Chapter 59

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Transported to a spacious open field filled with a large set of grasses and odd-looking flowers in the shape of stars that shine brightly, lacking any trees for some reason. It is a peculiar, mystifying place in the Dreamlands; this is the place where The Tower of Time resides, as they stood in front of it.

The Tower of Time is a massive structure, towering over the plains that surround it. It is a strange construction, almost organic in its design, with a large ticking clock stuck at ninety seconds from trying to reach twelve o'clock. Its walls are a smooth, pearlescent white, and additional towers are arranged in an asymmetrical pattern. The closed gates are enormous, with intricate carvings of figures and symbols that no one can decipher.

It's unknown how the tower came to be constructed in the first place, given how nearly empty and barren the grounds outside are. It could have been built by a long-gone ancient civilization, or it might have been made by entities far more powerful than any deity or human could ever hope to be.

In the far distance around them were tall mountains that could easily be seen from anywhere one stood, creating an almost dreamy landscape. With rolling hills, lush greenery, and even small rivers running throughout, this place is truly a wonder.

Moreover, the beautiful night sky was painted in vibrant colors—purple, blue, green, and many others—all combining to create a breathtaking view unlike anything else that could be seen anywhere else in the world. The moon was shining brightly as if it were daytime, while the stars sparkled brilliantly and formed patterns across the heavens.

It is safe to say that they are all prepared to get the answers they need to complete what they have come for and avenge her father and people, as the young woman then strolled forward without even waiting for them to follow after her.

The two glanced at each other for a moment before they also began to walk behind her through the vast plains, their feet leaving indentations in the somewhat wet, squishy grass as they trod onward. At first, it seemed like they weren't sure if this would actually help them prevent world destruction.

However, Janus and Schrodinger knew this was possibly the only way they could achieve ending the impending threat once and for all, preventing any more Kalpas from being destroyed in the future. But that isn't what they are thinking right now.

"I wonder what happened to Celephais and its people," Janus commented aloud, not bothering to lower his voice. "Aside from Cthulhu, how do you think they died?" He turned to his trusted friend, curious to see what he would say about this.

With one brief glance, Schrodinger shrugged and said, "I don't know. Probably gotten erased from existence, kidnapped, or had their bodies hidden," unable to pinpoint a better reason for such catastrophe, "maybe they achieve MEMET?"

"What is MEMET?" Janus has no idea what he is talking about, prompting Schrodinger to roll his eyes and groan, "Did I say something wrong again?" Exclaiming in frustration, the cat didn't say a single word for a while until he spoke again.

"In simpler terms, when an individual understood the uncertainties of what the truth had said and had a selfish desire to be themselves regardless of what had come to pass from achieving MEMET, then that person achieved ultimate realization, allowing them to transcend everything and nothing, reemerging as another identity for the Narrative Generation, essentially becoming another godhead."

The Narrative Generation? The Godhead? What is this cat even talking about? "I'm lost; can you tell me what this narrative generation is and etc." His confused expression caused Schrodinger to blink twice, understanding where this was heading.

He let out a sigh, explaining to him what he was talking about: "In the Dreamlands, some know the existence of the Narrative Generation. Its not well known entity within the dream, although many know of its existence as it is considered to be the true supreme omnipotent God who is ultimate being which lies beyond the boundaries of existence, creating new stories for reasons unknown to everyone, which contains its own omniverses," Schrodinger replied while Janus listened carefully to his words.

"Less of a being and more of an abstract force, he is also known as the Khaos or Godhead by some, while being the mythological void state preceding both the non-existence and creation of possibilities and impossibilities. Although many have no clear understanding of what its true purpose is,

This was the first time Janus had heard of an unseen entity in all his life. He thought himself to be clearly omniscient prior to his imprisonment, but even then, mentioning it gives him some vague memories, as if he knew that information but still couldn't figure out how or why he knew it.

"So you are saying there are multiple omnipotents who are all individually creators of their own place?" Janus is both confused and flabbergasted by what he hears: "That's impossible; there can be only one omnipotent being, and having more than that is paradox in and of itself." Finding such an idea makes it implausible to even think about such a polytheistic concept regarding a controversial term.

But the cat only snickered in response, "These godheads are parts of it like we are, belonging to one God alone. The Narrative Generation is simply one collective identity of all omnipotent gods throughout all creation and time, nothing more and nothing less." His answer was very clear as day for Janus: "When one is omnipotent, another cannot beat one another due to the simple fact that all of them are the same in one singularity."

Humming contemplatively, he walked with his spear in hand as he looked up at the night sky with a questionable look. "Everything we think of, everything that is also impossible, contradictory, illogical, and impossible, becomes real in that so-called God." Janus tried to understand, but much of the knowledge was confusing him about such a conundrum.

Schrodinger nodded in agreement. "Yes, th Narrative Generation is just an unknown force that allows that to happen because it can happen regardless of our perceptions. It has always existed before, after, and all of it together. Its both before the beginning and the end of all realities to nonexistence itself," explanation beyond the comprehension of beings like them.

