Chapter 63

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Every direction they go, Schrodinger and Saomi only see the chaos unfolding before their eyes as the librarians are going rampaging mad from the growing madness effects spreading throughout the place itself. Both are dodging and trying to avoid them as much as they can despite the overwhelming forces coming before them.

Regardless of the fact that Janus left them for their own safety, she is not going to sit idly around and allow him to face the eldritch monstrosity alone while they do nothing, just by hiding in some dark corner of the room while the world is burning into smithereens.

"Get us out of here!" Saomi loudly yelled, finding all of this an utter nightmare and wanting none of it while clinging closely to the feline, "Now!" demanding Schrodinger in pure frustration from what they are going through at this time.

Without further hesitation, the cat quickly complied and teleported themselves into the archway leading to the entrance where they had previously arrived. Leaving behind the pandemonium happening within the library as the two gathered their breaths.

She was relieved to finally escape the mess that was occurring moments ago. Schrodinger, meanwhile, felt the burden lessen off his shoulder. Even though Saomi knew the dangers lay ahead and was willing to sacrifice her own life, he still wants to honor his friend's wishes.

"I know what you are thinking," he begins, catching her attention, "but Janus is right. You will die a horrible death. Cthulhu will easily kill you, Saomi," she said, telling her straight to her face, for it is a stupid thing for humans of all places to look upon the abomination.

Her shocked face went completely pale upon hearing his words, unsure what to make of it as her fear turned into dread from knowing that the eldritch monster would squash her like a bug. For all her bravo in avenging the people of Celephais and her people.

Saomi is still human like the rest. "I...I can't let my father's death be in vain," she gritted her teeth, clenching her fist from not wanting to accept Janus's request while the mere thought of standing aside and watching his demise is a cowardly thing to do. "It bothers me to not do anything. I cannot bear myself, Schrodinger," expressing deep concern about this situation.

"Janus asked us to remain alive and safe. And I for one am not going to throw my nine lives for something we cannot beat, let alone comprehend." Explaining himself, Schrodinger understood her determination to fight and valor of revenge, but Janus is the only person that can stop the Great Dreamer. "Do not throw your life just for meaningless. Janus is the only one who can defeat Cthulhu. Not us, not anyone."

Looking down at her own feet, she felt a level of shame swelling up inside her gut. Schrodinger is right. Saomi isn't a hero, nor is she the type to seek revenge against some evil, no matter how powerful they may be. Someone like The Great Darkness is an individual beyond her comprehension and is likely to not have the faintest idea of defeating the eldritch abomination.

But still, she can't let this happen without her being involved. "I have to do it," she says, forcing her head to lift upwards, looking directly into the cat's eyes. Saomi's stare was intense and determined. She isn't backing down, no matter how dangerous that bastard is. "I'm sorry," her voice lowered low volume.

He became conflicted, no matter how much he tried to convince her; she wouldn't listen, and what's worse, none of them were capable of even matching a powerful god. Sighing disappointingly, Schrodinger isn't sure what to do anymore in this state of situation they are currently in.

However, an unexpected reply came from behind their backs: "Have you both made the decision yet?" Dormin suddenly appeared, startling the duo as they turned to see him casually leaning on his back against the nearby wall that they had never noticed.

"Where did you go?" She was surprised, asking about the mysterious man's sudden emergence, wondering how he was even there without them realizing his presence until now. "Forget it," she said, sighing heavily. Saomi gave up on trying to find answers as there were more pressing matters at the moment.

Adjusting himself, he took off from his position and stood firmly in front of them. "I can help you face him," his words caught the duo's surprise. "No tricks or strings attached," raising his hands, signified no malicious intentions.

Schrodinger's ears perked up, not believing in what he was offering. "And how are you going to do that?" Expressing disbelief at the man's choice of words, "Any being who looks upon that monster will go into the brink of insanity," and pointing out his statement, Schrodinger isn't sure he can place his blind faith in this person.

The man chuckled softly, "For you cat, I know you can comprehend what Cthulhu is." His response was expected; Schrodinger can't deny on his behalf that he indeed witnessed horrors beyond their world, "but for this young woman," turning his eyes in her direction, "she won't stand a chance."

With fists clenched to her side, Saomi doesn't appreciate her capability being doubted. "Chance or not, I want to kill him!" Showing her passionate fury towards the murderer of her home, she isn't backing down: "My father had died protecting Celephais! And I'm not letting his death be washed away!"

Silence fell; neither Schrodinger nor Dormin could speak a word after her outburst. "Hmm," a simple hum was heard. The man expressed a thoughtful reaction to her, "very well, I'll give you a gift from me that allows a mortal like yourself to withstand the presence of an otherworldly entity," extending his arm forward and offering his aid.

Her eyes widen; the offer seemed too good to be true. "Wait, your not tricking me, are you?!" Uncertain if her judgment can place her complete trust in a stranger despite having been their guide, she asks, "What are you going to do to me if I shake your hand?"

Dormin smirked under his mask, "nothing harmful; my intention is pure." Reassuring her doubts, Saomi sensed a genuine aura coming out of the strange man. Hesitantly, her hand slowly reached, getting closer, and before long, the two touched.

