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The next morning Allan awoke to much a similar situation as he had the first morning. A naked Aly wrapped around him. He was just as thrilled this time as he had been the first time, and he highly doubted that he would ever grow tired of the experience of waking up to this creature that he found so damn sexy. He smiled, running a hand through her hair and down her body, thinking that maybe he might try and give her a nice morning surprise when he noticed her legs. the inside of her thighs, as well as her throat, were a faint orange color. "What the fuck." he whispered to himself, carefully placing a hand on her thigh. Even dead asleep he saw her body flinch slightly, remembering how he had lifted her the day before, Allan examined where he had grabbed her, and saw perfect outlines of his hands on her flesh. The scales that found oh so alluring looked as they were going to shed off.


Allan crept out of the bed as gently as he could and went to his bag pulling out a large water bottle, and some jerky, "I wonder if she even sheds, or if that's permanent." He thought to himself, watching the sleeping form in the sandpit curl into a ball, every part of her that was without scales was covered in the position she was in, and he had to admit that even curled up like a child after too many sweets on Halloween, he still wanted to fuck her brains out. "We are going to have to have a chat about biology, and several other things before we go again." Allan stood, slipped on his clothes, and walked around the ship. Looking into each door he passed, he began to get a feel for how big the ship was, and how lonely Aly must have been, and why she was so concerned with making sure she didn't mess things up with him.


"Fuck." Allan said, out loud, as a thought donned on him. "I really need to make sure that she understands our language enough to get sarcasm and humor and to make sure that yesterday wasn't some misunderstood pressure to jump my bones all the time. Hell for that matter, that she really wanted what happened yesterday." Allan was growing nervous, the bruises, the damaged scales, the potential failure to communicate, and frankly that he was on a fucking spaceship with a woman, who while quite beautiful, he had only known for a grand total of maybe 50 hours, traveling to a Jumpgate, and then to god knows where.


Allan felt what he thought was a panic attack coming on before a single thought stopped him in his tracks. "Well, isn't this what adventure is all about? Heading off into the great unknown?" He laughed to himself, and then made his way back to the sleeping quarter, where he sat on the edge of the pit, taking sips of water, and bits of jerky in turn. It wasn't long before Aly started to move.


"Hey sleepyhead," Allan said, his tone neutral from all the stewing he had done while staring at the bruises. "Be careful moving, I think I hurt you yesterday." He saw her eyes widen at that.


She sat up, wincing and it was confirmed that I had hurt her. She opened her mouth to speak and it came out horse. "What the fuck." She looked at her thighs, and her lower legs, with my handprints on them, and laid back down a blissful smile on her face.


"You're not mad?" Allan asked, cautious hope in his voice.


Aly shook her head and then gestured to her legs, and throat, "Worth it." Was all she said. She tried to stand, and her legs gave out. She cleared her throat and gently felt her neck, then cleared it again. When she spoke she almost sounded normal. "Um, Allan, I do think you should carry me to medical though, I thought there might be some bruising, but my hip feels weird." She looked up at him with worry in her eyes.


"No problem." He scooped her up and carried her swiftly through the halls to the bridge and then into the medical bay. He placed her on a bed, and then following her instruction, pressed the needed buttons to activate a full scan of her body. Moments later, he lifted her up gently and carried her to look at the screen.


"Ohh, I'll be fine, I think that maybe the, uh, Damage," when she said the word, her voice seemed to be dripping sex, as if begging for more, "that you inflicted before we went to sleep may have partially dislocated my hip, and then either when you moved in you sleep or me in mine, it finished the job." She tapped some buttons on the screen, "Please lay me down on the bed again." She asked and Allan did. A moment later a set of robotic arms seemed to unfold from the frame of the bed, one gripping her on her good hip, the other gripping her thigh on the dislocated one, a moment later, the arms seemed to twitch, ever so slightly and there was a loud pop, and Aly grunted and then sighed. She stood on her own, "See all better."


"Yeah, okay, but what about all that?" He gestured to the bruising and the scales that looked as if they were going to shed off.


"Well the bruising, should be gone soon. I guess it's not bruising as you know it, it's technically bioluminescence, not the pooling of blood like in humans. When our bodies receive damage that is not enough to trigger an actual medical risk, the light shows up to remind us not to do that again." She looked over at him with a predatory smile. "However if you think that means that I'm not going to want more..." She trailed off letting his imagination run wild.


