Chapter 9

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In a large room shrouded in darkness, torches and candles flickered in the shadows, creating ominous shapes dancing on the walls. The chairs of the council are high-backed and intricately carved with runes and symbols, meant to signify power and authority.

Surrounding the open circle of this place is stadium seating for the members of the council. There is a silent tension in the air, with the buzz of whispers and murmurs echoing across the space. The atmosphere is thick and heavy, as if the elder cats themselves had become alerted to the presence of a mysterious newcomer.

Covered in ritualistic masks and garb, it's clear they have gathered for a special occasion throughout time; the elder council became alerted to such prophecy coming true, and so far, it seems they were right all along in this frame of time.

Among the whispering and concerned crowd of elderly cats is one who is the wisest of them all, dawning in a crown as he sat majestically on his golden throne, clearly displaying both power and wisdom altogether. "We have gathered in the temple of Ulthar to witness the arrival of a savior who shall not only save our people from certain doom but also all of the dreamlands," he declared in a loud, booming voice.

Kharis is the strongest and oldest of his people, and he holds great reverence and respect among all cats, regardless of age. He is considered not to be a king but a natural-born leader destined to protect or guide his people during these dark times.

Having a long white beard and tail, his face held scars across it whilst wearing earrings and a pendant, a symbol of his position as leader of Ulthar. "Many of us would doubt the validity of this prophecy, but I say that this is indeed the first time where it may be possible," resulting in his subjects gasping in pure disbelief at Kharis's assumption.

It is rather preposterous for the most respected and powerful cats to believe in such a vague prediction, but at the same time, there was no denying that some of them may have been convinced to do so. "Great Kharis," someone called out in the crowd, raising their paw, "are you certain that this individual's intentions are true and not some trickery by Nyarlathotep?"

Doubt began to sprout from the council members, but Kharis immediately dismissed such notions: "I've sensed no malice or ill will from this deity ever since his arrival, in fact; it seems our guest is just as confused and lost as any other traveler that arrives in the realm, but we all know better what person may become," announcing in such a gentle voice that carries the weight of someone who has seen many things in their lifetime.

Others shared a similar expression, appearing more understanding of what the old cat said to them. Still, there's no guarantee that this so-called savior will even want to help them in the first place. "How can we make sure he is truly what he says he is?" A cat with a red cloak spoke up from its seat behind several rows and said, "Forgive us, Great Kharis, if we cannot take your word for it."

Humming with amusement, Kharis seems to agree with their worries, for he too once held the same thought a while ago: "Then let us see what he has to offer and then judge for ourselves; it will be a matter of time before our trusted ally discovers the truth and tells us of it," grinning knowingly in response.

Just then, a door creaked open, revealing Print Beldar, accompanied by Janus, who slowly strode in through the doorway, resulting in everyone's attention as they watched the Roman God take step by step with uncertainty, feeling unsure from their judgmental gazes.

"Great elder council of Ulthar, I have brought this outsider to meet you; he is the god Janus that the prophecy foretold," Print said loudly, gesturing with his paws at Janus as if presenting him as some prize trophy for their own display.

Janus furrowed his brows as he raised his head to see the ridiculous old cats acting all mysterious and solemn, which he found rather amusing to see. "I wonder what this is about," he quietly said to himself, wanting to see where this leads to.

Many of them then murmured amongst themselves again, trying to get an opinion on this god before them, but just like what their leader had said, not one of them could discern any malice from him. The cat with a red cloak looked especially unconvinced and stood up from their chair. "Who do you work for? We demand that you tell us!" He shouted, causing Janus to blink twice.

What the hell are they talking about? He can't fathom being accused without telling him what's going on, "huh?" His face contorted in confusion, not sure what he should say or do next. This makes it quite difficult for Janus to come up with any responses to them due to his lack of knowledge of what is going on at the moment.

Seeing this, Print stepped forward with an apologetic smile and said, "Let me introduce you to Janus, my dear council. He is a god from a land known as Rome and has come here to assist our people in whatever way he can," the old cat explained, giving his reasons for bringing Janus to this meeting.

But the cat in the red cloak was unfazed by this reasoning: "Then that could only mean one thing..." Eyes widening in realization: "Nyarlathotep must be plotting something terrible!" Hearing this, everyone became alarmed after seeing that this prophecy must be real.

However, the Great Kharis raised his paw and said, "Enough! There is no need for us to assume such a thing yet when our visitor hasn't even done anything wrong," ordering them to stop shouting out baseless accusations, which calmed down a bit, but the cat in the red cloak continued.

"But he might be working for that monstrous abomination!"

As the council continued arguing among themselves, leaving a dumbfounded Print to witness all of this in front of his eyes, Janus wasn't sure what to do in this situation, presumably because of the long isolation from people altogether.

A resourceful voice then advised his confused state, "Host." Portunus spoke calmly through Janus's own thoughts, "It seems that a group of cats has taken an interest in your well-being," not that it helps much as this information is only creating more questions for Janus than answers.

Shrugging without much care in his posture, "I know," replied Janus to this message while wondering if it's even worth asking questions that won't benefit him any further than he already does. "What am I supposed to do now?" And that was when his friend helped.

"Let me take over," Portunus continued, "since you lack any basic social skills outside of speaking directly to another person face-to-face, which you suck at. I, for one, can be of service in this predicament." uncertain if he should let his friend do whatever he wishes but nevertheless agreed.

His vision went black, his body moved on its own, and his voice changed into one that matches Portunus: "gentlemen!" Bringing his hands together, a thundering clap resonated within the entire room, gaining everyone's attention. "Is that all the hospitality Ulthar has to offer? " Asking in mock disappointment, "Or are we to be treated as the guests of dishonor because of some foolish superstitions?"

