Chapter 32 - Winter Solstice

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Winter Solstice 4994, 26 Ginmoth 

Lily woke up even earlier than usual. Alone in her private room, she dressed in one of her few dresses. The pale blue clashed with her red scales, but she didn't care and accented the light summer dress with diamonds and silver. She might have to expend more energy to stay warm in the dress on this longest night, but it was worth it to keep her freedom of movement. And it didn't get that cold this far south anyway. 

With an excited giggle, she gathered her gifts and fumbled with her door to wait in the common area for the others. She should've known she wouldn't be alone long. No sooner had she arranged the wrapped presents on the low table between the two couches than she heard scratching from Shon's door as Ryuuko hurried him to open it. 

Turning to kneel on the couch, she watched him open the door and laughed as Ryuuko flew out to circle her head and land on the table, sniffing at the gifts. "Not yet, little one." she chastised the tiny dragon. 

Shon moved for the couch, and she grinned up at him. "Drills?" he asked, arching a brow down at her. 

Lily rolled her eyes, "Oh come on, not today!" she clapped her hands over her mouth at her own volume and continued in a whisper, "What if the others wake up while we're gone? Come on, it's a holiday." 

Ryuuko whistled its agreement, and Lily turned to shush it. It apologized by whistling again, quietly this time. Shon sighed and went back to his room, returning a moment later with his own armful of gifts. Lily clapped her hands -quietly- and hopped in her seat as he laid them out and sat beside her. "It's just another day," he argued, not bothering to whisper. 

Lily smacked him across the chest with the back of her hand. "Is not. Next, you're going to tell me birthdays mean nothing either." Shon smirked, and Lily tilted her head at him, "When is your birthday anyway? I want to get a gift for that too now that we're together." 

Shon actually chuckled but didn't answer. "What?" Lily asked, "I don't have one. The least I can do is celebrate yours." 

The smile drained from his face, and he shook his head, "I don't know mine any more than you know yours." he tried to argue. 

But Lily was hearing none of it. She twisted in her seat and threw a leg over his lap, grabbing his face and holding his eyes with hers, "You know what I mean. They must have at least an idea. I know I asked in my letters, but you never answered." 

"Lily..." Shon's voice was husky, and his hands rested on her knees, "If I tell you, will you get off my lap?" despite the implied protest, his fingers trailed up her legs, under the dress. 

She rested her head on his without letting him go, and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath and mouthing a prayer. "Not here..." he breathed.

She felt bad, she'd promised, but she also doubted she would get an answer if she didn't push the issue. Or, at least that's what she told herself. It wasn't just that she loved how he continued to let his palms trail up to her hips... "If you tell me." she agreed in a whisper. 

Shon nodded against her head and opened his eyes. For a moment, his grin returned, "Today." 

Lily pulled back with a gasp and smacked his chest again, "Seriously?" 

He nodded again and gave her a brief squeeze before letting her go. Crossing his arms over his chest until she knelt beside him again. "They found me on the Temple doorstep on Winter Solstice and thought I must be newborn," he explained, "That's the date they put on my papers." That was also why even all the adults of his childhood thought he was destined to be a Paladin. Everyone knew children went to the Church of Soliel, not any of the Temples. They'd thought it was a sign. Shon uncrossed his arms and shook his head, "It really doesn't matter, though." 

"It does," Lily whined, "I should've gotten you two..."

"Two what?" Yua's voice sounded from her door as she pushed it open with her foot, her arms full of yet more presents. 

Lily hopped in place, turning to sit properly and crossing her arms in a huff, "Two presents. Today's Shon's birthday!" 

"Seriously?" The Ranger asked. Far from being offended, she laughed, "So our ice man was born on Winter Solstice? Appropriate." 

Shon snorted, looking away from both of them. His sword swirled an icy blue the same shade as Lily's dress, and his eyes.

Yua just snickered, "And what about yours, fire lady? Summer Solstice?"

Lily shrugged, "No idea." 

The Ranger hummed, laying out her gifts with the others on the table, "Well, why don't we just pick one then?" she proposed, "Summer Solstice would be appropriate." 

Ryuuko whistled its agreement, and Shon actually nodded, looking back at them to say, "I would rather celebrate yours." 

"That's not at all fair!" Lily exclaimed, not bothering to be quiet now that Yua was awake. Tuth could sleep through just about anything. "I should've gotten you something else. Tonight-"

"Yes, tonight," Yua agreed, "And we really don't need to see it." She winked at Shon, and just as she intended, he started to blush. 

Lily clapped her hands, catching on quickly, "Ooo yes! That would be the best gift. And it'll serve as double for me too." It had been a week since their shower together, and she could think of nothing she wanted more than to spend a whole night together with him. But how to make it special... 

As she tapped her lip in thought and Yua snickered. Shon ran his hand through his hair and leaned back to pray again, but then asked, "So we just need Tuth?"

"We'll be waiting for a while," Lily answered. 

Yua hummed, getting to her feet and marching over to the Mage's door. For a moment, it looked like she was going to knock, but apparently she thought better of it and instead just opened the door and shouted in, “Hey Tuth! Get up and open your presents.” She disappeared into the room and Shon and Lily exchanged looks. 

