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Chapter 11: The High King

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Vista crested a small hill and looked out over the city in front of her; it seemed to sparkle in the sunset that was bathing it, painting the white marble a light orange. She sighed and smiled as Adrex rode his mount up next to her and let out a quiet “Wow.”

They had been travelling for about a week and had travelled hard and fast to get here, the jewel city of the central kingdom. Set out in a large circle split into four quadrants by large roads that all led to the castle in the centre of the city. The ground sloped up slightly to the castle, and as you got closer the buildings got bigger and nicer and you could tell where the rich lived. The entire city though had the white shine that made it look magical and even the furthest away looked to be living comfortably.

The Central Kingdom had benefited from its position being the centre of trade and governance for all meant that the money all flowed through it providing opportunity for all, the Black stone and other minerals from Castle Blackhill, Lumber from the West and fisheries and wines from the Southern Isles.

“Adrex, I need you to be on your best behaviour tomorrow when we come before the High King.” Vista said, “It was hard enough to convince him to see me without only the other Kingdom’s delegates instead of the rulers themselves so I don’t need anything that they could use against me, even you being here is a risk, but I am hoping that you can learn from these experiences too.”

“Under stood Master, I promise to follow your lead.” Adrex said in response.

To Adrex it showed how concerned she was, there was no need to stress the point of behaviour she had him learning court etiquette before the war training and had hammered it home in the week before they left for Central. Still if it put his master at ease he would promise her again and again. They were, after all, on a mission that was designed to save the Four Kingdoms from another demonic war.

The two of them rode down the small hill and walked their mounts on to the path that extended out from the city like a welcoming mat. The path was made from stones that were tiled together and while the edges of the stones had been worn smooth from use the rest looked like it was freshly laid. Vista and Adrex joined those returning from working outside the city returning to their homes or those from the nearby villages coming into the city to supply shops as they travelled with wagons.

Adrex looked around in wonder as they rode into the city; he had rarely travelled from the Castle at Blackhill so this was new to him. The city started gradually with a few small houses on the outskirts that were small but looked comfortable, then more and more houses that were built closer, single story dwellings that looked to hold several rooms. Offshoot roads lead down to house entries or shop fronts with soft lights welcoming those in and people casually walking or grouping together and talking. That was one thing that Adrex noticed, the noise of activity was everywhere and he kept looking this way and that as new sounds caught his attention.

As they started to get further in he noticed that those who were walking would stay to the outside letting those riding or those moving wagons take the middle of the road, and that those on the outside were walking on a raised section of road. The buildings also started to get bigger with second stories being added onto houses and business. There were more varieties too with blacksmiths and bakers along with butchers and clothing merchants having businesses; they had nicer wares to sell as they moved further in.

As they got close to the castle the houses changed, they were more spread out, more land filled with lawns that were multiple stories and taking up large areas, fences and gates started to appear until they reached the last two rings of houses. There were about two houses per quadrant, with large areas of land, and multiple smaller buildings inside the walled off lands. These were the houses of the higher Lords and Ladies.

Vista reined her horse to a stop outside the castle, high white walls that surrounded the courtyard with two large wooden doors that were currently half open. Guards stood atop of the walls armour gleaming in the lights from the city that were becoming brighter as the sun disappeared for the night. Even more guards were stationed on the ground in front of the door and were controlling access into the courtyard. Vista took a deep breath and urged her horse on, with Adrex just slightly behind her; she approached one of the guards.

The guardsman had a sword on his hip and carried a halberd with its shaft resting on the ground, he held up his free hand as a request to stop. Vista complied, without the guard needing to speak. “What is your reason for entering the castle, especially at this hour?” The Guard asked.

“I am here to see the High King, he is expecting me.” Vista said slowly.

The Guard looked at both Vista and Adrex, both wearing robes that marked them as travellers rather than a Magus and Magae, though both robes were clearly the colour of the battlemages. The Guard shook his head in disbelief, “And who are you?” He asked.

“I am Meister Vista, headmaster of the Battleschool and Grand Meister of the five Mages of the mystic arts.” Vista said, adding a small bit of gravitas to the titles.

She slowly removed her hood and the Guard took a step back stunned before bowing. “My apologies Grand Meister, I had no idea. We were not told of your coming and we are to only allow the nobles in as night falls.” He said, stumbling over his words slightly.

“It’s okay Guardsman, if you will let my apprentice and myself pass we shall be on our way.” Vista said patiently.

“Of course, head inside. I’m sure a servant will be able to take care of you.” The Guard said, directing her inside.

Vista and Adrex slowly walked inside the castle walls along the stone pathway that led up to the castle that was also circular. Adrex took notice of the buildings inside the wall; it looked like most were for the soldiers who were on guard duty or their equipment. Sections of the courtyard had been set up as gardens where possible with a clear space between the wall and smaller buildings and a large space between the buildings and the castle that was covered by the stone path that appeared to run around the castle.

