the girl, whose eyes had shot back down to his torso. “What time is it?” he asked. 

“Nearly noon.”

He arched his brow again, asking, “The others?” and indicating his companions' doors with his chin. The Horsa knights had to know they hadn't had time to compile their reports. 

“They said they only needed you,” she answered, and -for some reason- her blush darkened further.

Shon nodded, closing the door without further comment. He would let the others sleep for now. He suspected he knew what this was about and didn't intend to wake them for it.

He dressed in one of his few uniforms, blue with silver accents. A Paladin of Hengist would've worn white with blue. He strapped his sword across his back, its pommel swirling a cloudy blue-gray. Remembering his dream, he briefly considered wearing his Hengist medallion proudly above the jacket. But thought better of it, dropping the steal to hang between his tunic and skin. Better not to pick unnecessary fights in Horsa territory. Ryuuko seemed to agree and chirped at him happily.

Shon shook his head as he pulled his hair back to tie up, trying to clear it of the remnants of sleep and the strange dream. He couldn't even be sure that it had been anything more than an ordinary dream. The front strands of his hair were still too short to reach the tie and fell forward to hang in his eyes. There had never been anyone else in those recurring dreams before... And no one was able to speak to a god.

Though the glowing figure hadn't spoken...

Outside, the sky was overcast with heavy black clouds. He debated going back for his cloak but saw Ragther waiting outside the gates and decided to get this meeting done quickly. The Paladin looked as tired as Shon felt, with dark rings under his gray eyes and stiff movements when he walked. Though he'd at least gotten a shower and changed out of his armor and into a black uniform with red accents. Neither man spoke, walking in silence down the empty road toward the nobles' district and the Duke's mansion. Ryuuko flew ahead of them, the only one that seemed genuinely awake. 

The manor was massive, with gardens that would look beautiful in bloom but were now brown and barren in the mid-winter cold. Ragther led Shon into the building proper and up a large flight of stairs to a room with an overly large desk and a window that spanned most of the wall behind it. Ryuuko whistled, and Shon wondered if everything in this place was built excessively large. In a fleeting hint of spite, he wondered if the family was compensating for something. Ryuuko twittered a giggle in his ear at the thought, and Shon buried the emotion with the rest under a layer of hypothetical ice. Yua was having a bad effect on him...

Behind the desk was a man that could only be Ragther's father. He had the same stiff shoulders, though his hair had long since turned gray, now matching his eyes. Shon bowed in the Monk style, first to the Duke and then to the Paladins that stood to either side of him, one of Horsa and the other of Saint Giorgos, in gray and purple. 

So the kingdom had decided to step in. No wonder, with Warlocks in the mix. Shon remembered Lily's concern that the Temple of Saint Giorgos wouldn't look kindly on the Warlock's theories of what she was. It had him considering breaking his promise to her.

“Staff Sergeant,” The Duke stood, offering a level of respect to the enlisted man that Shon hadn't been expecting. “You have my personal thanks for the rescue of not only my daughter but of the citizens of my province.” Shon waited quietly for more, sure that thanks weren't what drew him or the two Paladins to this ostentatious office. “I want you to know that we are questioning the prisoners… Thoroughly.” Meaning torture most likely. Shon remained quiet. It was Horsa's province, and Shon's opinions had no place here. “We are also working closely with the Mages Guild to investigate the remains of the tower.” They still hadn’t hit the crux of the matter, and Shon continued to watch the Duke silently, waiting for him to get to the point. “Your services are no longer needed.” And that was it. 

Shon, and thus his Temple and companions, were being dismissed from this issue. Barred from involving themselves further. It would be continued by the Horsa and Saint Giorgos Temples, he would be given no more information or assistance and was expected to leave quickly. Exactly as he expected. "You and your companions may submit your reports to the Church, and they will see them delivered." The Duke sat back down, looking at the papers on his desk, silently dismissing Shon from his office. 

But he'd made a promise to Lily, so Shon bowed again, saying as diplomatically as possible, “On behalf of my companions and the Temple of Hengist,” The Horsa Paladins both twitched at the name, Shon continued unconcerned, “I thank you for your hospitality. We only request that we be allowed to stay for the Winter Solstice celebrations.”

The Duke exchanged looks with his son, who nodded, then with the Paladin of Horsa to his right who sneered at Shon but also nodded. “That is acceptable,” the Duke said, waving his hand dismissively at Shon. Apparently, he'd run out of respect for the opposing Temple enlisted. Ryuuko chittered, but Shon clamped the little dragon's mouth closed. 