“Yua? What the hells woman!?” Tuth's voice blasted out of his room, and Lily could hear scuffling, “Give that back. I’m not… Eep!”

“Put some pants on. We’ve got stuff to do today,” Yua reappeared in the doorway with one of Tuth's robes draped over her shoulder, “I’ve got your robe. Just make yourself decent and get out here.”

The young Mage followed her out, tying his pants closed and reaching for his robe while she walked away. “Give… me…” he had to hurry forward to grab the cloth when she sat, jerking it off her shoulder and quickly shoving it over his head to cover his thin pale chest.

Ryuuko twittered dragon giggles at him, and Lily called, “Happy Solstice Tuth!” while Shon hid his smile behind a hand.

“Happy Solstice,” the Mage grumbled, taking a seat on the same couch as Yua but as far away from her as he could get. He eyed the table full of packages then groaned, standing again and retreating to his room to return with two squishy bundles of his own. 

Lily smothered a squeal with her hands, then pulled on Shon's arm, "Look, Shon! Everyone got gifts for everyone! This is even better than Solstice at Hamerfoss." At the fortress, the Squires each got only one gift for one person and retrieved one in return after drawing lots. 

Yua actually blushed. "Well, I was on a bit of a budget, but I couldn't not get you anything..."

Lily just danced in her seat and lunged for Yua's gift, unwrapping it to find a book cover. Just the cover... Lily turned it over in her hands and opened it, then closed it again. It was hardwood covered in smooth leather and even had a strap to hold it closed. But...

"Um..." Lily said. 

The Ranger leaned forward and grabbed Shon's gift to Lily, "You were supposed to open this one first. Shon and I went halfsies..." Shon nodded his agreement, and Lily took the flat floppy present with a blush. 

"Oops," she opened it carefully, and her eyes went wide. Yua's face stared up at her from the top page, and there were more besides. She flipped through the papers to find drawn portraits of not only Yua but of Tuth, the Masters, even Ragther and Raina, and the jewelry merchants from both Lenair and Sanoloa. 

Lily's eyes clouded over, "Your treasures," Yua explained, "My half was just the album, though. To keep them safe." 

Shon leaned over and whispered, "It was Yua's idea. I'm not good with gifts." 

She had to wipe her eyes. She carefully set the drawings down over the album, then walked around the table to wrap the Ranger in a tight hug. She'd given the woman enough time to brace herself so she didn't flinch and just pat Lily on the back until she let go. "It's wonderful, Yua. Thank you so much." She turned around and gave Shon a much longer hug. 

Yua laughed, "I'm sorry the others aren't as special," she said, gesturing for Shon and Tuth to open their gifts. Tuth got an empty notebook but seemed thrilled even before she explained, "I noticed yours was getting full..." 

"It's perfect! I can move all my dragon notes into one volume..." 

Lily snickered, "So easy to please," 

Shon got a box of pencils but with lead infused with different colors. "I don't know if you're one for coloring in your pictures, but maybe you could branch out a little," Yua explained. 

Shon nodded mutely but graced the Ranger with one of his rare genuine smiles. Lily elbowed him in the side, and he added, "It's perfect, Yua, thank you."

Lily beamed at him then reached forward to grab Shon's gifts and thrust them at their recipients, "I already opened mine, your turn!"

Tuth rolled his eyes and opened his present to reveal a simple box, which he opened to show a set of personal throwing darts. "Oh wow," he breathed, lifting one to test its weight and examine the carvings on the side, a set of three lightning bolts leading from the feathers to the tip. He put it back and took out another, this one with fireballs, and another with little magic missiles weaving around each other. 

He leveled the dart as if to throw and even turned in his seat and took aim at one of the doors. But Shon cleared his throat pointedly, and the Mage blushed. "Thanks, Shon. I never had my own before."

Shon nodded, "You've got real skill." Ryuuko whistled. 

"I didn't know you noticed..." Tuth whispered. Shon just shrugged. Lily giggled.  He might not voice his compliments often, but that didn't mean he didn't notice. And show them in his own way.

Yua opened her gift to show a map of the kingdom... Lily cocked her head at it, but the Ranger's response caught in her throat. Lily leaned closer and saw that the border was decorated with a series of drawings that seemed to tell a story. On the east side of the map, a woman held her arm aloft, a bird taking flight from it. The bird repeated, showing its flight up the side of the map to the top middle. On the west side, another woman, a Druid, jumped into the air. The drawings showed her transformation into another bird and its flight to meet the one in the middle. Yua brushed her fingers over the lines of the map itself, all the most direct roads leading to Shutha darkened for emphasis. 

Lily leaned over to rest her head on Shon's shoulder and whispered loudly, "And you said you were bad at giving gifts." She'd known it hadn't been true. All the Squires at Hamerfoss had said that Shon gave the best gifts. Practical and straightforward but always personalized to the recipient.

"I don't get it..." Tuth said, leaning over to look at the map too. 

Yua pushed him away, "You don't have to." she said, then smiled up at Shon, "Thanks, big guy..." Shon just shrugged, running his hand through his hair and looking away. 

"I should have gone first!" Lily whined, slapping Shon across the chest again, "I don't know how I can compete with that." 

Yua laughed, reaching forward to grab her gift, "I'm sure they're wonderful." she assured Lily, then opened it to show a new quiver. 

