Chapter 34 - Splitting Up

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Winter 4994, 27 Ginmoth 

They left the 'inn' well after dawn. Lily whispered something about having paid enough that they should come back the next night so it wouldn't go to waste. But Shon shook his head and even told the proprietor -who blanched at the sight of him- "Keep the change," as he held the red door open for Lily.

She giggled as she dashed out, spinning in the street and holding her arms open to the still falling snow. He watched as she tried to catch the snowflakes with her tongue, though it was impossible considering they melted on their way down to her. "We probably should've brought our cloaks," She mused, returning to him and reaching up to brush unmelted snow from his hair. 

Shon sighed as her heat counteracted his cold and melted the snow, so it soaked his hair and flowed down his face like rain. Ryuuko twittered little dragon giggles and hopped from his shoulder to hers, spreading its wing to shield her head. "Aw, thanks, Ryuuko. You make the best umbrella." Lily told it, and the pseudodragon preened. 

"Yeah, just what we need," Shon commented, "An umbrella that requires feeding..." Ryuuko snapped at him as he passed, though he dodged easily with the slightest tilt of his head. 

Lily snickered, and the little dragon snorted, though it spread its other wing out to cover Shon as well when Lily caught up and took his arm. She laced the fingers of her left hand in those of his right, so he could feel the ring pressed between their skin. Gold and silver... Shon lifted her hand to kiss the back of it. 

The roads were deserted after the celebrations. Shon enjoyed the silence and, for the first time in a long time, thought about home. It was probably the snow, though the light dusting here would never pile as high as it did in Clearhelm.

As if reading his mind, Lily commented, "I do miss the snow further north. Do you think they'll let us go back up to Clearhelm before it all melts?" 

Shon snorted. He had no desire to return to Clearhelm, ever. Too many painful memories. But as he looked down at Lily, tapping her lip in thought, he said, "Maybe." Maybe being there with her would make it more bearable. 

As they approached the Temple gate, the young Paladin on guard stiffened, and as they passed him to enter, he hissed, "Where have you been? The command..." 

Lily leaned back to look past Shon and tilt her head at the Paladin while Shon arched an eyebrow in question. But the Paladin just blushed and looked away as another voice sounded from the Temple proper, "Staff Sergeant, Miss Lily, thank Hengist you're alright."

Shon stiffened, and Lily turned her head to tilt to the other side, Ryuuko mirroring the motion from her shoulder. The Colonel sighed as he stepped from the doorway and Lily asked, "Why wouldn't we be?"

The Colonel blinked at her in disbelief but answered, "This is Horsa land, Miss-" Lily rolled her eyes theatrically, and the Paladin stopped his explanation with another sigh, "We looked for you." he said, turning to Shon for an explanation.

Before Shon could answer, Lily let go of his arm and waved a dismissive hand before her, "Well, I'm glad you didn't find us. That would've been embarrassing." 

"We found lodgings in the city, Sir," Shon explained, doing his best not to blush as the man was taken aback and proceeded to glance between the two of them in quick succession. 

Finally, he cleared his throat, coughing into his fist, "Yes, well... We're glad you're safe." 

Lily sighed dramatically, "We are quite capable of taking care of ourselves, you know. We did just take down a nest of Warlocks and save a gaggle of Sorcerers. I think we can handle a night out on the town." 

"Yes, well..." The Colonel said again, lifting his chin, "If you had been involved in a fight... in a Horsa city-" 

"Do you always jump to the worst possible conclusions?" Lily interrupted, but then answered her own question as she walked past him through the door, "Never mind, of course you do. Silly Paladins." 

The Colonel watched her go while Shon closed his eyes in silent prayer, opening them again to say, "My apologies, Colonel." 

The man took a moment to look Shon over, his eyes lingering on Shon's ruffled and slightly singed shirt, "Not at all, Staff Sergeant. Forgive me. I read your file and assumed..." Assumed that he wouldn't get a shady room with an unwed woman. 

"We respect the rules of the Temple, Sir," Shon said shortly. 

The Colonel nodded and stepped aside, effectively dismissing Shon to return to the Temple, "Thank you, Staff Sergeant." 

Lily waited for him just inside and walked with him the rest of the way back to the common room, where they found Tuth and Yua, not at all worried for their safety. 

"Welcome back..." Tuth mumbled as he took aim with one of his new darts at a board he'd propped on a chair.

Yua grinned from the couch where she lounged, "I hope you had a good birthday?"

Shon felt the blush start to rise in his cheeks, but Lily just sighed, "Oh Yua, you have no idea." she jumped over the back of the couch to sit across from the Ranger, "I don't know who enjoyed it more, but it was definitely amazing."

"Oh?" Yua asked, sitting up and shooting a smirk over Lily's shoulder at Shon, taking in his disheveled appearance more closely, "Do tell..." 

Shon came up to rest a hand on Lily's shoulder and whispered, "She really doesn't need to know the details, Lily..."

