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Chapter 20: The Royal Wedding

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The sun was already high in the sky when Adrex woke up, probably because he and Livia had spent several hours last night just walking around and enjoying each other's company. Because of this though he had missed his morning training session, but he could make up for that later. Today he wanted to meet with Tinn if possible and to see what was happening in the Central Kingdom.

He had questions since his travels through the village on the outskirts, and he figured that Tinn might be able to help, but only if Thrall was not around. Something about that mage being near Tinn made the younger mage shrink in confidence and posture.

Adrex washed and dressed in some casual clothing and started roaming the hallways of the castle. He enjoyed the freedom he had here now, but it made him want to see the old ward, so his wanderings slowly took him further and further down, past the servants' floors to the castle wards. The wards would have specific instructions to not be seen or get underfoot of the guests so would likely be restrained to the floor only except for certain times to do chores.

He walked down the main corridor and heard a squeak of surprise just in front of him, coming from one of the main ward common rooms, naturally there were several areas for the different age group wards and the King usually had two to three groups at a time. Adrex looked into the room and saw three children who looked to be aged around eight, two girls and a boy with one of the girls and the boy standing just a little further back and one girls standing just slightly defiantly closer. “Are you lost?” She asked Adrex.

“No, no. Just looking around.” He said.

“This area is for wards only, you shouldn’t be here.” The girl said.

“Oh, I’m well aware. “Adrex said, smiling politely. “I used to live here years ago too.”

The girl didn’t look like she understood, so Adrex said. “I’m a former ward myself.”

The other girl took a few steps toward Adrex, but not beyond the other girl. “You shouldn’t be here though, we might get in trouble.”

“I’ll go, but if anyone asks, just say Adrex was here.” Adrex said as he walked away, he could hear the slight gasp as they realised the name.

After his trip to the ward floor he made his way back up, wandering around trying to bump into Tinn, or Nora. Eventually he did find the Mage from the Central Kingdom. He was standing in one of the corridors looking out the window at the castle courtyard and walls. “Tinn, how’s it going?” Adrex asked.

“Oh, it’s you.” Tinn said quietly, without answering Adrex’s actual question. “I thought you were someone else.”

“I haven’t seen your master Thrall around, relax.” Adrex said.

“Oh, okay.” Tinn said.

Adrex shook his head slightly, before pushing on. “I was travelling through the central kingdom a few months ago and stopped in an outskirt village. They were terrified of mages, apparently there was a mage taking all the children. Have you heard about this incident or others like it?” Adrex asked.

“oh, oh yeah. Thrall mentioned something about it, he was looking into it. Most of the leads he had dried up though.” Tinn said softly, though speaking quickly and looking around nervously. “We never found any of the kids either.” He added.

“Sounds like a rogue Mage on the loose. Did he report it to anyone?” Adrex asked, concerned.

“Just to the High King I think.” Tinn said, smiling slightly, “you can guess how that went.”

Adrex rolled his eyes and Tinn laughed at that. “Speaking off, I didn’t see the High King in that gathering yesterday.” Adrex said.

“The Spiteful ruler is not coming. He sent a couple of Lords in his place and Thrall and myself.” Tinn said.

“I suppose we should be thankful that the Mages are organising the defense of the Northern Watch and not the High King then, the Demons would already be inside the kingdoms.” Adrex muttered.

“Yeah, we should be thankful.” Tinn whispered barely audibly.

Adrex walked to the window and looked out. “It’s a stunning day out there, tomorrow should be wonderful too.” He said.

“It’ll be special.” Tinn said.

“Yeah, the wedding will be special.” Adrex replied.




Adrex woke up bright and early the next day, he looked out the window and saw that the sun had only just crested the mountains to the east, bathing the lands in a warm light. Adrex immediately started getting ready, laying out his high quality robes and requesting one of the servants to bring him water for a bath, once he had things ready in his room he made his way to the lower banquet hall for breakfast, he could feel the excitement buzzing in the castle from the servants rushing to get everything sorted to the guests that were starting to wake and get ready talking excitedly.

