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When Allan came around, he was certain of one thing, he had died and gone to heaven. As he lay on some kind of huge hospital bed, he was naked, Aly lay alongside him, and two very furry bodies lay snuggled up to the both of us, equally as naked. Allan laid his head back down and looked at the ceiling. “Oh god.” He said aloud, “I’m becoming the protagonist to a Harem Anime.”  


The hand that Aly was not laying on came up to his face to massage his temples, when he dropped it back down without thinking, it landed on the shoulder of the shorter fox-woman. “Jesus she is soft.” He whispered to himself, failing to stop himself from running his hand gently through the fur between her ears, which twitched as he did so. 


“I guess there are worse things than having a Harem. I do have to say I am thoroughly confused. I was sure that they would have left with their brother.” He thought to himself. Allan didn’t know what was going on but he decided to just enjoy it. 


He snuggled down into the bed, his body stiff and sore in many places, and drank in the warmth of the bodies pressed around him, feeling Aly next to him was a relief of the kind that only she could bring. While the two furry bodies of the fox-women, brought relief of comfort and nostalgia, their soft fur reminding him of the blanket he had always used to lay under and read as a child. Allan drifted back to sleep. 




When Aly woke, after spending the ninth consecutive day waiting for Allan to wake up on board the Bastion of Law, she was getting impatient. Not at Allan, but at herself, and the two Sidhesh women who had refused to leave until they could speak to Allan. When they had seen that she was sleeping there, they had insisted on that as well. 


In the middle of the night on the fourth night, Aly had awoken shivering and cold, Allan was shivering in his sleep as well. Without asking, the Sidhesh women had stripped from their clothes and surrounded both herself and Allan in a cocoon of delectable heat. “Just this once.” She had muttered, falling back to sleep amid the fur and limbs that surrounded her.


It was strange for Aly to feel like she slept better than she had in a long time, But she supposed that it was due to the fact that she had at one point been used to sleeping and lovemaking, with no less than fifteen other people snuggled up next to her. The rest of the nights, whenever she laid down next to Allan, she intentionally left enough room for the two women to join them.




Their brothers were both dead. Their family would not want two more daughters around to feed, with no hope for the family with their Alpha dead, slain by the firstborn son, the family would most likely be shunned, and if they showed up home, even with the human’s music. It would only spell doom for themselves. 


The sisters had talked, trying to decide on a course of action. They needed an Alpha, someone to give them direction, despite his stature, their runt brother had filled that role for them, and now that he was gone, a gaping hole had opened in both their hearts. 


When the fight was ended by the Quillinar woman killing their oldest brother. They had learned this later. Both the women had been unconscious, and as far as the soldiers under Yilvar’s control knew they were also responsible for the terrible state that Allan was in, which wasn’t entirely false. They had been detained.


When they woke the next day, they were provided medical care and then interrogated, and once the one called Yilvar had figured out what was going on he had released them. As they went to leave they had walked past the room where Aly waited for Allan to wake up. 


They looked at Allan, and something in them stirred. “He would not stop until his body failed him.” The shorter of the two said, looking at Allan with respect. “Even injured and unable to move he fought on. I need to know why.” She stepped into the room taking a seat. The taller woman shrugged and sat next to her sister.


On the third day of waiting in the room, the two of them were woken up by a chattering sound, both Aly and Allan were shivering, Allan’s skin had taken on a strange pattern. The shorter sister reached out and felt that both were cool to the touch. Without as much as a word spoken the two began to strip, and Aly woke up, looked around groggily, and then lay down when the sisters did, muttering something under her breath.


From then on the sisters always noticed Aly leaving room for them. And smiling when they would snuggle up to Allan and herself.




The tenth day had them all waking up at the same time. The Sidhesh women began to talk in unison, embarrassment evident as they tried to cover themselves, their ears twitching and wanting to droop down but their efforts to prevent that somewhat working. Aly looked to Allan and the two of them laughed.


“It’s a little late to be embarrassed don’t you think?” Aly asked as she snuggled up to a conscious Allan. “It’s not like the both of you weren’t just pressing up to Allan and I with every inch of your bodies, and loving every second of it.” She said this with a cruel, yet playful, grin.


“Oh, they were enjoying it were they?” Allan said, joining in on teasing them. 


