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Chapter 8: Combat training

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Adrex sat on the floor of the guest room, his eyes were closed and his focus was inwards. He felt the push and pull of the magic inside him, flowing through him, it was calming just following the natural movements of the magic when released and allowed to flow. It was a technique taught at Blackhill, but one Adrex had struggled with, having never had the patience to sit still.

This meditation however was different for the fact that he could feel, or sense the other presence lurking there; occasionally he would feel the black magic pop and disrupt the normal flow. This other being had noticed him, but had not come forth yet. He was about to mentally reach out and grab it, but he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

His eyes snapped open focusing on the door; he let out a deep breath and mentally shook himself. “Come in.” He said.

The door swung inwards revealing Livia, framed in the doorway in the blue robe, hood thrown back and dark hair hanging loose down her back. Adrex smiled as he stared up at her, then realised he was staring, looked aside and felt his cheeks get warm. “Your master has requested you.” Livia said the smile on her face was evident in the sound of her voice. “You’re joining Gennel and me in the training hall.”

Adrex looked back at her as he stood up. “Both of you?” He asked.

“What, you think you can beat me?” She asked.

“If he lets me out I will.” The voice inside his head whispered gleefully.

“It’s not that, I thought I would just be facing Gennel.” Adrex said.

Livia gave him a swift punch to the upper arm. “Oh, you thought you might try to show off for the pretty girl then?” She asked.

Adrex’s cheeks flushed hot again, which caused Livia to laugh. “Come on hero. Or else you will be late.” She said,




Livia led Adrex to the training room hallway where Master Vista stood with two other mages in blue robes. As the two apprentices approached they bowed before their masters. “I’ll see all of you inside,” Vista said, “I want to have a quick word to my apprentice before he enters.”

The two other mages nodded and Livia followed them into the hallway. Vista turned to face Adrex and looked him in the eyes. “Adrex, be careful. I have a hunch that whatever power you possess it wants to get out, possibly take over. Don’t do anything too powerful, and keep control. I’ve advised the other Meisters, who will step in if things look to be turning.” She explained.

Adrex gulped and nodded. The last thing he wanted to do was to hurt his friends. Vista nodded. “Now, good luck.” She said, “And show them why you are my apprentice.”

Adrex nodded with a fire in his eye and followed Vista down the corridor into the training room hallway.

The hallway was long, with a high vaulted roof, which was plainly decorated. It was simple, but due to the length of the hallway it had an imposing feel to it, not helped by the feeling that the walk seemed to take longer than it should have to reach the end.

At the end was one of the two blue Meisters. They bowed to Vista, then pointed to a set of stairs that travelled up to another floor. Adrex however stayed behind with Livia and Gennel. The Blue Meister placed his hands together, his eyes glowing blue, then moved his hands, palms out to face Adrex, casting something towards him, then Livia, and finally Gennel. “Just know that this spell will protect all three of you from any serious harm, it will also indicate if you have been hit. You will keep going until the battlemage here scores three hits on both opponents, or until a spellcaster can no longer cast any spells.” The Meister explained. “Now go inside and prepare.”

Adrex followed Gennel inside with Livia behind him; the training hall was a large off white stone room. The walls, floor and ceiling appeared to have a blue shimmer to them indicating the presence of defensive magic.

The three young Magi and Magus took their positions in the centre of the room forming a triangle; Adrex closed his eyes, centred himself, loosened up his shoulders by rolling them then took a ready stance. This time won’t be like the forest, he would only be on attack.

Gennel and Livia took similar stances to each other, before one of the Meisters called out “Begin!”

Adrex immediately cast two fireballs at Gennel, running left he slid into a crouched position and casting a double stacked lightning at Livia. He turned his attention back to Gennel, who held a shield in front of him, flickering blue, and showing a hit lower centre and a glancing hit on the outside edge of the shield. Gennel started to circle to keep Adrex from blocking his sight. Adrex stood straight looking between Gennel and Livia, who had cast a static shield that was showing major damage.

“A portable shield, Gennel?” Adrex asked.

“Nice, right?” Gennel responded, “I just had to learn how to cast it to my fist so that I could move with it.”

Adrex smiled at his friend, he was a gifted mage, even this young. Though he couldn’t let up, he was technically gifted, but how powerful was he. Adrex took a step forward while casting several fireball spells in front of him, each one with a level three push spell, so that they launched with an extreme speed behind them. He kept Livia to his left, and while holding the fireball spells with one hand he cast another two at her shield, trying to break through.

Gennel had to crouch behind his shield, but continued to move, taking only glancing blows until the final fireball hit the centre of the shield and it shattered, sending Gennel reeling backwards. Livia’s shield also broke but she had moved out of the way.

Adrex cast another two fireballs at Livia, who cast a shield that rose from the floor, but she only stopped one fireball. The other hit her shoulder and she fell to the ground. Adrex immediately stopped everything he was doing, looking at her body. Letting out a breath as she stood up, showing no damage, but the spell that was cast on her glowed.