This continued in the banquet hall, with an excited level of chatter, especially from some of the younger nobles. A couple of girls sat at one of the tables and Adrex briefly heard them talking about marrying a Prince or a Lord's Son. Adrex didn’t understand the excitement of that, then again he was not a Noble, he was an outside observer to this lifestyle, and was respected due to his abilities and the status they gave him. Adrex decided to sit on the other side of the hall from the current occupants and enjoy his meal without the excited squealing that was coming from the young girls.

Once done with his meal he quietly made his way out of the hall to get ready, making his way up through the castle once more and seeing the rush of people starting to get ready, even if the wedding itself was not for another few hours. Adrex made sure once again that his clothing was ready and up to court standards as Vista had shown him, then he sat down in the middle of his room and started to meditate. He looked inward, to Athridon in his mental prison. The Demon looked at him, though he was not his usual happy self, he looked concerned, frightened even. “What’s up?” Adrex asked, not expecting much.

“The plan starts today. Your world will end.” Athridon said, almost sounding sad.

“Isn’t that what you wanted though, I thought you would be happy?” Adrex asked, confused by the tone.

“Well, when they capture you, we will both be killed. I failed to corrupt you, and he won’t forgive me for that.” Athridon replied.

“Who won’t?” Adrex asked.

“The King is coming.” Athridon said in response.

This sent shivers down Adrex’s spine, but he replied. “I think you are worried about nothing, your King would need to breach the Northern Watch, some of the most powerful Meisters are currently there, the ones who led our campaign against the demonic crusade. If one like you is here then he will be put down.” Adrex said bluffing with false confidence.

Athridon moved close to the cage, making it easier for Adrex to see him. Think about how strong you would be with my magic added to yours, if another is here then you won’t be a match for them.” Athridon said.

Adrex pulled back from the demon and focused on the flow of magic, making sure both it and he were calm, but as much as he wanted to dispel the demon’s words they stayed with him. Athridon was many things, evil and conniving not least of all, but thinking back the Demon had never lied. He had even told Adrex his full plan in the belief that it didn’t matter what happened he would take over, so hearing the demon say what was going to happen and was scared for himself was unnerving.

Adrex opened his eyes, mediation was not going to help him. He quickly wrote two messages, one for Master Vista and one for the Battleschool.


The Demon Athridon has indicated that the Demons will attack the wedding. The Demon King is coming. Be ready just in case.



Then he cast his magic and sent the two messages out the window, before having a bath and changing into his good robes. He walked out of his room and down the corridor looking for a servant who could help. It seemed most were busy with the final preparations for the wedding, and he needed to speak to four people urgently. He couldn’t just go floor to floor looking, it would take too long and he didn’t know where his former ward mates were staying, he could go to the main hall and wait but he wanted to give these people advanced warning and he might not have a chance to talk to people.

He tried not to rush too much, but he had to act fast so he continued down to the ward levels. Hopefully these wards were just like he was back in the day, mischievous and knew every way around the castle to explore but not get stuck underfoot.

Adrex walked into one of the ward corridors and towards the common room, he turned round the corner, crossed the threshold and looked up to see the three wards looking surprised. “I need your help.” Adrex said, holding up his hands to stop any questions. “I need to send a message to four other mages in the castle, two blue mages and two green mages, one being the Princess Royal herself. Can you help?” He asked.

The three wards, the two girls and the boy looked at him dumbfounded. “We, uh, we were told not to leave.” The Girl who stood in front of the others the previous time said. “The Chamberlain told us to stay put and if we did we would be able to eat at the lower banquet hall during the wedding.”

Adrex let out a chuckle. “His style, but this is more important. And if he catches you tell him you have a message from Adrex for these Mages.” Adrex said, “Can you do it?”

