Chapter 37 - Answers

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Winter 4994, 28 Shinmoth 

Lily managed to stretch the time they stayed with the Monks an additional three days before Shon finally insisted that they leave for the capital. The fact that he hadn't argued with her for those three days, though, was sign enough that he too was feeling more than a little spiteful towards the Temple. But inevitably, Master Veon-Zih just had to tell him that the second part of the orders wanted him there before the new year. So they set out with just enough time to get them there by the 35th of Shimoth, so he could report by New Years Eve. 

She avoided complaining about the denial of their marriage. But that didn't mean she didn't think about it -often- and finally broke after their first week alone together on the road north.

"I'm sorry." She sighed the words, rolling over on their blankets to lay on her belly and watch the desert brush shake in the night breeze -too dry and stiff to truly wave. They didn't bother to use their tent on clear nights like this, neither of them needing protection from the elements anyway. 

Shon finished setting up the night watchman on a tall rock nearby and lay down beside her. Propped on his elbow, he stroked her back with his free hand and waited for her to look up at him to arch an eyebrow in question.

Lily rested her cheek on her crossed arms and sighed again, "They denied our marriage because of me. Because of what I am." Shon didn't answer, shifting to lay on his belly beside her and mirroring her position with his own sigh. "You know it's true," Lily argued with his silence. 

"Even if it is," Shon answered, "I'll just ask again." 

"And if they still say no?" 

He shrugged, "Then I will ask again, and again, and again." 

Lily grinned, sitting up on her elbows and poking him in the nose, giggling when he crossed his eyes to look at her finger, "Who would've thought you'd be the squeaky wheel." Ryuuko flew down to curl in the small of her back and twittered its dragon chuckle. 

Shon reached up to take her hand, bringing it down to his lips to kiss, "They probably just want to know more. This job..."

Lily huffed, rolling over and sitting up, dislodging Ryuuko, who hissed. Shon did the same, crossing his legs and scooting around to sit beside her as Ryuuko crawled around to curl on her lap instead. Lily huffed again, "I seriously doubt they'll be using this team to hunt for answers." It was more likely that the kingdom wanted the Warlocks exterminated, not questioned. She slumped her shoulders and continued before Shon could comment, "Which is why you need to join it... You, at least, will make sure I get some answers."

"And because they need to be stopped," Shon added in a whisper, "If they're doing experiments like in Swailand..." 

Lily leaned over to rest her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped an arm around her, "I know," she said, "but..." Lily hesitated. 

"But?" Shon asked. 

She turned her head to nuzzle into his neck, not sure how she should word her thoughts so they made sense without sounding too treasonous. In the end, she decided -as usual- that blunt honesty was the best policy, "In Clearhelm, they did experiments with animals. No one was being hurt." 

"Except you," Shon growled. 

"Yeah..." Lily agreed but shook her head, "Except not all of them were cruel. Brom and Ran were kind. They really were. And now that I know that the ones that weren't could've combusted them at any moment, it just shows how much that kindness could have cost them, and they did it anyway." Though she had burned them just as thoroughly in the end...

Shon rubbed her arm and didn't interrupt, "What if there are more out there like them?" Lily whispered, "Do they really deserve to be executed without a trial?" 

"They'll get a trial, Lily," he tried to assure her.

But Lily scoffed, sliding down to lay in his lap and look up at him, Ryuuko grumbling as it had to reposition itself yet again on her belly, "A predetermined trial." Lily said, "And what about the why? Why would so many people sell their souls and sanities? Risk the wrath of the kingdom? What if..." she hesitated again, but Shon stroked her cheek, and she continued in a whisper, "What if they're right, and they're trying to save the world? Will the kingdom even listen?" 

Shon shook his head and looked away to scowl into the distance, "They're mad, Lily. Even if they didn't start out that way. Even if they're partly right, what can they do with their minds so twisted? Is it really worth saving the world at the costs they're willing to pay? Destroying people's lives? Letting entire villages be destroyed without warning? Turning them into undead?" he shook his head again to dismiss the very idea, "The kingdom has the power and clarity to actually make a difference."

"But only if they have information," Lily argued. 

