Chapter 52

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As the princess led them to her personal working station, they were amazed to see the various displays and equipment that lined the walls and shelves. There was a distinct smell of chemicals and metallic components in the air, giving it a sterile, clean scent. The floor was polished, along with scattered tools and trinkets scattered around. It was clear that the princess had worked tirelessly to create a space that suited her needs while maintaining a level of professionalism.

What's more, the entire private room itself isn't made from the substance of slime but instead from crafted metals and materials made into one white-colored wall and flooring. The white and gray aesthetic of the entire place contrasts nicely with the deep green color of the princess's slime skin. It was a testament to her ingenuity and resourcefulness, showing that she had mastered the art of being a highly technological and scientific woman.

Despite the impressive design and attention to detail, it was clear that there was a level of comfort and familiarity in the Princess's lab. This was evident in the various pieces of furniture, such as the couch, chairs, and small table, that were positioned in various areas of the room. This was also reflected in the personal touches that the princess had added.

From pictures to keepsakes to mementos of her travels, these little items spoke volumes about who the princess was and what was important to her. It was a glimpse into the inner life of this important individual who single-handedly made a whole government all by herself.

It was an impressive feat when it was only her alone who had started everything from scratch. Even someone like Schrodinger, who had traveled across different realities and seen many things, was amazed by her dedication to reaching her ambitions.

"You built all of this?" Janus asked in amazement, "I never have imagined someone who can not only lead an entire kingdom but also having invented technology wonders all by themselves is truly something to behold; you're nothing short of genius."

Saomi felt her own heart painfully ache. For as much as she considered him a great friend to spend time with, envy gnawed at her soul as it became increasingly obvious that she herself wanted to be praised like that. To be seen as someone capable of being extraordinary in their own way.

"Yeah, it's amazing," Saomi lowly replied, forcing a smile on her own lips even as she tried not to let the bitterness overtake her. "You've managed to create your own kingdom, invent all kinds of amazing machines, and still make time to help others. It's truly incredible. I wish I could be even half as amazing as you, but that'll never happen. You're just so special, you know?"

Taking her compliment with good grace, Lime beamed brightly in return, "Why thank you! To be fair, it was a lot of hard work. But seeing my children prosper is rewarding enough for me," expressing gratitude towards the human's words as she knew the other was genuine in her praise, "having said that, we haven't come here solely to talk about my history, yes?" She knowingly looked at them with a stern expression, as if to say that they needed not delay this any further.

"Correct," Schrodinger nodded solemnly, understanding the implication of her words as he stepped forward. "We are here because our friend Janus here has been forced to come into this place while attempting to fulfill his destiny. So far, we have come here to ask for your assistance in bringing us to Celephais."

Nodding her head, "Of course, how have I forgotten about that?" Having remembered the reason for bringing them here in the first place, "Come, I would like to show you three," the princess then led them to the front of a large and mysterious machine.

"Teleporting machine?"

Was the white cat's first guess upon seeing such a strange contraption that lied in the far corner of the large and spacious laboratory, its metal surface gleaming under the glow of the dim fluorescent lights, its towering presence almost oppressive in its overwhelming size?

And yet, it was also surprisingly sleek and compact, with its angular frame cutting a striking figure amidst the sea of cluttered machinery that filled the room and a myriad of buttons and switches adorning its control panel. As the princess approached the machine, They noted that she seemed almost hesitant to touch it; her eyes were clouded with a mixture of longing and sorrow.

By the sight of this thing, it also appears in the form of a circular spaceship that stands tall and imposing within the laboratory itself. Its hull is made out of durable steel that is also reinforced with titanium alloy, and its control panel is similar to the cockpit of a spaceship.

Although none of them have a clue what it looks like from the inside, the group of three was solely focused on Lime's unusual change of behavior and how she is reacting to it right now, causing many questions to pop up in their heads.

"It's almost done," she sighed wistfully, reaching out a tentative hand to trace the cold metal exterior with a feather light touch, as though afraid to disturb the stillness that hung heavily in the air. "One of my prototype inventions that instantaneously travels through the dreamlands, but I'm missing one key component that allows me to make it fully work."

Turning around, she witnessed their anticipated looks as they listened carefully to what she had to say next, eager to finish the invention, "I need your help." This resulted in Schrodinger and Janus becoming clearly upset after hearing that, while Saomi, on the other hand, was quite conflicted.

"So why did you bring us here then? To help with your little project of yours, which we don't even know how it works in the first place or how to even use it," The cat bluntly exclaimed, beyond anger at the realization that they were dragged into someone's mess again, "Why can't you do it yourself then?" A reasonable question that would've solved their problems much easier.

Even his friend agreed on such a simple answer that even a cat would understand, "his right." Being already tired by the constant requests of people asking him for help, he began to grow weary of the same old problem that would need to be solved or would lead to a bigger issue: "Isn't that something you can do by yourself, Princess?"