Yua scoffed and waved her hand at him, "What do you know? This is girl talk. You don't like it, don't listen." 

"And that's my cue to leave," Tuth said loudly, moving for his board to remove the darts. 

Lily rested her hand on Shon's but turned to Tuth, "And where are you going?" 

"Well," Tuth answered, holding the board under his arm, "We're heading out tomorrow, aren't we? I need to get my gate token and write my mentor." 

But Yua had caught sight of Lily's hand on Shon's and the ring glittering on her finger, "Cathbad's woody bush..." she breathed, then looked up to Shon and back down again, "You... Really? Already?" 

Lily giggled, and Shon cleared his throat. "What?" Tuth asked.

"I've got some paperwork to file..." Shon muttered, bending to kiss the top of Lily's head and turning to leave before the 'girl talk' could start in earnest.


Lily turned in her seat to watch Shon walk away, enjoying the view and the implication of the paperwork he needed to file. Ryuuko flew from her shoulder to his as he left. She turned back in time to blink back in surprise as Yua stood and grabbed her hand, lifting the ring to her face and studying it before meeting Lily's eyes again, "He really asked? So soon?" 

Lily beamed, feeling like she was glowing, and nodded, but then shrugged, "He wasn't going to, but I kind of bullied him into it."

"You..." Yua sat back down then shook her head, "What?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "He didn't think I would want to, but wanted to swear an oath of his own anyway." She explained, "I told him I wanted it to go both ways. So I'll be bound to him as solidly as he's bound to me." 

"Damn..." Yua whispered, leaning further back into the couch and crossing her arms, "Wow. Just... Wow... It's only been a few months..." 

But Lily shook her head, "We've known each other for years, Yua. And there's never been anyone else." She looked down at her ring and turned it on her finger, unable to suppress her grin. "And he finally let go and let me see everything." 

The Ranger snickered, drawing Lily's eyes, "So what happened to his shirt?"

Shon didn't want her to explain everything, and Lily decided for once she would hold back the details, but still answered, "Let's just say we might need to invest in some silk ropes..."

Yua laughed, slapping her thigh in mirth, "Okay, now I need more." but Lily shook her head, and Yua gave up without a real fight, "Fine, keep your secrets." She sighed, "I'm going to miss you guys." 

"It's only a few months." Lily said, "Shon got approved for leave until Summer Solstice." 

"Five months? Nice. And just in time for your birthday." 

"That's going to take a while to get used to," Lily mused, "I wonder if that book has a more accurate date..." 

Yua waved a dismissive hand, "You'll have to ask Tuth after we meet up, but I prefer Summer Solstice regardless." She shrugged, "Are you ready for tomorrow, by the way? It's going to be the first real test of your guys' relationship." Lily tilted her head in question, and Yua rolled her eyes, "It's going to take you weeks to reach Halakon. Weeks alone, just the two of you. If you don't drive each other completely crazy by the time you get there, you'll know it's meant to be." Yua explained.

Lily giggled, "We'll see. Sounds more like a honeymoon to me. Especially with Tuth's gift..." She wiggled in excited anticipation but then remembered Yua's original question and stood. "There is one more thing I need before we leave," she stated, heading for the door. 


The following morning the party gathered outside the Mages Guild, just as they had when the Monks left them. 

"Well, this is it then," Tuth declared bluntly, "Until the longest day." 

Yua reached out to grab the back of his robes and pulled him, choking, closer, "Oh no you don't. Hugs all 'round." 

Lily giggled beside him, and Shon rolled his eyes, but Ryuuko whistled in agreement, and Yua whispered something in Tuth's ear as she wrapped him in a tight embrace. The Mage rolled his eyes as he pulled away but started chanting right away, poking her between the eyes and then himself. 

Lily bounced on her feet, accurately interpreting the spell and rushing forward to hug Tuth, giving him a kiss on the cheek. He still flinched, though not in pain, just surprise, and returned the hug, "And here I thought you'd mellowed out in recent weeks..." he muttered to her.

"She does seem a bit less hyperactive most times, doesn't she?" Yua commented, showing she'd heard him too, and held out her hand for Shon to shake. 

Shon sighed, rising from his bow and taking her hand. She gave it a firm shake then tugged. He didn't move, but she stepped in with the pull instead and hugged him, "You've warmed up too, you know," she whispered to him, "At first, I thought it was just time and exposure, but now I'm starting to wonder..." Yua let go of him and turned to catch Lily -who dove for her own hug- and laughed. 

He proved her point by grinning, turning for Tuth, and holding his hand out. Tuth looked at his palm then took it slowly, mumbling, "Do I have to hug you?" Shon shook his head, but Lily and Yua each placed a hand on the Mage's shoulders and pushed him into Shon, who had to catch the young man as he stumbled. 

Tuth blushed and stepped back, straightening his robes, and Shon actually felt himself chuckle. Ryuuko trilled, circling his head and gliding over to nuzzle Tuth and Yua's cheeks. 

