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Panic ensued as the massive ship blocking the star's light began to move forward. Allan scooped up Aly's still unconscious and glowing body. "Xulgra, can you relay what I'm about to say to the other Gods?" 


"Gods, and Goddesses. This is Allan Mac'Millen I need a favor, I need you to get as many people off of the planet as possible, Pack them into the ships here. Teleport them, however you want to do it. Drop them all on the station and then drag the station for all I care. But that does not look like it is going to play nice."

The massive ship had a number of gargantuine ports opening slowly. Allan yelled over the sound of what could only be massive portions of the ship breaking into the atmosphere. "Eddy, Hilx'Nit, Kallana! Get out of here, teleport everyone you possibly can onto your ships, and get to the Jumpgate, Quick!"

Allan did not know what was going on, but every instinct he had was screaming at him to get as far away from that massive ship as it could. Allan looked back to see Xulgra gently dragging the crystalline form of Elunitra towards Allan. Just as Allan was about to call for help, a strange shuttle dropped in between them, out of the ship came Zall and Nara. Xulgra called out in the Godstounge and Nara rushed to him helping him move the mass of crystal that had been Elunitra.

Zall came over and helped Allan carry Aly. "Where did you get the ship?" Allan asked as they quickly boarded the ship.

Zall shrugged. "Stole it."

"Good. Everyone good to go?" Allan asked and heard Xulgra agree with him. "Alright, Zall get us the fuck off this rock."

The shuttle burst into flight, and everywhere Allan looked through the view ports ships were leaving the surface. Xulgra came forward and looked. "This is madness. What are they doing with that ship?"

Allan looked at the ship and then at the sensor array of the ship Zall had stolen. "It is accumulating energy. I think... I think they might try and destroy the planet. Xulgra can the jumpgate be upened up to allow a constant flow of ships?"

Xulgra thought for a moment. "I... I don't know Allan."

"Fuck." Allan said, thinking as he watched something that looked like a weapon begin to slowly emerge from the titanic ship. Allan muttered under his breath, "Draco, if you are watching this, toss me a bone man."

Over the next hour and a half, thousands of ships gathered near the Jumpgate. As they did, Allan and Xulgra watched as the ship finished charging. Allan got a strange message from Zall, it simply read, "It is not now that you need me." and was signed '-D'  

Allan inhaled and took a breath. "Welp, guess it was worth a shot. Xulgra you should go, tell the gods who have been charging the gates and sending people through to go as well. I don't want you all getting caught up in the blast when they finally fire that."

Allan gestured at the massive accumulation of energy that the titanic ship had been building up. Xulgra nodded and vanished. Allan watched and loosely held his wife's hand. She was lying on a reclined seat and still unconscious.  Allan spoke quietly to Aly as he watched the ship stop charging "Well, I can promise you one thing honey. I love you and would not have changed any of my time with you for any reason."

The massive ship fired a beam of neon black light from the strange gun towards the planet. The instant it touched the surface of the planet, Aly sat bolt upright with her eyes wide and let out a scream unlike anything Allan had ever heard and then there was a flash of golden light followed by blackness.

It was pitch black.

"Um, everyone alive?" Allan asked and felt around for Aly, catching her arm dangling off the chair she had once again collapsed on. 

"I am." Zall said. 

"Me too." Nara called from farther back. 

"Anyone have any idea what the fuck just happened?" Allan asked.

"I just wanted everyone to go home and be safe." Aly muttered in her almost unconscious delirium.

Suddenly, the systems of the ship came back online and light seemed to return to the galaxy. Allan looked out the viewport expecting to see a planet's worth of debris flying towards them from underneath the massive ship, but instead found a familiar blue marble. 

"Earth?" Allan asked and then looked down at his wife who seemed to slipping in and out of consciousness, "What the hell did you do Aly."

Xulgra appeared. "Behold the power of a god." he said softly. Stepping towards Aly, his hand reaching as if to grab her wrist. Suddenly Allan had his wrist and the godkilling blade was at Xulgra's throat. 

"I think," Allan looked dangerous, even to the God of Death, "its time for some fucking talking and explaining on your part."

Xulgra carefully stepped back from the blade and held his hands up in a gesture of compliance. "Your wife is now a Goddess Allan. Elunitra named her God Kin and sacrificed herself to bring her back to life, as well as to name Aly her successor. What your wife just did, was, a miracle in the most literal sense. She felt the death of her homeworld, and in a desperate bid to save her people and everyone she cared for she forced the galaxy to accept her will. She literally took the ships that were not of the enemy from all around her and the planet and placed them into a pocket dimension, then she moved that pocket dimension to somewhere she felt safe before placing it back into reality."

Allan was staring at Xulgra and took a long deep breath finally putting the blade away. He looked down at his wife. "Somewhere she felt safe, huh?" 

Allan smiled softly at Aly. Then looked up at Xulgra. "If you try and enforce the rules of no contact on her with me, I will make sure she is the only god in existence. Understood?" 

