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Chapter 19: Returning to Blackhill

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His first few days at Castle Blackhill he spent it exploring the rest of the city and wandering the castle halls. While he had spent years at the castle he had rarely left the castle grounds except for small excursions nearby for classes. It was a chance for him to get out and explore and see what he was missing. His first day he followed the road through to where the Lords and Ladies held their lands, observing the large houses with fenced in lands, armed guards would walk the perimeter of the larger lands.

As he got further away from the castle the landsand mansions got smaller turning into simple houses with more shops popping up bakeries, smithies, and others of the working classes that supplied the city. Most of the places were made from the black stone from the quarry, usually raw so that it would not heat up too much in the sun, however it was mixed with other materials that clearly had to be imported that gave the city a black and white contrast with white paved tiled roads.

He also noted how clean everything was, everyone was either working, eating or walking around and everyone was dressed well if sometimes simply. The lands to the east and west split by the river were heavily contrasted. The houses he rode past on his way here were made from wood, with thatch roofs, and those were the better places.

After two days of exploring though he had seen all he cared to see, including venturing into the slums, but after that he returned to his training. He managed to join the castle guard for their morning run and other physical exercise, even after a few days off he was feeling it. Or these soldiers were better trained than the battleschool defenders.

The sun was rising high in the sky with Adrex slightly off from the centre of the castle square training with a sword when two riders appeared wearing blue robes. Adrex looked up with sweat dripping off his brow when he heard the hoofbeats on the bridge. He sheathed the sword, grabbed a rag from nearby and walked towards the two new arrivals as he wiped himself down.

The two riders dismounted in front of the guardsmen while servants approached. Guests for the wedding had been arriving for the past few days leading up to the wedding that was still a few nights away, and it was expected that a few more Magi and Magae would arrive, you couldn’t invite one school without inviting others. These two made perfect sense too, as they removed their hoods. “Gennel, Livia, welcome.” Adrex beamed when he saw them.

Both looked to him, slight frowns of confusion giving way to joy on their faces. “Adrex? What are you doing?” Gennel asked handing his horse reins to a stable boy and walking over to Adrex, Livia a half step behind him.

“I got bored so I’m continuing my training.” Adrex said matter of factly, “Wedding or not I can’t get sloppy.”

“Oh, and what have you been working on in the last few years? You think you can finally beat either of us in combat?” Gennel asked.

Adrex smiled and pressed his hands together, pulling them apart slowly revealing part of a sword, before letting go of the magic. Gennel stared wide eyed, and Livia had raised her hands to her mouth. “We can discuss this all later.” Adrex said, “I need to finish my training for today and you’ve got some stuff to drop off in your rooms.” he said.

“Right, of course. We’ll catch up soon.” Gennel said.

“See you soon, Adrex.” Livia said.

Adrex tried to say bye again but the words got stuck and he just stammered and waved meekly. He turned to hide his embarrassment and went back over to where he was training, practicing the drills that he was taught at the battleschool guard, the thud, thud of the sword hitting the leather bound target as he changed his swings and thrusts with the sword.

He kept going for another thirty minutes or so, stopping once the sun was directly overhead. He returned his equipment and thanked the men trained with before making his way to the castle. He looked up as he got close to the keep, he saw a couple of servants looking out the windows, and briefly, very briefly he thought he saw Nora.

He shook his head clearing his thoughts, which elicited a low laugh from Athridon, Adrex ignored the demon and made his way through the castle to his room on the upper floors. He had to consciously remind himself not to head towards the Wards rooms, it just felt natural being here and going that way. He passed a few people in the hallways, usually the servants of the upper noblemen or the lower nobles and he politely bowed as he walked past, possibly upsetting a few as he did not stop and get out of the way, and he didn’t have his robes to inform others of his position.

Once Adrex reached his room he walked inside, threw his training gear off and made his way to the washroom, the tub had already been filled with water, and when Adrex tested the temperature he found it was still hot. It had only just been drawn. He looked around, before seeing the note laying on the counter. 


I saw you returning and requested a bath be drawn for you



Well that confirmed that he had seen the princess, he was surprised she hadn’t tried to see him yet. Then again, from what he remembered from Vista’s training, court life could be demanding at times, and when your brother was getting married it must be harder still. Adrex set the note down, and slowly lowered himself into the bath, enjoying the warmth of the water and he laid back in the tub. He used the heat to relax his muscles while he cleaned himself before getting out and dressing in his mage robes.

He walked to the window to see a few more people arriving, state guests from the other kingdoms, specifically the guests from the southern islands, there were a few more people arriving via carriages who Adrex guessed were Lords and Ladies from other lands. However one stood out, a procession of several highly decorated carriages, guards carrying the emblem of the High King and two Magi riding near the main carriage. Looks like the High King himself had arrived.

Adrex walked down through the castle, stepping out into the courtyard just as the procession fully made it inside and the guards dismounted. Servants started to disembark and open up doors for the nobles, while the two Magi stayed mounted near the back. Adrex watched the two of them and a dark wave of anger and fear emanate from Athridon. Adrex closed his eyes and focused on the demon. “What was that?” He asked.

“Something about that Mage makes me feel uneasy, he’s like me.” Athridon said honestly.

“For once we are in agreement.” Adrex said, withdrawing from the demon.

