Chapter 26

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After a while of having to traverse through the searing sky of this desert, the three finally descended down on the harsh sands as they came face to face with the mighty city. It is safe to say that finding a temporary place to stay for the time being along with reaching their destination through the use of airship is a better decision to make.

Standing tall and proud, this magnificent city is quite a sight to see where its enclosed buildings are connected together in an almost circular shape. With its lavish design, Janus has guessed what they are looking at: a wall of sorts to prevent unwanted visitors from entering.

"Baharna," Schrodinger answered without much delay, pointing out the said city, "its one of the many great port in the Dreamlands. Baharna is home to the Baharnans, who also take their namesake from the settlement. While being governed by a council of elders drawn from the wealthy and powerful of the place," suddenly lecturing the pair regardless if they were listening or not.

Saomi nodded her agreement in agreement. "I have heard of it before," she said softly while adjusting her head to its direction, putting her hands over her own chin to support it. "Apparently, it is said to be beautiful, with its wide streets, tall towers, and numerous parks, where graceful calves and donkeys can be seen leisurely sauntering amongst the well-tended shrubbery," having read stories about it.

Janus couldn't help but ask in wonder, "That is all I need to know," he said before walking towards the main entrance alone. "If you two are going to keep talking all day, then I'll find a place for us to stay," casually raising the back of his own waving left hand in response.

Taking the hint, Saomi and Schrodinger followed suit from behind. They hoped to catch up with the indifferent god without any issues, but seeing as he was already far ahead of them, they picked up the pace to reach the gate as soon as possible.

"A port?" Portunus gleefully exclaimed in astonishment, "I like the sound of that." His once-cold persona had completely become a little more mirthful than before. Resulting in their host chuckling at such an unexpected answer coming from someone like him.

Mentally noting this, "I had never heard you sound so excited about something that's being yourself," he questioned in amusement, "what changed you to comment about it all of sudden?" Observing how an interesting voice can have emotions aside from their own assigned personalities.

Expressing a short laugh of his own, Portunus then sighed and said, "I'm the ancient Roman god of keys, doors, livestock, as well as ports," pointing out the obvious as he stated it so bluntly: "the gates and doors themselves, as well as the opening and closing of them, is a ritual that I am extremely familiar with, and in a way, it makes me feel at home."

Then the god of keys, doors, and harbors added, "I take enjoyment in trading goods at ports, be it from purchasing something for a lover or selling a product that a greedy man obtained beforehand. After all, the ability to buy and sell goods is an essential part of everyday life," he concluded with much satisfaction in his own explanation.

Upon hearing this, Janus nodded his understanding. "I see," he agreed to his words, "I'm not much of a trader myself, but I do enjoy seeing progress once in a while," admitting to his own personal shortcomings, "and to tell you the truth, it makes me feel the concept of building a good city, empire, and so on has truly gotten me to think less of these lesser forms of life."

"I'm glad to hear that."

A brief silence hangs over the air before finally reaching the entrance, but as they get close to it, the sand around him begins to whirl like a small storm as it grows in human size, revealing the appearance of an armed human in Egyptian attire, with the exception that their skin, hair, and everything else is made from sand itself.

Saomi gritted her teeth, fearing the worst, drawing her weapon; she declared, in a determined attempt to protect her companions, "We come here in peace," hoping to deescalate the situation as much as possible. While from the opposite side, the sand warrior responded back with its own inquiry.

"You and your party aren't welcome here," he informed the group. "Leave now." The tone of its voice was hard, but there was also a touch of sympathy in it. It seemed to be just following orders: "Outsiders aren't welcome for the moment unless either of you are merchants or summoned by our council," reasoning out the reason why it was trying to chase them away.

Seeing how this will become difficult, Schrodinger decided to have the opportunity of his life by giving themselves an excuse for why they can get into the city. "As a resident of Ulthar, I demand entry with my allies," he professionally replied with a stern but also threatening tone of voice.

"An Ultharan?"

The sand warriors said in unison, surprised to see a cat belonging to a respected feudal town who is known to be close traders with their own city. Neither expecting nor ever seeing a member of the feline species, but also having the company of other people from the Dreamlands.

"We will allow a good distributor in our home without compensation, however," their eyes then turned on the pair of them with a united opinion. "These two are still not allowed to enter," and they were clear of their decision to not let them inside.

She sighed in defeat and acceptance that they were both barred from entering the city, turning over to Janus and asking, "Okay, what now?" Asked in curiosity about what either of them can do in this scenario, knowing that this city is possibly the only place they can reach the kingdom of Ooze.

Janus contemplated what they could do next, but nothing came to him. Although Portunus did give him one suggestion, "How about we gain their trust?" He voiced his own idea as a way to reason with the guards about letting them in.

"While you guys are thinking this through," Schrodinger turned to the entrance and said, "I'll be waiting inside." Without warning, he went past the guards and entered the city. The duo watched him dumbfounded, watching their own companion willingly abandon them outside without any care for their safety.

Although Janus himself might've done the same if that were the case, However, this is totally different since this time, neither are really allowed to get in without being cats. Of course, there is an idea of turning themselves into cats, but he doesn't want the risk of being kicked out and betraying their trust.

