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Allan, Aly, Jalla, Tillia, and Sarah spent the next several minutes speculating as to what could be going on with the Chiln. They would have continued had they not been interrupted, politely, by Ena. 


“Your pardon, Sir, Ladies, here is what you asked for Mr.Mac’Millen.” Ena said, handing Allan an envelope. “Is there anything else that you require?” 


“No Ena, this is plenty.” Allan said smiling gratefully. Allan turned back to face Aly, Jalla, and Tillia. “How do you ladies feel about a night out dancing?” All three faces of the women lit up with smiles. 


“May I make a suggestion?” Sarah said after Allan finished explaining that he had asked Ena to look for some bar or club that was holding a cosplay event or was aimed towards people wanting to be in costume. 


“Please, Sarah, feel free.” Aly said smiling at the mother of her new husband. Mother-in-law, as Allan had explained it.


“Jalla and Tillia could pass as incredibly realistic bodysuits, but Aly unfortunately you tend to stand out more and invite further scrutiny because you are naked. I know that you do not like clothes, and I also know that Allan and Eddy have made the joke that every anime has a swimsuit episode, so why don’t we get you a bikini to wear, it is incredibly minimal clothing, but it will not draw as many lingering eyes.” Sarah said smiling at the three women. 


“That is an excellent idea.” Aly said, and Allan pulled up a catalog of swimwear, Aly chose one and sent it to the ship’s AI to begin its production. 


The rest of the day was spent in leisure, relaxing, talking, and moving the gifts from everyone out of Sarah’s room and back to the ship. When night began to fall, Aly slipped away to put on the bikini she had retrieved on one of the trips to move the gifts.


When she returned Allan let out a wolf whistle. “Damn.” Was all he said. 


Aly knew her colors, that was for sure. She had picked a deep blue that almost matched her darker scales perfectly, as to her figure, Allan could not help become somewhat aroused at the sight of Aly’s already perky chest being supported and pushed up to tell any who looked that she knew what she had. The bottom piece was the same color and only served to enhance the natural curve of her voluptuous rear.


“Does it look okay?” Aly said somewhat hesitantly. She had never worn clothing like this before so she was not sure that she had put it on right. 


“I agree with Allan, Damn.” Jalla said, casting an appreciative gaze at Aly. 


“You look incredible! But you always do, this just adds a sense of, mystery, and a different kind of sexy.” Allan said smiling at her.


Sarah smiled at Aly as she watched her daughter-in-law visibly relax at the confirmation from Allan. “You look excellent. Now, a little advice for the three of you, Allan go over there somewhere this is girl talk.” 


Allan rolled his eyes sarcastically with a smile and walked away. When Sarah was satisfied that her son would not overhear what she was about to say, she spoke. “You know that Allan cares for the three of you. Here on earth, there are men that are not as good and polite as Allan. Unfortunately, they are the kind that tends to want to cop a feel in the type of places that are nightclubs and bars. Do you know what that phrase, cop a feel, means?” 


The three women shook their heads with confusion. Sarah explained it to them. Almost in perfect unison, the three women spoke. “Oh.” The tone of dislike carried by that one word by all three women was a clear indicator of their thoughts.


Sarah nodded. “I wanted to warn you of this. How you deal with it is up to you, I think that a swift kick to the balls is usually a good answer. I also wanted to tell you that if someone keeps trying to dance with you and you do not want to dance with them, the easiest way to indicate that it's not going to happen, is to simply start being overly touchy with Allan.” 

Sarah let her words sink into the three young women who had various looks of mischief on their faces at that thought. “Allan you can come back over.” She called loudly. 


Allan walked over and saw the looks on the faces of Aly, Jalla, and Tillia, and opened his mouth to say something, just as Ena came into the great hall where they had been standing to pass the final few minutes. “Sir, Ladies, the car is here.”


Allan smiled and then offered his arm to Aly. “Shall we?” 


Aly nodded and took his arm. About forty-five minutes later the car, more aptly, the hotel limo pulled up to a nightclub that was quite clearly their destination. A long line of costume-clad humans, ranging from orcs to hyper-sexualized librarians was waiting to get in. 