Out of nowhere, she screamed loudly while experiencing an excruciating amount of burning sensation piercing throughout her entire mind and soul. Schrodinger was horrified, unsure what Dormin was doing to her. "Saomi!" Calling out the woman's name, he rushed to her side.

Departing their hands, she immediately fell on her knees while clutching her skull from the overwhelming pain. Schrodinger was at a loss, frantically questioning the cloaked man of his wicked intentions: "What have you done to her?!" He glared furiously and hissed aggressively at him.

Innocently, he responded calmly, "Oh," but his answer didn't satisfy the furious cat. Schrodinger wanted an actual response and not a meaningless response: "Her mind is expanding, allowing her to behold the sight of Cthulhu's complexities without facing their consequence." Explaining his answer, Schrodinger's furious attitude was replaced with an understanding expression: "The downside is that she is undergoing unbearable agony and will surely return by minute."

"And what if she can't withstand it?!" Questioning his methods, Schrodinger expressed concern for Saomi's sake: "Your gift might drive her into insanity because her fragile mortal mind can't handle whatever you did?!" He was beyond anger, worried for her safety. "Tell me, can she survive or not?! Don't lie to us again!" Demanding a legitimate response from the man responsible.

"Schrodinger! I'm fine!" Gathering her bearings, she slowly stood up while breathing heavily, regaining her stamina. "That was the most painful experience I've ever felt, but," her headache disappeared, feeling the agonizing pain leaving her consciousness. "What he said worked," expressing a small sincere smile towards her friend.

Impressed, Dormin was amused by the resilience: "Well done; most humans who asked for this are mostly driven insane, but because of your willpower, you manage to survive." Showing compliments towards Saomi, Schrodinger's tension eased from this explanation.

Relieved to hear it, she smiled and said, "Thanks for giving me a blessing," bowing her head out of courtesy, "without it, I couldn't stand a chance against the bastard." Saomi was happy that the man was actually honest in what he had said, "although it would be nice for you to ask what it does." A look of disdain appeared on her face.

Dormin laughed at the notion. "I already know you are capable of withstanding something like this," he said, confusing both Saomi and Schrodinger. Realizing their dumbfounded expressions, he shook his head. "Now, what are you two going to do?"

"To kill him!" She said with optimistic determination, grasping the hilt of her katana, "and not just to avenge my loved ones but also stop him from destroying the world." Determination flashed in her fiery spirit. "I'm willing to risk myself by killing the bastard." Her ambition was admirable yet stupid.

"Are you sure?" Dormin leaned his head towards them. "Because both of you are going to die if you do," his answer completely crushed their hopes. Schrodinger's face dropped while Saomi was stunned. "There is absolutely no guarantee that either of you will win," he emphasized the odds placed upon them.

And yet, she refused, "Where did you get that information? From your invisible notebook," scoffing mockingly, Saomi wasn't the type to give up and certainly refused any doubt standing her path, "because I'm not going to quit now," her determination remaining intact, "not until he's finished," narrowing her eyes at slaying the monster.

The man was impressed once more but still found her courage foolish. "You are a stubborn one, aren't you?" expressing an smirk, Dormin respected the resolve Saomi was displaying as he nodded his head. "Yes, it is indeed written that both of you will die, but whether when or how is still unknown to us," revealing an interesting fact.

Schrodinger was worried and extremely horrified at this. He doesn't want to die, but his love for them outweighs any of his selfish desires. Knowing Saomi wouldn't change her mind, Schrodinger turned towards her. "Saomi," a hint of fear and sadness echoed through his voice. "Do you really want to do this?"

When she turned her head, the woman's fiery eyes showed no signs of hesitation. "Schrodinger," her fiery determination remained, Saomi's gaze locked toward him, "we will win on our terms and no one else," gripping the sheath and blade tightly with a stance of refusing to back down from the inevitable.

Despite his fears, Schrodinger admires his friend's fire. To sacrifice herself for the greater good is a noble thing to do, but he is not a hero at all. However, if he doesn't give Janus and Saomi a fighting chance, then not only his friends will perish but also his own people.

"I'm scared, Saomi." His doubts were evident. Schrodinger admitted his feelings: "Through all of my life, I thought me and my people were invincible for being everywhere and anywhere, but when dealing with someone like Cthulhu, I actually think I'm going to permanently die." The path to being martyred is filled with uncertainty and risks.

She nodded her head in agreement, expressing the same way as his: "I'm scared of Schrodinger," admitting her fears openly, "but no matter how terrifying, no matter how hopeless situation we are in, we have to give ourselves a fighting chance." Saomi strongly believes the impossible can be possible, "because Janus doesn't want to die as well, but he is giving himself a chance by believing in us." Placing faith in everyone's efforts, Saomi saw the bright side.

Dormin smiled brightly at this comforting scene.Have you both made the decision yet?" Repeating the same question once again, he regained his footing and continued to wait patiently, "because the clock is ticking and Janus does not have much longer," reminding him of the danger the duo was facing.

"We are ready." Answering his question, Saomi and Schrodinder gazed at Dorman together. "Whatever the consequences, we will defeat Cthulhu no matter the cost and save the world from inevitable destruction." Their heroic resolve strengthened the bond, creating a hopeful flame.

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