The two women had dressed quickly and then turned to Allan. “Allan, my name is Jalla, and this is my sister, Tillia.” The shorter woman said bowing with respect. Aly was shocked this was the first time they had said more than yes or no, and it was the first time she had heard either of them mention a name. “We waited for you to wake because we wanted to know something.” 


“Okay, what was it?” Allan asked, wondering where their brother was.  


“Why did you keep fighting at the end, when you could not stand, you grabbed a piece of metal and threw it at our eldest brother, Hev.” The taller one, Tillia, said, reciting the story from what Jalla had said. 


“Do you want a happy lie or the real truth?” Allan said, wondering what the angle was here.


“Truth.” Both of them said actually in harmony for once. That surprised Allan.


“The truth is three-fold, firstly and most basically,” Allan said, laying his head back as his neck was still sore. “Humans are stubborn, we do not know when to quit, we will push and push and push until we reach our absolute limit. The second reason was your brother, the small one, He realized that there were things more important than music.” Both women looked sad at this. And Allan figured that the runt was dead. “And the third was because I knew Ally was close.” 


“What were the things that he found more valuable than songs?” the taller one asked. 


“You two.” Allan said, looking at them. “He told me ‘human Allan, I beg you, take my life, keep your songs, just save my sisters’ he offered his life to me if I would keep fighting for your sake.” Allan looked groggy for a moment, then his eyes widened, “Wait how am I understanding them? How are they understanding me?” 


“The medical AI is handling that.” a voice said from the door. “I see you have managed to extricate yourself from your living blanket, Well most of it.” Yilvar said from the door, and smiling at Aly’s contented look, as she snuggled up to Allan.


The Sidhesh women were silent. So Allan figured he had answered their questions. “Doc!” Allan said smiling at the Gish man. “I’m glad you’re okay.”


“And I, you.” Yilvar returned, a coy smile played across his face. “I thought you were supposed to be some hotshot deathworlder?” He asked, mock concern.


“Yeah, keep talking, Doc, I’ll tell you what next time you go on the offensive, I’ll protect the girl.” Allan said smiling.


“I think I’ll have to pass on that.” Yilvar said, looking over the display on the machine that was hooked up to him. “Your body is truly amazing, the damage that you had would have spelled a death sentence for most races, but you seem like you will heal with barely visible scaring, your bones are growing back stronger than they were before, and to top it off the lighter bruising is already gone.” 


“Glad to hear it Doc.” Allan said, struggling to rise. Aly stood torn if she should help him or make him stay. “I got one thing I need to do, then you can dote on me all you want.” Allan said looking at Aly and she nodded, thinking that she knew what he meant, it was something she was all too familiar with. She helped him slip on a shirt and shorts that she had brought over, and then put one of his arms over her shoulder and helped steady him, the shorter Sidhesh woman, Jalla, surprised her by sliding smoothly under his other arm, and Allan sighed, “Thank you both. Okay Doc, take me to see the furry little guy that saved my ass.” 

Yilvar looked as if he wanted to protest but also knew that Allan would not wait. “Understood.” the strange group made their way through the ship to an unmarked room. Inside lay two corpses, one long and shattered beyond recognition, the other small, fragile-looking, and well cared for. Both sisters left Allan’s side to go stand by their tiny brother.


Another shadow darkened the door, it was the commander of the Bastion of Law, Hilx’Nit. He stopped inside quietly, as Allan hobbled over to Yilvar, he handed the doctor something and made a request, the doctor nodded and left the room. “What was his name?” Allan asked the sisters.


Tears streamed from their eyes, but they made no sound. “His name is Nebril.”


“May I interrupt for only a moment.” Hilx’Nit asked, he must have return while Allan was recovering, Allan, nodded, leaning on Aly to fumble his way to the side. Hilx’Nit looked at the sisters. “If you will allow me I will ensure that he is returned to your homeworld and buried with honor.” 


The tears only increased as they spoke. “Banishment is not lifted with death. Even if you buried him yourself the others would exhume him and desecrate the body.” 


The doctor came back in then handing three things to Allan, One he slipped into his pocket, the other two he stepped forward, a weary Aly standing by to catch him should he fall. “The task your brother was assigned, was to find a song that none of your race had ever heard, wasn’t it?” The sisters nodded. 