"It can strap to either your back or waist, and I had the Grove bless it." Lily explained, blushing at its simplicity.

"It's wonderful, Lily," Yua assured her, "I needed a new one."

Lily just nodded. She'd noticed. "Look inside."

The Ranger grinned and a moment later pulled out a piece of paper. Unfolding it, she laughed, "And it just gets better!" she turned the page around for the others to see. It was a receipt for a rented mount that she could take all the way to the Southernwood. Just because Lily had to walk everywhere didn't mean the Ranger couldn't take a horse on her journey home. 

Tuth reached for his, but Shon leaned over to cover it, and shook his head. "But..." the Mage protested, but Shon just shook his head again, and Ryuuko snapped at Tuth's fingers. He knew what Tuth's gift was. Lily wiggled nervously in her seat. 

Shon opened his own gift to show them all a new journal, but this one- "It has a lock," Lily announced, "You can take the cover, with the lock, off, and move it from journal to journal." 

"Perfect," Shon said, reaching over long enough to pull her head to his for just a moment before leaning back again and gesturing for Tuth to open his.

The Mage rolled his eyes without looking down at the present, saying, "I can already tell it's a book. Why..." but he stopped as he looked down at the gift. His jaw fell open at the writing on the cover, and he quickly flipped through the pages, "You... But how?" he asked. 

Lily giggled, too thrilled to answer right away. Shon shook his head and did it for her, "She's been working on it for a year." Since she'd first agreed to teach him draconic.

"It only covers the basics." Lily rushed to say, but Tuth was busy reading through the language primer, his mouth sounding out the syllabary as his fingers ran over their symbols. "I tried to cover all the formal grammar and included the most common logographics at the end. And Shon did the little drawings to try and help you remember the sounds." To some, it might seem childish, the drawings all simple. Such as the symbol for 'to,' pronounced 'toe,' drawn with a little foot, the big toe of which formed the shape of the symbol. 

The Mage gaped at Lily, then dove over the table and hugged her. "This is fantastic! Why didn't you tell me?! I took all those notes. An entire year!" He pulled back fast, burying his nose in the book again, his eyes scanning over the page fast enough she wasn't sure he was actually reading. 

Yua laughed at him and reached for the two lumpy packages he'd brought. She used one to bop him on the head, "Are you going to ignore your own presents?" she asked. 

Tuth rubbed the top of his head and forced himself to close the book. With a blush, he cleared his throat and gestured to the gifts, "I doubled up on Shon and Lily's..." 

Neither of the packages had names on them, but they seemed to be the same thing, so Yua and Lily shrugged at one another and ripped them open in unison. They were stuffed owls... Ryuuko mirrored Lily's tilted head at hers while Yua squinted down at her bird. 

"They're night watchmen," Tuth hurried to explain, "Prototypes. You put them on top of your tent at night, and they set up a perimeter and sound an alarm if anything comes in rage..."

Lily glanced over to grin at Shon who's brows had both shot into his hair, "So we don't have to stand watch." Lily explained unnecessarily with a grin. 

"These must have cost a fortune..." Yua said, finally looking up to stare at the Mage, "I've never heard of them." 

Tuth rubbed his neck nervously, "Well, they weren't cheap, but they are prototypes. So if you could report on their function when we meet at the capital..." 

Yua bopped him with the owl again, "So you gave us work." 

Tuth rubbed his head, though the stuffed bird was hardly heavy or hard enough to hurt, "I thought you would be safer..." he grumbled. 

"It's perfect, Tuth," Shon rumbled, taking the bird from Lily to examine it closer, "Thank you." 

"Yeah, I'm just giving you a hard time to downplay how amazing it is," Yua added, leaning over to hug him with one arm. Tuth grinned. 

Shon handed the owl back to Lily and stood. "Where are you going?" Yua asked.

"It's still too early for the real party to start in town," Lily added, tilting her head at him.

Shon started for the door but answered over his shoulder, "Drills." 

Lily groaned, and Yua laughed. Tuth was already back to reading his book.


Though Tuth explained that neither Shon nor Lily needed to wear face masks with the rest of them -Something about their body temperatures not being conducive to the survival of viruses or most bacteria- Shon insisted they don them anyway as they exited the Temple to explore the city in full celebration swing. Though the Paladins continued to prevent the spread of the plague from the camp outside into the city itself, it wouldn't do for them to set a bad example. 

"It's not as crowded as I expected..." Tuth muttered behind his own cloth face covering as they neared the main roads.

Lily skipped back from the first stall in sight -carrying two skewers of grilled meat- and answered, "It's just more spread out than usual. Half the merchants split their forces to service the Tent City outside." She pulled down her mask long enough to bite off the entire contents of one of her skewers, her cheeks puffing up like a chipmunk as she covered herself again and chewed happily. 

Yua bent to examine another stall offering bottles of clear liquor. Shon smothered a groan. The Ranger mused out loud as she pointed at a particular bottle, "The Horsa lot might not be the nicest, but they don't encourage their citizens' suffering."

Shon resisted huffing, though Ryuuko chittered for him. Tuth rolled his eyes at the both of them. "What? How could you possibly have a problem with that?" 

But Yua answered for him, "It's the motivation," the liquor merchant handed over the Ranger's purchase, and she turned back to their small group, "Hengist would do the same thing, but out of compassion, Horsa does it to keep its commoners compliant and loyal." 

