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Chapter 7: To The Defense School

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Adrex opened his eyes, his vision blurry but focusing as he found himself staring at the sky through the leaves of the trees. He tried to move, but he had no strength to do so. He started to panic until Vista stepped into view on his left. He moved his head slightly, but even that took an extreme effort.

Vista knelt down next to him and placed a damp rag on his forehead. “Just relax; I’m surprised you are awake after what happened last night.” She said,

Adrex tried to talk, and found that his throat was too dry to do so. He croaked out a single word “Water?”

Vista grabbed a water skin and poured a small amount of water into his mouth. He tried to swallow and ended up coughing it out. Vista dragged him into a sitting position against the trunk of a tree and gave him another small amount of water which Adrex managed to swallow.

Adrex finally managed to form two words, “What happened?” He asked.

“We were attacked by Brigands, and a larger gang of them than I have ever encountered.” Vista said.

“I, I remember that. What happened after we got separated?” Adrex asked.

Vista looked at him with concern. “Do you not remember what happened?” She replied.

Adrex closed his eyes, he could see flashes of green and he remembered the smell of blood and charred meat. “What happened after the fight?” He asked.

Vista’s look of concern deepened. “You collapsed after the fight, whatever possessed you seemed to leave.” She said, “I’m sorry, I thought you would be safe with the basics, it should never have been this bad.” She added.

Vista closed her eyes slowly and when she opened them again the concern on her face was gone. “We’ll rest until midday so you can regain some strength, then we will move on. There is still more forest to go.” She said.

Adrex tried to push himself up, but he still couldn’t do it, so he just nodded meekly. She smiled at his effort. “Don’t worry. Most people don’t just bounce back after their first conflict. Especially those who have not gone through any fight training.” She said, “I’ll make some coffee.” She added.




Adrex hung on tight to the saddle as the two horses galloped through the forest. They had to make up time for the rest, and Vista wanted to avoid any more roaming bands. This meant an increased pace, and that led to Adrex, still recovering from what happened the night before, gripping tightly to stop himself falling off.




As the sun started to drop in the sky, they halted. The horses were breathing hard having only stopped for short breaks during the ride and both they and their riders were exhausted. Adrex rolled off the saddle onto the ground and slowly took care of his horse, easing the girth belt of the saddle, brushing it down and feeding it. Only once he was done with that did he himself sit down, and without even trying to eat something quickly dozed off wrapped in his robes.

Vista looked at the boy, still young and inexperienced. She had forced him into a situation that no one should have to face at that age, and her doing so may have done far more harm. She would have to try and teach him to control whatever that was, and hopefully he could explain to her what happened before.




They had set up a chair for him in the ruins, some cruel joke at the humans’ expense, the king who had destroyed the castle now ruling over its lands from his own throne. He didn’t even know how they crafted it, nor did he care for he was focused on something happening much further away towards the East. The first experiment had awoken, and he could feel others rising up too, a final desperate ploy, before the inevitable fall last time.

He opened his eyes and two of his Demon Lords stood either side of him, before he knelt the commander of the opening raid. He was trying to think of a fitting reward. He could name him a lord too. It would only be right, considering the accomplishments the commander had made. 

However, one more test might be more suitable.

 “Commander,” His voice rumbled deep in the chests of those around, sounding more like a hillside collapsing than anything possible from a mortal creature. “When the time is right you will lead my forces against the Western Kingdom and break them. You will be my General in this campaign.” 

He waved his hand as the spell was crafted and cast, the spikes protruding from the commander's back twisted and deformed, spreading out and thinning. Extra protrusions sprung forth from the spikes and skin webbing grew, forming a pair of bat-like wings. Two massive horns spiralled from the forehead of the general and several smaller ones crept from the skin around the crown of his head.

The Demon King smiled at his work, and then looked past him towards the slaves captured during the raid. “One more thing, enjoy one of your hard fought prizes. Just leave the prince alone.” The Demon King said.

The General nodded and turned, his wings draped like a cape behind him swayed slightly and he walked off to have his fun. The Demon King turned to the Lord on his right and said, “Send word back home, it is time to begin the summoning. We will use the patrols sent here for the sacrifices.”

“Of course, Sir!” The Lord said, before walking away from the throne to prepare his messengers.




On their third day of riding Vista and Adrex reached the edge of the forest, breaking out into streaming sunlight and a grassy plain. In front of them was a well-defined path that led to a castle closely resembling the battle school. To either side of them was a clearly defined edge of the forest that looked artificial and was obviously enforced by magic.

Vista threw back her hood and raised her head to bathe in the sunlight before turning to Adrex, who himself was enjoying the warmth provided, he didn’t realise how cold the forest had felt until they had left. He was also feeling better after the attack, having recovered his strength, and the voice in his head had gone quiet too.

“When we get there, take care of the horses while I start the planning with Meister Suvlin straight away.” Vista said.

Adrex nodded and brought his horse up next to hers, before Vista continued. “I believe you have some ward mates that came here too?” She asked.

“Yes master. Livia and Gennel came to this school.” Adrex responded, a bit happier just at the mention of his friends.

“Well, you might be able to see them.” Vista said, before she touched the flanks of her horse and it took off galloping towards the castle.

Adrex followed her lead and the two of them quickly ate up the distance between them.




