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Aly was ravenous. It had been a year and more since she had been with her husband. And she wanted him. She knew he would please her. He always pleased her, but she was desperate. So when Allan initially pulled her on top of himself, Aly quickly slipped his throbbing manhood inside and rode him mercilessly. 


"Ohh, fuck." Aly moaned as she felt his cock throb inside her, expelling his warm load inside her.


"You have been desperate, haven't you?" Allan asked, grunting between the jerking of his hips. 


"Yes. I need more." Aly said, her tone pleading. "Please, I want more." 


She accompanied this desperate plea with gentle movements of her hips. Her tight pussy stroked along his hypersensitive cock as she did her best to keep him from going soft.


Aly looked up into his eyes and realized she need not worry as the look in Allan's eyes promised pleasure, pain and everything she could possibly want. 


Allan's hand came up to close around Aly's throat, eliciting a moan from her lips. Allan smiled and pulled her head forward to whisper in her ear. "I'll give you more. It seems I have a year of sex to catch up on. Now tell me what you want."


Allan could feel how tight Aly was just from her small strokes, and when he whispered, he felt her tighten up. Her breasts heaved in ragged breaths as he loosened his grip for her to reply. "I want my husband to fuck me." 


The tone of her voice made Allan's cock throb. Using his free left hand Allan reached up and pulled on one of her erect nipples. "You want who to fuck you?" 


Aly cried out, her voice filled with ecstasy. "You Daddy! Oh fuck, please. I want you to fuck me, daddy, I need you to fuck me!" 


Allan let go of her throat and nipple to grab her firm buttocks in his hand and stood up so she was held off the floor. Aly wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He held her, supporting her weight with his hands as he slammed into her over and over. There was nothing gentle about it, Aly knew she would hurt in the morning and she relished every second of it. 


Just as she was about to orgasm again, Allan stopped, sinking his cock as deep as he could and then holding her still, to whisper into her ear. "Not yet, calm down, it's not quite time yet." 


He said these words over and over as she felt herself back away from the precipice of her pleasure. After a few more moments of this, Allan began thrusting again and spoke a new phrase. "Good girl. You only cum when I say so." 


Several minutes later, Aly felt herself approaching orgasm and once again, Allan sank his rock-hard manhood as deep inside her as he could. She whined and began to move, trying to push herself over the edge. Allan surprised her, his strong arms wrapping around her and holding her still by force. She begged. "Oh, please daddy, can I cum yet? I want to cum daddy."


His response was simple. "Not until I say so. Now be a good girl and don't cum yet."


For several minutes, Allan whispered gentle reassurance to Aly, and she continued to plead with him. Then when he had decided she was ready, his hand slipped back to cupping her ass as he drove his cock in and out of her like a piston. 


This happened three more times, and each time Aly would plead. "Oh, no! Don't stop!! Keep fucking me Daddy, please!"


And each time Allan would simply respond. "Not until I say so, good girls only cum when I say so." 


Aly's eyes were rolling into the back of her head, and she was moaning with every stroke of his cock as she approached the sixth potential orgasm. She steeled herself to be denied. "I won't cum daddy. I'm a good girl, I won't cum." 


But she was surprised when instead of stopping, his arms began to work faster, his cock growing even harder, and his voice growled out. "Cum for me like a good girl." 


Aly felt that she nearly lost consciousness as the tsunami of pleasure that was her orgasm washed over her. She came three times, and the whole time Allan continued stroking harder and faster, until he finally pulled himself deep inside her and they climaxed together.


Moments later they collapsed in the sand and were joined by a rather out-of-breath Jalla, who snuggled up to his back, gently biting his neck. She whispered into his ear as Aly fell asleep. "When Aly has had her fill, or when she calls me to the sands, I will have you again, my Alpha."


Allan smiled and gently patted her arm that was wrapped around him, and then the three of them slept.

Allan, Aly, and Jalla were woken several hours later by Tillia. After they were all awake, Tillia quickly explained that she and Eddy would be leaving soon, but another ship had arrived and was hailing the Solstice. Allan quickly put some clothes on and walked with Aly, Jalla, and Tillia to the bridge. 


Many of the world leaders were still present. Allan guessed that if any place were going to be secure enough for the world leaders to speak without massive security present, it would have to be somewhere that not even their security could get to them.  Allan made a note to ask about setting up some kind of meeting room for the UEWC, maybe on the moon.


The ship that hailed them was unlike anything Allan had ever seen. It looked as if a massive twelve-pointed crystal had been centered around a disco ball.  When Aly acknowledged the communication, a familiar face was on screen. 


"Zall." Allan said, failing to keep his displeasure from his voice. "I would say it is nice to see you, but I am not sure it is nice to see you."


Zall wore the strange blocky form the Banker Clan used to create a sense of distance from the other sapient species in the galaxy. Zall bowed low and then spoke. "Allan, it is good to see you, and I understand your feelings completely." 


"What do you want?" Jalla asked, her voice dripping with the siddhesh equivalent of tonal hate.


