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Chapter 9: Internal Demons

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Once Adrex and Vista had returned study began. Adrex would normally be found buried in several books, or crafting the glyphs for multiple trapping spells during training with or without Vista. He was also increasing his offensive spell list, modifying his current spells and adding new ones. Gennel had shown him that he was too static and he needed to improve.

When he wasn’t reading or practicing he was doing more physical training, and between all this he was drilling with the basic spells under Vista’s careful watch, making sure that his control never wavered at all. 

At night though things changed, he would meditate and relax, and in those moments the voice would return, normally it wasn’t talking, but it was a presence that was in his very thoughts. In the first week it just existed, letting Adrex know it was there, in the second week it was almost as if it was impressed, then things changed in the third week.

Adrex sat on the floor in one of the small training rooms; he was sitting cross legged, with eyes closed, hands resting on his knees his entire focus was inwards. He could feel his pool of magic, depleted from the training, starting to increase again. He could also feel the other presence as it flowed around and through his magic. He mentally reached out slowly, touching it and startling the stream of magic.

He could feel the black magic as it spread, it felt like something slithering under his skin, crawling and dragging itself through his body. Immediately Adrex pulled back from it, but he felt it corrupting his own magic stream turning sections black. A face formed in his mind’s eye, pure black with white sharp teeth and emerald green eyes, long silver white hair ran down the back and elongated ears that could just be seen.

The Face looked around and smiled, before looking down at its lack of a body. “Oh well, in time I guess.” It said in its soft sweet voice.

“What and who are you?” Adrex asked.

The creature smiled evilly as it processed the question. “I am Athridon, and I am you.” It said, “Well a potential you anyway.”

“What do you mean?” Adrex asked.

“Well, I am the demonic black magic inside you.” Athridon said.

“What do you want?” Adrex asked carefully, he had a feeling he wouldn’t like this answer.

Athridon must have picked up on this. He laughed, it sounded like glass shattering on rocks. “I want your body, your power, you.” He said.

Adrex didn’t flinch; he knew it was coming after all. He could assess the situation later, but for now he had to act. He focused on the trap spells he had been learning, and imagined them surrounding Athridon, multiple levels of spells, forming a cage, all formed with push spells.

Athridon laughed again. “I’m you, just corrupted.” He hissed.

He then tried to move out, triggering the spells. Adrex held back a scream; it felt like his body was being pushed inwards from multiple places. He watched the head of Athridon bounce around the cell Adrex had created, Athridon however did scream, and loudly. Adrex mentally composed himself as the head of Athridon vanished from his view; Adrex could feel the black magic in his arm start to recede, as did the spell he cast, staying with the demon. Adrex let out a deep breath as he opened his eyes. He needed to report this to Vista; he just hoped he would live.





Adrex took off from his seated position, rolling easily to his feet and bounding out the door and down the nearest stairs of the castle taking them two or three at a time until he hit the ground floor, he flew into the main building of the castle knocking over a couple of trainees who looked to be heading off to their rooms for the night.

He immediately started to head towards the Grand Meisters office, at the tallest point of the centre tower, he started to climb staircases, some were just simple polished stone some carpeted, he ignored all those who shouted at him his heart and head were pounding.

He reached the entrance to the centre tower, where he was finally stopped by his first tutor. Meister Alard stood in the entrance way with a concerned look on his face. “What’s the matter, Adrex?” He asked.

Adrex bent over as he tried to catch his breath, hands on his knees panting. He forced himself to stand straight to speak to the Meister. “Sorry sir. I have a training session with Master Vista, and I am running a bit late.” He said through deep breaths.

“Training session?” Alard said quizzically, “That’s odd, as she has just started a meeting with other masters just now.”

Adrex smiled, “She must have forgotten, it happens, I’ll go up and wait for her.” Adrex said.

“I could always train you tonight.” Alard offered.

“Thank you for the offer, Master. However, it is quite important that I see Master Vista for this.” Adrex said, slowing his breathing a bit.

“Very well. Good luck tonight.” Alard said as he walked past Adrex and down the corridor.

Adrex walked into the stairwell and sat down wishing his heart would stop beating so loudly.