He didn't bother to bow again, and Ragther escorted him back out of the manor. The Paladin stopped at the gate. “Am I correct in assuming you want to stay because the Sorcerer woman wants to see the celebrations?” It could be from exhaustion, but Shon swore the man had relaxed considerably from the weeks prior to the mission. If Shon didn't already know better, he wouldn't suspect this Ragther of having a temper only a few degrees removed from Lily's. 

Nodding in answer, Shon exited the gate before turning to face Ragther and giving him, at least, another bow. He would typically leave it at that, too tired even if he were the type to feel sociable. But, before turning away, he hesitated, then said, “I hope never to come back here,” Ragther narrowed his eyes at Shon, “but if I do,” he continued, “I hope you're the one I have to work with.” Ryuuko whistled its agreement. 

“Was that your attempt at a compliment, Staff Sergeant?” the Paladin asked skeptically. Shon just turned away, back to his Temple.

But Ragther shouted after him, “If you ever wake up from your naive dream of peace through mercy…” Shon stopped, and the Paladin continued quieter, “Horsa would not waste your potential.”

Ryuuko chittered again, but Shon walked away without comment. It started to snow. 


Lily waited in the Temple courtyard for Shon to come back from his meeting. She'd let the others sleep, having gotten more than anyone. But more than the extra rest, for her it was finally over. The few hours of sleep after showering with Shon and talking to Tuth had done its work to banish the rest of her worries. Knowing what she was didn't change what she'd always been. And as long as her treasures, her friends, didn't care, then neither would she. She was Lily. She'd chosen the name herself. No more and no less. 

She nuzzled into the warm fur of her winter cloak and grinned ear to ear as someone rounded the gate into the Temple courtyard. But it wasn't Shon and her smile faded. It was Raina, and escorting her was a knight in dark gray. A Paladin of Saint Giorgos. 

"Ah, miss Lily, just the one I was hoping to see," Lady Raina said. She looked resplendent in a proper noble's gown, her hair shining and done up in a fancy bun of braids and jewelry. She stroked her familiar absently, the cat looking just as ugly as always. Its fur covered in perpetual dust and dirt, and its disposition just as grouchy as before, with wide, mad eyes on a scrunched flat face.

The Lady gestured for the Paladin, then at Lily. Lily stiffened, but the knight just bowed, reaching into his coat and pulling out a sealed envelope. Raina explained, "That Ranger woman, Yua, we spoke extensively on the way out of the swamp, and she told me of your situation. That you were under guard for a loss of control by order of the Temple of Saint Giorgos..." Lily opened the letter as Raina spoke and found in it a formal-looking document. She scanned it, trying to read and listen at the same time, but it was written in legalese.

Raina continued, "Well, considering the control you showed on this mission -especially considering the nature of the perpetrators- I thought it only appropriate that such foolish restrictions be lifted and had a word with the Temple of Saint Giorgos on your behalf." 

The Paladin nodded, confirming the noble's story, "Your sentence of observation has been lifted, Sorcerer Lily. Though the rest remains in place should another incident occur." 

Lily looked from the stern-faced man to the slyly grinning Lady Raina and dove for the woman, wrapping her in a very hot hug. Raina gasped, and her familiar hissed, clawing its way onto its mistress's shoulder and pawing angrily at Lily's head, batting at the stick that held her bun in place. 

As an earth Sorcerer, Raina had enhanced pain resistance so could hold on longer than most. Raina let Lily hug her but disengaged after patting her on the back awkwardly. "I'm glad you appreciate it..." She blushed a lovely shade, looking away to finish, "and thank you." 

It started to snow, and Lady Raina and the Paladin took their leave. Lily clutched the letter tight to her chest and didn’t bother resisting the urge to run to him when Shon finally rounded the corner, wrapping her arms around his neck and squeezing him tight. Shon wobbled just a little, but reached into her cloak to wrap strong arms around her.

"You just missed Raina! You won't believe what she did for me. I don't need to have an escort anymore! And look! It's snowing!" she let go of him to bounce on the balls of her feet, about ready to explode with happiness. "It'll probably turn to rain soon, but isn’t it pretty? It reminds me of Hamerfoss.” She spun in a quick circle, and Shon chuckled, shaking his head at her.

“Perhaps it will snow on Solstice; it’s supposed to be good luck,” he commented. Lily tilted her head at him. Did that mean what she thought it did? “We've been dismissed, but can stay for the celebrations,” he explained. So he'd really asked, even though it was Horsa land, and she knew he'd want to leave sooner rather than later. 