Allan handed them a memory rod. “Here is a song that none of your race has ever heard, not even you two or Nebril.” He placed it on the table next to Nebril’s head, adn then he took another memory rod, and gently wrapped the small, delicate hands around it. “And there are a thousand more that are for Nebril only.”


The sisters looked at him in shock. And then threw themselves at him hugging him as they wept openly, they nearly knocked Allan over, if Aly and Hilx’Nit hadn’t both lent him their support he would have gone down. After a moment the sisters remembered that Allan was currently injured and pulled back. They both closed their eyes, the muscles on their snouts seemed to relax, and the strange holes leading into the airway opened, they both cried as they made a sound similar to a howl but one that was filled with notes of happiness and sadness. 


Between the two of them, fourteen separate notes rang out, the muscles around the holes in their snouts, constricting to have a flute-like effect on the air flowing through there. It was beautiful, nothing like the terrible sound that the larger Sidhesh had made during their fight. When they finished they wiped their eyes and then turned to Hilx’Nit. “If the offer still stands lord Galgax, we would ask that you do as you asked, giving this to our people, and ensuring that none will ever take that from Nebril.” 


Hilx’Nit nodded and stepped forward reaching under his arm to pull free a scale, and pulling out that tiny carving tool of his. “My youngest daughter had caught scale-rot while I was away, and when I returned home she was cured, thanks to Allan and Aly, your brother sacrificed his life in saving the man, who he barely knew, that saved my child as well as spared my life. His honor is without limit, and his glory in whatever next life awaits him will be second to none.” He finished his carving and cut his own finger, filling the symbol, different from the one that Aly and Allan carried, with his blood.


Aly reached up to her own head and plucked free several strands of hair. “Hilx’Nit, add a small hole all the way through. These are meant to be displayed proudly.” Hilx’Nit nodded and as he carefully drilled a small hole, Aly wove the long strands of her beautiful silver hair, into a cord, and then handed it to Hilx’Nit who wove it through the hole and tied the ends together. He handed the loop to Aly, and she stepped up to Nebril, leaning down to kiss his forehead gently and place the loop around his neck, adjusting it so that it lay on his chest.


“You saved the man that I love. Were you alive I would never be able to repay you,” Aly’s eyes teared up. “Know that you will always be in my prayers, and should your own next life not please you, your soul will always be welcome to the halls of the Jushintorg Kal’Gathin.” 


Hilx’Nit, Yilvar, and the sister’s eyes all went wide at this but none said anything, Allan decided to ask later. “Your brother will rest with honor on your homeworld, and have songs that are only his.” Allan said to the sisters. He looked at the larger body. “What do you want to be done with this one?” 


The hackles on the necks of both women went up. “Do with him as you will. He is no flesh of ours.” 


I turned to Hilx’Nit. “May I ask a favor?” The Galgax nodded. “Somewhere between here and your destination to burry Nebril, throw this one out an airlock, and never tell anyone, even me where. Let him float in the vacuum of space, where music can never grace his presence again.” Hilx’Nit nodded. 


“Thank you Nebril.” Allan said to the body on the table. “May all your wildest dreams come true.” With that Allan slumped, his reserves of energy gone, and he felt his eyes struggling to stay open.




When Allan next opened his eyes he was in the familiar sand of home. He chuckled slightly realizing that he most certainly thought of the ship as home. A furred head poked into the room and then disappeared and he heard the vocie of Tillia shouting. “Aly, Jalla, He’s awake.” She was back in a flash as He tried to sit up. “No. Yilvar said that you needed rest, you managed to damage yourself more by moving too early, he said another ten days with minimal movement and then you can do what you want.” The woman pushed gently forcing him to stay down.


“Damn it, I forgot that you and your sister are stronger than I am, especially as I am now.” He flopped his head back down. “What are you two doing here?” He asked the thought occurring to him.


“That was my idea,” Aly said, coming in, smelling of plants and earth layered on top of her normal tropical scent. “They said they had nowhere to go, no Alpha, and no family that they had any desire to see. Not to mention they picked up English in only the four days you were out. They have an amazing ear for language, and they have something to ask you, I am okay with it if you are.” 


The two girls knelt so that they were somewhat on eye level with him. “We have an almost religious need for an Alpha.” Jalla said, trying to find the right words in the new language. 