Aly was nervous, and from the looks on Jalla and Tillia’s faces, they were too. “Are you sure about this Allan? If they figure it out…” Aly trailed off, she had always tried to cover up as much as possible, and now she was almost nude on Earth.


“Yes I am, but only if the three of you want to.” Allan said, seeing the nerves play out across all three of their faces. 


“Let’s do it.” Tillia said. 


Aly smiled and Jalla nodded. “Well you heard the woman,” Allan said, “open the door and let's have a blast!” 


They opened the door and eyes were already on the Limo, and when first Jalla and Tillia, and then Aly got out of the car, cheers roared out from those in line. Waves of compliments on their “costumes” flooded over the women. Allan stepped out and lead their little group up to the door where a large man was standing and letting people in as others came out. 


Allan handed him the envelope that Ena had given him, and the man read the short document inside, then unhooked the rope and let them in. The next few hours were amazing, all three women were nervous to start but once they made it into the dance floor they loosened up and had a blast drinking and dancing with the best of them. 


Roughly half an hour after midnight, when all four were thoroughly intoxicated, they left but that was only because there was one man who would not stop trying to cut in between Allan and Aly. This same man also decided that it would be a good idea to pinch Tillia’s butt. Tillia responded by kicking him between the legs hard enough to lift him about two feet off the floor before he collapsed amidst cheers of the women around that had seen what he was doing. 


They left and walked into an alley nearby before transporting up to the ship. As soon as they were on board, the women fell upon Allan with voracious intent. And Allan did all he could to satiate their hunger for pleasure. 


The next morning they were all awoken by a sound that Allan had never heard before. Rather than the electronic beeping that usually awoke them, or alerted them to a message. The sound that rang out through the ship, was of a large bell that seemed to shift notes of resonance mid-ring. 


“What is that?” Allan sitting up to find Aly smiling excitedly. He carefully extracted his legs from the arms of Tillia, and stood to follow Aly as she moved rapidly towards the bridge of the ship. 


“It’s the system that my clan father put in place to notify us of a job request.” Aly said as they walked rapidly through the passages of the ship. “ I have not heard that since I reported that I was the last surviving Jushintorg. I wonder what it could be.” 


They made it to the bridge and Aly accessed a panel that Allan had never seen her use before. “Somone has specifically requested our presence in the core worlds. The job type is craft/escort.” 


“That's good! Right?” Allan said happily seeing the excitement on Aly’s face.


“It is but…” She trailed off.


“What is it?” Allan said noting the hesitation in her voice.


“We have so much to worry about already. We should not accept this request.” Aly said.


Her tone told Allan that this upset her greatly. He stepped forward. “So this panel, there are only six buttons. Why is that?” He asked.


Aly pointed at the buttons one a time. “This is to view all requests, the next two are next and previous buttons for the request list, this is to delete an accepted request, this one declines a request, and this one accepts a request. My clan father wanted the system to be simple.” 

“Good.” Allan said leaning over to press the button for acceptance and then planting a kiss on Aly’s lips. “Now we need to leave today and I have to do a few more things here on Earth, but before I do that, I am going to fuck my wife until she gets that negative attitude out of her system. Understand?” 


Aly moaned slightly as Allan gripped her neck. “Yes, Daddy.” She said and then obediently moved to bend over the console, already dripping in anticipation…


It was almost noon when Allan finished the list of things he had to do, which included getting his mother home, some shopping, and using the Ships AI to make a chip that would allow his mother's phone to call through the AI relay that Aly had set up, and of course, Fucking Aly senseless. 


They finished storing everything where it went and the four of them gathered on the bridge “Once more unto the breach.” Allan said and Aly set the autopilot to the core worlds. The ship immediately began to make its way to the Jumpgate three days out from Earth, sending out a signal to the gate that would begin its charging immediately, so that when they got there they would only have to wait one more day to make the first of seven jumps that would take them to the core worlds. 


Aly took the opportunity of the four days to show Allan, Jalla, and Tillia more of the Jushintorg Del’Morth. She showed them many things, but the one that caught Allan’s attention was a machine that tapped into the user's consciousness to generate a small model of what was imagined. 