Lily struggled to swallow her mouthful of meat but then shrugged, "It doesn't matter why they do it if the result is the same."

"It matters..." Shon grumbled. 

"You need to lighten up," Yua said, poking him in the chest. Then, raising her finger in the air with a grin, she announced, "I've got just the thing. Let's go." 

Pavilions of all colors and sizes lined the wide arterial streets with little lights hanging from the edges. Twinkling in numbers to rival and replace the stars covered by heavy snow clouds that had yet to let loose their frosty burden. Lily didn’t bother trying to contain her excitement the further they walked. She ran from one pavilion to another to investigate the wares on offer and exchange season's blessings with the merchants. Most were selling food or sweets, and Lily tried to get a little bit of everything and share it with the others as they made their slow progress toward the town center where the dancing and music was.

Shon got a sinking feeling in his gut every time they found another stall selling some kind of liquor, and Yua bought a bottle.

“You know…” Tuth said, slowing to walk beside him, “You’ll probably be better off just playing along tonight,” He indicated the Ranger with his chin as she stood with Lily. Sampling some kind of skewered sweet.

Shon sighed and shook his head. He'd already decided he would try to relax and 'play along' as best he could. It was something Master Veon-Zih had always said Shon should try anyway. Ryuuko whistled, and Shon said, “She'll find a way to make it awkward no matter what I do.”

Tuth shrugged, “That's why I say it's better to just let go. You can blame the booze.” Shon scowled at that, and Tuth rolled his eyes. “I’m sure even Hengist would understand if he was faced with that woman…”

As if she could read their minds, Yua turned to face them and smiled wickedly behind her mask before turning away to walk further along with Lily. Tuth flinched a tiny, “Tch,” and Shon wondered if he should be more afraid than he was. The Mage continued, “Besides, I don’t remember Hengist having any specific tenants against drinking.”

Shon shook his head but decided to answer, “He teaches moderation and self-control, both of which are compromised by heavy drinking.”

“Isn’t that just so you’ll always be ready to fight if you’re needed?” Tuth asked, looking up at him and waiting for the answer while Shon thought through how he wanted to explain.

“In the simplest terms, yes,” he finally started while Lily ran to another stand, this one selling what looked like daggers. “It’s the duty of the strong to protect and serve the weak and to enforce the justice of the land. But when someone ‘gets hammered,’ they not only become uncoordinated and unable to perform to the best of their ability but also may become confrontational or belligerent and go against the teachings and responsibility.”

“Meh,” Tuth shrugged.

Shon shook his head, “We don’t expect everyone to hold themselves to the same standards.”

“Shon, look!” Lily ran back to the men, grabbing Shon by the hand. “Dance with me!” Looking over her head, he saw the largest pavilion in the town center, full of spinning dancers and radiating with multicolored lights and music. “I have a dress this time, so it won’t be so embarrassing.”

The last -and only- Winter Solstice they'd spent together, Lily hadn't worn a dress. And though Shon had danced with her then, she'd claimed it was too embarrassing to be the only girl without a dress on the dancefloor. 

"I didn't even know you owned a dress," Tuth commented, trailing behind as Lily tugged Shon closer to the dancing. 

Lily shrugged, "I only have a few, and only for dancing."

Yua hummed, making a point of scanning Lily from the tips of her toes to the top of her head and nodding in approval, "But you look so lovely all dolled up. Doesn't she, Shon?"

Shon nodded, pulling Lily to a stop and spinning her in a quick circle, so her skirts fluttered around her legs. She was too coordinated to be thrown off by the move and giggled, smiling up at him. She shook her head and explained, "Growing up in my tower, I only ever wore dresses. So when I got out, I swore I would never wear them again." She shrugged, "But then I realized that I didn't want to give them that much power over my wardrobe." 

"Good for you!" Yua announced, smacking Lily on the butt and making her squeak, "Now go dance while I get us set up."

Shon shook his head at the Ranger's antics, and Lily led him toward the dance floor. Stares followed them the entire way, some directed at Lily as usual, but just as many following Ryuuko, still on Shon's shoulder. The little dragon preened at the attention, and Shon sent it an order and accompanying image. The pseudodragon wrapped its tail around his neck, tight, but Shon reached up to wrench it loose and growled, "Stay with Tuth..." 

Lily stopped at the edge of the dancers and turned around to see the continued silent battle of wills between Shon and his familiar. She snickered and reached up to scratch under the dragon's chin, breaking Shon's glare. "You know... They won't be afraid to admire you openly with someone as unthreatening as Tuth," she whispered to it. 

Ryuuko chirped and lept from Shon's shoulder. It took a moment to hiss in his face and circled Lily, brushing her hair with its wings. Before flying towards the Mage, who was struggling to hold all the bottles Yua was pulling from her bag and handing to him. Just as Lily predicted, a gaggle of brave, and possibly drunk, city folk flocked towards Tuth and Ryuuko, bombarding the boy with questions about the rare beast. 

Lily giggled, and Yua laughed, taking her bottles back and setting them up on an empty table, while Tuth did his best to answer and Ryuuko preened. "Pest," Shon whispered. But he was distracted a moment later when Lily took his left hand in her right and draped her arm over his shoulder. Her fingers brushed his sword before coming to rest on the back of his neck.