“It is not quite biological, but close, it is something that is incredibly near and dear to our hearts. For the last few years, Nebril has filled what roles of the Alpha that he could, but he is gone now.” Tillia said, her voice quaking slightly with emotion for her brother and nervousness.


“I saw you fight.” Jalla said giving him a look that he wasn’t sure if he liked it or not. “You fought as an Alpha would in the times of our people’s history would for his pack. Relentless, and until you could no longer go on.” 


“And we have bonded with Aly much over the last few days.” Tillia said, “We would very much like to stay, but to do that we need an Alpha or after a while, we will grow mentally unstable.”


“We were hoping that you would be our Alpha.” Jalla said. Afraid to look in his eyes.


“Hmm.” Allan said, his head reeling on what he guessed was painkillers, a lack of food and water, and A lot of information processing. “First things first I want to hear what is required of the Alpha, and what it entails in detail. But before that, I need food and water, or whatever painkillers the Doc put me on are gonna have me talking to God.” 


As if anticipating this Alystepped out and right back into the room with a large jug of water and an even larger bowl of stew that still teamed. There wasn’t really any place to sit. So Aly sat down behind him and the sisters helped hi sit up, and Aly slid right up behind him, his angle was such that his head rested between her breasts.


“Ohh you’re getting off on this aren’t you.” Allan said coyly to Aly, who only grinned and wiggle her hips ever so slightly in a suggestive manner. Allan laughed and then tried to reach for the jug of watter. But Jalla held it out of his reach. “Hey, Come on…” 


Allan was cut off by a gentle hand being placed over his mouth by Aly who was shaking her head. “You are to do nothing but listen.”


Allan shrugged and nodded, and Aly pulled her hand away, it was’t like he felt confident about trying to drink anything or use silverware right now. Whatever it was that the Doc had hopped him up on it was good stuff. “The duties of the Alpha,” Jalla said, carefully placing the jug against his lips and letting him drink. “Are relatively simple, you must care for us if we are sick.” 


Tillia brought a spoon full of soup to his mouth and he ate it. Allan had to admit that having a naked woman for a seat, and two beautiful women doting on him was one hell of an experience. “You must protect us when we can not protect ourselves.” Tillia said, giving him another bite to eat. 


“You must take into your home, our debts and assets will be yours as well.” Jalla said, giving him more water. “You must command us when the need arises.”


“And lastly you must give us children to continue the bloodline.” Allan nearly choked on the stew as Tillia said that but managed to get it all down.


“The duties that we take on are somewhat similar.” Jalla said, “We are yours to do with as you please so long as you ensure our care.” She gave him water, letting him take several long pulls from the jug


“We are to protect you at all times, as well as the others you take into your home.” Tillia said, letting him sip some broth. “And most of all, we are to ensure that you are thoroughly satisfied in all regards so as to guarantee that you never search for a new pack.” 


Allan leaned back, despite what he knew they were asking to do he allowed himself to relax for a moment, enjoying the sensation of Aly’s body cradling his. He opened his eyes and craned his neck slightly to see Aly’s face. “What is it with women I have just met wanting me to give them babies?” Allan asked, a bright pink flush, a color that he loved to see on her, caused across her exposed flesh, her scales rippling. 


“I have some questions if that is okay, but after food.” they both nodded. And for the next little while, Allan considered what they had said as they fed him. Once he had finished eating looked at the sisters. “First of all, you are sisters, on my world the two of you being involved sexually with the same man is catastrophic. Hell, I’m fairly certain that if you dig deep enough, you could find a war that was started by it. Do either of you see a problem there. 


“No,” They answered in unison equally confuse. Jalla continued speaking. “On our world, and throughout our race, it is preferable to have a sibling in with you to serve an Alpha. Not only that but had we not gone off with our brother, we would have been mated as a pair to another Alpha to grow our family influence.”


“It isn’t that uncommon on my world either,” Aly said, “or a lot of other worlds.”


“Well, okay.” Was all Allan said, it was odd to say the least but he seemed to be blazing all kinds of trails these days. “Next question, if you have bonded so much with Aly, why not make her your Alpha.” 


“She is unable to give us children.” Tillia said, making him laugh with the simplicity of the answer. 


