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Chapter 24: Victory

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Adrex took a bite of the fruit that Livia had managed to get, well he thought it was fruit, it didn’t help to think about it just eat it. The group were divvying up their wins from the day while Adrex explained between mouthfuls what happened earlier. Once the shock had passed they started to plan. They had to at least get the King and Royal family out, then they could escape to Central and explain what happened to the High King and the surviving nobles. “We can sneak in via the river.” Gennel, “Just like how we got out.”

“It’s too risky though, it’s energy sapping and if you miss there is no swimming back, plus we would have to sneak past the castle to get in.” Livia replied.

“Could we just cross the bridge, under cover of night?” Nora asked.

“They see better at night, they’d see us crossing.” Adrex replied. “Instead I think we should jump the river.”

Gennel shook his head suppressing a laugh. “Like when you were younger?”

Adrex shot him a look. “Using magic to get us over, once inside we can sneak through the castle and find the Royal family and get them out.”

“We won’t have the same level of chaos we had last time to escape.” Livia warned.

“Hopefully we won’t need it, and we know this castle better than most, having lived in it for years.” Adrex retorted. “Get in and out quickly and give ourselves a chance.”

“It’s risky, but we have the advantage.” Nora said quietly.

“If that’s the case, everyone should get plenty of sleep now. We’ll need to be fully rested just in case the worst was to happen.” Livia said.

The others nodded, finished their meal and after setting up their protections for the night they all slowly fell asleep, all except Adrex who lay awake worrying. He kept going back to the dread he felt when the Demon King arrived. “I did warn you, there is a reason I fear him too. Especially since I failed.” Athridon said quietly.

“Do you think our plan will work?” Adrex asked the demon.

“No. Your best option is to run now. Head back to the battleschool and pray.” Athridon replied bluntly.

Adrex looked at his friends before he forced himself to get some sleep.




The group woke in the morning to the sound of excitement from the streets. They each grabbed their gear and rushed outside to see and hear people loudly talking in the streets. “The King’s inviting people to watch a demonstration at the castle.”

“It’s for us only, not the nobles.”

“I heard there was a major change happening.”

“They want us to go.”

Adrex and the others looked at each other concerned. “We need to know what they’re doing.” Gennel said.

“Even if we fail, information for the others is crucial.” Livia said slowly.

Adrex nodded in agreement, it was like the Northern Watch patrols. Information would often be the difference between success or failure, life or death. “Let’s just hide our mage gear though.” he whispered.

It wasn’t that hard to steal a bag from an unsuspecting stall owner to stuff their cloaks into it, these were given to Nora to carry. as they joined the throngs of people making their way to the castle. As they travelled they could hear multiple people exclaiming how great this was. Adrex and the others were carried by the jubilant crowd up to the castle and over the drawbridge into the courtyard. One one side was a platform, guardsmen stood along the walls but aside from that the place seemed empty. Adrex felt like he had walked into a trap, especially with the knowledge of who was here. The guards at the gates eventually stopped letting people in, and that’s when King Colman, the Queen, Prince, his new wife, and several high profile nobles.

However they weren’t the only ones, The Demon General, several Cultists and Taginnoth followed them out and took positions on the stage. The crowd started to scream and push back, those close to the gates turned only to see Demons blocking their paths. Adrex looked up to see the guards had shed their armour and the demons now stood guard over them, several had bows knocked and pointing into the crowd.

“Everybody remain calm.” King Colman bellowed.

The crowd stopped its panic and looked at the King. “You are all men and women of a great Kingdom, I do expect you to behave like that.” The King said in a booming voice.

The crowd started to calm down just as Taginnoth struck the King who fell to his knees. Before the Demon Lord retreated to his position and a man stepped up on stage. He wore white pants, no shirt revealing his broad chest, white fur cape that draped over his shoulders and his jet black hair. He stepped up next to the King and gestured for the man to stand. “Well said, King Colman.” The newcower said in a silky calm voice that seemed to carry over the crowd.

Adrex looked to his left and saw Nora looking straight up at her father, fear written on her face. Adrex reached for her hand and squeezed it tightly. He reached behind him with his other hand and felt Gennel grab his hand firmly while Livia moved next to him and placed her hand on the small of his back. They all looked up at the stage, waiting. “I hope that those who survive remember your bravery.” The other man said.