Shon looked back down to cup her jaw and stroke her cheek with his thumb, "We'll get answers, I promise, legally."

Lily kissed his palm and asked, "And the others? The ones like me?" 

"We'll save them." Shon didn't hesitate. Of course he didn't. Even without his tie to Lily, he would make sure any victims of the Warlocks would be saved. But that wasn't all. He leaned down to brush his lips over her head and reiterated, "We'll save them. You and I. This might be a job they're giving to me, but we're a pair." 

"Always," Lily agreed, sitting up enough to kiss him for real. 


Journeyman Perla liked to take the long way down the Mages Guild tower whenever possible. It gave her a chance to organize her thoughts and plan her next moves, as well as observe all those she passed. Today she lingered in the living quarters, passing the doors of the private chambers one at a time in a leisurely stroll until she reached an open door.

"She should have checked in by now..." The Master Archmage himself spoke from a room that wasn't his. Perla slowed further, using just her eyes to glance into the room without turning her head. 

Inside, Prince Corwin stood with his back to the door, staring down at a bed with crimson sheets and hangings. Sitting on the bed -his legs crossed and book open as he scribbled notes- Archmage Ranito answered, "She's rambunctious. You can't predict where she might show up next. How did the Hengist lot know she would be coming here anyway?"

"The Firewyrm can't be allowed to roam the land free." Corwin snapped without answering Ranito's question, and Perla stopped, "The moment she checks in, anywhere, the Guild has orders to take her in and bring her here." She turned her head slowly, praying to Ryuugen, or any god that would listen, that she hadn't heard correctly. But Perla saw the golden plack on the door, reading 'Firewyrm.' 

No... They were going to take her in, hold her prisoner in this gilded cage of a tower. 

"You, Journeyman." the Master Archmage snapped, and Perla jumped in surprise, her mind racing to find an excuse for lingering in the doorway. "Make sure the mirrors in this room are properly calibrated to the observation room. There should be at least ten." 

"Ye... Yes, Master Archmage," She stuttered. 

Ranito snapped his book shut and stood with a groan, "She really isn't going to appreciate being spied on." he told Prince Corwin. 

The Prince shrugged, turning for the door, "She's lucky she's getting a room and not a cage." 

Perla bowed to the two Archmages as they passed and rushed into the abandoned room to at least pretend to look at the mirrors. Her mind was far too distracted to actually focus on the task at hand, however. She would have to do it eventually, they would know if she didn't, but first, she had to find a way to warn the Firewyrm. The Warlocks needed them alive, not necessarily in captivity. And Perla -for one- didn't approve of how they'd been treated and wouldn't allow the Guild to do the same.


Sir Zihler exited the chapel feeling refreshed and recharged. It had been over two weeks since he'd sent the orders Shon's way, and though the man hadn't reported yet, he probably just hadn't received them yet. He wondered if his old companion would be open to a sparring match, without divine assistance, of course. But that thought slowed his steps. If Zihler wanted to have a true sparring match, he wouldn't be able to keep it fair with all his strengths. Shon wasn't a Paladin... 

And now Shon was being placed on a job the Temple wanted to assign a Paladin, but couldn't. Zihler had managed to resist reading Shon's file for a week before he broke, finding that many of the jobs he'd done over the years -far more than Zihler himself- were the same. Maybe this really was why...

"He's still not here?" a voice spoke from an open door to his right, and something in Zihler told him to stop, so he did.

"He's enlisted. It's to be expected that he might push the rules." another voice countered. 

"That's not what his file indicates," the first argued, "He's followed every order given him, not only to the letter but to the intention. Half our Paladins his age aren't that stringent."

They were talking about Shon. Who else fit that description so clearly? Zihler moved a step closer to the open door, peeking in to see the General speaking to one of his Cleric secretaries. 

"He's traveling with that woman, the one the Warlocks held. Do you think he might ignore the orders for her?" the secretary asked. 

"I don't..." the General hesitated.

Zihler cleared his throat and pushed the door open a little further, "Forgive me, General, but Shon won't ignore an order for a woman, even Lily." 

The General grunted, "What do you know, Captain?" 

"I know him," Zihler answered. 

The secretary hummed and started, "But..." then stopped. 