Inside the walls they received strange looks from those who worked there. Blacksmiths and fletchers, stable masters and leather workers. Soldiers who walked past had polished armour, and while the workers had a natural layer of dirt and grease from their work they wore finer clothing and used expensive tools. Adrex looked at his traveller robes and realised how dirty they looked compared to those that lived here.

They stopped outside the castle doors where several servants walked up to them. They held the horses while Vista and Adrex dismounted, then stable workers came over to take the horses. One of the servants stepped forward and bowed, “Welcome Grand Meister, we shall show you to your room. The High King will see you tomorrow and he hopes you will enjoy your stay here.” She said,

Vista gestured inside and two of the servants took the lead into the entrance hall, the walls were made from the same smooth white rock and the candle light made them glow a warm yellow. The floor had a strip of red carpet that led up to the staircase that was wide with polished white stone stairs. They walked up the stairs and took a left down the corridor past several of the tower entrances; they went up several more staircases to the top floor where they were shown their two rooms. “If there is anything you need we can somebody take care of it for you.” One of the servants said bowing.

“We will come and collect you tomorrow for your audience with the High King, please be ready.” The other said, before they both turned and walked away.

“Adrex, just do as we practiced and hopefully we can find out what is happening in the North, and we can leave here quickly.” Vista said softly.

“Yes Master, as you wish.” Adrex replied before walking into his room.

It was huge, a large bed stood against the far wall, there were several chairs and a Chaise Longue around a low but long table that had food set upon it, and there were several finely woven mats and even a wash basin in one corner. Adrex set his bags down and took out his uniform, a simple but smart tunic, a vest and belt, brown pants, boots and his red cloak. Similar to what he normally wore except that this was a much nicer set for when meeting Kings and Nobles. He set each piece down then removed his travellers gear, made sure to wash his face in the basin with the water jug provided to remove some of the grime that he had picked up travelling for a week.

He noticed a second room however he ignored it for now, he needed to get some sleep before tomorrow. He did however sit down and meditate for a bit before he went to bed, not only was it good practice and soothing it was a chance to check on the seals holding Athridon in check, once he was sure everything was okay he climbed into the bed. It was super soft and after the past week of sleeping on the ground he felt like he was falling through a cloud or something similar. It took him some time to get used to the feeling, but after that he quickly drifted off to sleep.




Adrex woke up with the rising sun; he dragged himself out of the soft bed and decided to check out the second room. Inside was a large bathtub, a burner and several buckets of water. Adrex set some wood in the burner and ignited it with a small fire spell that he cast with a single finger before putting the buckets on the burner to heat up.

While waiting for the water to heat up he ate some of the bread and cheese on the table in the main room. It did not take long until he was pouring several buckets of extremely hot water into the tub and a bucket of still cold water to even it out, then he stepped into the bathtub and sat down enjoying the warmth provided.

After bathing and washing he got out, dried off and dressed in his nice clothes, he had just done up his belt, that was more decoration than help, when there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” He called out.

The door opened and one of the servants was standing there. “It is time.” She said,

Adrex threw his cloak over himself and fastened the clasp at his neck. The clasp was in the design of the battleschool symbol helping show that he was aligned with them. He pulled his hood up over his head and joined the servant outside, Vista was already outside and she gave him a quick glance and subtle head nod before gesturing for the servant to lead the way. She took them back down the stairs to the entry hall then to the passage to the right, where they took several staircases up until they were above the floor the guest rooms were on and then, down into a corridor where she stopped before a sturdy set of oak doors. In front of the doors stood an older man with greying long hair and beard, and he had a permanent scowl on his thin face. He wore green robes with a blue trim. He was carrying a staff in hand with long skeletal like fingers wrapping around it. He bowed before Vista, and then stood up straight and scowled deeper at Adrex. “You’re apprentice?” the man asked sneeringly.

“Hello Thrall,” Vista responded, “And yes, he is my apprentice.” Vista added rather politely considering the tone that Thrall used.

“Boy, get in here.” The older man said, looking over his shoulder.

A young boy, who looked to be around Adrex’s age walked in, he too was wearing a green robe with no trim. He was pale with deep shadows under his eyes, black scruffy hair and slightly smaller than Adrex. The old man sneered at the boy as he stood by his side and bowed deeply. “This is my apprentice, Tinn. Despite his appearance he is already showing great promise as a healer.”

Vista bowed low as did Adrex, before Thrall turned to the doors. “I shall go in first and speak to the High King. Please wait here until you are summoned.” Thrall said, speaking with some self-importance.

“I understand Thrall, we shall wait here.” Vista said, again being very polite, even if she sounded like she was forcing it more than being genuine.

Thrall sneered at both of them then opened the doors and walked in closing them behind him. Adrex looked at Vista who let out a pent up snarl when the doors closed. “Stuck up prick, he believes that because he is the Chamberlain and Medical Meister for the High King he is that much more important.” Vista said, looking at Adrex and seeing the puzzled look on his face. “Welcome apprentice to the wide world of politics, something you will only need to get used to if you decide to leave the battleschool.”

Tinn shuffled his feet slightly as seen by his robe swaying and nervously wrung his hands together for a few seconds before bowing. “I’m sorry Meister for my Master’s attitude.” He said in a quiet mousy voice.