"Okay, fair enough. But what about the scales." Allan asked, looking pointedly at what he was referring to.


"That will take a bit longer. Barring any further damage to those areas, they should heal completely in a day or less." She said with pride. "I have always healed exceptionally fast, but my race prides ourselves on how quickly we can regenerate our scales."


"Okay, again fair enough." Allan let out a sigh, relief flooding through him. "I do have some questions though."


"I figured that today would be a lot more talking, and a lot less fucking." She said, almost disappointed. "No matter, can we eat and talk, though, I'm starving."


"Sure, let me go get my food from the room." He started to say he would meet her back here. But Aly just laughed, grabbing his hand and dragging him to what he easily recognized as a mess hall. At one end was a machine that Aly told him to stand in front of. He did and it quickly scanned him, before dispensing a bowl of grey paste. He took it and then Aly did the same for herself.


"It scans your biology, and produces a paste that is compatible and meets your nutritional needs," Aly explained as they walked over to a table together. They started eating and though it was bland, Allan enjoyed how filling the meal was. "So ask away Allan."


"Well, first of all, how well do you understand English?" Allan asked, taking a bite and then continuing. "Like, sarcasm, innuendo, and joking?"


"I think I have it down pretty good." She said in between bites of her own paste.


"Well, what do you mean by that? pretty good can mean a lot of things." Allan said.


Aly thought about this for a moment and then looked at me. "Let me give you an example. I know the difference between daddy and Daddy." She said, the intonation of the second was higher and dripped with a tone that begged to be punished, and Allan knew instantly that she understood well enough.


"Holy fuck you must have watched a lot of our Porn, didn't you?" Allan asked with a laugh.


Aly surprised him then, as her hand came to rest on his pants, directly over his cock. "Of course Daddy, how else was I going to learn to be a good little cum slut." She giggled evilly as she felt him go from soft to rock hard in only a moment. she pulled her hand away in mock disgust, "Shame on you, you dirty boy, wanting me to call you Daddy." She looked away, and then looked back, and leaned over to kiss him that long tongue of hers slipping into his mouth. She whispered as she pulled away, "Don't worry Daddy, I'll take good care of you."


"Well shit." Was all that came out of Allan's mouth as he fought down the urge to take her on the table. "Aly, just how far down the rabbit hole did you get?"


"Ohh, that one I don't really know how to answer." She paused for a moment, "Let me put it like this, I watched a lot, and then the next step, per se, was something to do with toilet play, and something called a Golded shower?" She shuddered a little bit. "I only watched one of those and decided that I had seen enough," She looked up at him, "If you are into that stuff I'm sorry, I won't be doing that. Pretty much anything else you wanna do, I'm probably in, but if it involves waste excretions it's not happening."


"I'm not, and frankly I'm very glad that you are on the same page with me as far as that." Allan and Aly finished their meals, before going back to the bridge of the ship. They spent the next several hours chatting about different things, mostly Allan just asked about everything he could think of.


After Allan had finished his deluge of questions, Aly changed the tone of the conversation. "So Allan, you are incredibly brave, even after I told you that most considered me cursed, you blindly got on this ship."


"I mean, when opportunity knocks, you open the door," Allan said, and smiled as he watched Aly work through that, it took her a second but she got it.


"That being true, even out in the galaxy, I think that you deserve to know what is going on and, what it is that I have dragged you into." She sounded hesitant.


"I mean either way I am not going to change my mind," Allan said with a simple simplicity that seemed to shock Aly, she looked at him with a strange look on her face. "What?" Allan asked not understanding her stare.


"This ship was once the home of the last of my adoptive clan. The clan Jushintorg was renowned for its exploration, mapping, and creative tendencies. When I was born, my spawn-mother died in childbirth, Only I survived, the three other expected spawnlings died as well. This was considered a dark omen from the Goddess." Aly stopped and took a breath. "When I reached legal age my father banished me from his clan, I wondered about our homeworld and was finally taken in by the Jushintorg who could not bear to watch me wonder any longer. They took me in, brought me to this ship, gave me a place to belong, a clan to share warmth with, and a whole new outlook on my life."


