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Allan was fighting against his allies, or at least against the front most line of them who had heard one of the Galgaxian warriors call him a traitor. Allan was doing his best to not hurt anyone as he tried to stop those who were striking at him.

"I am not a traitor! You need to listen!" Allan said blocking strikes and refusing to slay any of the defenders. 

"Never Traitor!" Cried a Gix as he slashed at Allan with his tail to try and distract him.

Allan had enough. Using the remnants of his power he slammed every mortal on the field of combat to the ground and projected his voice for all to hear. "Hear me warriors of Earth! The next one to strike me or to make an attempt for that ship will die. Test me if you dare!" 

The faint energy of bloodlust that had been running rampant through the assembled soldiers faded as he spoke. "This ship was the core, and last bastion of the Url'Esh, and this man is the oldest of the Url'Esh, entrusted with what I assume is their most precious cargo."

Allan was quickly joined by Aly, Eddy, and several other Gods. Allan lead them to the ancient Url'Esh who held a blade unlike anything Allan had ever seen. "Greetings, I am Allan, I think that you would probably like to speak would you not?" 

The ancient Url'Esh, took one look at the assembled gods and the warriors, and sighed. "While I think that I could hold out for a while, I am under no delusions that I would win the long run. Yes I would like to talk. My name is Ha' Ala' Vin, but most call me simply Vin. If its all the same to you Allan, we can keep this informal."

Allan smiled at the strength the old man projected. "I am fine with that Vin." 

"As am I." Aly said hesitantly, "Though I would know why you stopped us Allan?" 

"I would know how you knew as well." Vin said, "I had thought this ship protected from divine observations."

"I think it was only because of the heightened power I had in the moment, but I saw what it is you protect." Allan said, and Vin nodded, leading them into the ship.

What was reveled to them, was a nursery that held thousands of infant Url'Esh. Vin looked out over the sleeping children. "They are being kept asleep with medicine, and were entrusted to me."

"Why you?" Allan asked.

"I am ancient, older than you can comprehend, I have survived so long thanks to many things, but I am an aberration. I don't know what combination of events and powers came together in me to make it happen, but I was alive when the Gods first created us." 

Suddenly Xulgra appeared. "It is true." he said stepping forward to look at the sword resting on Vin's shoulder.

"Ah, Xulgra, god of death. I think this is yours." Vin proffered the blade to the god.

"It can't be..." Xulgra said gingerly taking the weapon. "But it is. Your family has cared well for this."

"Not my family, just me. I am the one you chose." Vin said.

Many of the gods looked awkward as if they wanted to leave. Aly stepped forward, "I'm sorry but what is going on?" 

"I would love to know as well." Allan said looking from Xulgra to Vin.

"When we departed, I broke the rules even then." Xulgra said, smiling at Vin. "I did not feel right about what we were doing to the Url'Esh." 

"He did warn us..." One of the other gods muttered under their breath.

"I did warn you," Xulgra said indignantly, then took a breath, "but it is what it is. Because of how I felt about what was happening to the Url'Esh, I decided to do what I could, I created a blade that encapsulated a portion of my power, and gave it to an Url'Esh who I had come to trust. Is it really you Ha' Ala' Vin?"

Vin surprised them all by dropping to his knees. "It is my lord. Know that I never wanted this to happen, and I did what I could, but I am the only one who maintained my faith."

"Rise my friend," Xulgra said with a smile, "Tell us what you want." 

Vin rose, and looked from Xulgra to Allan, "I am ancient, and I remember a time when the Url'Esh did not hate the gods. I remember a time when we were loved by the gods, and we loved them in turn. I would lead our people back to this path. You have wiped out most of our population Allan. I would ask for the help of those who are willing to raise these children not as warriors but simply as children."

"You wish to see an end to the fighting." Allan said with a smile. Vin nodded.

Eddy stepped forward. "I will help, as will many humans I am sure. But there are debts due. I know that many of the Quillinar feel strongly about the Url'Esh."

Vin's face fell and grew pale. "I told them not to use that. Children are so precious, the purity of their souls is what lets them provide a power to counter the divine. But to our most recent leadership... Children were only tools."

Vin stepped forward to Aly, then fell to his knees. "I know that you are newly ascended. I know we were directly responsible, as a people, for the death of your homeworld and of your goddess. But I beg you, Goddess of the Quillinar people, if you must have absolution, take my head and be done with vengeance."

Aly looked down at the ancient Url'Esh who awaited his fate. Allan saw many emotions wash across her face, and smiled knowing she would pick the right answer. Aly reached down and gently pulled Vin to his feet. "I am the new Goddess of the Quillinar. But before this I was a simple woman, and I knew that my goddess did not believe in vengeance. I also know that she would be disappointed in me now if I stuck you down in her name. So instead I will issue you a punishment."

Vin looked expectantly at Aly. She smiled at Allan and then continued speaking. "For the rest of your life, however long it shall be, you will keep the history of your people and remind them why hatred is a bad thing. You will guide these young Url'Esh away from the path they are currently on and instead guide them to live in harmony with everyone in this galaxy. I task you to forever more be the keeper of peace for your people. Do you accept this charge?" 

Tears stained Vin's cheeks as he nodded. "I do Goddes. Know that I will do my utmost to hold to the path you have laid out." 

"Very well. It is settled." A voice said, before a familiar strange horror squid whale appeared from a rip in space. "Allan James Mac'Millen, this war is resolved, you are restricted to the Divine realm. Say your goodbyes, I shall sort this all out before I dispel this field of conflict."

Allan turned to Eddy. "Brother, I love you man, call on me anytime you need."

Eddy smiled with a gentle tear in his eye, "Will do!"

Jalla and Tillia appeared as if from nowhere. They both stepped forward to Allan giving him a hug. Allan smiled at them both. "I know I wasn't the greatest Alpha, but I hope that you both enjoyed our time together. Please look after each other and Eddy."

"Of course" They said together.

Allan turned to Nara who had been shadowing Eddy for the duration of the fight. "Nara, you are free to follow who you will, but if you are willing, I would ask that for as long as you exist you look after my family."

The construct nodded and stepped away. Fianlly Allan turned to Aly. "My love." 

"This is not goodbye Allan." Aly said with tears on her face.

"I know, but it may mean less time for us together." Allan said failing to contain his own tears, "I simply want you to know that no matter what I love you, and these months traveling with you have been the single greatest of my life. I am blessed to have met you, and I will love you for all eternity."

Allan leaned forward and kissed his wife before suddenly vanishing, banished by divine agreement to the divine realm.

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