Vista patted the boy on the head when he stood up straight. “No need to apologise on his behalf. He knows what he is doing, and he knows better.” Vista said, “Besides, he knows where he stands in power, and he is about to be reminded of it now.” Vista said.

She turned to face the door, just as it opened.

The room in front of her was enormous, with high vaulted ceilings and large white pillars spaced out along the length of the hall holding the ceiling's weight and adding a beautiful decoration with the amazing sculpting done to them depicting heroes, soldiers, animals, kings and queens of all kingdoms. The large mosaic tiled floor with a purple carpet leading to a raised dais with five thrones on top of it. Openings at the top allowed light to filter in at any time of the day and behind the thrones was a massive stained glass window split into five sections depicting the five Kingdoms.

Four people sat in the thrones, with Thrall standing below the dais and off to the side. The man in the centre throne wore clothes of bright gold and purple thread, he had a cape, crown and was rather portly. To the left of him under the glass depicting waves and storms sat a lady with light olive skin, long black hair and a blue dress that crossed over one shoulder. She wore a circlet of silver bells as a crown. Under the glass depicting the tools of mining sat a man with large muscles that showed under his clothing which was black with a fine gold and silver trim. He wore a fairly simple crown with several small gems in it. In the fourth seat, under glass depicting a grove of trees, sat a female, her clothing consisted of rather warm looking clothes with fur or wool trims. Her simple crown was gold in the stylings of branches. The fifth throne, under glass depicting snow peaked mountains, stood empty.

Adrex took in all these details as he followed Vista through the hall until she stopped just before the dais. She bowed slightly, while Adrex bowed deeply. “High King, Noble Representatives of the Kingdoms, I come before you to hopefully stop what could be our darkest hour.” Vista said loudly and clearly.

The man in the centre throne, looked at Vista with what Adrex determined was disdain, but waved his hand for her to continue. The others all looked rather more invested as Vista continued. “As you are aware we have had communication issues with the Northern Watch, to make things more troubling two Magus sent from the Ranger school were dispatched to find out what might be going on and have not reported back since saying they were going beyond the barrier.” Vista explained.

The High King stood quickly and approached Vista stopping just before he left the dais, for the portly man he was, he was tall and quick. He was red in the face as he yelled “YOU SENT WHAT WHERE WITHOUT MY APPROVAL!” Spittle flying at Vista as she calmly stood still in front of the High King.

“High King Shand, you will be aware that the Meisters of the schools do not fall under your power as independent entities to stop the constant waring that the Kingdoms suffered that allowed the Demons to launch their crusade against us.” Vista said far too calmly.

“She is correct, My Liege.” The Lady in the blue dress said, sounding rather calm and laid back..

“They also have a right to investigate as two of their members were with the Northern Watch, as a sign of cooperation.” The Lady with the furs stated.

High King Strand turned and looked at the Representatives; he started swearing under his breath as he trudged back to his seat and plopped himself down on it, before waving his hand for Vista to continue. Vista bowed to the Representatives before continuing. “As I said before, two highly trained Rangers have not reported back for a couple of weeks now, and we have still had no contact from the Watch. It is my belief that a force needs to be sent to secure the message routes and potentially provide assistance to the Watch.”

High King Strand looked like he was about to interject with another barrage when the Noble who was sitting beneath the depictions of the mining gear stood up, earning himself a dirty look from both Strand and Thrall. “I for one concur with the Grand Meister’s assessment of the situation. It would seem that something has cut off communication routes by either magical or mundane means. This is very grave as it leaves us all open to attacks and raids.” He said, in a deep rumble before taking his seat.

Strand attempted to stand but was beaten to it by the lady in the blue dress. “The Southern Kingdom is in agreement and supports the motion the Grand Meister presents.” She said calmly.

Strand leapt out of his Chair, “You believe this witch?! It’s a ploy! A ruse! Nothing more than to make the Kingdom’s look foolish. She just wants more power. We Do Not Support This Motion. It Is Overruled!” He spat out.

He sat down, and the lady under the depiction of the trees slowly got to her feet. “I guess that puts me as the deciding vote on the matter.” She said softly.

Adrex looked at her expectantly, begging silently for her to support the motion. All eyes in the hall were on her and she cleared her throat before saying, “There is no harm at all in following through with this. If wrong then the Watch will be doubled in force for a few weeks, if right then we will be glad that we took action.” She smiled at Vista before adding, “Thank you for coming in person, your motion has passed. We will inform the Watch Commanders of this and they should ride within a week.” She said,

Vista bowed politely in response. “Thank you Noble Representatives and Your Majesty.” She said,

“However, we must ask, will you be sending any Meisters to join the Watch?” She asked.

“Of course, we will honour the deal made, while a defensive Meister and a Battle Meister are selected plus any others who wish to join I will be the one to accompany the Watch with my Apprentice here.” Vista replied.

Adrex managed to hide his shocked expression, the Noble’s did not, and Thrall looked downright miserable at this.

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