“Well, I guess I should have seen that answer coming.” Allan had come down a little off of cloud-nine now that he had some food and water in his belly, and he took on a more serious tone. “Why do you think that I would want to be your Alpha after you Kidnapped me, as a matter of fact, why are you not facing any punishment?”

The sisters let their ears droop and their entire bodies seemed to try and shrink down, Aly spoke up. “Okay, Jalla, Tillia, why don’t you give me a minute with Allan to explain what all is going on, and some finer points of the law.” They nodded glumly and stood, walking from the room. Aly stayed where she was one of her hands bracing herself and helping support his weight, the other coming around his body to rest on him in a loose hug. “You don’t find them attractive?” Aly asked, playfully.


“That’s not it as I think you are well aware,” Allan said, “you seem to be enjoying this idea of building a Harem here on this ship.” 


“Oh I am,” Aly laughed, “It is a fun thought isn’t it?” She shrugged slightly and Allan felt it. “Do you not want a Harem?” 


“Not really.” Allan said, thinking for a moment. “Don’t get me wrong the idea is certainly enticing, but on Earth, we are almost all about monogamy, and I wont lie the sister thing is kind of throwing me for a loop.” He tried to sit up, but the hand Aly had wrapped around him was enough to keep him there. “Can you let me down, and lay next to me so I can see your face while we talk about this?” 


“Sure.” She said, and slid out from behind him slowly so that he didn’t just flop to the ground. She lay down next to him snuggling up to him carefully, so as not to make him move too much. “Is it really that strange? Because I meant what I had said, it really isn’t all that uncommon in the galaxy for two or more siblings to marry or just mate with the same person.”


“I mean no it isn’t,” Allan said, trying to express his thoughts, “I guess I can kind of understand, and I’m assuming that the reason their brother could only fill certain duties of the Alpha is that despite their seeming willingness to both jump my bones, they have a negative view on incest.” 


“As does most of the galaxy.” Aly said, nodding in agreement with him.


“And that’s all well and good,” Allan said and then closing his eyes to think for a moment, “Why do you want them around?” He asked.


“Because I,” she paused pulling her own thoughts together, “I think that it will be good for me, as well as you, not to mention I find them attractive as well, and to top it off they are so warm at night.” She looked at Allan, smiling a blissful smile. “You definitely produce more heat than they do, but the fur…” 


“It is really soft.” Allan said, a fuzzy memory from a few nights ago when he had stoked the head of one of the sisters when he had awoken in the middle of the night. “Okay thats fair enough, and I am really glad that you have grown close to them. I really do want to know why they haven’t received any punishment though.” He took a breath. “Not because I particularly want them to be punished, but because if this were Earth, they would probably be in jail.”


“True enough I guess,” Aly said, “and I will admit that when they first started hanging around I wanted them locked up and away from you. But there are a few things in play with that. Firstly they have never had much by way of guidance about what is right or wrong, that is usually done by a father in their culture, but since they left with their brother, and from what I gathered they only listened to him about certain things, they really don’t see what is wrong. The other issue is that it involved you. You are not officially recognized as being under the purview of Glagtic law yet as we never made it to the bank, if we had gone to the bank first, then they probably would be in trouble. Take into account that and the fact that Yilvar and the other Gish pulled some unofficial strings to make their little expedition to help me find you ‘leagal’ and no one really wants to touch it for fear of the mess it will bring about.”


“I didn’t think of that.” Allan said, “We have some good friends don’t we.”


“We do.” Aly said, laying an arm carefully over him. “So to deal with it they left it in the hands of Hilx’Nit, who quite plainly said that he was leaving their punishment and its enforcement entirely up to you, because he really didn’t want the mess either,” She laughed a little, “So my recommendation to you is that you ‘punish’ them, or at least declare your punishment, before we take you to the bank so that it can all remain out of the eyes of the courts. This is also good for you as it will cause less digging into where humans are from. As it stands the bank will ask for your homeworld’s name and that is it. Make this a legal matter and it will quickly be found out that you are indeed a deathworlder, confirming the rumors.” 


“You are right.” Allan said with a sigh. “So then what do you think I should do, you know how I feel about the whole children thing. I don’t want to be rude but if I was going to have kids, I always thought it would be with one person.” 