Adrex, once he had caught his breath and managed to calm himself slightly, made his way to the top of the stairs where the Grand Meisters office was. The office also had a waiting area with several soft chairs and books lining the walls. These were often used by Adrex to supplement his training. The door was closed to Vista’s actual office, so Adrex sat down in one of the chairs to wait for her.

The doors to Vista’s office opened up and startled Adrex who had been lost in thought, worried about this meeting with Vista. He watched the other Meisters leave then looked inside to see Vista sitting at her desk, she waved him inside and he slowly stood up and entered. His heart was beating, and he could hear the blood pounding in his ears, it felt like his heart was trying to burst out his chest.

He crossed the room and took the seat in front of Vista’s desk, sat down and waited. It felt like time was moving slowly. Vista had a smile on her face, but it faded as she observed Adrex. “What’s wrong?” She asked, concerned.

“I – I have a demon inside me.” Adrex cried out.”

Vista went from concerned to angry, to scared, to upset, then calm in the space of a few seconds as she processed this information. Concern for apprentice who looked scared, then scared at the prospect of this young boy having this, to upset for both Adrex and herself at the stupid thought she just had, then to anger at the horde for doing this to a child, then she composed herself, the last thing Adrex needed was additional panic, the boy was probably scared enough as it is.

Vista took a breath, and placed her hands out in front of her clasped together lightly. “Okay Adrex, explain what happened?” Vista asked

Adrex started to speak quickly, the words seemed to just bubble out of him as he explained his meditation and the touching of the black magic and coming face to face with Athridon. As he spoke Vista could see more and more of the scared boy coming through, he was terrified, and rightly so.

He finished almost silent, “Please don’t kill me.” He whispered.

Vista’s heart broke at that moment. Not only was he scared of what was happening to him, anyone would be scared at coming face to face with a demon, but then to think that Vista might just kill him because of this, but also his courage to face up to it even though he was scared. With courage like that Adrex could become the hero he first imagined.

The question Vista had to solve was how to fix this, realising that the longer she took; the scarier it would be for the boy. She could not rush this through, this process either as a wrong move could cause immeasurable damage to the kingdoms, the Magi and Magus, and to Adrex.

“For now, you are on bed rest; I don’t want you using magic at all until I can get someone to have a look at this.” Vista said sternly, Adrex needed to know that she was serious.

Adrex immediately nodded with no protest at all, and Vista realised just how small he looked sinking into the seat. He needed his friends with him too, though they would be here soon. The defensive school will be here in two days. The healers would be here tomorrow though, which was, Vista thought, a stroke of luck.

“The Green school of Healing is coming tomorrow, I will get some of the healers to take a look at this and then we can figure out a way to solve this.” Vista added.

However, there was one thing she was curious about. “Adrex, I want you to sit on the desk and meditate.” She said calmly, standing up as she spoke.

Adrex nodded solemnly and did as was asked, taking a seat on the desk, sitting cross legged with his hands resting on his knees. He closed his eyes, with his shoulders hunched; he was still expecting an attack to come. Vista brought the magic to her eyes so that she could see what was going on. She could see the magic flowing around his body, and the section that belonged to Athridon. She also noted that she could make out the trap spells that Adrex had mentally cast that blocked a section of his own magic. He was incredibly talented to be able to do that.

Vista walked around the desk and let her magic flow as well. She stopped behind Adrex and reached out. “Relax Adrex, I am only putting my hand on your shoulder, I mean you no harm.” She said,

She gently put her hand down and felt him flinch; her magic immediately flowed into him and merged with his. She closed her so that she could visualise it better. She reached out mentally toward the black magic.

The black magic retreated from her touch, but she caught a glimpse of the creature that was existing there.

Vista reached out again, this time trying to get a grip on this thing. Athridon lunged at her and Vista saw him in her mind’s eye. He screamed in hatred and then pain as the trap spells activated. Vista physically took a step back and released the grip on Adrex who also screamed in pain and Vista tripped over backwards.

Adrex’s eyes opened wide and his face was etched with pain, as Vista picked herself up off the ground. Adrex managed to stop screaming, and started to just sob there. Vista felt tired, she realised she had left some of her magic behind as well. She walked over to Adrex; put a hand on his shoulder. She could see his body shake as he finally broke down into tears. She did the only thing she could do to help. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. “It will be fine; we will get you through this.” She said softly comforting him.