The defence school’s castle was built in a similar manner to the battle school, however, when they got closer Adrex could tell it was far larger, with more towers and an extension behind it that Adrex could not quite make out except that is was a large rectangular building. As they entered the courtyards Adrex also noticed more than just mages, there also seemed to be a garrison of soldiers. At the battleschool it was understood by all that they would have to defend the castle should anyone ever try to attack, though he quickly realised that while the defence school could probably repel any attack, it would probably have trouble countering until others arrived to help.

Vista led them into the inner courtyard and they were directed over to the stables, they both dismounted and Adrex stretched before taking the horses inside to start brushing them down. Vista stayed until a young mage in blue robes came to collect her. She gave Adrex a farewell, then walked off as he removed the saddles grabbed a brush and began brushing off the dirt that had matted itself into the hair of the horses over the past few days riding.

He had just set up the two horses’ food and water buckets when someone called out to him. “So, is this what it means to be a mage of the battle school? Cleaning horses?” a familiar voice said.

Adrex looked up to see Gennel standing just inside the stable, wrapped in a blue cloak and grinning.

“You know that the battle mages do all the dirty work, while defence mages sit about drinking.” Adrex countered, “That’s why we are the heroes.” He didn’t even try to keep the large grin off his face as he spoke.

Adrex walked round the horses and the two young mages embraced each other. Even just a few months here had changed Gennel, he had always been big, but it seemed that he was looking more and more suited as a defence mage. Broad shouldered and tall, but he still moved with grace. He now stood a full head taller than Adrex, which meant that Adrex had to look up to him.

“So, how is your training?” Gennel asked.

“So far we have just been perfecting the basics, just started to add more powerful spells before we travelled.” Adrex responded smiling. “How have you been doing here?”

Gennel beamed a huge smile. “This place is great, I’ve been learning so much. I’ve even discovered a new way of altering a simple shield spell, making it twice as strong without adding more magic.” He said.

Adrex looked at Gennel; he truly was suited to the defence school. Already experimenting and improving on what had been taught, Adrex on the other hand had just been focusing on the basics over and over, and when it came time to use them he had failed.

Gennel must have noticed Adrex’s change in mood, because he quickly changed topic. “Livia is just in a class now, but I bet she would love to catch up. Then we can test out how we are all doing in the training hall.” Gennel said.

“That sounds great.” Adrex said, though he felt a weight of dread in his stomach and he could feel the other in him stir.

Gennel didn’t notice this as he wrapped an arm over Adrex’s shoulder and led towards the castle. “Come on, I’ll show you around.




Gennel’s tour showed Adrex all the important places, including the dining hall, guest rooms and some of the study halls and rooms. As they walked they discussed training, how Defence Magi and Magus practiced their spells, life in the castles, and Adrex told Gennel why he was here, though Adrex did have one question he hoped Gennel could answer. “How did you know I was going to be here?” He asked.

“I didn’t.” Gennel responded, “I was just told that the apprentice of the Grand Meister was going to be here with her and to show the apprentice the castle. The fact it was you was just a happy coincidence.”

Adrex shook his head as they came to a corridor at the back of the main castle, and Gennel stopped. “This tunnel leads to the training hall; it is magically shielded so no spells will break out.” Gennel explained.

Adrex looked down the tunnel, “Now that I want to try.”

“You’ve always been up for impossible challenges, Adrex.” A female voice said from behind him.

Adrex turned around to see Livia standing before him, arms crossed and that same stern look from the last time he saw her, though this time there was a hint at playfulness in her eyes. Adrex smiled at the sight of her, before he crossed the distance between them and hugged her, which she slowly reciprocated. Gennel Humphed, “All I got was an insult and a brief hello.” He muttered smiling at the two of them; Adrex made a rude gesture behind him that only Gennel could see, before Livia smacked him over the head.

Adrex took a step away from Livia, “What?” He said grinning stupidly.

He and Livia had always been close in the ward; she had arrived just a few months after he had. Livia was from a not so wealthy family but they had managed to save enough for her to be tested and soon she found herself living in the castle with a bunch of boys with dreams of being heroes. It was almost natural that she turned to trying to persuade them from doing crazy dangerous things, and that now led into her magic, still trying to protect others and probably still mostly from their own stupidity.

Perhaps because of them starting close together, or because Adrex was the one who would most often try the crazy stunts, like him constantly trying to jump the river banks, he and Livia had spent plenty of time together as they grew up. That was why seeing her annoyed at him on the final day had felt like he had betrayed her. That didn’t matter now, the three of them were together, smiling and joking like old times.

“Well, how about tomorrow, when neither of you are busy, we try out this training hall.” Adrex said.

“That sounds like a great idea.” said Vista, who had just come round the corner.

Adrex, who still had a hand around Livia’s waist, felt his face go as red as his robes as his Master looked at them, though she had a warm smile on her face. “I assume these are you ward mates?” She asked.

“Yes master.” Adrex responded.

“Then perhaps their masters can arrange for you three to have a training session. It will be good for all of you.” Visa said, “Though that can wait until tomorrow. We should think about bed and rest. Adrex, if your friend could show us both to the guest rooms here.”

Gennel bowed, before leading them through the castle.

The beds were soft and with all the travel Adrex started to fall asleep quickly, his last thoughts before he did were of him fighting Gennel as Livia watched on. He didn’t even notice the voice in his head purring.


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