Perhaps it was because he was thinking about Shon, but Zihler attempted to arch an eyebrow at the secretary. He doubted he pulled it off, but the man answered the look anyway, "This isn't just a woman. Not to him and not to us. She is to be brought into the Mages Guild. If he chooses to fight against that..." 

Zihler blinked in disbelief. They were going to try and hold Lily? Again? The General noticed his shock and cleared his throat, "She won't be a prisoner. It's for her own safety, and the kingdom's, until we have answers." 

"There's no way she's going to agree to it," Zihler said before he could think. He shook his head to clear it of his shock and continued, trying to explain, "Sir, she left the Guild in Clearhelm, walked for two weeks in the snow alone to come see us, and refused to go back after." 

"She must." The General stated with a scowl, "Sir Zihler, you know these two. I want you to watch for them. She is... close... to this Shon. Perhaps he can convince her to come to the Guild willingly. If not, then the very team he is to join is supposed to bring her in. If he refuses the job over this, then we will need to find someone else, and she will still be brought in."

Zihler took in a sharp breath and held it. This was far more complicated than he realized. The divine spark of Hengist pulsed in him. He needed to see Shon. Before Shon reported to the Temple. He saluted to the General, saying only, "Yes, Sir." before turning back to the chapel. He needed to pray again. 



Shon knew the nature of the dream even before he opened his eyes to see the constant snow falling out his tiny window. With a sigh, he sat up, reaching for his sword and ignoring Ryuuko's whistle from the door handle. The little dragon lept from the door to his shoulder, getting out of his way so he could open it and step out into the too-familiar courtyard.

His steps faltered as he neared the corner of the fortress, and he took a moment to hold his breath before stepping around the edge. Just the man in white on the bench, the rain barrel's frozen surface dusted with snow beside him. Shon let out his breath in a disappointed sigh but continued walking just the same.

The man watched him, but Shon didn't acknowledge him, going to the barrel first and breaking through the ice to the water beneath to splash his face and clear his head. He should've known the last dream had been a fluke. It was probably just an ordinary dream, created by his subconscious to look like this one. He couldn't actually see Hengist. Not even his Paladins could, and they were closer to him than Shon would ever be.

He turned his face towards the man and arched an eyebrow. He just smiled his sad smile and pat the bench beside him while Ryuuko turned in tight circles in his lap before laying down with a contented purr. Shon took his usual spot, leaning back on the wall and crossing his arms.

The man actually chuckled. Shon turned to him in confusion, and he smiled again, "You've warmed..." 

Shon huffed at that, and the man continued, "I'm sorry..." Shon twitched. He'd heard those words from this voice before, and he didn't want to think about that time. "It shouldn't have turned out this way for you... If..." But his voice trailed off into a whisper Shon couldn't quite hear, as if it came from another room. His head started to ache. 

"Enough," Shon grumbled, and the man fell silent. Shon turned his head to watch the man, saying, "Are you finally going to answer my questions?" 

"If you're ready to listen." the man responded, leaning back against the wall to mirror Shon's position, though he didn't cross his arms.

Shon leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees and looking out onto the quiet training field, "Who are you?" 

The man sighed, and Shon knew he wasn't going to get an answer, "You already know that." Shon clenched his fists, his head pounding harder, but the man continued, asking, "Who are you?" 

"Staff Sergeant Shon of-"

"Sorcerer." The man interrupted. Shon surged to his feet, turning to the man who stared up at him without blinking. Ryuuko lifted its head and let out a long pained whistle. Shon's vision started to blur at the edges, and the man continued, "You are as stubborn and slow to change as the glaciers..." 

"Who are you?!" Shon shouted, reaching up to pull his own hair in his frustration, "Why did the Warlock know about you? Am I..." black crept in at the edges of his vision until it covered everything, the old man fading into the shadows. Shon fell to his knees, clutching his head and feeling as if ice picks were trying to bore their way out from behind his eyes, "Am I as mad as they are...?" he whispered.

Shon woke with a start, and Lily grumbled, nuzzling closer in her sleep. Ryuuko purred on the other side of his head and slithered its long neck around to lick his cheek. And a whisper of a voice echoed through Shon's suddenly pain-free head, No... My glacial son... 

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