She smiled up at him, her eyes squinting over her mask. And the crowd faded into the background until they disappeared entirely. Shon rested his hand on the small of her back, pulling her close until her body pressed against his. He'd been so afraid to hold her last time. Sure it was some kind of mistake that caused her to want to dance with him of all the other Squires available. He'd learned otherwise, but not until after she'd asked him to kiss her.

"You lead..." Lily whispered, her eyes glittering with mischief.

Shon smirked, tapping the back of her hand in time to the music. "For how long?" he countered, remembering every step of their last dance. 

"As long as you can manage it," Lily answered. 

Before she could take the lead, he stepped off, starting them spinning around the dancefloor. Lily followed his every move with even greater grace than last time. Though he felt the shift in her body when she intended to take control, he didn't surrender it completely and they reached a balance, just as they had so many years ago. Neither leading nor following. Reading each other's movements before they happened and flowing together like one unit. 

Shon could've spent the entire night dancing with her. He lost track of time, but his companions wouldn't be ignored forever. Ryuuko flew back to land on Shon's head at the end of one particularly brisk song. Twittering down at Lily's face as she caught her breath and using its tail to point towards the table where Yua and Tuth waited. Shon pushed the dragon off his head, but Lily giggled, taking his hand and pulling him away from the dance floor. 

"Where'd you learn to dance like that, big guy?" Yua asked as she set out three small glasses before him and filled each to the brim with liquor. 

Rather than sit next to him, Lily took the empty spot across the table and stretched out her legs to rub his feet underneath, answering for him, "All the Squires took lessons."

"Go figure," Tuth commented while Ryuuko flew off to explore under the pavilion - having finally shown itself off enough and being thoroughly distracted by all the activity. 

"Ah," Yua said, dropping the subject for Shon's sake but moving on to one nearly as uncomfortable, if in a different way, "Drink up!" She poured Lily three shots, not quite as full, and taking off her mask, picked up her first glass, holding it in the air, "To a mission well done and a vacation well earned." 

"Here here!" Lily agreed, pulling off her own mask and taking a shot. Tuth and Shon both followed more slowly but followed nonetheless. 

The party sat around their table for the rest of the night. They started by going around and offering their own toasts. Then moved on to talking about past Winter Solstices until they dissolved into relaxed conversation and friendly debates while Yua handled the drinks. Apparently, her plan to get Shon drunk was to peer-pressure him into keeping up with everyone else. Giving everyone three shots but not refilling them until everyone had taken all three of theirs. 

“What I don’t get…” Tuth gestured across the table with an empty glass, “is why, when arcane magic is easily accessible to anyone and everyone, more people don’t practice it.”

Yua's plan was working. Shon felt like his brain had been packaged in down feathers, and his reflexes had dulled to the sharpness of a spoon. He was also participating in the debates with a fervor he didn’t usually display.

“You could say the same about anything.” Shon argued, “Why, when all it takes is regular exercise and training, don’t more people improve themselves physically?”

“But exercise is hard…” Tuth whined, taking up his last shot. “Magic is so much easier and more fulfilling. Just study, and the power of the cosmos literally shoots from your fingertips.” He took his shot, his whole body shivering from the taste before he continued, “And it’s fun.”

Shon took his last shot as well, and Yua moved to refill everyone's glasses while Lily took up the argument, “But not everyone finds studying fun. I love learning new things, but arcane equations and theory just frustrate and bore me.”

Tuth gaped at Lily in complete disbelief and Shon continued, still talking about exercise, “If it wasn’t hard, it wouldn’t work, And the benefits carry over to all kinds of things.”

“Yeah, but-” Tuth started,

“Tuth, you’re arguing with a man who was born with the rarest elemental magic, and he seals it away with a fancy sword.” Lily interrupted.

Shon's mouth snapped shut, and he looked away, taking one of his new shots, while Yua said, with a mock flinch, “Ow. Why don’t you tell us how you really feel, Lily?”

“I just did,” she answered, taking one of her own drinks and leaning across the table to grin at Shon. “It’s your life and your magic, but I will never understand or stop teasing you about it.”

Shon didn’t have an argument for that, so he took his second shot. Or what he thought was his second shot… He glared at Yua, sure she'd refilled his first glass so he would have one more than the rest of them. The Ranger just grinned, daring him to challenge her.

“The real question you should be asking,” A new voice chimed in from behind Shon, “Is why someone wouldn’t just get the tattoo and be done with it.” Shon turned in his seat to see Ragther with his sister. It was the first time the group had seen the Paladin out of uniform, and Shon’s mind took longer than he found comfortable to realize who it was.

“That’s not even a question,” Lily answered, waving them over, “That would take the option away if you changed your mind later.” not to mention the documented poor health and shorter life span, or that it could lock away his ki, limiting his progress with monk skills as well. 

Ragther pulled out the only empty seat at their table for Lady Raina, who sat delicately while he stood behind her. Her cat familiar, just as filthy and angry looking as ever, pounced up to her lap.

“I agree with Lily,” Raina said, looking up at her brother, “No point in cutting off your options if you don’t have to.” She looked at Shon, who took another shot, sure she was going to say something he didn’t want to talk about, “The real question is why the Temple of Hengist would vouch for an enlisted man when they could insist he get a clearance.”