But he'd said something else. They'd been dismissed? “They don’t need anything from us?” she pointed at herself and gestured towards the Temple, indicating their other companions. Shon shook his head and Lily humphed indignantly. They'd risked their lives to save the victims and catch the criminals, and they were being cut out of any further work in the province? “Ungrateful little...” she grumbled. Ryuuko chittered its agreement, but Shon reached forward, stroking her cheek, stopping her words, and drawing her gaze.

“Were you out here to speak with Lady Raina?” he asked, choosing not to address her grumbles and instead arching a black eyebrow. He moved his hand to brush behind her ear, though she didn’t have any hair that needed to be moved, it being twisted up in a bun that was slowly being soaked through by melted snow.

Leaning into his hand, Lily kissed his wrist, “Well, I was going to ask if you would be willing to go into town with me. I wanted to stop by the Church to see the kids, and there's a jeweler that I want to see again now that we're done. But you look like you're about ready to fall asleep standing up.” Ryuuko chirped, and Shon brushed it off his shoulder, though it merely retreated to hold onto his sword, which was a dark midnight blue. 

He sighed, taking a half step closer and kissing her softly. It was just a little kiss, but as they were still technically inside the Temple gates -and there was a Paladin on guard only a few feet away- Lily was grateful for anything she could get and couldn’t help but smile through it. “I’ll get my cloak,” he said. She tilted her head at him, “I’ll go to bed early tonight,” he added by way of explanation.

Lily felt a little bad about not insisting that he get some sleep. But at the same time, she was extra grateful for the timing and weather, as Shon came back without his uniform coat and with his cloak on. Held in place with a glittering silver lily. 


The snow had turned to sleet by the time they reached the Church of Soleil.

Shon made his way to the Abbot's office to thank him while Lily disregarded the priests' protests and barged right into the children's lessons to announce that she was back and would be resuming her shows and tumbling classes in the days leading up to the Solstice, but that she wouldn't be staying in the Church anymore. 

Though Shon considered stopping her, or at least trying to, he decided against it, remembering his own boring lessons as a child pre-maturity. A happy interruption would hardly hinder their growth. And it might distract the matron enough to keep her from cornering him. Lily was significantly better at brushing the woman off than he was. 

Shon had a chance to regret the decision when he returned to the courtyard. The matron was confronting Lily outside the classrooms. He moved slowly, keeping to the walkway out of the sleet and in what shadows he could. Listening as the woman chastised Lily. 

"Propriety, Miss Lily, do you have any of it at all?" the woman snapped. 

Lily shrugged, "I'm sure I could dredge some up if it were actually necessary." Shon suppressed a sigh, wondering, not for the first time, how she could be so blunt. 

The matron didn't hide her own sigh, shaking her head and bringing her hand up to rub her forehead. "Well," she conceded finally, "They were worried about you. Especially after Nana was taken." 

"So it's fine. No harm done. Now was that really so hard?" Lily commented, pushing her luck. "Shon's fine too, by the way. I know the older ones look up to him." 

The matron let her hand fall, and Shon held his breath, sure she was going to turn around and see him. But it was worse, "That one..." she said, then looked at Lily, "Be careful of men like that young lady. One does not buy a cow when they can get the milk for free." 

Lily narrowed her eyes at the woman, "I'm going to ignore being called a cow, but I won't ignore you insulting Shon..." 

"Oh, you know what I mean," the matron snapped, "Even if you take the tea, especially if you take it, can you really say he's given you his heart when he won't even give you his hand? Though I suppose legality means less to a soldier than it does to a true knight."

A growl rumbled in Ryuuko's chest. It opened its maw to hiss, but Shon quickly snapped his hand over its face. Lily rolled her eyes, "It's not illegal to have a relationship outside marriage. Not even in Horsa land, and they want to control everything."

"Still," the matron said softly, actually reaching out to brush Lily's arm, "You are more than what's between your legs. Respect that, and demand the same from those who would claim to love you." 

Lily's eyes found Shon, and he looked away. When she spoke, it was to the matron, "I do, and so does he. Don't assume you know everything about either of us." He looked back to see Lily shrug again. "Either way, you don't have to worry about getting any new wards, and we're leaving after the Solstice anyway." She passed the matron and called over her shoulder, "But now I have some shopping to do."

She laced her arm into Shon's and pulled her hood over her head. Steering him through the middle of the courtyard and away from the matron, towards the chapel, and out the main doors. She didn't ask Shon if he'd heard the conversation, and he didn't comment, letting her lead him through the wet city. Finally, she said, "We should get some more spirits for them before we leave. It might not be as effective as your fingers, but it's better than nothing." 

Shon grunted in answer while Ryuuko slithered its way from his hood to Lily's. He chose to put the matron out of his mind. It wasn't that he didn't want to get married, to legally bind himself to her and live together with the blessing of his god and the Temple. He just didn't want to bind her to anyone or anything. It was fine like this. Lily knew how he felt. And if she ever doubted, he would remind her. Every chance he got. 