The crowd almost seemed to lean forward, before the King’s chest exploded outwards. The newcomer's hand sticking through his chest, now covered in blood and ichor. People screamed Nora cried out, and Adrex immediately grabbed her and held her tight so she couldn’t see. Adrex however continued to watch as black little lines started to creep over the man’s arm and up his chest. His body slowly started to turn obsidian black. The lines started to crawl up the man's neck slowly reaching his eyes which started to turn green before reaching his hair which turned pure white. Then the lines burst from his head forming a thorny crown.

He pulled his hand out of the King’s chest and the body dropped to the ground. The queen looked forward towards the crowd, tears in her eyes, but she tried to hide it and look calm. The Demon King walked around behind her, reached one clawed hand over her throat and then ripped it open. Her eyes opened wide and she reached for her throat as blood pooled over her hands. She slowly sank to her knees as more people in the crowd started to wail.

“We need to leave.” Adrex hissed to the others quietly.

Gennel grabbed Adrex’s shirt and slowly started to walk his way back through the crowd, trying not to draw attention as the crowd filled into the space where they used to be. Adrex continued to hold Nora tightly to him to shield her from the gruesome scene he was witnessing, he could feel her heavy sobs as she silently cried. Adrex quickly realised if they hadn’t found her she would have suffered the same fate.

Gennel had managed to lead them to the back half of the crowd while the executions continued, it did look like they had made it relatively unnoticed too, once they were at the back they could make a run for it. That was Adrex’s thinking anyway until the Demon King spoke next, his soft voice carrying over the crowd. “Everyone here will now join my Legions.”

“Gennel, we need to leave.” Adrex said urgently.

Gennel turned as did Adrex who grabbed Gennel’s shirt as the bigger Mage took off for the gate, as did everyone else. The gates started to come down to block their path out, until it hit what looked like solid air. Livia, being the fastest to react, had created a shield under the gate to hold it open. Gennel pushed people out of the way as he led the others under the gate and towards the bridge that was starting to be raised up, with Demon’s standing on the other side. “Gennel, my jump point.” Adrex said.

Gennel sped up as he charged towards the rock outcrop that a younger Adrex had always used to jump the river. Adrex, still holding onto Nora, let go of Gennel and cast a high level push spell on the rock with his free hand. Derrick had said it was an impossible leap, but they had to make it. Adrex heard people shouting. Orders barked out to catch them. It was too late. Gennel hit Adrex’s spell as he jumped and was launched across the river. Adrex was half a step behind him and he and Nora were also flung into the air, Livia followed just behind them.

Adrex looked down at the river below them and the bank rising up to meet them. This landing would hurt. It should have hurt, were it not for Gennel casting a spell just before landing to catch him, Adrex, Nora and Livia. All three landed, Adrex was forced to let go of Nora to brace himself, but they had made it. He looked up, and back at the castle watching as the gate finally came crashing down trapping the slummers inside. Adrex turned to run only to see a black foot in front of his face. He looked up to see a demon staring down at him, the demon scowling and emitting a low growl, Adrex reached for his magic but a sword appeared at his throat and he let go of the magic.

A shadow appeared overhead before a large object landed on the ground and a large black clawed foot appeared in Adrex’s vision. He tried to turn his head but the sword was pushed into his throat, not quite breaking the skin. “Four little Meisters, Taginnoth would very much like to see you.” The Demon said in its deep guttural voice, “Take them to the throne room, then prepare for the march out.” The demon barked at the others.




Taginnoth stood at the base of the throne as Adrex and the others were brought in, the room still hadn’t changed from the wedding except that the bodies had been removed, the white aisle was blood stained, chairs were left lying around having been tossed or knocked over and all the scorch marks from the spells cast remained. Adrex and the others were roughly thrown to the floor wrapped in chains of magic to prevent them escaping, though as Taginnoth turned to face the Magi and Magae escape was the last thing on their minds. One of them looked to have shut down completely and was just staring blankly at the floor, the other three only had one thought on their mind, revenge, Taginnoth could see it in their eyes. Pure hatred, burning deep. Good, he thought, to add that negativity to this place to help build an army worthy of the King.

“This could have been you, Adrex. You could have had this power too.” Taginnoth said.

Adrex just glowered at him, unmoving. Taginnoth shook his head sadly. “You’ll be tossed in the pits soon enough these summoners will draw the demon inside you out. I hear it’s a painful experience. After that you’ll join Father on the front lines to take down the other Kingdoms.”

Taginnoth looked at the Mages before him, nothing, they didn’t react to anything. He shook his head disappointed. “I honestly expected more from you considering our last meeting. Throw them in the cells, and schedule their sacrifice for tomorrow.”

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