Xulgra nodded. "I was mearly trying to take her somewhere she could get the energy she desperately needs right now."

Allan hesitated, but nodded. "Fine, just, bring her back Xulgra, Bring her back or I will go and help the Url'Esh in their task."

That statement rocked Xulgra more than anything he could have said. Xulgra nodded. "I will protect her with my life, please look after Elunitra's body. It has been so long since one of us died, I do not remember the rights."

Allan nodded. "Elunitra is safe with me."

Xulgra gently lifted Aly into his arms and nodded to Allan before vanishing. Allan looked back to Zall. "Welp, go ahead and hail the ships at the gate, and the planet, and get us docked with the solstice. We also need to get Eddy and anyone with knowledge of the Quillinar physiology together to figure out some things. So lets make it happen I guess?" 

Several hours later, Allan was leading a group of people in discussion regarding the Quillinar and what to do with them. The general consensus was that if they teleported everyone directly underwater, they would not be too bothered. Before they could come to any kind of agreement, a flash of golden light left them standing with Aly.

"Allan!" She cried out and threw her arms around him.

Allan nodded to Eddy as he held Aly; Eddy quickly guided everyone to a different room. Allan smiled down at his wife when she pulled back. "Hey honey, glad to see you up and about."

"Me too," Aly sniffled, pulling him back in for another hug, "but Allan, she is gone. Elunitra, my goddess, is gone. Why did she do this?"

"I don't know, but I can tell you one thing from all the times that Elunitra and I chatted," Allan said, looking down at Aly, who looked up at him with big doe eyes filled with expectation and confusion. "She loved you and saw you as her most precious child. She outright threatened me the first time we spoke, told me I better take good care of you." 

"Really?" Aly asked.

"Yep," Allan smiled, "I also know she saw how you were reacting to the children being taken, and realized that what I have known all along." 

"What is that?"

"That you are one of the kindest and most caring individuals I have ever met. And probably one of the best possible people to be in a position of power."

"But I don't know what to do. How am I supposed to be a Goddess? How am I supposed to stop this war?" Aly said, despair filling her voice once more.

Allan was about to try and reassure her when Allan suddenly found himself in a room of pure white. Around him stood the Gods and Goddesses; moments later, Aly popped into existence next to him. Xulgra was standing and watching the proceedings and cast a glance at Allan with a look that seemed to caution him to see what this was all about.

The god that stepped forward was Yivnesix God of the Galgax. "Allan James Mac'Millen, I have not treated you well, and for that I apologize. I must say that when Elunitra and Xulgra began talking of you, I did not understand what it was that so drew them to you. But now I understand. You are to be commended. You alone managed to inspire not one but multiple Gods to violate the rules we have in place. And if you had not managed this, The Quillinar people would not be here. And Elunitra would still be dead, as she would have perished with her people."

Yivnesix took a moment to look around the room, and Allan's eyes followed. Many of the Gods and Goddesses were nodding in approval. Yivnesix continued, "As someone who values honor and strength, much as humanity does, I wish that I could reward you sufficiently and let you enjoy life with your wife. But the world is rarely so kind to those who are able to muster strength. So, Allan James Mac'Millen, on behalf of the entire assembly of the divines, I ask you to help us. Tell us what you need, and we will provide it. We know that this is a beast of our own making and a direct result of the way we have interacted with our children. So please,  help us clean up this mess. Do not make the entire galaxy suffer because of our mistakes. Lead us in this battle." 

With that, Yivnesix and all of the Gods and Goddess bowed their heads to Allan. Allan glanced at Aly who gave him a coy smile before bending sensually at the waist to tease him, while also signaling to him that she was asking as well.

"I will help, but I am not sure as to what I need, and I am, not worth of leading you." Alan said, "You are all Gods, and as much as I dislike the idea of divine power, I feel that it is divine power that will be the answer to this. But of all the gods the only one who I have seen that might be an answer is Xulgra."

"I know of what you speak," Xulgra said, "but I am not the answer, you need something else." 

The Gods began to clammor among themselves, when suddenly space seemed to warp, and Draco in his dragon form, appeared behind Allan.

"What you seek is A God of Conflict. A divine being so focused on a concept that they come to embody it." Draco said, smiling sadly. "Unfortunately, the gods here all embody a people, except for Xulgra, who embodies the concept of death. There is no God of Conflict."

"Well, then, why can't one of the gods become a god of conflict?" Allan asked, looking around.

"To do so, would be to change the entire race that god or goddess embodies into something hellbent on conflict," Xulgra said with a sad smile. "There is a reason I have relied on natural processes to spread life on the planets I create. Because I embody death, I can not myself create life."

"So then we are just fucked?" Aly asked, looking from Allan to Draco.

Draco's laugh rolled through he air, as if it was vibrating every molecule in the area. "I said that there is no God of Conflict, I did not say there could not be one." 

As one every eye in the room turned to gaze upon Allan.

Allan took a deep breath, his very soul seeming to shudder at the implications. "Well fuck."

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