With nothing to plan that doesn't involve breaking any rules, he gave one addendum to their dilemma: "Mind if we can help you with anything?" This got the guards attention; their attention is now fully glued to him with interest.

One of them then said, "Actually, we have a sand worm problem around here that is responsible for terrorizing our merchants and travelers while we continue to find solutions for this problem." He said with a monotone voice, "If you can find the beast, kill it and deliver the head; we can grant you permission to enter the city."

Rather a fair deal for the both of them, "deal," the pair said in union, agreeing to hunt the sandworm as both aren't defenseless people and they both can defend themselves if need be. And even better, it doesn't sound like they have to talk to it before they have to kill it.

As the pair left to find this monster, the scorching heat from the desert had begun to take a toll on her while they walked further and further away from the city. "Do you..." Her voice croaked from the intense heat, forcing her to gulp some spit. "Have something for me to drink?" Dehydration had struck her faster than she expected, and she wondered how a primordial deity could tolerate it for so long.

Oh, what was she thinking? Of course, gods like him don't require sustenance in any form to survive. They don't need food, rest, water, or anything else that humans and animals need to survive. This makes her rather jealous of the fact that gods don't have to worry about their needs.

Her heart began to palpitate from the growing heat, only to have a plastic water bottle handed close to her own face. "Here," Janus said without much thought behind it, "do not drink too fast as it might cause you to vomit," warning her about the consequences.

Rolling her eyes and saying, "Thanks, Sherlock," she quickly grabbed it. She stopped and opened the bottle of water by unscrewing the cap. Ignoring the warning, her desperate need to drink overtakes any common sense in the young woman as she takes one large swig, quenching her dry throat.

The refreshing feeling of hydration eased her thirst, and she was relieved to see that Janus was willing to be this generous and kind in giving her a bottle of fresh, cold water that helped her. After finishing all of the bottles, she smiled for a bit before returning the empty drink to him.

"I owe you one."

Looking at her blankly, "Why are you giving me a finished bottle?" He was dumbfounded at receiving nothing but an empty container in her own hand. Which made her blush shamefully at what she had just done, realizing how stupid she had acted.

"Hey, I am just acting—" As she want about to finish her sentence, a powerful earthquake suddenly begins to shake the ground they stand on, interrupting her words. A few moments later, the shaking slowly stops, and everything is once again peaceful. "What was that?" The surprise in her eyes stared at him.

Realizing danger was upon them, he wasted no energy in explaining as he used all of his speed to get her out of the way, resulting in a monstrous worm emerging from the ground below them whilst holding her back shirt with a firm grip to hold her.

Floating next to the clouds, Janus could witness the beast rising in all its terrifying glory. Its body was completely covered in golden scales, with spikes protruding from its sides. Two pairs of horns sat atop its massive head and its razor-sharp fangs. Aside from the form of a worm with an enormous mouth and dozens of needle-like teeth,.

Three thousand meters of monster, how he had grown interested the minute every moment in seeing whatever the dreamlands had to offer for him, "that must be the sand worm they were talking about," he said bemusedly, intrigued by the size of the beast as he wondered how large it must've been if it had subspecies of it.

"GAHH! ITS COMING!" She thrashed about wildly, flailing her arms and legs. Screaming as if all the air was sucked out of her lungs as the worm reached up towards the clouds with its giant maw, "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY! I DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHATS INSIDE THERE!" Imagining the disgusting insides of the worm's gut would is stomach wrenching thought.

As she continued to throw a tantrum, Janus mentally smiled and said, "I hope you can handle what's inside," humoring the frightened woman further, "don't worry though, we have the perfect angle to kill it," reassuring the hysteric woman as the worm raised its upper body higher and higher.

Eyes widening in horror and being forced to see what's inside, she comically collapsed her entire body, immediately falling unconscious while the worm's mouth got closer before finally swallowing them, but once it did, the beast roared in pain when Janus made contact with the monster's teeth.

Using just his right dominant hand, he rapidly swings his spear all around to protect both himself and the passenger, resulting in every tooth being ripped apart and sliced off at the same time. Then Janus conjured a translucent white bubble surrounding the young woman, granting her the complete invincibility of outside forces that comply with the concept of what is safe and what is not.

Protected and unharmed, Janus allowed himself to give it all, despite how everything here is covered with nothing but darkness. However, the only thing left is to separate the monster in half before manually cutting its head off.

The rather fun part is how this is going to be messy. "It's going to stink, isn't it?" Praying that the monster's left-over corpse would not smell overwhelming, Janus allowed himself to glow like a shining star within the dark void of someone's stomach.

Until it became bright enough to result in a mini-supernova, eradicating the intestines from inside out and cutting and ripping its flesh to pieces as the monster left out a last scream of death before finally having its entire body removed in half.

Watching many of its blood, flesh, and organs fall down on the sandy surface like a rainstorm of rotten meat or entrails. Janus didn't feel any relief knowing this was over, but at least he can relax now knowing that he's still the strongest out there.

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