"Aly," Allan said, gently placing an arm around her, as it looked like saying all this was taking more out of her than anything he could do to physically ever could. "If you don't want to tell me you don't have to."


She looked at him in surprise. "I must tell you. You need to know what kind of woman you share a ship with. What kind of woman sleeps next to you. What kind of woman sucks your cock." The conviction in her voice told Allan two things, firstly, that she really did not want to tell him, and secondly that despite that she felt bound to, so he nodded, sitting up and taking his arm back, waiting to listen respectfully. Aly took a deep breath, "The first cycle of my time onboard this ship, was bliss, it seemed as if all those who had slandered me as a curse upon any who cared for me were wrong. I had hoped that nothing would change. But they did, Goddess protect me they changed, they always change."


She wiped tears from her eyes before continuing. "First it was the cook, and then one after another they all died, some in mysterious ways, others in ways that while not strange made no sense." She looked like she wanted to go into more detail, but Allan laid a gentle hand on her hoping that she would understand that he understood, and she did not need to. She looked at him with thanks in her eyes as she nodded slightly. "The last one died not long after telling me that he regretted bringing me into his life. Despite this, he transferred full control to me of the ship, and updated the clan Jushintorg documents to state that I was the sole heir and recipient of all property of those who had perished."


Aly tried to contain a sob and nearly managed. "So now I am without a clan, and any who I have come to care for, pass strangely from this life. I need you to know before we continue any form of interaction." She looked at Allan with tears marring the perfection that was her face, he could see it in her eyes that she fully expected him to turn his back on her, and demand to be returned home.


"Well shit, Allan," He thought to himself, "You are still a sucker for a crying beautiful woman." Allan did the only thing he could think of, he stood up, and she looked crestfallen fully expecting him to turn away from her. "Welp." He stretched, a little and then knelt to looked her in her eyes, his mind raced to search for the right words, and the only thing he came up with was a lame joke. Fuck it. "Have you tried fucking away the curse?"


The look on Aly's face was worth the joke. He had never seen such a beautiful and confused mix of excitement, lust, fear, and countless other emotions play across someone's face before. "You won't leave me?" She almost stammered, her earlier timid and careful self from Earth peaking out.


"Nope," Allan said, gently lifting her up to her feet. "You know, I never have been one for believing in curses. Best I can tell, the idea of a curse usually is hiding something else, maybe an assassin, a cult, or some random psycho. And as far as I'm concerned if that is the case whoever or whatever this curse actually is has officially been put on my shit list."


The snarl in his voice and the fire that burned in his eyes startled Aly, she knew he was a child of a deathworld, but he had been so gentle and jovial up to this point. It scared her, but even more overwhelmingly it excited her almost to the point of orgasm. Allan watched the change in her emotion as it happened in the blink of an eye, she went from sad, to scared, to a full-on fuck-bunny in record time. She stood, and bent at the waist grabbing her own ankles, giving him a view that stiffened him instantly. "Take me now, Daddy." She cooed, but felt ashamed when instead of mounting her and breeding her like the fuck toy she so wanted to be in that moment, he scooped her up, legs over one arm the other arm supporting her torso, and set her down next to him.


"Beleive me I want nothing more than that, and I will promise you that I won't let you off easy tonight, but I think we should clarify a few things," Allan said and sat down next to her. Aly could see that he was genuinely struggling to resist his most basic instincts to ravage her right there. She nodded. "First of all," Allan, smiled at her. "you do not have to call me Daddy unless you want to, does it turn me on? Yes, but I am not going to force you to do something, anything, you don't want to do." Allan smiled at her, as she turned that beautiful shade of pink that was her blush. "on top of that, why is it that sometimes you act so much like a pornstar who only wants to fuck, and then other moments you seem like you did on earth, more... I don't know...reserved?"


"The answer to your second question is relatively simple, I created the more demure version of myself to prevent myself from getting hopeful that I would find someone like you," Aly said, looking to the floor in embarrassment. "The pornstar you speak of is really who I am, even before the Jushintorg adopted me, I loved sex and studied it as if it were a career. I almost sold myself to one of the great pleasure houses after leaving my spawn-fathers home, but I could not stomach the idea of being owned."


"So then why hide it?" Allan asked.


