Chapter 64

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Cthulhu, the Sleeper of R'yleh. A colossal, amorphous eldritch horror, whose grotesque form defies explanation, has continued its onslaught of destruction as he walked through the distorted surroundings around him like a giant, leaving trails of blood and decay wherever his massive appendages touched. Nothing can stand against his overwhelming might, as even the heavens themselves bow down to his power.

Everywhere he goes, there is nothing but death and destruction in his wake as continents and cities lay waste before him, mere specs of dust in the wind. There is no escape from his wrath, as his very presence alone can also drive lesser beings mad at the mere sight of him.

Having stepped on land, he happily watches everyone's feeble attempt to resist him, which is futile as they were crushed beneath his mighty form. Their screams and cries fell deaf on his ears as he reveled in their despair while finding them pitiful to even imagine opposing him.

As the titan walks across the lands, stepping upon the warped reality of a once beautiful greenery landscape with mountains, the mere sight of them can send shivers throughout one's spine, for not a single person or creature can stand against the impending doom that awaits them. Even the stars and skies above the earth had long faded away, leaving behind a sickly green hue.

For all to see, the terror begins not from Cthulhu's gargantuan size or his horrific appearance, but rather from the sheer hopelessness of his arrival. With every step he takes, the earth shudders, trees and mountains bend and break, and the air becomes thick with dread as his mere presence messes with reality itself.

The lively atmosphere is gone, replaced by screams of horror and the ominous foreboding that swells up inside everyone's hearts. The sky is a deep, dark green, and the clouds are beginning to swirl beautifully, as if the world itself is preparing for the end.

Even the bravest of warriors are no match for the fear coursing through their veins, and many are left trembling in terror as Cthulhu towers over them, his tentacles wriggling and snapping like deadly snakes. As well as his overwhelming presence that messes with the physical laws, causing objects to warp, distort, and twist in unnatural ways.

It is the dawn of the end, and all hope seemed lost, until Janus appeared right ahead at Cthulhu's abdomen, flying beyond the concept of time as he exited out of the monster's body like an unholy birth from its back before suddenly landing on the ground. Janus stared at the looming figure in front of him, who now gazed at the god curiously, wondering how a small insect such as him could withstand his insanity-inducing existence.

One stood high and mighty, reaching to the very heavens themselves, while the other remained steadfast against such a powerful beast. Not blinking or moving while the world around is in the pure chaos of Cthulhu's rampage.

As his cavity on his chest rapidly healed, Cthulhu looked down with precise attention towards a tiny god, challenging him, "Look around you, God of beginnings and ends." He bellowed in pride,Look and see the meaningless that is your existence," laughing mockingly.

"Look and see the inevitable destruction I bring," his booming voice echoing throughout the corrupted landscape, sending fear among the hearts of weaker willed. "The Kalpa cycle cannot be stopped or halted; destiny has brought us here to fight, but we both know who will come out top," a devilish smirk formed upon his monstrous visage, feeling assured victory would be his.

"So I'll give you one addendum," an offer that none would refuse: "I shall spare your life, including those you care about, and send all of you away to a brighter future, or fight me," he continued proudly, "generous kindness I am offering, accept and live, or denial and perish, simple choice."

Janus' blank, stone-faced expression remained unchanged, staring at the colossal Cthulhu, who awaited his response. It was promising, he thought. The idea of allowing him and those he loves to leave this doomed world is something he would have done in the past.

However, he isn't the same person anymore. Janus had learned to value life, seeing how human beings are capable of doing wonders and miracles, no matter how small or meaningless they are. That is why, if he accepted this generous offer he has received in front of him, then the dozens of deaths he has left behind would have been rendered meaningless.

"My answer is no."

"May I know why?" Cthulhu was a little saddened at this but not surprised, expecting his mercy to be declined. "Any person in your position would accept this deal without a hint of hesitation, but you? A god of all places who is declining my offer for escape is a foolish decision, but pray tell, why?"

Why? Why is there a reason to fight for others who he hadn't grown attached to or cared for? "Because..." Janus wasn't clearly sure why he was doing this, but something that is part of him is telling him to preserve whatever remaining goodness there is in this twisted, eldritch-filled reality.

"Because...." He repeated his words, trying to understand his own reasoning for rejecting the easy way out: "I don't want to imagine Saomi hating me forever for abandoning everyone," an answer seemingly satisfying enough for Cthulhu, who chuckled lightly.

The monster's massive, tendril-ladened head and his unwavering, intense, hollow-eyed gaze lean closer down to Janus. He smiled. The god's reasoning was, in a sense, meaningless, "disappointing." As he said those words, Cthulhu immediately tried to grab him with his hand.

It was fast, extremely fast even for Janus, who moves beyond time itself. "...!!!" Alarmed by a swift movement with no sign of warning, Janus' pupils widen upon realizing his mistake as Cthulhu grabs him and squeezes the god tightly within his palm.

"But an honorable reason nonetheless."

Janus can feel his whole body being crushed within the monster's very palm; the pain is just agonizing from the mere pressure itself, especially coming from Cthulhu, whose actions and skin defy any form of logic in terms of speed or strength.

