Chapter 50

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As they approached the towering structure, the sight of it was far more enormous than it appeared from a distance after having gotten close enough to witness it in front of their very eyes. The white stone walls, towers, and parapets rose high into the sky, seemingly reaching for the sun itself, while its main entrance was grand and imposing, with two large iron doors wide open that were also intricately carved with ancient symbols and figures.

Not only was the palace a monumental feat of architecture, but it was also a testament to the power and talent in constructing such impressive structures as it stood out from the rest, being built upon with recognizable materials they couldn't name or describe but nonetheless understood how grand it was in their eyes.

Upon entering the place with no guard in sight aside from a variety of bouncing slime entities known as Ooze, they then get to witness many corridors leading to countless rooms and hallways. Some of these passages seemed to go on for miles, while others opened up into grand chambers filled with possible luxuries awaiting the visitors to explore.

From the first few seconds they step inside, Janus can't help but admire the beauty of the interior. The polished granite floors and marble columns glisten in the sunlight pouring in from the windows. The paintings and tapestries that adorn the walls are breathtakingly beautiful, depicting scenes of gods and goddesses, heroes, and what not.

Another was where a small fountain gurgled, filling the air with the sound of running water and providing a pleasant background noise. It was the kind of place where people could spend hours simply relaxing in silence or conversing with someone.

Moreover, they weren't the only ones who weren't Ooze, as a rare few of wealthy humans dressed in fine clothing and jewels can be seen here and there, attending various events unbeknownst to them, as none of them have a clue where to find their target.

"I'm going to ask one of those humans if they know the whereabouts of our person," Janus exclaimed to the others, making them turn their attention towards him. "You two can come if you want," he said before turning to a random man not too far away from him, leaving the following duo.

As he got closer, they could see a standing human currently occupied with a book in hand, having jet black hair that almost looked blue in the light. His attire was lavish and extravagant, with a long coat made of rich velvet as well as a jewel-encrusted belt buckle and shiny leather shoes that shone in the sunlight.

His face was gaunt, and his cheekbones were prominent, allowing the light to reflect off them in a way that made his features look even sharper than they already were. He also wore a pair of thin-framed glasses on his nose, which gave him an air of superiority and intelligence.

Clovis is anything but some backwater rich man from some far-off civilization and not any otherworldly deity or immortal being. He is a man of intelligence, wit, and superiority who is ready to converse with anyone to understand what they have to say.

When Janus finally stopped in front of him, he could understand that the human was strictly focused on the book in his hand, oblivious to what was happening around him, until the god of time finally spoke to get his full attention away from the person's reading material.

"Excuse me, do you know where we can find the princess?"

This immediately caught the man's attention as Clovis swiftly turned his head upwards from where he was previously focusing before noticing that standing in front of him were two additional beings who are well versed in the arts of traveling.

However, this isn't what his concern is because it was evident that these travelers have arrived here for a greater purpose than he himself is curious to know about, "Lime?" He questioned, closing his book by placing its bookmark in place and then carefully holding it in one hand.

He was genuinely taken aback by such an odd question. He then tilted his head sideways slightly as he considered the implications of it for a moment before eventually responding to their inquiry, "If you are looking for the princess, then I can lead you to her." His straight answer made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"Take us to her," Schrodinger rudely interrupted, drawing a slight frown from Saomi but ultimately being ignored due to his growing impatience. "I also would assume that this castle has multiple floors," he added further while gazing around in deep resentment at how long this might take.

Despite not minding this type of behavior from the Ultharan, Clovis's expression remained neutral and his tone professional: "Well, of course, this place was built centuries ago; much thought was put into its design. Each level of this magnificent structure serves a different function, but I presume none of you are interested in a tour of the entire castle, correct?"

He inquired as his eyes moved over to meet theirs. They both nodded silently while Schrodinger let out a loud sigh, making the nobleman chuckle while listening to the long drawn-out stories. "Alright, I know where she was heading, but please do not get lost along the way; there are many rooms in this place filled with history and other countless riches that would interest specific folks like yourselves." As he informed them, Clovis turned to the direction where he last saw Lime before leading them deeper inside.

Entering through doors leads them onto a large staircase leading up into a dark corridor where various portraits hang on walls either side and statues stand upon granite plinths lining its length. Each picture showed various individuals of different ethnicity dressed in ancient garb, ranging from kings and queens, generals and soldiers, scientists, and scholars, as the artwork itself depicted scenes of battles, marriages, and celebrations, all captured by brushstroke across canvas.

Janus always enjoyed a good story, no matter the medium or content, but sometimes would prefer more creative imagery from these pictures alone instead of the usual straightforward narratives told by the authors themselves.