Vista had escorted Adrex to his room; the boy had stopped crying once he had let everything out. The stress of the incident, the stress of his imagined punishments, the worry, and the fear, all of it. Vista made sure Adrex was secure in his room, and then she made her way back to her office. She needed an experienced healer here immediately, and the healing school was still a day out travelling together.

Meisters stepped out of her way as she walked through the halls with strong purposeful strides, and she was thankful for her position as no one seemed to want to bother the Grand Meister when it looked like she was busy.

She heard some whispering that it was because her apprentice had messed up. She wanted to tell them how wrong they were, but that would not help anyone. No one would know that Adrex had willingly offered what he had even with the fear of death.

She finally entered her office, closed and locked the door then set out a piece of parchment and a map. She wrote quickly, the writing messy, but comprehensible. ‘My apprentice needs a healer, dark magic is involved.’ It read.

Then she held her hand over the parchment and the letters glowed before rising above the page and forming themselves into a little bird made of glowing fiery magic. Vista then brought the map over and drew a line from the battle school to the healer encampments last reported position. The bird hopped over to the map, looked at it and nodded. “Find the healers, fly!” Vista whispered to the bird.

The bird nodded again and flew over to the window, it looked out then shot off, flying faster than any bird should be able to, streaking across the sky like a ball of fire. “Relax Adrex, help is coming.” Vista said softly.




Vista could not focus the next day, her gaze kept on drifting out the window hoping to see either a rider or a return message, and her thoughts were on her student who thankfully was following her orders and not practicing. She had given him a couple of books to study to keep him busy, however she doubted he was reading.

She was also trying to work out how she was going to tell the other school leaders, and if required the Kingdoms. This was after all confirmation the demons had been driven back but not completely defeated. They had a plan, and involved Adrex.




Unable to think Vista had taken to staring out the window of her office at the land around the castle, the healers were coming today; they would be here soon, she hoped. Moving a school was harder than just two or three riders. Again her mind was drifting, and she couldn’t concentrate. That was until she saw two riders start to cross the field towards the castle, and a green arrow shot into her office.

The arrow rushed over her head towards a blank piece of parchment and crashed into it, words forming from green light. ‘The rest of the school will arrive by nightfall, however we have come ahead’

Vista raced for the door swinging it open forcibly before racing down the stairs to the front entrance of the castle, she tried to remain calm, the last thing the school needed was to see the head of the school and Grand Meister panicking, that would not bode well.

Vista took the fastest route to the front entrance and arrived just as the riders dismounted from their steed. A stable boy took the horses and Vista embraced the taller of the two riders. “Thank you for coming ahead. We can discuss the finer details of your stay here later though.” Vista said.

The two riders pulled their hoods back revealing a young woman in her mid-thirties with straight black hair and a warm smile and the crown princess of Castle Blackhill, Nora. “This is my apprentice.” The older lady said, ``and she will be helping me with taking care of your apprentice.” The Magae said.

Vista bowed in thanks then gestured for the two to follow her. “Thank you, he has been in isolation in his room since I sent for you.” Vista said, her voice straining a bit.

“Understandable, we will take care of this problem from here though.” The Magae said sternly.

Vista led the group through the castle and up the stairs to Adrex’s room; she knocked on the door then walked in. Adrex was lying in bed asleep, a look of peaceful calm on his face. Wherever he was now he was away from the troubles currently facing him. Vista stood to the side and the Magus entered first followed by her apprentice who let out a tiny gasp.

Both the Magus and Vista looked at the apprentice as she stood in the doorway with a look of utter shock on her face. “Adrex.” She whispered slowly.

The Magus turned to look at her. “You know him?” She asked sternly.

Nora nodded, “Not well, we’ve only met once, when I was tested.” She said,

Vista nodded; she was surprised that the girl would remember Adrex, though she assumed the events must have made an impression.

The Magus had already moved on and was instructing Nora to stand next to Adrex’s bed, while she stood on the other. “Now apprentice, as we practiced. Let the magic flow and visualise the spell needed.”