Shon cursed in his mind and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. Why couldn’t they talk about something safe? Like politics? Yua came to his rescue, “Why wouldn’t they? If the person in question has been loyal and shown no signs of danger, it’s just jeopardizing their soldiers to insist they take time off for clearance, or damage their health with the tattoo.” she slid a shot across the table to the noblewoman.

She took it, swirling the liquor in the glass. “Point,” Raina tilted her cup to Yua, then took the shot, shivering as Tuth usually did.

“I take it you're enjoying the celebrations?” Ragther asked, looking around the table from his standing position. Even inebriated, it made Shon uncomfortable. 

Lily smiled at them both, picking up one of her glasses and saying, “Oh, very much so. Though I was really hoping it would snow.” She took her shot, setting her glass back down with a little ‘tink.’ “But I got to dance, and the food was as amazing as always.”

“I’m glad you're enjoying it.” Raina smiled warmly at Lily.

Yua’s eyebrows lifted into her hair at the woman’s look, glancing at Shon quickly, then back. "No Lady Nickola tonight, Lady Raina?" the Ranger asked, casually dropping the name of the Noble woman's missed liaison. 

Raina huffed, reaching across the table to take another one of Yua's drinks and throwing it back more smoothly than the first. The Ranger grinned. "She's here. With her husband." the Noble answered.

"Ah, noble drama..." Lily hummed. Ragther snorted. 

Yua stood and passed Lily a new bottle. “Here, you’re in charge. Make sure that one,” she pointed directly at Shon, making him cross his eyes to focus on the tip of her finger, “gets plenty to drink. He isn’t nearly drunk enough.” then she held her hand out to Raina, “Will you honor me with a dance?” 

The Lady studied Yua pointedly, her familiar batting at the Ranger's hand. Yua leaned forward to whisper something no one else could hear and Raina grinned, taking the Ranger's hand and letting herself be led to the dance floor.

Ragther looked like he wanted to protest but thought better of it. Sighing, he took his sister's abandoned seat. “That woman…” he drew out the sentence, and Shon figured he might be trying to find the right words.

“Prefers women,” Shon answered the unspoken question and took another shot, which Lily quickly replaced with a sinister giggle. 

The Paladin grunted, confirming that was indeed where he was going with that line of thought, and shrugged, changing the subject. “I'm surprised to see you imbibing so much. I would've thought you'd abstain.” he sneered at Shon.

Shon met the man's eyes without blinking, staring intently at him until Ragther looked away, then, taking another shot, Shon said, “There are some benefits to being a soldier.” He slid the last of Yua’s abandoned shots to the Paladin, who curled his nose at them, “Drinking has never been against the gods' rules, only going too far.” Ragther narrowed his eyes at Shon, who shot his own slight smirk across the table, “Unless you know you lack the control to handle a few drinks…”

“That woman was wrong about you.” The Paladin said, lifting one of the shots, “You are far too drunk already. To be talking to me like that.” He took the shot and turned the glass over to hit the wood table with a loud ‘thunk.’ 

“You two are incorrigible,” Tuth scoffed, taking another of his shots and shivering. He was by far the most affected at the moment, though it looked to Shon like he was handling it better this time than he had the night they met. It was probably the smaller glasses. “It’s not like there’s that much of a difference between Horsa and Hengist when it comes down to practical-”

The Mage couldn’t finish his thought before Ragther stood angrily, and Shon leaned forward, fixing his cold glare on the poor boy.

But apparently the liquid courage was flowing strong tonight, because Tuth didn’t back down, “What? We can’t have a simple discussion on tenants and practical application without both of you jumping down my throat?”

“Damn, Tuth,” Lily laughed, patting the boy roughly on the shoulder and pouring him more shots, “When did you grow steel balls?” The Mage took another shot and chose to ignore her. She just laughed again and waved the two Temple men down, “Come on you two. It’s a holiday. Don’t take everything so seriously.”

Shon took another shot before leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “It is serious,” he argued.

“Wars have been fought for generations before the provinces were united. The fields and rivers running thick with blood,” Ragther said, taking his seat and leaning forward on the table to growl at the two.

“No need to get poetic about it,” Tuth waved him away, “See? This is something you can agree on right now.” Shon and Ragther’s eyes met before they both looked away quickly, “And it’s not just your overly serious attitude. It's the discipline, law enforcement, all kinds of things you have in common.”

Ragther glanced at Shon again and snapped in an accusing growl, “He’s your companion, Staff Sergeant. Reign him in.”

Shon took another shot between his fingers, looking intently at Tuth, “That's most of the problem, Tuth.” he said quietly. “Hengist and Horsa are similar in many ways. But in the keyways, the execution and motivation, they're completely different.” 

Tuth shrugged while Shon took his shot, “I just think, to the common man, there's no real difference between living under the control of one or the other.”

Shon and Ragther both opened their mouths to argue, but Lily cut in, “But you’re talking about common people who are much more likely to honor Soliel or Domhnall or Tzibus," The last two being Saint gods of Bards and Merchants, though Lily had left off the honorific, "For devoted followers of Horsa and Hengist the differences define their reason for following one or the other.”