Adrex took his ready stance again, the voice inside his head whispered “This is exciting, do you want some help?”

Adrex forced the voice from his mind, and focused on beating Gennel’s shield. The fact that his friend could carry his shield, and could take several hits showed he had great control, and creativity. Adrex would need to modify his approach, he couldn’t just keep blasting, he would burn through his magic too quickly, nor could he use the fire spin.

“Oh, you could use it. Just let me help you. I promise I won’t kill your friends.” The voice said.

Adrex shook his head, and then looked at Livia, she was breathing hard, she was talented, but her endurance was not the same as Gennel’s.

“Fine, maybe, I’ll coach you instead.” The Voice said. “You don’t have to cast from where you are standing, very good for setting traps.”

Adrex looked at the ground, and smiled, then pointed at several spots on the ground near Livia and Gennel.

Vista sat at the viewing balcony and leaned forward. “I had not taught him that yet. I wonder where he picked that up from?” She muttered to herself.

“Perhaps it is because he is coming up against someone who thinks like no other Magi has.” One of the Blue Meisters said, “Gennel is a natural talent, he goes beyond the basics straight away, his mind finds ways to improve or simplify what we teach.”

“Now, if you cast the spell to her right, you will force her into two traps and she will be out.” The Voice suggested.

Adrex saw this and without hesitation he cast two fireballs. Livia brought up a shield in front of her, just a temporary thing, which allowed her to dodge to her left, straight onto the two traps. Lightning bolts shot from the ground and knocked her off her feet. Adrex then rounded on Gennel; he didn’t even bother checking to see if Livia was alright.

“That’s what I was afraid of.” Vista said. “Box Adrex in, he is losing control.” She said to the two meisters.

The Two Meisters immediately stood and started casting shield walls that sprung up in front of Adrex as solid blue energy. Adrex couldn’t see through, he couldn’t target Gennel. He didn’t even see his friend cast this spell.

“Let me aid you in seeing.” The Voice said.

Adrex could feel the black magic flow in him, up to his eyes. He could see the magic more clearly now, and he could see who was casting it. “Magic sight is very handy, you will learn it soon enough. It allows you to see magic and the caster.” The Voice cooed.

Adrex prepared a fireball, increasing the size and strength of the spell to bust through the walls around him. “Adrex! Stop!” Vista’s voice cracked like a whip.

Adrex turned to face her, and the two meisters behind her who were casting the wall blocking him in. “We might have gone a bit far.” The Voice said happily, “You might want to drop the spell.” It added.

Adrex lowered his hands and the spell faded away, as he stood straight. Vista looked concerned as she stared at Adrex. “I wonder what she will do.” The Voice muttered.

Adrex cocked his head to one side, as the voice spoke to him. He never saw the spell Vista crafted. A whip of magic cracked and wrapped around him before a jolt of electricity flowed down it. “Ha, foolish. We still have the protection spell.” The Voice said before the electricity hit Adrex and he went stiff and collapsed unconscious.




Vista sat in Suvlin’s office leaning back in her seat and sipping on the tea that he had offered. “So, what is the concern, Grand Meister?” Suvlin asked in his deep accent.

“I’m concerned this other presence is a demonic one. I’ve never heard of this happening. Even at the height of the crusades, and there were some evil things, we never had anything like this.” Vista replied.

“What makes you think it’s demonic?” Suvlin asked.

“On the two occasions it has gone beyond black magic creeping in, there have been physical changes. The first time against the bandits his skin turned black, his hands crew claws and his eyes turned green.” Vista responded.

Suvlin’s eyes widened at that, as another survivor of the crusades the two Meisters had fought enough demons to know the general characteristics. Vista continued on, “This time there were no physical changes, he just started to act differently until we boxed him in and his eyes started to glow green, thankfully his friends didn’t see that.”

Suvlin leaned forward at his desk rubbing his temples, before staring out the window as the sun set casting a yellow and orange glow over the land. “If you want my advice Grand Meister, I would say that if he slips any more then he may need to be locked up.” He said before turning to face Vista, “Or more extreme measures.” He added coldly.

Vista gently set her tea down, she wanted to fight back, for her apprentice, for a boy who was only just in his teenage years, to say that Suvlin was wrong to suggest executing a boy, and instead she simply nodded. “Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.” She said,




Adrex woke with a start, thrashing slightly and looking around wildly, before strong hands pressed down on him. He looked up to see Gennel standing over him holding him down. “Gennel, what happened?” He asked.

Gennel looked down at him, he looked worried, “The Meisters entered the arena, boxed you in just after you took out Livia.” Gennel said.

“Livia!” Adrex said, still panicking. ‘Is she okay, I didn’t hurt her did I?”

“I’m fine.” She said from his right.

Adrex looked over, to see the same look of concern on her face. “I’m so sorry.” He said.

“For what?” Livia responded, “You placed a good trap.”

Adrex bit his tongue, better to not tell the others about his other power. “I saw you fall; I thought I might have gone too far.” Adrex said, calming down slightly.

“I’m fine, really.” Livia said, smiling slightly, though she still looked concerned.