“What is this for?” Allan asked looking at the machine with interest. 


“The maps that we were famous for, would come in a ‘case’ like the maps that were my clan father’s work. Usually, the case was a physical depiction of what the map covered. For example,” Aly walked over to the table that held many small models and gently handed one to Allan, “This is a map my homeworld.”


Allan looked at the model, that had a single button and then realized that the sphere was not just a sphere, it was a scale replica of the world that Aly called home. “Wow,” Allan said marveling at the detail, “this is amazing.” 


Aly smiled, “my clan father took great pride in his work. Do you want to give it a try? You as well Jalla and Tillia.” 


“Okay!” Jalla said and then placed her hands on the plates that controlled the machine, adn before their eyes, almost as if it were materializing from thin air, a sphere that looked like a baseball that had too many laces appeared. 


“Oh, good work Jalla!” Aly said as the woman picked up the strange ball.


“Can I go?!” Tillia said excitedly and Aly nodded. 


As before, hands were placed on the machine, and once again a shape began to form. This time it was of a strange cubic shape, that had writing on it. 


“Ohh, it's a dice!” Allan said, and the three women nodded. 


“Yep! Tillia said and pulled the die off the machine. 


“I guess it’s my turn then.” Allan said and Aly smiled and nodded to him.


Allan placed his hands on the machine and felt a strange presence in his mind. As Aly had explained it, that was the machine making some kind of circuit through his arms, and into his mind. He had no idea how that would work but it did. Alan closed his eyes and decided to make a goblin from one of his favorite books. He pictured the goblin as he had seen other figures, with a large flat base and the subject in some kind of pose. 


When he settled on his proverbial design, with all the clothing and how he would make him look, he focused hard on the thought and before his eyes, the goblin came to life.


“Oh!” Aly said picking up the five-inch tall figure of the goblin, wearing sack-cloth clothing, with a staff and a coin purse at his hip. “Is this a creature that lives on earth?” Aly said as Jalla and Tillia looked at the figure she was holding.


“In a manner of speaking. It is a character of one of my favorite books, or at least how I would imagine he looks.” Allan explained.


“Well, that is surprising.” Aly said holding the figure closer to her eyes to see the small details that Allan had managed to get into his creation. “Usually you can not make something unless you have seen it in person.” 


“Really? But you said it was anything you could imagine?” Allan said.


“That is true, but a vast majority of the people that use this machine are incapable of doing what you just did. I think that you have found something that you could quite easily specialize in.” Aly said. 


The next few days were spent with Aly showing all of them the various other rooms of the Jushintorg Del’Morth. Allan excelled with the map-case maker, which he learned was called a concept materializer, as well as two other machines that operated on a similar process, one that was used to make computer chips, and another that was used to shape gemstones in the shape of the user's image.

Jalla seemed to excel at a machine that used to inscribe fractals on sources of light letting them emit light waves in a pattern that changed the color of light, dependent upon the angle of viewing as well as the distance viewed from the source.


Tillia did not find anything that she was particularly good at, but she did say that she had always been the one to handle negotiations with the various underworld factions, and information brokers that she, Jalla, and their brother had dealt with on the station. Jalla confirmed this and Tillia said that if Aly could show her what things were worth she would happily deal with contracts and the such. 


They made it to the Jumpgate and then through it with no problems. The next two Jumps, or seven days, went equally as smooth. On their fourth jump, almost halfway between their arrival gate and their departure gate, an alarm sounded. 


Allan, Aly, Jalla, and Tillia left the Del’Morth where they had taken to spending most of their time making different things, and learning the arts of the Jushintorg, and walked out onto the bridge. 


“Wow.” Allan said looking through the viewports. 


“What is that?” Jalla asked.


“And what could have possibly made those marks?” Tillia chimed in next.


“The computer says that it is a ship. Though it has zero indication as to what species would have built it.” 


The four of them gathered at the viewport. The ship was gargantuan, easily twenty times the size of the Solstice. And in its sides were what could only be claw marks, each jagged gash in the metal was five meters wide and nearly fifty long. 

The four of them said nothing but they all shared a silent moment of dread, each hoping that whatever had done this, was far, FAR, away. 

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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