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[In orbit around Earth, onboard the Solstice, 200 years after the defeat of the Url'Esh]

Nara was smiling at three young children and a woman telling a story to them. Two were clearly descendants of mixing a human and a quillinar, and the third was an Url'Esh through and through. The three children were all roughly nine years old. In front of the three children was a woman who was also half quillinar and half human. 

The Url'Esh child smiled at the woman excitedly. "Then what happened, Mom?!" 

The woman responded just as excitedly. "Then the new god of War Called out with his power, stopping the warriors of Earth, protecting the last of the Url'Esh." 

"Whoa!" the three children said in unison. Nara's smile widened. She knew she was a construct and would far outlive almost everyone. But even as a construct, she had been welcomed with open arms by the Mac'Millen family and the Jushintorg Clan. These three children were her latest charges, as she was their nanny. 

Nara shook her head and checked the time before stepping forward. "Alright, children, your mom worked a long day today; go brush your teeth and get to bed. You have school tomorrow."

"Aww." The three children complained. "Just a little longer, please!" 

The mother of the children, Daughter of Aly and Allan, shook her head. "If Aunty Nara says it's bedtime, then it's bedtime." 

The children grumble as they rush to comply with their nanny's orders. A pulse of power alerts Nara to someone's presence. She turns to the mother of the children. "You have a guest, Laura; go check the kitchen." 

Laura brightens up and rushes to the kitchen. "Mom!" 

Aly stands up and hugs her daughter. "Hello, honey! Your children look so big. I am glad they are healthy. I am also glad that you are enjoying the ship."

"I am." Laura's face falls slightly, "I do wish you could meet them."

"I will one day, you know how it is, I can have contact, but it's better not to interfere too much," Aly said, her sadness at not knowing her grandchildren as well as she would like apparent.

"I know. I also wish I could see Dad more." 

Aly sighed at that. "He gave up much to solve the issues he faced. And he still does. He goes in person to every conflict." 

"I know. I heard yesterday that he interfaced with a group of slavers," Laura said diplomatically.

"Ha!" Aly laughed, "Ever the politician my daughter, interfaced is a little too polite. He wiped them from the face of reality. It's their fault for killing enough to be considered a war by Draco and his people."

Laura nodded. "I know. I do miss him, though. If I give you something, can you get it to him?" 

"Of course, honey," Aly said with a smile, waiting for Laura to walk to a different part of the ship. 

A small voice startled her. "Wow! Are you a real goddess?" 

Aly turned quickly to see one of her half-quillinarish granddaughters. Aly sharply took in her breath, wanting nothing more than to sweep the child into a hug. Instead, she knelt down and smiled at the girl. "I am. I am actually a Goddess of the Quillinarish people."

"Like me?" The little girl asked excitedly, touching a patch of scales on her cheek. 

"Yes, like you," Aly said with a smile, touching the patch of scales. "And because of that, I will always watch over you."

The little girl's face got serious as her mother walked back in. "I think it's more than that." 

Laura glanced at her daughter as she handed a box to Aly. "What do you think it is then, honey." 

The little girl got serious, walking around and looking from Aly to Alura. A smile slowly played across her face. She steps forward and hugs Aly. "I have to go to bed. Aunty Nara gets angry when I don't listen." 

Laura hugged her daughter. "Goodnight, honey." 

"Night mama." The girl said before running to the doorway. She stopped in the doorway, "you should come visit more often." 

"Okay, I will, maybe when you are older. Good night, child." Aly said, doing her best to hide the pain she felt at not being able to reveal more.

"Good night. And one more thing. You look really similar to mom. So have a good night, grandma!" With that, the girl scampered away, leaving Aly and Laura with their mouths hanging open.

Aly said nothing and simply walked over to her daughter, hugging her close. "Maybe I will come visit more." 

"you should, mom." 

Aly nodded, tears streaming down her face. "Your father sends his love and tells you to never hesitate to reach out to Eddy. I love you lots, and I'll be back around more often now."

Without another word, Aly vanishes, leaving Laura to her evening onboard the Solstice. 



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