The three looked at each other, sly grins forming on their little faces. “Good, tell them to meet me outside the main hall.




Once by the main hall, Adrex remained in the side halls as servants and other staff raced back and forth working on the final details, with senior officials barking out orders. His mind wandered until he was tapped on the shoulder and he spun facing Livia and Gennel who had snuck up behind him. Both wore their dark blue defense mage cloaks hoods pulled up and under them serious faces.

“I’m assuming the wards found you?” He asked quietly.

“They did, what’s going on?” Livia asked in a whisper

Adrex took a deep breath, his one secret he had from his wardmates, that only a handful of people knew about, was going to come out now. “Athridon believes that the Demon King will invade today.” He said.

Both Gennel and Livia looked confused, and scared. Adrex took a second deep breath then explained. “I have a demonic soul or power inside of me. That’s why my piece of paper turned black on Selection day. He is currently sealed away and I have regular visits from healers to make sure I am me, but when I meditate I can commune with him.” Adrex explained, thankful that his friends had decided not to flee or attack him.

“Just today he told me that there was another like me that has fallen and will use the events today to attack. He’s scared, for himself mainly, because he believes we will all die. Himself included for failing.” Adrex explained.

He looked at Gennel, then at Livia who recoiled slightly from him, that hurt Adrex even though he understood why. “The fact you are telling us this instead of attacking us, at least tells me that you are not on their side.” Gennel said coolly. “And we will be on the lookout and prepared. Is there anything else?”

“I have sent for two others, the Crown Princess and the assistant to the High King’s Chamberlain. I don’t trust the Chamberlain myself. I have also sent word north to the Grand Meister and to the Battleschool. You might want to send messages to others who may need to prepare if this does happen.” Adrex said.

“We’ll get on that right now. Though if the Demon King is coming won’t the Northern Watch have been defeated?” Livia asked.

“I hope not.” Adrex mumbled, looking down.

Livia raised her hand from inside her cloak and gave Adrex’s arm a gentle squeeze, he looked up at her and smiled, he saw the slightest hint of uncertainty from her but she didn’t back away. Gennel turned to leave and Livia let go and walked away just as another figure walked into the hallway they were in, a green cloak over simple robes but made from the finest material. “Adrex!” Nora said loudly, causing him to jump slightly and turn to face the Crown Princess.

“Nora, My Grace. How are you?” He said slightly louder than the previous conversation as he bowed politely.

He looked up to see Nora looking down the hall at the disappearing cloaks of Gennel and Livia, a distant look on her face, then she seemed to snap out of it and look at Adrex, before smiling gently. “I’m fine, thank you, thank you for coming.” She said formally.

Adrex grabbed her arm and led her further into the corridor away from the servants, to make sure no one came snooping around. “Nora, we are all in danger. The Demon King is planning his invasion to start today.” He said.

Nora’s face went from annoyed at having been dragged, to disapproval of her first name to scared as Adrex finished speaking. She looked around to make sure there was no one nearby then whispered. “Was it Athridon?” She asked.

Adrex nodded in reply. “What can we do?” She asked.

“Follow your training and be ready to help if I am right. You might want to inform others, maybe the King, the guards, someone.” Adrex said.

“Someone like me?” A voice came from down the corridor.

Adrex looked past Nora to see Doran, Castle Blackhill’s Chamberlain holding the arm of one of the wards. “What’s going on here?” Doran asked.

“Let the ward go. I requested their help.” Adrex said. Doran did so and the ward stood still, next to the Chamberlain. “You did well kid,better get back before the wedding starts.” Adrex told the ward, then turned slightly to face Doran.

“And why would a Mage be requesting  the wards help?” Doran asked as he approached Adrex and Nora.

Adrex removed his hood and smiled slyly. “Because a mage knows who to rely on to get messages through the castle.” Adrex replied.

“Adrex, you have grown.” Doran said, surprised.

“No time, Doran. I was just telling Nora that an attack may be happening today. The Demon King is coming.”