"This ship holds twenty-five thousand members of the Banker Clan. We are all that is left. The Banker Clan homeworld has fallen and been destroyed. We have come to beg for your help and protection for my people." Zall said, and the entire room was frozen. Everyone, even a couple of the passing world leaders, waited to see what Allan would say.


Allan thought for a moment and then nodded. "Why don't you and a small group come on over and we can sit down and have a chat."


Zall nodded in thanks and terminated the communication. Allan leaned back and thought for a moment. "Aly if you would, please be ready to transport the Bankers to the mess hal., I guess it will have to dofor a meeting room now. Jalla, if you would please have Eddy and two or three of the world leaders meet me there as well."


"What are you going to do?" Tillia asked as Jalla walked off and Aly began hitting buttons. 


"I am going to get some water, and try and decide what needs to happen to make this all work." Allan said and walked off.

By the time everyone assembled in the mess hall, an hour had passed. 


"Well," Allan said, "I guess first things first, introductions."


Allan quickly went around and introduced himself, Eddy, Aly, Jalla, Tillia, President Rorgan, and Mack. President Rorgan introduced several other world leaders. Allan also gave a quick rundown of the function that the Banker Clan served in the galaxy. 


"Well, I guess that is all, Zall, if you would introduce your party." Allan said.


Zall nodded and introduced herself and three others. "We would like to thank you for hearing us out, and I would like to thank you for not holding a grudge too deeply against me."


Allan sighed and leaned back and rubbed his shoulder. In doing so he revealed the tattoo given to him by the higher beings.


Zall's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "Allan, where in the name of the gods did you get that?"


The other bankers looked equally shocked, so Allan quickly gave her a rundown of everything that had happened since their last meeting.


One of the Bankers spoke before Zall could. "You mean to tell us that the higher beings have marked you personally?"


"Yes, they did." Allan said, disliking the tone in the Banker's voice. "If you are about to suggest it is not possible, may I ask you to please remember what happened last time the Banker Clan and the Core worlds tried to call me a liar."


Xulgra appeared in a flash of light, a chair seeming to materialize next to Allan with Xulgra already seated in it. "I would love to hear this as well."


Almost everyone in the room outside of Allan, Jalla, Tillai, Aly, and Eddy jumped while their jaws simultaneously hit the ground. Allan's mother Sarah, who was standing in a corner watching the proceedings next to Nara, also jumped.


The Banker Clan member was about to speak when Xulgra raised a hand to stop him. Xulgra rose and walked over to Sarah. He bowed deeply to her before whispering into her ear. Sarah spoke quietly back and Xulgra smiled, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, before returning to sit and motioning for the Bankers to continue. 


"As I was saying Lord Xulgra, I would never decry a man who associates with the gods. But to claim one of the Higher Beings has marked him is tantamount to declaring himself above the gods." the Banker who had questioned Allan said.


"I don't know how Allan feels, but I know that Myself and Elunitra both consider Allan and Aly as friends." Xulgra said. "I am also fairly certain that the particular higher being that Allan has dealt with thinks of him in similar terms. Regardless of this, would you dare refuse his help? Would you stand in the path of the man selected by the higher beings to champion this particular war?"


That shut the Bankers up. Xulgra looked at Allan, "I am around, please contact me when you are finished here."


Xulgra vanished again. Allan sighed and shook his head, "Well I guess that will serve as proof of my story then?" 


The Bankers nodded. Zall spoke, "We ask for refuge here."


"Can you survive the gravity?" President Rorgan asked, "For that matter, how have any of you visited Earth without being observed or without suffering negative effects?"


"Yes, we can," Zall said, "and as far as visiting the surface, the last time I was here, we were confined to a ballroom in a hotel in Japan. Most races have technology that allows us to temporarily bolster their gravitational tolerances. Probably the only race that does need such help other than the Bankers, would be the Sidheshm who have a homeworld with three times the gravity of the Earth. Also the Chiln."


"Well that is good to know." President Rorgan said, "As far as seeking Asylum, if you wish we can provide you with space to land and begin construction on housing. I am unsure of any other requirements you might have, but I am sure we can accommodate them."


The discussion continued, with the various world leaders all wanting to hostthe Bankers, and the Bankers not particularly wanting to be separated. Allan wondered if humanity would ever change, or if the reason they were the way they were was because of their conflict-prone nature.

An hour into discussions, the UEWC got involved. Allan, having had enough, soon stood to leave.


"Where are you going?" Asked the UEWC representative.


"Away, to try and do some real planning, I don't know why I thought humanity could just help people without trying to simultaneously only look out for their group." Allan said and realized his tone was fairly harsh.


The UEWC rep’s mouth tightened, "That's what we are trying to do." 


"No, you are trying to balance uniting humanity against the wants of the individual countries. I understand, but this will not be good enough. We have here our first test: what to do with the Banker Clan. Pass the test if you can." Allan said and left the mess hall.


When he was alone with Aly, Allan spoke. "Xulgra, I am here." 


Xulgra appeared next to them, "So it isn't going well is it?"


"No, it is not." Allan said, then he looked up and asked Xulgra a question, "What did you say to my mother?"