While they ascended towards higher levels, Clovis started talking about the history of this place while keeping his eyes firmly locked forward: "The kingdom of Ooze had long since existed, ever since the first era existed, and every after Kalpa of ages passed through its halls. Those who governed over its people, guiding them through conflicts, trials, and tribulations of this harsh land, it is amazing, really."

Schrodinger and Saomi were bored as always; neither were clearly listening the moment the noble started his spiel, except the curious Janus, who wanted to know more about its history. "Can you tell me about the ruler?" He asked, observing every detail of the framed pictures as if he were trying to memorize all that he could see.

The question almost made Clovis stop momentarily. Surprised at Janus for asking such an obvious yet insightful query, he chuckled quietly and replied while shaking his head slightly, "Why yes! Indeed, I can. What would you like to learn about our gracious lady?" His guest was intrigued now, being mentally consumed with racing thoughts of ideas, possibilities, and questions too.

And Clovis loves every second of it.

"Anything that isn't important," he shrugged, trying his hardest not to look distracted in appearing impolite to their helper. "Make it something that we can relate to her in fundamental terms." This wasn't too hard for him, but Janus noticed how his question had struck a nerve somewhere inside this man.

As they climbed up higher into the spiraling stairs, Clovis spilled the beans with a tired sigh, "Her people are parts of her." Interesting enough to listen, the group looked over curiously at the man in front of them as they reached the top floor and finally said, "Princess Lime is the embodiment of all oozes; those little slime balls are literally her biological children, if that makes any sense."

"Eh? Children?" Saomi froze in her spot, unable to comprehend such a bizarre concept of what he meant by that statement, although Janus knew exactly what he meant: "She gave birth to every ooze as in babies?" She said it in surprise and disbelief, while Schrodinger blinked in confusion.

Small, soft laughter erupted from Clovis lips: "Oh, that's a good one! Of course not; what I meant was that each ooze is merely her extension. Extended parts of herself, carrying a piece of her flesh, that's just what those slime balls had said to me." Moving towards the wooden-shaped door, he turned his head back to them with another grin plastered on his face.

"Anymore questions?"

Schrodinger shook his head. Saomi responded back with no, but Janus also wanted to ask something else regarding the ruler of this kingdom: "What is her place of origin, if I may ask?" Asked the now silent young man, who stood and focused intensely on the human.

Blinking twice, Clovis nervously chuckled at this difficult question: "I'm not really sure if this is truly what they said, but they told me their beloved princess had fallen from the stars. And that was a long time ago, during my first year of life. Before this planet had its own timeline, even!"

She gasped in surprise. "Woah, really?" Saomi found the concept of creation and birth slightly fascinating when it comes to people when most of them are completely odd or different from what human beings perceive them to be. "So, is she an alien?" She asked without realizing her words sounded rather rude in the context of what this kingdom represents.

"No, I was merely joking."

A big smile stretched wide across his face after he said those unexpected words, causing Schrodinger to frown in annoyance as the young woman then approached him with a look of great irritation on hers. "You asshole!" Already getting tired from all this teasing, she passed him before reaching the door.

In one strong turn of the knob, she opened it to reveal another long set of hallways for them to traverse through. This made her groan at this sight again, but she processed to enter without waiting for her companions from behind to catch up to her.

Stomping her foot angrily, visibly enraged at this endless series of repeating hallways and staircases that seems to grow longer every time she thinks they get closer to the main foyer, including the fact that people are now making fun of her, is ever more tiresome.

Sweat fell down from the side of his forehead. "Did I piss her off or what?" Clovis asked, turning to the brooding duo, who then looked to him with the blankest expression possible, "Uh, did I said do something wrong?" Unsure of how to deal with this kind of tension in the air?

Then, out of nowhere, the two giggled at the turn of events. "I guess we weren't the only jokesters in this city," Janus humorously remarked, finding it amusing how this man unintentionally teased the wrong person. "Isn't that right, cat?"

Schrodinger, with his enigmatic smirk, nodded. "The girl can't take a joke, I suppose. But finding her being relentlessly embarrassed does give me a boost of entertainment in seeing humans make silly reactions on their own."

Peeved at their remarks, Clovis grumbled, "You guys are something else." He had no words than finding the duo rather interesting to be with; it is a refreshing change of pace when dealing with the same old people doing the exact same thing on a daily basis.

It was something to be reminded of as they entered and continued walking towards the hallway, occupied by the sounds of their conversation. Speaking on all sorts of topics ranging from politics to business and other mundane things, the journey feels almost like a breeze as time passes.

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