Adrex watched quietly as the representatives of the four kingdoms got out of their carriages and servants from Blackhill and the Lords and Ladies got everyone sorted. Only when most had departed for their rooms did the two Magi demount their steeds. Adrex took this opportunity to walk through the dwindling crowd and meet the two Magi, Thrall and Tinn both handed reins to stable boys and made their way towards the castle and Adrex.

Adrex politely bowed before them as they stopped. “She sent her runt?” Thrall asked in his sneering voice.

“Master Thrall, I’m glad you could make it. Same with you Tinn.” Adrex said with a strained politeness.

Tinn stood just behind Thrall and looked down at his feet, Thrall, now using his staff as a walking stick, was hunched over slightly, his grey beard hung a little longer and appeared thinner and wiry. His eyes however were still sharp and piercing as he looked directly at Adrex. “Where’s your master? boy? She should be greeting me.”

“The Grand Meister is currently at the Northern Watch, and you should address her as such.” Adrex replied.

“Interesting.” Thrall said as he stepped past Adrex with Tinn following close behind. Again a wave of darkness washed over Adrex emanating from Athridon.

Adrex turned and watched the two Magi slowly walk away, Tinn slowly shuffling behind Thrall, the man's head bent low even under his hood.

Adrex finally caught up with Livia and Gennel, the sun was setting when he made his way down to the smaller banquet hall where the two young defence Mages were sitting. Adrex sat down across from them and removed his hood. All three looked at each other with massive smiles beaming, “How have you been?” Adrex asked before he had even started to get food.

“Busy.” Gennel said, “With more Mages being assigned to the Northern Watch we are needing to be trained up, so that if we are sent there we can do our jobs.”

“They’ve been drilling us hard.” Livia said, “It has been paying off, but everyone seems to be focused on the Northern Watch and that means other options are being closed to us.”

“Such as?” Adrex asked. He knew that Defensive Mages often did other jobs, battle mages were only suited for combat so unless they joined a guard unit for a noble type or joined the Northern watch they tended to stay at the battleschool.

“Defensive Mages often get the chance to join personal guards.” Livia said, “the chance to defend the Kings and Queens and Nobles.” She added dreamily.

Adrex thought back to the meeting with the High King, he decided not to burst Livia’s dream about what the Nobles were actually like. “What about you Gennel, what’s the training been like?”

“Just working on improving and strengthening our techniques, doing so for several hours each day, plus our teachers going over new and stronger shields.” He said, before going quiet. “It feels like something bad is about to happen. The Masters don’t want to say anything out loud but I catch them whispering to each other plus the older ones look scared.”

Adrex took a sip of water from the goblet he had then leaned forward, the others leaned closer too. “Master Vista went North with a force and told me to enjoy myself here. I’m certain that there is something going on and I think they are scared that the demons are going to break out from the north.” Adrex said.

“Funny, our top Magi and Magae also went north with a small force.” Livia said quietly.

“I think they must be preparing for war.” Adrex said.

“So much for a happy reunion.” Gennel said.

Adrex and the others went back to their meals, with just sporadic talk between them, laughing at old memories of the castle, and how each of them had to stop themselves from going to the Dorm rooms. Gennel talked about some of his new shield techniques he had been practicing while Livia told them about her travels to the Southern Islands, a trip her Master went on early in her training to test some Mages who had gone there as a defense force. Unfortunately she hadn’t been able to do much as she was only there for three days.

Still, Adrex thought it was good to be able to spend time with his old friends, even though it was with new problems it was nice to be able to talk about new and old experiences. He kept glancing up at Livia occasionally catching her looking at him too both would quickly look down at their plates when this happened.

Gennel eventually stood up and smiled at the two of them. “You two are too obvious really.” He said.

“What?” Livia squeaked going red.

Adrex had to laugh slightly, he had never seen her so flustered. Gennel just slowly shook his head. “Come on, you two have always been close.” He said before walking away.

Livia watched Gennel leave, then looked at Adrex, going bright red then looking down at her lap. Adrex was using his fork to chase some food round the plate, not sure what to say. He liked her, always had, and he always tried to get some time with her when the schools met up, just seeing her always made him feel better too. He looked up at Livia again, she was beautiful, she always had been though, tall and graceful.

He reached over the table and gently grabbed her hand, she didn’t flinch or anything, in fact she squeezed his hand in return. He stroked the back of her hand with his thumb and looked from her hand to her face, she was still blushing slightly but there was a growing smile there too. Again, Adrex thought about how beautiful she was, and how much he had not noticed before. Damn he was foolish.

He stood up, let go of her hand and walked around the table, “come on, let’s take a walk outside.” he said quickly.

Livia stood too and the two of them walked out of the hall hand in hand. They started towards the entrance when they bumped into Nora. She was in a simple dress, hair down, almost like she was trying to look less noble. She stood still with a look of surprise on her face. Adrex tried to say something, but before he could she turned around and ran away. “Nora.” He said to her departing form.

Livia put her free hand on Adrex’s shoulder, and slowly led him out of the castle into the courtyard. It was bathed  in the light from the moon that tomorrow would be full. Adrex took the lead again and took Livia through the courtyard to the side gate and just beyond it to a small rock that jutted out from the grass. Beyond that was a ditch and a river flowing through it. The two sat down on the rock, each wrapping arm around the other and holding the other tight, their legs dangling off the rock as they stared out towards the rest of the city.

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