"I offered to heal her so that she may stand by you through what will come." Xulgra said.


Allan's jaw nearly hit the floor, "And?!"


"She declined," Xulgra said with a tone that showed respect, "I assured her that when her time came I would come for her personally." 


Allan was stunned. He shook his head, and laughed. "Sorry to burst your bubble Xulgra, but she probably thinks you and the other gods are a test for true believers. Anyway, Xulgra what do you need?"


"Wanted to give you something." Xulgra handed a crystalline rod to Allan, "it is a message from a friend and I think you need to hear it."


"Thank you." Allan took the rod.


"One more thing," Xulgra said, and gestured out one of the viewports to the moon, "lots of real estate in a neutral location. Just a thought." 


Xulgra vanished and Allan looked thoughtfully out the window.


Jalla walked in just then, "Allan, you should come and reign in the circus that is taking place."


"Yes, I guess I should." Allan said and walked back into the room, where several people were near to shouting. Allan slammed his hand down onto the table, bringing silence to the room. 


"So here is what is going to happen."Allan said and pointed at the world leaders, "You all are going to get on the train, or I will throw you off and see that someone else who is ready to ride takes your place."


Allan pointed to the UEWC rep. "You will be moving the headquarters of the UEWC to the location I designate. It will be the same place that the Bankers will move to. Banker Clan, I am tasking you to be the arbiters of my people. Be neutral, but also remember you are people too. Should you choose, you may do this in your true form, as humanity has no standards or preconceptions of you."


Allan gestured to the group as a whole. "You will all work together to build a sanctuary on the moon. This will serve as a place of refuge for those who can not survive Earth's gravity, and it will be the seat of power for all united Earth activities. I assume between the Bankers, the Earth scientists, and the techt I am sure is going to suddenly be getting revealed by a few companies, this will not be that difficult. Do you all understand?"


The bankers nodded, and Zall shocked everyone, including the other bankers by taking her natural, more sultry form. "We will agree to this Allan."


The other bankers glanced at each other and took their own forms. The world leaders grumbled and grudgingly agreed to these things, though they did not enjoy the way he had talked to them. The UEWC rep was looking at him amused, "Going to bully your way into getting what you want?" 


Allan looked at the woman, his patience wearing thin, "No, I am not. I do not have the time nor patience to bully you. I have very little that ties me to Earth. So if I think humanity is not going to be able to pull together and make the things that need to happen, happen, I will simply disappear. I will take everyone I care for and their families, and I will strand humanity here to die."


The woman seemed like she wanted to say more but she did not. Allan smiled. "Good. Now, you all get to work, I have something to do."


Allan, Aly, Jalla, Tillia, Nara, Sarah, and Eddy all made their way to the bridge. Allan hoped the rod contained good news. He handed it to Aly who seemed to know exactly what to do with it. In moments, she was displaying the holographic recording in the air.


Chalxra was on screen, he was significantly larger and felt older than Allan remembered. He looked ragged, "Allan, you didn't come and help as you said you would. I can only assume that means something more pressing happened. The Chiln have fallen. My mother is dead, I think I am the only remaining survivor of the royal family, my appearance is one of the reasons I think this. I don't know how long I can hold out. If I survive I will be where we first met, with as many loyal Chiln as I can, three weeks from the date of recording this message. If you can be there, you are the only person I think I can trust. If you can not be there, I will assume you are dead. If the latter is true, may this count as my condolences to whoever this has made its way to."


"Why does he look like that?" Allan asked.


"The Chiln royal family is strange, in that the more of the royal family who are alive, the slower the youth age. It is a hormone they all produce and release into the waters of their homeworld. For Chalxra to look like he did, he very well might be the last of them. He looks almost full grown." Aly said. "What will you do?" 


"I can't abandon him again." Allan said as he turned and walked forcefully back into the chow hall where everyone was still discussing things.


"You are all clear on what is to happen correct?" Allan asked.


The chorus of yesses that treated his ears was reassuring. Allan smiled, "Good. Now I need you all off my ship, I have to go and rescue the Chiln royal family. Zall, I need you to assign one member of the Banker clan to every ship that departs from here. Pick one person to accompany The Hamunaptr, and one more for the Solstice. Should any more allied ships leave this place, send a Banker with them. You will serve as the source of encryption for our communications. With your lie-detecting capabilities, and your ability to speak any language, you will be instrumental in ensuring our communications remain secure."


"Yes Allan." Zal said and then turned to the other Bankers to speak quickly in a language he did not recognize. 


"I will accompany you Allan, if you will have me." Zall said, and Allan nodded.


"Very well," Allan said, "The rest of you off my ship." 


The Bankers vanished, taking the world leaders with them, and Eddy hugged Sarah before disappearing with Tillia, Mack, Mara, and Jessie.


When only Allan, Aly, Jalla, Nara, and Sarah remained, Allan took a deep breath, leaving the mess hall and going to the bridge, "Aly if you would, please set a course that will get us there as quickly as possible."


Aly nodded and Allan watched the Earth fade into a sea of black. In his mind he only had one thought.

"Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more." 

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