"Well, that is the thing Allan, I don't know, when I told you of the charter that required me to make myself available to reproduction limited species, I was panting on the inside, hoping you would take me then and there. Even when I thought that I had assaulted you, I was praying that..." Aly trailed off as if she was hesitant to say, but then she gained her courage once more. "I was praying that you would claim that in your culture this assault meant that I owed you debt to be paid in servitude and that you would take me as a... crap English doesn't have a good term for it... a bedwarmer?" Aly spoke the word unsure if she was making herself clear.


Allan laughed. "you truly are a dirty little minx aren't you?" Aly nodded eagerly, a smile that promised release plastered across her face. "Well, how about we dismiss the fake you and deal only with the real you." Allan said looking her in the eyes and trying to make sure that she knew he meant what he was saying. "I like you, Aly, I like you a lot. I can't promise that this will lead to anything more than fuck buddies, or maybe more, but I want you to be you, not a mask that you think I want to see."


Aly smiled at Allan. "Thank you." She said as tears of joy spread from her eyes. She stood and hugged him. Not in lust, not sexually, but as someone who was thankful for the compassion, and understanding she had been shown. Allan stood and pulled her head against his chest, wrapping his oh-so-warm arms around her and returning the hug.


"One more thing, Aly, Explain what you mean by calling me a deathworlder." Allan said as they broke the hug together. Aly spent the next hour explaining that Earth was classified as a class VII death world, due to its extreme biodiversity, high solar radiation, high gravity, and many other reasons.


When Aly finished explaining the reasons why deathworld originated lifeforms were so rare, and so feared, Allan simply nodded. "Understood, now it is late and I am tired, but I made you a promise." Allan reached forward grabbing Aly's throat, gently, so as not to cause the strange damage effect that had happened last time, Aly was already dripping from her sex at the look in his eyes. "I believe I said that I would not take it easy on you tonight, so I won't, tonight is going to be about me. I will use your body in any way that I deem needed to please myself and slake my lust. I will go wash, and when I get to the sleeping pit, you will be waiting on your knees. While you wait you are to fuck yourself with your fingers, but you are not allowed to cum, if I see evidence of even a single orgasm, I will ensure that even though you get oh so close, you don't have another one all night. Is that clear?"


"Yes, Daddy, I understand." Aly panted around his grip on her throat. She didn't know if it was luck or just a good guess but he had covered all her gills but one, adding to the choking sensation in the best way.


Allan pulled her close and kissed her deeply, before pulling her farther forwards and whispering in her ear. "Do you really want to call me Daddy? You can pick another title if it is not what you want." The gentleness of his tone reminded Aly that while he may be deathworlder, and he may be infinitely stronger than he knew, and he may be about to fuck her into insanity, he still was a gentle and caring person.


"Yes, Allan, though I may switch to another later on is that okay?" Aly asked in an equally low tone.


"It's fine, of course," Allan said with a smile, before letting her fall back to her own control. Aly rushed off, sprinting through the ship at speeds she hoped would please him.


When she got to the sleeping pit, she picked a clean spot on the floor, and knelt, slipping her fingers into herself. When she had been alone, she hated the act of self-pleasure as she felt that it only emphasized her loneliness, but now her fingers delved deep, touching every spot she could reach. As she knelt there, alone next to the pit, a cold thought pierced her haze of mind-numbing pleasure as she fought off an orgasm. What if he never comes, what if he dies like the others. What if he takes an escape pod. What if..." She stopped fingering herself and started crying just as Allan walked in holding newly crafted toys from the assembler she had told him about earlier during his barrage of questions.


All pretenses dropped, and Allan rushed over to her. "Whoa, hey hey hey, if that was too much, we can chill out," Allan said, thinking he had gone a little heavy on the daddy dom role.


"It's not that." Aly almost shrieked, sobbing uncontrollably. "I want to please you, Daddy, I do, I just... I just..." She burst into more tears.


"Okay stop with the Daddy, right now I'm not Daddy, I'm Allan. I'm your friend Aly, your clanmate, your lover, and your crewmate." Allan said scooping the sobbing woman up and taking her to the sand in the sleeping pit. He laid her down gently and snuggled up to her after stopping his clothing off at mach jesus. "It's okay, I'm right here, tell me what happened." He pleaded, not to get her to stop crying and fuck him, but because he wanted to know what hurt her so deeply. She sobbed through everything that had gone through her mind. "Being alone really did a number on you. Didn't it?" He said, in as comforting a tone as he could.