Janus averted his eyes for a moment, thinking through this ridiculous phenomenon that seems impossible but is real in and of itself. It is interesting yet confusing at the same time. Having multiple omnipotents is just impossible, as he mentioned before, but what if that wasn't the case?

If he were one, wouldn't it make sense that at some point in his pitiful life it would make him think of creating another omnipotent version of himself? Therefore,  it doesn't become contradictory anymore since omnipotence can do anything, including making a duplicate of itself, which holds equal power?

An interesting and remarkable idea to behold: "This conversation is interesting," pointing out the obvious, but the cat merely gave a smile, "not like we ever had these kinds of talks in the first place. You and I, talking and getting along, make me glad to have another person who I consider to be equal in regards to common sense and knowledge," Janus complimented with pleasantry.

Loud couple bangs were heard in front of them, turning to see her angrily pounding at the closed entrance all by herself, "Let me in!" She rudely demanded in an annoyed tone of voice, "Or else, I'm going to break the doors if this goes any longer!" Threatening with brute force of her might if they won't open.

"Saomi..." Janus carefully called out to the young woman, who is currently in a foul mood of her own, "You are still not in the best of moods, are you?" He asked as he stood behind her while being cautious of his words: "We should wait until later... or at least tomorrow to speak with them properly," he suggested.

But she didn't listen and continued banging the gate out of desperation to get in, refusing to believe his words as Janus then walked closer before placing his hand on her left shoulder, saying, "Stop this, please. It's hurting me too. You are not the only one who lost something precious."

Gritting her teeth, she swiftly turned around and pushed his arm away, angrily staring him down. "Don't try to stop me, Janus! Don't act like you care! Because you don't even know what it's like to lose someone who is important to you, especially when you aren't even human to begin with!" Saomi spat in a harsh tone of voice, infuriated by the uselessness of his attempt to help her.

Instead of another response, he nodded and backed away, giving her enough space to ease her troubled mind, as continuing this can result in a disaster if he isn't careful. Leaving nothing more than a sad and sympathetic expression.

Her eyes shifted slightly from seeing his troubled display, feeling a small tinge of awfulness within her dark heart. Baring her teeth, she painfully clenched his fists to the point of having her broken nails dig into her own flesh.

Suddenly, the gate before them opened, slowly swinging outward on creaking hinges. A silent invitation into the beyond emerges as a silhouette figure emerges from the shadows of the archway. The figure is that of a man, tall and regal, dressed in fine clothes befitting a scholar.

The figure stands before them, a quiet observer of the scene unfolding before him. His gaze is steady, fixed on Janus and Saomi. His green eyes are dark and piercing, conveying a sense of mystery and power that cannot be easily explained. As he steps forward, his footfalls echo across the cobblestones from within, each step a measured movement that speaks to the elegance and grace he is presenting.

Exiting the place, the moon shined a faint light across his figure, casting a ghostly aura across his body. His pale skin glows in the moonlight, accentuating his beauty and elegance. His dark, long hair flows gently in the wind, swaying back and forth with each breeze.

His cloak is draped elegantly across his shoulders, along with a mask that hides his face in shadow. He carries a wooden staff, topped with a carved animal head of a cow, which he uses to support his weight. "It was a matter of time for this to happen again. Always does at this time of the year. And so you came, Janus. At the sound of your name, I had called out to you from my depths." A mysterious and alluring voice spoke in a slow and monotone pitch, unrecognized.

"You know us?" Saomi squinted her eyes, more hostile and defensive toward this newcomer, whom they barely knew. But Janus looked at him with genuine curiosity, approaching with eager interest a mortal that should've been incapable of sensing the presence of a god and the only one outside of the Dreamlands to seemingly know his identity.

Before she unsheathed her katana and struck him down, Janus gently held out his right hand toward her, calmly saying, "Wait, Saomi. I feel this man is a friend, not a foe." His voice was calm and reassuring, his tone level and soft, which convinced her to lower her weapon despite how much she didn't want to.

As a result, she scoffed and turned to the side, crossing her arms in slight disappointment for having him of all people tell what to do; though still, she obediently complied because of their mutual love, even when she doesn't show it anymore.

Smiling behind the mask, the man introduced himself: "I am Dormin, one of the many librarians residing here. It is a pleasure to meet you, Janus." He then took a slight bow of respect before extending a hand towards the god of time and space, showing him cordial hospitality.

Taking a good look at this stranger, he approached him and examined the offered hand with caution, trying to deduce any signs of malice or ill intentions. There was none, however, and he chuckled lightly at his own paranoia before reaching out and accepting Dormin's greeting.

"Nice to meet you," he said warmly as they shook hands for a moment before letting go. Then, turning back to the man, he asked in wonder, "You know who I am; how do you know about me? Who are you really?" Janus questioned him with deep curiosity.

Dormin nodded politely before responding in a calm, reassuring voice, "All will be revealed in time. For now, come inside. Let's talk somewhere more private." The man then gestured for them to come inside, beckoning them to come forward.

Janus gave him another hesitant look but then shrugged, followed by brooding Schrodinger and suspicious Saomi, who still doesn't trust this stranger. Once the gate was mysteriously shut by itself, Dormin then led them further into the abyss, deeper into the dark recesses, to the library itself.

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