The sleet turned to rain by the time the couple found the shop. They had stopped in an open-air market first. The shopkeepers were all packing up their goods due to the weather but were friendly enough and directed Lily here.

A silver bell rang when they opened the door and Shon kicked the ice from his boots and shook some from his hood before going too far in. The shop smelled of metal and some sort of incense and was full of low glass counters holding glittering gems and worked metal jewelry.

“Welcome to 'The Dragon's Horde.' How may… Oh, my!” the little shopkeep came from around his counter and took Lily’s hands. He was a good head shorter than her, with a round belly and scarred calloused hands, “My golden flower, it's so good to see you again!”

Shon glanced around the shop without moving from the door while Lily greeted the little man. It was impressive how she'd managed to make friends with the merchants in both the cities they'd visited so far.

“And who is, oh my!” the merchant dropped Lily’s hands and moved for Shon, who kept his hands beneath his cloak and arched a silent eyebrow at the man. But the merchant wasn’t looking at Shon. He was looking at Shon's cloak clasp. “So this is the young man you were cooing over all those years ago…” He looked from the clasp to Shon's face and snapped his fingers. “Now I see why you insisted on blue diamond…” He turned, shaking his finger at Lily, who giggled, “You have a good eye, m'lady,”

“Mr. Coalman, this is Shon. Shon, this is the man who crafted your clasp.” Lily made the introductions, and Shon brought up his hands to bow to the man, genuinely impressed. 

“It's beautifully crafted, sir,” but the artist was already waving the compliment down. 

“A beautiful flower for a beautiful lady. I always thought the gold would've been better for you. But as a gift? I can see this much better.” He patted Lily’s hand and walked back behind his counter. “So, are you merely here to show off my old work, or are you interested in adding to your collection?”

“Well, I suppose I can see if you have anything new to tickle my fancy.” Lily crossed her arms and tapped her lower lip, walking around the shop, humming to herself, and examining the wears. Ryuuko poked its head out of her hood to tilt at the jewelry with occasional chirps and greedy eyes. Shon remembered Tuth’s rant of Lily's thorough nature while shopping. Shaking his head, Shon moved to the glass counter to get his own silent look around, prepared to wait as long as necessary. 

He wasn't one for jewelry, but even Shon could tell that these specimens were beautifully crafted. “Looking for a return gift, perhaps? Something for the Solstice, maybe?” Shon looked up to find the merchant eyeing him, leaning on the counter and shooting glances toward Lily on the other side of the shop.

Shon glanced her way but shook his head. Then changed his mind as a particular display caught his eye. “There is one thing…” He trailed off, glancing down at the box of simple gold and silver jewelry suspended on dark velvet.

“Oh?” The merchant said, following Shon's gaze. The man glanced at Lily again -her back was towards them while she looked through a cylinder of decorative hair combs- then he reached down and pulled out the box, placing it on top of the counter. Shon watched Lily out of the corner of his eye before tapping near a particular piece, arching a silent eyebrow at the jeweler.

The merchant made a show of chewing on his cheek and glanced at Lily twice more before he said, “Two hundred,”

To the merchant's wide-eyed surprise, Shon nodded and reached into his belt pouch, asking, “Will you take a Hengist writ?”

The shopkeep looked again at Lily -who'd moved away from the combes and was looking down at another display in the counter further away- he hissed, “M'lord, in Swailand, we haggle,” leaning forward, he whispered, “The little flower is a good customer…”

Shon waited for the man to stop looking from the box to Lily and locked his intense gaze on him. “It is in poor taste to haggle over this.”

The man's eyes went wide, and his mouth created a tiny ‘o’ of comprehension before he breathed, “Are you sure? We have others better suited-” But Shon was shaking his head and tapped the piece he wanted again. “One hundred then. And so you know we don’t normally take Hengist writs.” again, he looked at Lily, “But I will make an exception.”

Shon shifted so he was leaning against the counter, his back to Lily and blocking her view if she happened to turn around. He needn't have worried; she'd only moved a little further down the display by the time Mr. Coalman took his writ and placed Shon’s purchase in a small box to disappear into his bag.


As gently as she could, Lily brushed Shon's hair out of his face, but she needn't have bothered. He didn't stir at all. On one of the long couches in the Paladin quarters, his head rested in her lap, with Ryuuko curled into a tight ball at his belly.

She'd insisted that he lay down, just to rest his eyes, and he'd fallen asleep almost instantly. She'd never seen him look so at peace, and leaned down to try and kiss his head, unable to help herself.