“Allan James Mac’Millen, I swear that if you knock up one of these Sidhesh women before me…” She trailed off, “Well let’s just say I have my own ways to punish you if I need to.” Aly smiled a smile that promised he would not like what she had in mind.


“Understood Ma’am!” Allan said in a mockingly playful tone. “But seriously.” 

“You need to decide what to do about that as you did with me when I asked,” Aly said, then she nudged him and pointed to the doorway, on either side of the doorway they could see two ear tips peaking over the edge. Aly smiled and then spoke loudly. “Whipping might be an acceptable punishment.” 


The ear tips flinched. “Yes, I think you are right Aly.” He said equally as loud. “Though I left my whip on earth, I’ll just have to improvise.” The two of them stifled giggles as the ear tips seemed to droop out of sight. 


“I meant what I said when they took you,” Aly said, her tone quiet, but serious. “I love you Allan.” She moved so that her face was over his without resting on him, and leaned down and kissed him gently.


“I think I love you too Aly.” Allan said, when she pulled back. A goofy smile plastered itself across her face as she lay down next to him. “Now I need you and the sisters to do something for me.” Aly looked like she would help me with anything I asked at that moment. “I need you to help me get to the bathroom.” She laughed and called in the sisters.




After a humiliating trip to the bathroom, Allan was comfortably back in the soft sand of the sleeping pit with his head resting on Aly’s lap, and the sisters sitting where he could see them both. “So Aly has explained it as to why you all have basically been left to my punishment.” Aly had teased them about whipping, explaining we had seen their ears. They both nodded. “And honestly I don’t know what a fair punishment would be, so it is going to be this.” He took a breath, “Jalla and Tillia, as your punishment, you must do everything that Aly says while I am bedridden, and you will not receive an answer about the question you asked until I am healed. Is that understood?” 


The sisters nodded, and seemed happy with the punishment, even though it delayed them having an answer to their question. For the next nine days the sisters were the perfect ideal of helpful, jumping to any request that Aly or Allan made. The three women seemed to grow close, Allan even noticed a bit of grabass going on between Aly and the two sisters.




The night of the ninth day, Allan awoke in the middle of the night, he had felt fine since about the fourth or fifth day, but every time he tried to do anything on his own, one of the sisters had appeared seemingly from nowhere, and using their incredible strength, had gently told him that they would see to whatever he needed. 


Tonight he was the only one up and he needed the toilet. He carefully extricated himself from the tangle of bodies that surrounded him. And went and took care of business. When he exited the toilet, he was near the engineering bay and walked down to where the assembler was, not for any reason other than it felt good to do something on his own again.


He wondered the ship, stretching his body, and feeling wonderful, the Doc was amazing, he had transferred all the things that he had learned while fixing Allan up to the medical bay here so that if he wasn’t around, the computer could deal with more. He had also put in a request to the station medical AI, which was exponentially more powerful than any ship AI, to extrapolate what it could about human care from all the data he had. 


He finished up his walk on the bridge, he felt wonderful and looking out the windows of the side of the ship that faced out from the station. “Hello again, Allan.”


The voice startled Allan, who spun around quickly to see the woman who he had thought a dream, Elunitra, standing behind him. “Man, you gotta stop doing that.” He said, “And why is it that you only come see me? Isn’t Aly the one that worships you and who you hold in high regard?” 


The Goddess stepped up next to him looking out the windows. “Tell me, young human. What do you see when you look out into the stars?” Her very voice seemed to have a palpable effect on him, a strange mix of longing, hope, and arousal coursed through him. 


He shivered uncomfortably as his body responded, his manhood growing hard, he ignored it, hoping that the deity next to him would not be offended, and thought for a moment. “I see possibility, I see adventure, and most of all I see the freedom to live whatever kind of life I want.” Allan said.


The goddess nodded. “You are incredibly similar to how I felt the first time that I saw this universe. It is for that reason that I feel that you and I can talk. And as I stated before, Aly is indeed my most faithful child. But as I also said before, my own creations are the pens I am least allowed to interact with. My interactions with you are, in the best description, a creative reading of the rules that I must follow. Since you are a deathworlder, your race has no god, and therefore are not…” She trailed off, “Suffice it to say, humanity falls somewhat outside the norm and thus I am allowed to talk with you as I have done, and give you subtle hints.” 