Nora nodded her eyes glowed green and a spell started to take shape, Vista watched intrigued as healing magic was different from battle spells. A star symbol appeared inside a circle with small bumps on the outside, glyphs formed inside the points of the circle and everything lay flat over Adrex who started to move as if agitated. “Hold that spell apprentice, and we will scan the boy for this black magic.” The Magus said.

Nora nodded as a few beads of sweat formed on her forehead. The Magus held up her hands and a ball of several spells formed between her hands, then a light passed over Adrex from his feet to his head, pulsing in certain areas, mainly his stomach and chest and head.

“Alright apprentice, bring the spell down, focus on the problem areas. I’ll guide you.” The Magae said.

Nora lowered her hands and the spell settled over Adrex, the three problem areas all started to glow. Adrex gripped the sheets of his bed and screamed; Nora jumped but held her composure as she looked at Adrex’s face now contorted in pain. “What did this boy do?” The Magus asked?

“He used a sealing spell on his own magic to contain the problem.” Vista said.

The Magus looked at Vista concerned. “He did what?” She asked astounded, “that’s possible?”

“Apparently so.” Vista said.

“This is beyond my ability to heal, each time I try to I bump up against something which is causing the boy harm.”

“That would be the magic he sealed, it seems to cause him harm when it tries to break free of the seal.” Vista said.

“Nora, drop the magic and wait outside. Grand Meister Vista and I need to discuss this before we continue.” The Magus said.

Nora followed the instructions, the magic dissipating. Adrex stopped screaming and went back to just tossing restlessly in his bed. Nora patted him on the shoulder, “Sorry Adrex, I wish I could do more to help you.” She said softly to the boy.

Then she bowed to Vista and walked out of the room quietly closing the door behind her.




The Magus took the only seat in Adrex’s room leaving Vista to stand by the door, which was already a massive break in procedure, where the seat should be offered to the more experienced Meister. The Magus crossed one leg over the other and leaned back. “First of all, I am Meister Eir from the Central Kingdom, and I am one of the highest tiered healers of the school.” Eir said.

Vista bowed politely in response, she was too stunned as to everything happening or she might be annoyed at not being offered the seat.

“Second thing.” Eir said continuing on without waiting. “Black Magic is not a thing, what is actually going on!” Eir demanded.

“You are old enough to have served during the demonic crusades, you know black magic exists.” Vista responded slightly aggressively.

“Demons?” Eir asked, shocked.

“Its name is Athridon, and it exists within the black magic that Adrex has sealed off. It has expanded since he first started training too, and the demon has even taken over twice.” Vista said.

“I will reinforce this seal then. We can only hope that it does not break free.” Eir said.

Vista just nodded fearful of the future, and not just for her apprentice, for everyone.




A few days had passed and the other schools had started to arrive, Eir had seen the seal that Adrex had created, and Vista had visited him several times since then to make sure he was okay and studying. She had not told him that the demon had not been removed, or that he had been fully healed. She wanted to discuss that with him soon though.

Each time Vista turned up though she was greeted by Nora who had been tending to Adrex, including this time. Vista stepped onto the landing where Adrex's room was on and knocked on his door. Nora opened up and bowed politely, “Grand Meister, how may I help.” She asked.

Vista smiled at the teen. Thirteen years old, just like Adrex, and already acting like a professional. 

“I need to speak to my apprentice, alone. If you wait outside I will call for you when I am done.” Vista explained.

Nora bowed and stepped out of the room. Vista stepped in and sealed the door behind her, then set several push traps outside to keep eavesdroppers at bay. She wasn’t discussing great secrets but she thought it was prudent lest a rumour like that spread.

Adrex was sitting up in his bed reading one of the tomes he had been given as Vista walked across to the chair and sat down; Adrex set his book down and turned his head to face her. Vista took a deep breath; this was not going to be the easiest talk she has ever had. She let the breath out and started. 

“First of all, let me inform you that the multi school training will begin in two days and you will be taking part in it. However if things turn bad I will pull you and we will start you down a new training programme.” Vista said firmly.

Adrex’s eyes lit up slightly and he nodded. “The second thing is that we could not remove the black magic, but Meister Eir did reinforce your seals. They should hold now until someone can remove the demon.” Vista said, pausing slightly to see Adrex’s response.