"I think I got enough notes down for now. Hopefully my mentor will be able to get access at the capital." Tuth's voice sounded from the hall, and Lily's head shot up. She pressed a finger to her lips and shushed the Mage as he rounded the corner with Yua, both of them stripping off their cloaks. 

Yua took a moment to study them, then grinned. "Aw... So cute..." she cooed, plopping down on the opposite couch, "How long has he been out?" she asked, keeping her voice low. 

"Only about half an hour," Lily answered, brushing his hair again and smiling down at him. 

Tuth collapsed beside Yua and let himself slouch down far enough to lean his head on the back of the low couch, "Did he finish his report then? I don't know what else they want from us, but I haven't-" 

Lily huffed, silencing the Mage, and explained, "They don't want anything from us. Shon said they've cut us out and all we need to do is give a standard report to the Church."

Yua sighed, "Not that surprising, really... Though I'd think with Warlocks, they'd want all the help they could get." 

"That's probably why, though," Tuth argued, leaning back again and closing his eyes as if to nap too. "They don't want anyone tempted by Warlock magic. They'd rather stomp them out quickly and without fuss." 

Lily looked away and muttered, "Until they rear their ugly heads again," Tuth just shrugged, and Yua sighed. Lily shook her head and managed a smile, turning back to them, "But we get to stay until after the Solstice at least. And they took their guard off me." 

Yua grinned, "Lady Raina did say she would see to that." 

"What about after the Solstice?" Tuth asked, but Lily hissed at him as Shon stirred in her lap. 

"Tuth?" Shon groaned, bringing a hand up to run over his eyes and through his hair. Lily moved her hands out of the way, and he sat up to blink at them. 

Yua smirked, "Rise and shine, big guy. Lily was just telling us the job's done," 

He nodded in answer and pushed Ryuuko off the couch to splat and hiss on the ground before clawing its way up his leg with as much claw as possible. Shon flinched and spoke between clenched teeth as the little dragon kneaded his lap with its talons, "We still need to file our reports, but have time. The Solstice..." 

"The Solstice!" Lily exclaimed, clapping her hands and jumping to her feet, "I'm getting everyone gifts this year." 

"Lily..." Shon started, and she rolled her eyes,

"Yes, yes, I know. I have enough saved up without selling scales. Don't worry." 

"But what about after?" Tuth asked again.

Lily sat back down and smiled as Shon reached over to take her hand. She explained their plan, "We were going to go see the Monks. I'm sure they'll be happy to see you too." 

"Actually..." Yua leaned back, crossing her arms and cocking her head, "I was kind of hoping to use this time to go home. Back to the Southernwood." Lily felt her face falling and tried to force a smile, but Yua just grinned, "But if you'll still have me, I'd love to find you after." 

Lily's genuine smile returned, and she squeezed Shon's hand, "Of course, Yua! You're one of mine. Now and always." 

Yua laughed and winked at Shon, "Hear that, big guy? I'm a treasure now too." 

Shon rolled his eyes but muttered, "A horde of friends..."

"Better than gold and jewels, I'd say," Yua answered with a shrug. So they'd told her about the Warlocks' claims...

"She has one of those too," Tuth pointed out. 

Lily waved a hand at him, "Hush you." 

The Mage just shook his head, "Either way. If we're all going on pleasure trips, then I want to go back to the capital and see my mentor." 

"But until then!" Lily announced, standing again, "Winter Solstice and presents!" She did a pirouette then vaulted over the back of the couch to her room for her cloak.

Shon called after her, "Why didn't you buy them while we were out?" 

She heard Tuth gasp and exclaim, "Oh wow, you can talk loud outside combat..." 

Yua was still laughing when Lily came back and answered, "You were with me. I can't very well buy you a present with you there to see." 

Yua calmed her snickers and grinned evilly at Shon, "Oh, this is gonna be great. I'm getting you so hammered." 

Shon snorted, "I don't drink in Hor-" 

But Yua interrupted, "You will this time. It's a holiday, Lily's getting us gifts, and we're splitting up after. There's no law against it.-"

"Assuming you don't start any fights," Tuth chimed in, "You're not a belligerent drunk, are you?" 

"-You can relax for once." Yua continued, "Besides, you talk more when you drink." 

Shon rubbed his face with both hands, not bothering to answer Tuth's question. Lily giggled, returning to kiss the top of his head and whisper, "Don't worry, I won't let her go too far..."

He reached back to stroke her face and sighed, "You're going to be the death of me..." then he stood -dropping Ryuuko again- and rounded the couch to retreat to his room for some real sleep. But he didn't argue with Yua again. 

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