“Yeah,” Allan said, a little annoyed, “Thanks for that last hint, cause of that damn music player I got my shit kicked in by a big bad werewolf-looking motherfucker that killed someone who was actually quite nice.”


“Do you know why the runts of the Sidhesh race die so quickly?” The goddess asked, and Allan shook his head. “The gravity of their homeworld is five-times greater than the gravity of your own home, Earth. Their evolution has resulted in an incredibly lightweight skeleton of incredibly strong bones that are hollow. A runt is born without hollow bones. On their homeworld, the runts are in incredible pain as their own skeletal system tries to collapse in on itself from sheer density. By living out a large portion of his life on this station he was able to live three times longer than if he had stayed on his planet. But his time was limited regardless, with the size of his body, his own organs would have failed soon enough.” 


“So you are saying that he had a good life and I shouldn’t be mad that he was killed saving me?” Allan said, an anger building in him, he turned to face the Goddess, “What kind of fucked up self-serving bullshit is that?” 


The Goddess looked surprised. “You have no faith in gods?” she asked, her tone something between wonder and confusion. “But I have seen you reference...”


“You sure you want the truth on that one Goddess?” Allan asked, his frustration at this situation that she had apparently wanted him in, boiling up to the forefront of his mind. The Goddess nodded, surprising Allan. “I know you say your ‘brother’ left my race a long time ago, but I think that the Idea of God, or Gods, is sad, any being that has the power to stop evil and prevent the abuse of the weak, and chooses not to, has a lot of shit to answer for. And that goes for you as well.” 


The Goddess smiled at him, “I would agree with you Allan, if I did not see the larger picture. But I do hope you will come to forgive me for the actions of this last event at the very least.” Her eyes darted to the side, and she stepped forward touching her forehead to his and then vanishing without a trace.




Aly walked into the bridge, to find Allan standing and looking out the window, she walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. Feeling his body was tense. “You can’t blame yourself for everything.” She said, guessing that he felt responsible for the death of Nebril. She slid her hands down his body, she wanted him, wanted him to feel something good, to find his manhood hard and throbbing. 


“I don’t blame myself for everything.” He said, feeling her hand slip lower and lower, and then gasped in pleasure, as her fingers began to lightly tease along his shaft. “But I do think I am somewhat responsible…” His voice was cut off by a moan that escaped him, Aly had taken firm hold of his cock and slowly, so slowly that it was driving him insane, stroking him. The sense of arousal that had seemed to accompany the Goddess had already driven him close, so Allan new that he would not last long. 


He turned to face Aly, wanting to take her, and she surprised him, pushing him back against the wall. “This is for ruining my orgasm the other day.” She said and knelt in front of him. She worked her hands, one always on his cock, the other reaching down to her own sex and slipping inside. Every time that he was close she would stop, and squeeze the base of his shaft hard, whispering “Not yet Allan.” And while she waited for the ebb of the orgasm she would trail light kisses along his shaft.


This went on for what felt like an eternity, and finally, she looked up at him. “Good boy, now cum on my face.” Aly said with a cruel smile gripping him with both hands and stroking him with fast firm efficiency. Allan grabbed her head and cried out, releasing the tension that she had built up in his body, his thighs quivered as he exploded, sending burst after burst of cum to cover her face. 


Aly moaned, teasing him, her one hand still stroking his cock, keeping him hard, the other reaching up to clear her eyes, wiping the cum down her face to her mouth. She kept stroking until she had cleaned her whole face. And then she took him into her mouth sucking every last drop from him. Allan collapsed when she was finished. He felt her sit next to him, and then she pulled his head to rest on her lap. Her fingers idly playing with hair, when he heard her say “Oh my.” in a tone that was surprised and somewhat aroused.


Allan opened his eyes to see Jalla and Tillia, both nude, and both clearly aroused. “Maybe Aly is the Alpha.” Jalla said teasingly, her hands slowly rubbing up and down her midsection. 


“Maybe she is.” Tillia echoed, her own fingers already teasing between her legs, and across her breasts. 


Aly looked down at him, a smile on her face. “It can’t hurt to try just once can it?” 

Allan sighed, putting on a tough face, but he could already feel his body gearing up for another round, the sight of the Sidhesh women so aroused, getting him hard once again. “When in rome.” Was all he said before the three women practically dragged him back to the sleeping pit.

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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