Shon and Ragther both nodded and once again glared at each other for daring to agree. Shon sighed, running a hand through his hair and saying, "The differences are in the very foundation."

"Examples?" Tuth demanded.

The Paladin glanced at Shon but answered, "The chain of command. Horsa teaches it is the right of the strong to rule the weak. As Squires-" Shon took a shot while the knight continued, "-we take orders from our superiors because they're stronger than we are. Closer to him. Horsa is always at the top, followed by the Temple as his institution, then the king, and so on. As we train and grow our strength in his name, we climb the ranks and gain more right to rule those below us." 

Shon failed to suppress a snort, reaching for another cup while Lily refilled everyone's glasses. Tuth gestured to him, "Well? Your rebuttal?" Shon closed his eyes, his head swimming, and prayed for patience. But by the time he opened them again, they were all still staring at him. 

"Horsa teaches the strong have a right to rule," Shon started, "Hengist teaches that the strong have a duty to protect." Ragther huffed, and Lily slid him a drink, which he took. Shon continued, "As Squires, we are placed at the bottom because it teaches us what it's like from that position, so we can respect those in it when we move beyond it." If we move beyond it... Even the youngest Squire technically outranked him now.

He shook his head in an effort to clear it, but only made himself dizzy, and continued anyway, "Hengist and the Temple are at the top because they recognize this responsibility to those below them. Followed by the king then all the officers. As we- they," He corrected himself, "climb the ranks, it gives them more responsibility to those below them. Meanwhile, those of us at the bottom have a duty to support them by following their orders and respecting their experience."

"Fools," Ragther mumbled under his breath, "They behave like servants." Shon couldn't muster the energy to glare at him anymore.

Tuth sighed and shook his head, “Alright, fine, I was just making an observation."

While Lily announced, "I'm glad we could all finally open up and be honest about it.”

Ragther got to his feet, taking one last shot before sliding the glasses back to Lily. “I had better get going.” he glared down at the Mage for a moment. “You should probably be more careful about your "honest" observations in Swailand, boy.” He nodded towards Shon, “The Staff Sergeant can explain if you don’t understand.” and he walked away.

Lily and Tuth both looked to Shon, who sighed and waited for the Paladin to move further away before saying. “In Horsa territory, you can be arrested for treason or insurrection for speaking ill of Horsa or his Temple. And comparing them to Hengist is one of the worst things you can do.” 

“But that's stupid,” Lily said, slapping her hand down on the table, “You can’t even voice an opinion-” Shon held up a hand to stop her rant.

“In Hengist territory, people have been fined heavily and are often seen as a danger to the piece of the land for doing the same thing.” he finished, focusing on Tuth, “It’s a holdover from the days when there was frequent war.”

“That doesn’t make it any less stupid,” Lily grumbled, and Shon shrugged.

“That really just further proves my point! All I was saying-” Tuth seemed physically incapable of dropping a subject before making his point, “-is that both Temples frown on everyday stuff like overindulgence and premarital relations-” Shon ran a hand through his hair, but the Mage didn’t notice his discomfort, “-and the importance of enforcing local law and all that.”

Shon sighed yet again, taking another shot to have something to do besides continuing to participate in this particular discussion. “Um…” A quiet voice whispered over Shon's shoulder, and he jumped. He'd definitely drunk too much if he didn’t notice the young woman behind him until now. 

“Meloney?” Tuth said, and Shon arched an eyebrow at the lad's blush. 

“I… I mean, Would… Um…” It was the fire Sorcerer from the tower, and she was blushing darker than Tuth.

Lily glanced between the two and snickered evilly, clapping the Mage on the shoulder again. “You should dance with her.” Lily stood, pulling Tuth to his feet.

“Oh no, if you don’t want to…” the fire Sorcerer started, but Tuth waved his hands between them. 

“It's not that I don’t want to… I mean, um… Would you like to dance?” Tuth stuttered out the request, and Meloney nodded, taking Tuth’s hand. He didn't flinch. Apparently, she wasn't as hot as Lily. The pair moved to the dance floor, leaving Shon and Lily alone at the table.

“Did you do that to embarrass him or to get him to leave?” Shon asked her.

“Can it be both?” Lily asked, picking up one of her drinks and taking it quickly.

Shon managed a smile, shaking his head a little before regretting the motion, “If we are being honest.”

“So,” Lily spun the glass before placing it on the table and grinning at Shon across from her, “Since we're being honest, I have a question for you…” Shon lifted his own shot in anticipation. Ready to drink rather than answer whatever was making her eyes glint like that. “It's your birthday, so... If you could do anything you wanted, with me, what would you do?”

Shon took the shot, turning his glass upside down as Ragther had done, and picked up the next before speaking, “If I could do anything…” He tried not to linger on the images that rose unbidden in his mind of exactly what he would do, if only in his most private fantasies. He swirled the glass, watching the clear fluid for a moment before taking it as well.  He saw Lily’s brows shoot into her hair as he put down the second glass, but she didn’t recall her question and continued to watch him, waiting patiently for an answer. “It doesn’t matter.” He finally said and tried to deflect, "I live to serve. What would you-"

“That’s not an answer.” Lily accused, interrupting him and lifting the liquor bottle to pour them each new shots, “You know... I can feel you holding... something, back most times,” Shon took one of his new drinks and held it against his lips without drinking. She could tell?