"Aren't you lot just adorable." A woman's voice sounded from the Mages Guild. Lady Raina descended the stairs gracefully, Ragther holding her hand as a proper escort to the Lady. "You weren't going to leave without saying your farewells to us, were you?"

Ragther huffed, though Lily just grinned, and Yua made a sweeping bow to the pair, taking Raina's hand and kissing it. The Lady smiled, her eyes squinting down at the Ranger, "You'll have to bring your Druid friend next time, Ranger Yua. I would love to meet the one who has managed to tame your wild side."

"You call that tame?" Ragther, Tuth, and even Shon mumbled in unison. Lily folded in half, gripping her stomach and laughing, though if at the men or women Shon didn't know and didn't care, he was too busy looking away from Ragther's glare. 

Yua ignored them all and grinned at Raina, "I wouldn't dream of it, my Lady. You very well might steal her away from me, and then where would I be?" 

Ragther shook Tuth's hand firmly but muttered, "Stuck with two lovers, no doubt..." which had Lily giggling again. 

Shon rolled his eyes, but Yua was nodding, stroking her chin in thought, "Now that's an idea... I might have to try it..."

Ragther growled a prayer but stepped up to Shon. He took a moment to look the soldier over but held out his hand eventually. "You are a testament to your order, Staff Sergeant," Shon arched his eyebrow at the Paladin, not sure if it was meant as an insult or compliment. Probably both. Ragther didn't drop his hand, and eventually, Shon took it. The Paladin didn't have the same spell on him as Tuth and Yua, and he jerked away sharply from Shon's cold. Shon grinned, turning away from Ragther to bow to Lady Raina. 

Ryuuko stood on her shoulder, opposite her own familiar, who hissed at the dragon and bat at its tail as the Lady scratched under its chin. "What my brother means to say, soldier, is thank you," she said to Shon, curtsying to him. Ryuuko lept from her shoulder back to Shon's. She stood but stared over his shoulder at his sword, swirling dark blue streaked with white. "Should you ever decide to earn your clearance." she said, shifting to focus on his eyes, "Swailand has a wonderful program for training Sorcerers." 

Shon bowed again, saying, "I'll keep it in mind," while silently swearing that should the sun rise at midnight, and he ever did decide to unseal his magic, it wouldn't be done on Horsa land. Even if it was the sole purview of the neutral Mages Guild. The noble smirked, possibly reading his intentions, and turned for Lily. 

"This came for you this morning, Miss Lily. They intended to send it on to Halakon. However, I thought since you were still here..." Lily clapped her hands and snatched the envelope out of Raina's fingers, then wrapped the woman in a hug. She pat Lily's head indulgently, "Don't forget to stop by if you find yourself in the area again." 

"Of course," Lily answered over her shoulder as she spun away from Raina and hopped back to Shon, holding the envelope behind her back and grinning like a child. 

Shon arched an eyebrow down at her, and she squirmed. Yua came up behind her and snatched the envelope out of her hand, "Well? What's got you all up in a tizzy?" 

Lily reached for the envelope, but Tuth snatched it first. He looked like he wanted to rip it open but stopped just before doing so to look at Lily, who rolled her eyes but nodded to him. The Mage opened the letter and emptied its contents into his palm. A ring. 

He didn't get a chance to look at it closely before Lily snatched it from him and spun on Shon again, grabbing his hand. "I commissioned it yesterday and really didn't think he'd have it done already." She slipped a replica of her own ring onto Shon's finger, and he blinked down at it in surprise. 

She laced the fingers of her left hand in his and grinned, standing on her toes to rest her head on his. Tuth sighed, "You two are unbearable." He tapped Yua on the shoulder and gestured with his thumb, "Let's go before they jump each other here." 

Raina laughed delicately, covering her mouth, "Now that would be something to see..." while Ragther huffed in disapproval. 

Shon tilted his chin up to kiss Lily chastely on the forehead but turned her to lean against him as he nodded his final farewells to the others.

"Don't take TOO many breaks on the road, or you'll never get there." Yua said as she turned to walk down the street toward the southern gate, continuing over her shoulder, "Though I suppose it doesn't matter as long as you make our date. Until Summer Solstice then!" 

"Don't forget," Tuth said to Lily, "You only gave me a primer, and I'll want more detailed lessons when we meet up again." 

Lily rolled her entire head with her eyes but nodded. Ryuuko gave one last whistle as the Mage turned for the Guild with Lady Raina. 

Ragther hesitated but then said, "I hope you are never forced to come here again, soldier of Hengist..." Shon arched a brow at the Paladin, but Ragther just smirked, "But if they ever do decide to send someone to get in my way, I hope it's you."

Ryuuko hissed, but Shon chuckled. Ragther was taken aback by the sound, but Lily followed it up with her own laugh and actually stepped forward to hug him. He stiffed and started to sweat, but she pulled back fast enough, and for once, showed him the proper respect do a Paladin, "We'll miss you too, Sir Ragther. Until next time."

They left through the east gate. Onward, to the closest thing they had to a family. Besides each other. 

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