Cthulhu is nothing more than a walking contradiction, able to effortlessly crush Janus within his grip without putting in any in any effort. "How does it feel to be a puny ant to a greater insect?" the Great Dreamer mockingly asks, finding this amusing.

Then the tip of his spear pierced through his gigantic, horrifying, and hideous palm. Green-colored blood spray across Janus' clothes and a part of his face. "I had thought you'd resist more." Janus remarks while being squeezed further.

But as he continued squeezing him, Cthulhu was then caught off guard after sensing an excruciating amount of pain rushing within his palm, regardless of the fact that he doesn't care about this particular feeling. Opening up his fingers, Janus disappeared all of a sudden, confusing the Great Dreamer.

What's more, lines begin to manifest themselves on his fingers until green liquid spills out of them like tiny water faucets. Green-colored liquids drip for a moment before each of his fingers is sliced off individually. Just as expected, he awaited for them to heal, only to learn that they were regenerating.

"What's this?!" Cthulhu was shocked. He remembered himself healing his inflicted cavity on his chest, but now it's not working. Something is not right here. "This is...unexpected," the Great Dreamer remarked as his regeneration had stopped functioning, preventing him from healing.

Janus had appeared a few feet away from him, his spear flowing with power while his attire was soaked with his foe's green-colored blood. "something's wrong. Healing has stopped functioning. Impossible," Cthulhu was surprised to learn his own ability is disabled. "Are you done holding back?"

Were his last words before being relentlessly attacked once again by the Spear Wielder. Janus struck swiftly and precisely while flying around to dodge any incoming tentacles ranging in size, slicing the Great Dreamer's tentacle-laden head in the blink of an eye.

Every part of the monster's body sprouted out tentacles meant to also consume and transfigure the essence of an object or person by touch alone, but no matter how much he continuously summoned them, Janus sliced and evaded each one.

Janus wasn't phased; in fact, he was determined, driven by his sense of preservation and the honor of stopping the Great Dreamer from completely destroying the Dreamlands itself. Cthulhu then observed his opponent's fluid and seamless movements, and his attacks were focused and accurate.

However, Janus nonetheless couldn't get close enough to strike his body due to the overwhelming tentacles blocking his path, limiting his ability to get a clean cut. Some of the monster's attacks changed and moved into complex patterns while he stood on his ground, amused and intrigued by Janus' determination.

As the battle was intense and the tension was high, Cthulhu could not recall facing a worthy opponent, and neither could the Roman God. Each attack was precise, calculated, and yet fierce and ferocious. He watched as Janus dodged and weaved a relentless assault of his merciless attacks.

On the other hand, Janus can't get close enough to land a clean hit, let alone have an opportunity to stab his opponent; all he had was his spear, Genitalis, and the drive to prevent Cthulhu from fully destroying the world at large, as neither were backing down.

"I have enough of this."

Cthulhu warped the world around him once again, manually conjuring dozens after dozens of falling meteors ranging from small to the size of a building until hurling an invisible, telekinetic force towards Janus the moment he stopped for one second.

With his eyes locked on the god of time, Janus was violently flung backwards into rocky terrain before crashing against the rock-hard surface, causing the Roman God's vision to blur and distorted while coughing up blue-colored fluids from his mouth.

"What...what did he do to me?" He felt pain again, this time so much that he would almost pass out if it weren't for his will to continue fighting. "His power is different and stronger than before," he said, worried, concerned, and afraid of what was to come. He continued to speak under his breath, "Has he gotten more powerful than we last met?" Slowly, he carefully stood up with his spear still in hand.

He looked at the far distance, seeing the tower monster still on his spot with its attention focused solely on him. "What did you do to yourself?" Janus shouldn't start a conversation at this time, but he can't wait to know why and how.

Hearing this regardless of their height difference and distance alone, Cthulhu heard it loud and clear as he chuckled bemusedly at the young man's dying question: "When the moon falls and the skies turn green, a new world will rise and I shall consume time." The monster described his own answer briefly: "The question is, do you think I did this all by myself?"

Janus cursed himself for having merely forgotten about those cultists after getting the clue; he should've focused more on them to possibly prevent the summoning of this monster's true power. It is presumably the reason why Cthulhu is the way he is—more stronger and terrifying altogether.

"If you think I'm backing down from the fight, you are surely mistaken." Raising his spear towards heaven, he announced with confidence and bravado in his tone of voice, "I will win; I will defeat you and put you down like rapid animal." Janus was determined and driven, not showing any ounce of fear or hesitation anymore.

Learning Janus' intentions, Cthulhu was impressed, entertained, and overall humored. "You sound like a human," the monster remarked mockingly with the intention to insult. Janus ignored his provocation and kept his guard up. "I'll give you another chance; accept my offer and let me destroy the world so that a new perfect world begins," he offered his opponent a deal once last time, "otherwise, perish and die."

Stomping the ground with the butt of his spear, Janus denied and angrily refused his absurd proposition, "Not a chance! Not now and never will!" Passionate, strong, and righteous, Janus did not relent. "I will say this again; I will defeat you and stop whatever madness and chaos you have brought onto this world."

"Very well then, come to me and see if destiny truly holds us together." Accepting Janus' decision, Cthulhu challenged with the anticipation of his enemy's advance, waiting patiently with a grin formed across his lips, "Let the heavens see the might clash between gods."

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