“Why would our masters intervene if the practice was not over?” Gennel asked, “And why would they target you?” He added.

“I don’t know why they stepped in.” Adrex lied, “But they probably boxed me in because I was the attacker, more chance of me casting an accidental attack than you.” He said.

“I guess we will have to ask the Masters.” Gennel said, before looking down at Adrex. ‘You get some rest.” He added kindly.

Adrex nodded and settled down in the bed he was in. Gennel and Livia both took their leave, walking out the door of Adrex’s guest room. He briefly wondered how he got here.




The next few days passed like a wild blur for Adrex, while talks between Vista and Suvlin went on Adrex was to train in the training hall by himself. This not only included casting spells, but also physical exercises. Each night before bed he was to meditate. Vista would drop in on his training when she could, but for the most part he had a Magi or Magus with him to oversee his training.

After three days of this regiment training, Vista finally came to him after he finished meditating. “Sorry for the harsh training, but I think it is time we step your training up. When we get back to the battle school we will begin expanding your training, apparently including traps.” Vista said.

Adrex couldn’t hide the excited grin on his face.

Vista nodded approvingly, “Good, now get some rest. We will ride early tomorrow.” She said as she walked out of his room.

Adrex stood up and bowed as Vista closed the door behind her. He did his final checks of his gear before climbing into the soft bed. He was going to miss his friends, though he had not seen them in the past three days, but he was excited to get back to the castle.




Vista led Adrex out of the castle, it was still dark, with only the faint hint at sunrise creeping above the distant horizon creating a beautiful orange streak rising up. The master and apprentice quickly getting their steeds ready and walking them out of the stables, only to be blocked by Gennel and Livia. Vista grabbed the reins of Adrex’s horse and walked both on. “I’ll let you say goodbye, though you will see each other again soon.” Vista said softly.

Gennel and Adrex embraced each other, before stepping back. “Take care Adrex, don’t do anything too dangerous, and be careful.” He said.

“I will,” Adrex said, “And be careful experimenting.” Adrex added in reply.

Then Livia stepped up close to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, holding him close. “Please be safe, Adrex.” She said softly into his ear.

Adrex closed his eyes, as he held her as tightly as she held him. “As safe as I can be.” He responded just as softly, “And take care of each other.” He added.

He didn’t want to, but he let go of Livia, and she released him. He smiled as he walked past them, and then jogged to catch up to his master. Once he had they clambered onto their horses and rode out the castle gates. Once clear of the castle they let the horses run along the path towards the forest.




Adrex and Vista sat across from each other with a small fire burning between them. “I should have potentially taught you this sooner, as it will have saved us having to fight the brigands last time through this forest.” Vista said, “At the very least I should have performed this magic. I got complacent.”

“Master, you taught me to be prepared for combat, I should have been ready.”

Vista smiled sadly. “Being able to cast spells on demand, at any given time is one thing, being able to cast spells when there is someone charging at you with a knife or sword is something else. However, we have a way to protect ourselves from these situations. We can cast trap spells.” She said,

“Like I did in the training hall?” Adrex asked.

A cold look crossed Vista’s face at the mention of that incident, but it passed briefly. “Yes, like that.” She said, sounding slightly cold.

Vista took a breath, seemed to calm herself and then started again. “You cast a user activated trap. Basically you set up a spell to be cast from a different location. Very much like what your friend did with his shield spell so he could carry it. It means that you can have a spell ready to go at a location, lure your opponent in and then activate it.” Vista explained.

“What’s the other type of trap spell?” Adrex asked.

“The second type is a trigger trap.” Vista said.

She created a fireball spell, and set it against the tree to her right, however she did not stop there she created another spell that Adrex had not seen before and placed it on the tree to her left, linking the two with a small strand of magic.

She motioned for Adrex to move backwards, which he did, shuffling away from the warmth of the fire. Once Adrex was a safe distance away Vista cut the strand of magic by tossing a stick through it. The strand broke and a fireball shot across the camp slamming into a tree.

Adrex stared in amazement at such a simple looking trap. “The trigger spell can be cast multiple times causing a magical trip wire, and of course you would not make the magic visible like that.” She said, “And that is the next thing I will need to teach you, how to set up magic to not be seen and magic sight.”

Adrex scooted closer to the fire again; he wanted to mention that the Voice had told him about magic sight. However he wasn’t sure how to tell Master Vista about the voice inside his head.

“Probably shouldn’t do that.” It said softly. “You saw what happened when you acted slightly differently. Imagine what they would do if you mentioned a voice. They would kill us.”

Adrex cleared his throat, and then said, “I can’t wait.”

Vista smiled. “Good, because you only have three weeks before the other schools arrive and we have the first mass training.”

“All schools?” Adrex asked, stunned.

“Yes, in times of war all classes will work together, it was the only way we managed to defeat the Demon King in the Crusades by unifying and using our skills together. So we train you in those skills.”

“I can’t wait.” Adrex said, exited at the chance of seeing all his ward mates again.

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