Her face immediately turned to frown at their lack of enthusiasm to assist her, but she kept her tone neutral despite showing a small hint of frustration: "Do neither of you think I would have done it in the beginning?" Giving a soft sigh, "Then please do listen to me first and foremost before coming to a conclusion about something that is not worth it," her stern glare and unwavering stance alone already show that she is not willing to give up on this anytime soon.

Regardless, Janus and Schrodinger glanced at one another for a brief moment, deciding whether it would be best to just leave her with the unfinished creation and find another alternative to heading there, but knowing how this opportunity had presented itself to them, the encounter itself almost sounded like they had no choice in the matter.

"Fine," the god of time grumbled under his breath, agreeing with this, "it better be a good reason why," hoping that this won't take all night to accomplish this task as he should have been laying down under the beautiful night sky right now.

Having finally gotten them under her palm, the princess began explaining in detail her creation without losing a single bit of information or having them confused. "This machine that I've built could transport pilots to any destination by setting the right coordinates outside of the vessel," she exclaimed with pride, gesturing towards the strange machine, "but there is an issue that it is not finished."

Saomi and her trusted friends raised an eyebrow, awaiting the reason for not having to solve Lime's own problem first rather than relying on others for assistance. "What is this crucial piece that you spoke of, Princess?" Asking for something that could make or break it.

It wouldn't make sense to have someone as smart as Lime, who had constructed an entire government all by herself while creating impressive inventions, just to ask for assistance from outsiders who had barely lived in this place for all their lives.

"I once trusted Court Jester, who is said to be one of the brightest individuals in all of my kingdom." A sad smile crossed her lips while reminiscing fond memories of those days where she enjoyed the great company of her friend, who made her laugh every time. "Jolly was her name, and she was also considered a good friend and advisor."


Schrodinger interrupted abruptly, urging her to quickly get to the point rather than telling the whole story about a person that's irrelevant to the task, as he simply wants to be done with it as soon as possible before getting bored to death from hearing her cliche story.

"She mysteriously became insane and almost destroyed my entire kingdom if it weren't for my quick thinking in trapping her in a man-made prison to prevent her from ever escaping again."

With widened eyes, Saomi understood where this was going: "You want us to receive this component from a lunatic who nearly committed genocide?" She can see her point about having difficulty retrieving them in the first place. But there is something amiss: "How can we handle her if she gave you enough trouble last time, Princess?"

Sympathy spawned on her face from this logical response: "I'll be honest with all of you; no, it is impossible for anyone to stand against her even for a few seconds because of how dangerous and unpredictable she is now." Her tone became grave, indicating the risk to her own people if ever it is unleashed. "However, I truly believed you three can handle her since I knew the moment I laid my eyes on you and your friends, this very day was the perfect opportunity to find someone capable risk to her own people if ever it is unleashed.

The confidence and sincerity in what she is saying are almost enough to not convince them to accept the mission. Still, that didn't stop Janus from wanting to finish the job and expressing some delight in seeing another possible challenger to face: "Where is she locked up?" His sudden question almost got them all except the thrilled princess.

Responding mirthfully, "deep beneath the palace, there exists a cell that is able to suppress any form of magic and power. Only I can unlock it," she replied in glee, expecting the outcome to happen as a result. "However, that won't be a trouble for the three of you." Quickly, she took out what seemed to be a handheld scanner of some kind from one of her pockets and said, "Use this on her door; this will automatically open without needing to waste anymore time."

Extending it towards them, the object appeared to be made of sleek metal and had a small screen that glowed with a dim blue light. There was no visible switch or button on the side, suggesting that it worked with some kind of invisible mechanism.

Stepping forward, Saomi grabbed it and looked the device over more closely. It was heavier than she expected, and the material felt smooth and cool to the touch. Though it lacked any obvious controls, she noticed that the surface of the screen had several small bumps and ridges, like Braille. Perhaps the key was to trace patterns on these or to input specific combinations.

Whatever the case, she held the only item that could be used to free a dangerous criminal and return the lost component. If this fell into the wrong hands, the results could be catastrophic. Even with the threat of imminent destruction looming over them, having another doomsday is not the best possible ending.

Noticing the concern expressed on their faces, Princess Lime quickly dismissed them all, saying, "Try to talk to her first; while my jester is technically insane, Jolly isn't entirely unreasonable. But if you absolutely can't, then either flee or fight back if you can," she revealed grimly, understanding what potential risks are in store if the worst comes to pass. "Also, I have to warn you about her power to bypass physical laws of nature through comedic means, so make sure to keep your distance."

Acknowledging that fact, Janus finally came to realize why  she locked the poor girl away: "If what you're saying is true, then it won't be a problem for me as I have dealt worse than the likes of Jester," proudly pointing out his experience of dealing with individuals who are far worse than a simple comedian.

Little taken off guard but smiling nonetheless, Lime nodded with her trust completely placed in them, "do whatever you need to survive, even if it cost the death of my once beloved servant, all the while retrieve the missing piece in process as well if it is necessary," giving them their own orders while having somewhat morbid ultimatum if push comes to shove.

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