With those words, Janus somehow managed to silence the whole council within an instant, rendering them utterly speechless. "Well, anyone got an answer for me, or should I leave right now?" Questioning them smugly, he caused an uncomfortable tension in the air, which he could feel building up within his chest.

For a brief moment there, silence fell over the council chamber as the cat in the red cloak pondered his decision carefully, thinking that he may have spoken too hastily before realizing that would cause more harm than good if Janus left now.

Before long, Kharis spoke, his expression different: "Who are we speaking to?" His colleagues turned and stared at him with utter disbelief at such an absurd question: "This isn't the voice of the person I recognize." Many then concluded that this must be some sort of trickery from their guest.

Despite this revelation, however, he remained unfazed, instead replying to them with utmost sincerity, "Ah yes, pardon my rudeness," bowing slightly before returning upright once more. "I am merely a mere intermediary for someone of higher authority; you can call me Portunus if you wish," he explained while brushing imaginary dirt off of his robe. "As for who or what exactly I am, I'm afraid it will be a headache for the both of us to learn."

All were silent until one of the council members decided to ask, "Are you not Janus?" Confusedly asked, making things much more complicated as none of them had expected such a turnout from the original person that Print presented.

Portunus smiled wickedly, "Oh no, Janus is still here, but I've merely taken over; with his approval, of course," as he snapped his fingers playfully, "why do you ask?" Raising a single brow in curiosity as if there's nothing wrong whatsoever happening right now.

They all look around in confusion, finding their supposed savior and guests alike all the more strange, even for themselves. And yet, Kharis continued their conversation, "Portunus..." Eyeing carefully at him, "Who are you, really?" Serious in his question, as this time, his colleagues didn't protest or object to it.

That is when Portunus sighed, "You think Janus is alone?" He questioned rhetorically, his voice then blunt and cold: "No, no, he's not," explaining with a deep sigh, "In fact, he has many others that accompany him." The answer resulted in all of the cats showing a mixture of concern and regret.

"His crazy," the cat in the blue cloak mentioned. "It seems that he's lost it all," sighing deeply as the other council members nodded slowly. "Perhaps we shouldn't let him stay in Ulthar." The idea seemed plausible enough; after all, if Janus truly is mad, then who knows what other dangerous things he's capable of?

"I wouldn't do that, friends," the narrator took over, his voice completely changing into a composed and sophisticated tone. "We are clearly sane enough to differentiate between reality and illusion," he said, standing firm in his stance.

Then he switched again, allowing Vesta to speak, "And besides, who are we to judge a person by their mental stability alone when our minds are clearly flawed beyond comprehension?" emphasizing each word with a graceful, precise tone, "Please hear us so that we may tell you all we know, dear friends. We honestly believe it is best for everyone involved if Janus gets a better understanding of the situation," finished her argument.

Culsans suddenly took over, giggling madly at the sight. "Talking four-legged cats that can speak?! Ha! That's just hilarious. Why, the irony of it all!" Smiling mischievously, "What's next, flying horses? Unicorns? Dragons?! Oh my, how quaint indeed!" He cackled loudly, and his laughter filled the entire room.

Some of them council members didn't take that kindly but nonetheless kept their mouths shut, knowing full well it would get them nowhere fast. Instead, they decided to wait patiently until the new arrival stopped laughing and explained what he wanted.

The bold, confident, and loud voice of a man came from his missing mouth: "If it's strong opponents we are facing, then count me in!" Excitement is evident in the way Quirinus talks: "I wouldn't want to miss all that action; my warrior's heart cannot handle such anticipation," slamming his fist up against the air vigorously.

While the bewildered crowd could only stare dumbfounded at this scene, Janus accompanying voices waited for their last companion patiently, quietly, and silently. And yet, the old man never took over, remaining in the back of his mind like a cornered rat.


Portunus, Narrator, Vesta, Culsans, and Quirinus said it in unison.

Gulping, the voice of a frightened elderly man came out of Janus's words. "Hi," he nervously greeted, causing others to become more confused even further as the situation continues to escalate to something that they haven't prepared for.

Having witnessed all of this, Kharis couldn't help but ask one more thing: "These voices...they are not of your own," he curiously questioned, wanting to learn as much information as possible. "What are they to you?" Asking Janus, or whoever and whatever is currently controlling him.

Then they all spoke together, following each word and sentence like a hivemind: "We are one and separate." Explaining it in simple terms, "individually, we were alternative identities based on Janus past or present selves, while collectively, we are him." Not wanting to waste any more precious time, they choose to elaborate rather than letting everything drag on forever.

He raised an eyebrow and said, "Fascinating." Nodding understandably, "then lets get straight to the part where I am considering you to be our hero and savior," inquiring towards Janus, who was suddenly returned back in control, "that is if you agree." He proposed.

Now in his original tone and voice, Janus sighed and said, "I'm probably not the person you are looking for," unconquered by how useless he might appear. "I mean, I just got thrown into this world not too long ago and all," truthfully admitting that he was in over his head.

Print, who was both amazed, intrigued, and crept out of all of this, decisively spoke on their guest's behalf: "Nyarlathotep forcibly brought him here," exclaiming the most terrifying thing in the entire world: "It is in my trust that our venerated guest should be respected and taken as he is. It was, after all, very generous of him to accept your proposal in the first place," calmly reminding them that Janus had free will to decline their invitation but chose not to.

As some of the council members murmured in agreement with their leader's statement, Kharis smiled ever so warmly at this newcomer, a feeling he hadn't felt in decades. "Of course, I could see now that we were mistaken," he said, finally getting up from his chair as the rest followed suit. "Now then, allow me to personally give you an introduction of our reason for bringing you here."

Rolling his eyes, Janus knew this was going to take a long time.

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