“Understood.” He said his voice was shaky and he looked concerned.

“Finally. I will be telling the four other School heads about this. Be careful.”

Adrex swallowed hard, but nodded. Good, he was ready. She stood up and disarmed the traps and reached for the door handle. “Is Nora coming back in?” Adrex asked.

“Only if you want her here, you can always ask for her to leave.” Vista said.

“No, I like having her here, she's nice company.” He said, and Vista noted he dropped his head slightly and was he blushing?

“I’ll tell her she can come back in if she hasn’t been called away.” Vista said happily.

Vista walked out and closed the door behind her, Nora was sitting patiently on the stairs, and she stood up quickly when the door closed. “Does your master know you are here?” Vista asked as she stood next to Nora.

“Yes Grand Meister. She is hoping that I am learning good bedside manner.” Nora replied.

“And are you?” Vista asked, raising an eyebrow, quizzically.

“I could probably be a bit more professional.” She said guiltily.

Vista gently put a hand on Nora’s shoulder. “He’s going through a lot, being his friend in this case is good bedside manner, thank you.” Vista said.




Vista left Nora and Adrex and made her way into the main part of the castle, past many of the larger classrooms and practice rooms to a smaller room that was not often used. Inside was a round table and five seats. The other four seats were currently occupied by the school heads. Vista took her seat, a slightly higher backed chair than the others, before Master Ame stood and addressed the group. “Before we discuss tomorrow’s teachings I think we have a few more pressing concerns going on.” He said.

The others, including Vista nodded in agreement, before Ame started again. “I sent scouts to the Northern ruins after our last meeting at Castle Blackhill. I am sad to report that those two scouts have not reported back to me yet.”

The other three Meisters and Masters murmured at this statement, but Vista seemed resigned to this bad news. “We have also had no reports back from the garrison up there for a few weeks now. All this has led to some in the Kingdoms becoming nervous.” Ame finished and sat down.

Master Nevsky spoke next. “I believe we should push for the kingdoms to send a force to the ruins then. If it is a case of messages not making it through then we can arrange an escort for the messenger, if it is more serious then we will be on the front foot.”

Again, murmurs from the others, but Vista remained quiet, something Meister Karris had picked on. “What are your thoughts Grand Meister?” She asked quietly.

Vista snapped out of her internal thoughts. “I’m thinking it is already getting worse.” She said,

The others looked at her, silent, waiting for her to continue. “My apprentice has been,” she paused looking for the right words to use, “Infected, I guess you could say, by black magic. It has a personality, a name, and wants to possess the boy’s body, to become a fully-fledged demon.”

She looked at the others who looked horrified and Nevsky looked like he might storm out and kill the boy himself. “And you hid this from us, why?” Ame asked calmly. Of the four others he was showing the least emotion, always known for being calm and rational, the perfect traits of his profession.

“I only found out about the rest of the information a few days ago, while there had been hints beforehand it only just manifested. The first thing I did was send for a medic to assess the situation. The Meister has also taken a look at this situation which has evolved.” Vista explained.

“Evolved how? Meister Karris asked.

“The boy has sealed the Black Magic inside him.”

The four Meisters and Masters looked at Vista with eyes wide. “Sorry, you said he sealed the magic?” Karris said.

“Yes, a section of his magic has been sealed, he cannot access it and it cannot spread. This seal has been reinforced by Meister Eir.” Vista said.

“You understand we will want to see the boy.” Nevsky said coldly.

“You will see him as part of the training over the next week, Meister, and I will be making sure that nothing happens to my apprentice.” Vista replied fiery.

Nevsky stared daggers at Vista, who responded in kind, her gaze did not waver and after a long pause where nobody said or moved Nevsky bowed his head. “Let me make one thing clear Meister Nevsky,” Vista said, “You will not lay one hand on my apprentice, on my human apprentice. Whether I am Grand Meister or one of the other schools claims that title you will still not lay a hand on my still human apprentice. Or you will understand why I am the head of the Battlemage School.” She stated.

The air in the room seemed to grow still and slightly cold, even when Nevsky replied “I understand, Grand Meister.”

“Good, now, let’s discuss tomorrow’s assembly.” Vista said.

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