Lily continued, filling her own glasses as she spoke, “That..." one shot, "... and your answer..." two shots, "... feels to me..." three shots, "... like you don't trust me." She set the bottle down, and he drank the shot to avoid her eyes. But they were still waiting for him after. Slit into narrow lines and sparkling dark blue. Like the heart of a candle.

She tilted her head at him, and though her tone was innocent, her words cut like a knife to his soul. "Is this going to be one of our breaking points, Shon?" Breaking point... Shon felt the ground drop out from under him and wasn't sure if it was the liquor or not. Was this going to be what spelled their end? Damned if he did, damned if he didn't... It would be no less than he deserved. 

He lifted his second glass to drink, but Lily reached over and rested her hand over it. Shon searched her face, but if he hoped his distress would cause her to change the subject, he was sorely mistaken. "It's true then," she whispered, "If it was just something embarrassing, you wouldn't react like this. But you won't even answer."

Shon let her press the glass back to the table and looked away, "I don't want to hurt you, Lily..." but why was he even trying to argue when it was already over? He propped his head in his hand, his elbow on the table to look down at his full glass. 

"That's bull shit," Lily answered over him. Shon's head shot up, and she stood, reaching forward to poke him in the nose. "You're hurting me more by not telling me. Not letting me decide for myself, then you would be if you said you wanted to whip me or... Whatever." She waved a dismissive hand in the air and sat back down, drinking one of her shots and crossing her arms. "Is that what it is? I know some people are into that kind of thing. I've never really thought pain was arousing, but I do really like when you pull my hair... Hmmm," She shrugged, "I won't know until I try."

"No..." Shon answered honestly, unable to lie to her. Besides, it was worse, particularly with her. But she was getting close, and he prayed she would stop even while knowing the gods could do nothing. Even if they were to manifest in person to try and shush her. 

Lily hummed again, "So not a sadist then..." She put down her empty glass and took another, swaying it in front of her eyes, then gasping. "Oh! Are you the masochist then?" But she dismissed that idea as quickly as it came, putting the glass back down, undrunk, and shaking her head. "No... you would have told me that one, and something doesn't feel right about it..." 

"Lily," Shon whispered, trying, despite the futility of it, to argue with her, "It only what I do matters. I can only control-"

"I don't want you to control yourself." Lily snapped at him, taking her shot quickly and slamming it down. "I've given you everything because I trust you. Or I've tried, but you won't take it, and you won't even let me decide for myself what I might like or not like. You won't even tell me!"

"Lily? Everything alright?" Yua was walking back to their table, and Shon didn't have enough time to decide if he was grateful for the interruption, or horrified that she might insert herself, before Lily snapped at Yua with a snarl,

"Go away." 

Yua rose her hands and nodded, glancing at Shon but answering, "Yes, ma'am." before leading Raina away by the arm. 

"Lily-" Shon started, but she snapped just as sharply,

"Shut up." Shon's mouth snapped closed. "I've only asked you for one thing, and that's to trust me. You already do with everything else, but not with this? Not with you? How are we supposed to be partners if you can't even tell me what you fantasize about? When you decide for me what I'll accept or not."

Shon swallowed. Was that what this looked like? Like he was taking control away from her and making the decisions for her? She swayed in her seat, and Shon could feel the heat from her anger and drinking radiate across the table, calling to his magic. They had both drunk far too much. But though people often regretted what they said under the influence of alcohol, they were rarely lies.

Shon covered his face with both hands and leaned back in his chair to laugh into his palms. Of course she would see this as him taking control and power away from her. Of course, she would be angry about it. Damned if he did, damned if he didn't.

"Shon?" Lily's voice had dropped, and he leaned forward again to find her tilting her head at him curiously, "Have you had too much to drink after all?"

"Yes," Shon answered, then took the last of his shots, turning the glass over to thunk down. He stood and leaned over the table, reaching out to grab Lily's chin and tilt her face up to his, "You want to know what I fantasize about? You want to be the only one besides Hengist himself I've told? Just before he left me too?" He'd been forced to show everything to his god during the vigil. And though Shon didn't know if it was this, or the magic, or something else altogether different, it had left him alone and empty regardless.

Lily nodded in his hand, "I might say no, but I'm not leaving." Stubborn to the end.

If she was going to leave anyway, he would at least give her the ability to choose. Shon leaned over her, brushing his cheek against hers for what he was sure would be the last time, to whisper in her ear, "I want to dominate you. Hold you down and tie you up. I want to be the one to choose when and how you come. I want to make you beg me for release. I want to make you submit. All while I use you, hard, for my own selfish wants." He pulled away, snatching her last glass as he sat and throwing it back before turning it slowly to slam down on the table with a finalizing 'thunk.'

Lily trembled across the table from him, but he didn't blink or look away. Deep down, at his core, Shon was just as bad as the Horsa devotees. Wanting to rule and control the one person closest to him. As bad as the Warlocks, who had taken her freedom and used her. Worse. At least they hadn't gone this far. 

He waited for her to say something, anything, and half expected her to just get up and walk away here and now. She didn't. She took a deep, shuddering, breath, then let it out with a sigh. Leaning forward to rest her arms on the table, she smiled.

"And what if I want to let you?" she asked.

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