"The Quillinar people are one of only six peoples of the space-faring races that still utilize clans," Aly said, focusing on her explanation and breathing to try and banish the other thoughts from her head. "the reason that we, as a race, still do this is because our mental state and health depend almost solely on the health of our clan, it is a biological mechanism that has stuck with us since our days as thoughtless fish in the vast oceans of my homeworld."


"You literally went crazy, just by being alone, didn't you?" Allan said, grasping what point Aly was trying to make.


"For a time yes. I feel that I was insane. After the first year of my search of the deathwordls, I admit that there are three years that I do not remember much of, and not because I don't have memories, but because my mind was broken. Only a small fragment of who I was remained." Aly took a deep breath with all six of her gills at the same time a shudder racing down her body. "I knew with that small fraction of my mind that if I did not pull together the pieces, I would die. And so I struggled and fought, and have been since that moment, even now, I sometimes feel pieces try to break off."


Allan remembered on earth when he had said that he would go Aly had said only one thing please hurry.


"But when I am around you, Allan," she smiled at him with a mix of emotions that he could not identify, "I am here, I am all here." she tapped her head for emphasis. "the thought that I might have to go through that again if you left..." She shuddered again at even the thought.


"Okay new plan," Allan said, pulling her close.


"What no," Aly said, feeling like she had let him down. "tonight is about you. I want to please you, I want you to use me!" She said with emphasis.


"Nope, tonight and until I destroy whatever this Curse that hurt you so much actually is, it is all about you. But there are rules, first rule: we are going to use that awesome little assembler in the engineering bay to make a couple of commlinks. And anytime you start to feel one of these, for lack of a better phrase, PTSD phases come on you are gonna call me." Allan smiled at her as she looked up at him. "The second rule is that when we get to the Jumpgate first stop is your spawn-father's house. If no one else is going to knock that fucker out for being a shit father, then I will do it for you."


"What, Allan, no I..." She was cut off as he kissed her, this kiss was unlike anything Aly had ever felt, it held the rage, anger, and vengeance that was coursing through him. She had never known that any being could look as Allan looked, she knew that there would be no changing his mind.


"Third rule, we can have sex. As much of it as you want as long as we do it together, and we make sure that anything we do isn't going to strain either of us too much emotionally." Allan said, and Aly thought she would die if she was deprived of the wonderous and rough sex she had been given on that first night. Allan smiled as he saw the look of concern cross her face. "Don't you worry your pretty little head, Aly, I will make sure that all your needs are filled, even the ones you didn't know you had." She flushed at this.


"And last rule, you are going to teach me your language," Allan said and smiled at how much that took Aly by surprise.


"Quilnarish?" Aly spoke after a moment of thought. "But why there are a thousand other languages. There are AI that can translate in real-time, there is any number of other things that could serve you better than my language."


"Two reasons, number one." Allan held up one finger. "If I am going to be fucking you, I want to be able to understand your dirty talk no matter if it is in either English or Quilnarish, frankly I love the way you ramble on in your language when I make you cum, and I want to be able to understand what it is you are saying. Number two." He held up a second finger and smiled at how bright a pink Aly was turning at what he had just said. Allan rested both his hands gently on either side of her face. "This is the real reason, the one that matters. Hearing your own language will be good for you. In many ways, but most of all to help assure you that you have a clan and that your clan is healthy and safe."


Aly was dumbfounded. In mere moments Allan had not only shown that he cared for her more than she suspected, but that he could recognize what a good or bad father was, knew something of healing a broken mind, more so than she herself did probably. On top of that, he had outlined a clear edict that would help her, and allow them to try and solve whatever mystery this curse truly was, as the sneaking suspicion that he was right about it had been gnawing at her since he first mentioned it.


"Any questions?" He asked playfully, planting a kiss on her bright pink nose.


Aly looked at the man lying next to her. This was a truly kind man. This was a man of conviction. This was a man who went out of his way to talk to and help others. This was a man. Aly grabbed both sides of his face, screwing up what little courage she had, and looked him dead in the eyes, and in all seriousness spoke, "Allan, father my children."

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