Doran looked to see Nora, then back to Adrex, nodded and asked, “How?”

“They have an inside man apparently. I don’t know who it is. But with all these new people in the castle they could have snuck in that way.” Adrex replied.

“I’ll inform the King’s Guard, Nora, tell your father. We’ll be ready if it happens.” Doran said. “Welcome back Adrex, well done.”




This was surreal, an hour ago he was talking about an attack on the castle, the Demon King, and now he was sitting in the assembly for the wedding. He was near the middle on the right hand side of the hall between a lower class Duke from the Western Kingdom and a Marquess from the Central Kingdom. Just slightly behind him was Livia and Gennel with a couple of the lower ranking nobles from the Central Kingdom. All three were given good seats afforded to Mages, especially when they were invited by the King, and represented the schools heads who were away.

Just before they were all seated when everyone was mingling the three of them had been close to the centre of attention. All three had forgotten that Mages were a relatively rare site outside the schools and apart from the occasional interaction with a King or Lord about military matters the others would not see them, unless they were to serve a noble like Doran becoming the King's Chamberlain.

The room itself seemed to have transformed since the last time Adrex had been here. The banners still hung from the roof but had been changed to the Prince's emblem and his Bride’s family crest, a pink lily on a white background, a white carpet led up to the throne flanked on either side by the seating which Adrex was now seated on.

He looked around as did the others waiting for the wedding to start, he caught a glimpse of Thrall and Tinn close to the front on the left hand side. He had not been able to talk to Tinn before they had been told to take their seats.

A hush fell over the crowd as music started to play and the King walked into the room with his wife. Both wearing clothes of white and black with black crowns sitting on their heads. Next came Nora, she was in her green cloak, hood covering her head and no crown, she was just a few steps behind her parents. Finally, the parents of the Bride, The Count and Countess wore simple if elegant Black clothing and a simple suit for the Count and a black and white dress for the Countess that turned a few heads as she passed.

King Colman took the step just below his throne along with the Count, the Countess and Queen took the next step and Nora stood at the foot of the stairs standing apart from the rest with the colour of her clothing. The Music faded out before a new tune started up and the Prince stepped into the room, wearing similar clothing to his father he confidently strode down the aisle, small crown on his brow and a caplet fluttering behind him until he made it to the foot of the stairs next to his sister. Both bowed formally to each other then Nora grasped his hands and smiled at him, the Prince returning it, his smile seeming to light up the hall.

He turned back to the families, each member smiling, though in the King’s instance trying to hide it and look stately. The Prince bowed and as he did the music slowed and the bride walked into the hall. All heads turned to face her.

She wore a fancy black dress as was traditional in the kingdom with a black train, in her hands she held a small gem rock of green that seemed to glow from an internal source and she stepped down the aisle in time with the music until she reached the Prince where she too bowed, before both of then bent down on one knee.

The bride put the gemstone down in front of both of them before the Queen and Countess stepped forward. The Prince raised his left hand and his Bride raised her right hand and the Queen and Countess tied each hand with a white ribbon. Then the bride put her right hand on top of the Prince's left and both the Queen and the Countess tied a single black ribbon binding their hands together, before bowing to the couple.

“Since the start of the Colman reign we have strived for unity in this Kingdom and for peace amongst its inhabitants. We pass that hope onto you two to continue. Rise Prince Colman and Princess Sophia.” The King said.

The two stood slowly as those in attendance started to clap and cheer and the music reached a crescendo, the notes getting louder and louder before being suddenly cut off. The Prince and Princess looked up at the King and Queen confused, and a few people looked around wondering what was going on. Clearly this was not the norm. Adrex looked for Livia and Gennel, he hoped he was wrong but the two of them locked eyes with him and he knew at that moment he was right. It was confirmed moments later with a wet splashed sound and a thump and a head rolled down the aisle staining it with blood and the guests started to scream.

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